Trent Barretta under-used??


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know the guy is really young and I am definately not a fan of pushing young guys too fast, but this guy looks so good in the ring with bags of potential. That is three weeks in a row that I have watched this guy perform on WWE Superstars and he has put on three great matches.

This week he was in a match against with Jey Uso and was massively entertaining. Jey Uso was very impressive as well but it was definately Trent Barretta who captured the spotlight once again and the fans were really into it.

Wouldn't mind seeing this guy getting on to bigger shows more regularly such as SmackDown where I think he has just been drafted to. This guy could really do something for the mid and lower card of these shows and when the time is right I'm sure he will have what it takes to make the big time.

He definately is entertaining with his high risk moves but the only times he has been on Smackdown he jobbed to guys like Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger, and his last victory on smackdown was over Drew mcintyre and it was roll up victory. I want him on bigger shows but id oubt that WWE has any plans for him other putting on great matches on Superstars and jobbing on major brands.
The guy is pretty solid in the ring but unfortunately, simply being good in the ring is not good enough in WWE these days. I haven't heard him talk since his days with Caylen Croft as the video game nerds on ECW and I wasn't really impressed. The wrestling business is all about guys who can draw and these days, the majority of those people consist of people who can talk. Don't get me wrong, I really think Barretta can go in the ring but if he expects to break out of jobber status and actually accomplish anything then he'll need to impress with his mic work. I really do hope he can amount to more than just jobbing on television.
I don't think Trent has put on a bad match since he's been a singles wrestler. And I also can't think of one Orton or Cena match that i've thought was better... (perhaps Orton Vs Christian or Orton Vs Punk. ..)

But then I am a bit of a spot monkey mark.
I agree. From what iv seen of him he is actually quite good, is entertaining and has potential. Buh he needs a fu%#in make over. The wrestling attire he wears is anging. And before his match why does he put his chewing gum under his wristband? Thats disgusting.

But to be fair there are lot of other people who are better than Trent Baretta who are also being under used.
He's fine as he is. I wouldn't him getting a consistent push on Smackdown, but at this point in time he's doing all right for himself. Watch this week's episode of Superstars, you'll see he got a significant pop upon entering the ring, so clearly the casual fans are getting to know who he is and are liking his work.

There's only two problems thus far, being his interactions with the crowd and his promo-time. Concerning the former, he doesn't seem to put too much of an effort, either on his way to the ring or once he's in the ring and working the match. Concerning the latter, from what I've seen in his short time in ECW, its nothing special and would need a lot of work.
I agree. From what iv seen of him he is actually quite good, is entertaining and has potential. Buh he needs a fu%#in make over. The wrestling attire he wears is anging. And before his match why does he put his chewing gum under his wristband? Thats disgusting.

But to be fair there are lot of other people who are better than Trent Baretta who are also being under used.

... Because spitting it into your hand and smacking it in to the crowd is...better?

Little things like that little details...are what you call character...I honestly never noticed it and I try to watch him as much as possible even seen his FCW matches...but never noticed

And his attire is from what I seen is very different and unique and stands out from the rest. I like how on his tights it says TRENT? know with a question mark...its like wtf? who puts their name on their tights and follows it with a question mark? but a the same time its like this dude is out there.

His attire isnt just tights with some random tribal....they appear to tell a story and have a bit more design to them. He puts a lot of input into his tights and so does Curt Hawkins.

I like the "dude" he is totally underused and its guys like him I want to be released from the WWE because its not doing him any favors to spend his best years being beat every night and getting millions of fans to think you suck just because you are doing your job when he could go anywhere else and really show the fans he can compete.
Trent Barreta is a solid worker in the ring, but he just cant sell a storyline.
It's hard to create a storyline to someone we don't even know or that don't show anything about himself.
Well, I know that he likes Chewing Gums, and c'mon dude a grown up guy that spends every time chewing gums, can be a main eventer? And the answer is... NO!!

He needs to know himself, and with that he should think about a storyline that could sell in a major show!

The only thing I could see him doing, is being made fun about how bad he is, but does it make VKM richer?? NO!

Trent Barreta is very good in the ring but he isn't entertainer!

Everything depends on their debut, and that is the reason that nobody in Superstars can get a push (except Chris Masters)
Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins - Edgeheads
Trent Barreta - Dude Busters
JTG - Cryme Tyme

If they debuted with a win over someone like Rey Mysterio or Shawn Michaels, right now they were upper-midcards...
Don't make high hopes on them!
Underused? Nah, too early to say that.

He just turned 24, he has a lot of time. I would like to see some sort of push over the next year, maybe having matches, regularly, on one of the two main shows, but he's really not behind where he should be.

Anyone trashing his mic work should really think about it. He worked the stick while being apart of a tag team that meant nothing. They barely talked, and it was his first time on the big stage. I don't know if he can talk or not, and neither do any of you.

Great in the ring, though. As clean as they come, never looks sloppy. Good size, too (6'-1", 230 lbs). He needs to gain some weight, but the frame is there. He has enough talent to be a top guy, but he also has the limited exposure to be fired this year. Not sure how this plays out, but I'm hoping Barreta is here to stay.
I don't understand why this guy isn't being used correctly but this all can change in a heartbeat. He's 24 still really young and there's a reason why they didn't future endeavored him when they ususaly release jobber tag teams. So yes I think Trent Barretta can be gold I've given the chance, his mic skills are pretty decent his ring work is cool and I like his attire he still have a chance.
I don't think he is underused at all. I have only managed to catch him a couple of times and enjoyed what I saw but I really think these young talents need to be given time to develop before any big pushes or over exposure happens or they just become stale really fast. The fact you already want more instead of saying you are bored is a good sign in my opinion. He is getting TV time and is using it well. He is one in a long list of young or new WWE talent who possess massive potential to become big stars but they need to grow and not all be chucked up the ladder only to come tumbling back down with no real substance/selling points/storylines.
Kid reminds me of a young Michael Hickebottom (Shawn Michaels) and that says a lot. He has the look and the talent I'm sure Vince sees that and has something on tap for him.

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