2012 - How Would You Build Trent Barreta?


Dark Match Winner
Trent Beretta...

i have seen him end up on the bad side of things for a long time now. I really like his "look" he seems like Jeff Hardy (but not Jeff, and IM NOT SAYING BETTER THEN JEFF ETHER)

Trent seems like the guy to jump off ladders and cages and go through tables...he SEEMS like it.

I would build him to be like it (remembering i'm entitled to my opinion)

put him in a TLC match or just any match and have him snap. Jump off of a ladder and put lets say....Del Rio through a table or Cody Rhodes!

Trent fighting for the IC title and built like a Hardy would get him over big time. People love the do or die guy, and Trent can pull it off.

Build Trent like a Risk taking high flyer, and have him do it to Cody while Cody is still IC Champ. Cody runs his mouth, Trent runs in. Crowd is meh about it. Trent lays Cody out on the Announce table (Crowd cheers) Trent pulls out a ladder (Crowd Snaps) Trent is on top of the ladder hinting the jump (Crowd has camera out in disbelief) Trent jumps off and puts cody through a table (Crowd is OMG'ing and Trent is trending world wide lmao)

Not kidding. Literally had to google his name to find out who you're talking about.

How would I build Trent Beretta? I'd find some way to get him onto a television program people actually watch. I wouldn't turn anyone into a high flyer though. It's a shortcut to a short career. Any asshole can jump off a ladder, most are smart enough to be too scared to. Get him back in the tag division and work him onto television. Maybe he'd end up in the Rumble this year and get some pay per view exposure.
Nice! A Trent Baretta thread! I like.

I think your idea sounds real solid. I don't really know any better way to get a crowd to care about a new superstar, especially a face, other than having him jump off a ladder onto an established heel. What's cool is that once this happened, Trent has decent enough mic skills (at least from what I've garnered from the four times I've heard him speak, approximately, in the past two years) to back up his actions. Especially with Morrison high-tailing it out of here, WWE could use a new high-risk guy, and my boy Trent might be just the ticket.
didnt he and Curt Hawk use to be Dude Busters?

why not bring that back to light?

I know Trent will be in the Rumble but he'll be like the "Others" just a filler that will add to a guy like Kane's elimination numbers.

its time to make this guy a big deal cause really...i dont see whats wrong with him.

and while i agree any jackass can jump off a ladder...fact remains the jackass that does it will have a skyrocket to TV time and will be noticed.

Trent will bolt from Washroom break to "Alright its that guy! wonder what he's going to do now! remember that time he put cody through a table off of that ladder? CRAZY!!!"

I agree with Punk in a sense there is alot of talent being misused. Zack Ryder isn't the only tragic story. Trent, Swagger, Tyson, Yoshi... im sure we all have our own personal "Must see" list.

Trent can pull off the high risk high reward guy. with a guy like Cody being his enemy, Trent will be over with the fans!
Trent Barreta is a nice, young talent. He has his fair share of fans on the net, but he isn't over enough with the general audience. We don't know if Barreta possesses the talents to be a top flight star. From what I've seen he is decent on the mic and has some hidden charisma. The best part about Barreta is that he is still young and we don't need to see him rushed into things. At one point Zack Ryder was a nobody likely on the verge of being future endeavored, but he got himself to where he is today by going to the people. I'm not saying Barreta is Zack Ryder, but with hard work anyone can get over.

As for how I would build Barreta up, I would get him some tv time and some mic work and get use to working in front of a live crowd in that aspect. He really hasn't had mic work minus his short stint on ECW and even then it was rare. Slowly get him over with the general audience. Barreta has a wrestling style in the ring that you can get behind. If that works move him into the midcard and start something up with a lower guy like a Jinder Mahal. Have him get some wins and then possibly move on to the IC title if the crowd buys into him.
They tried last year to build Trent Beretta in a feud with Drew Macintyre over the affections of Kelly Kelly but it didn't work trying to build him into the under dog type of role. I think he probably needs a gimmick change into something that would get him noticed because what he is doing now is not working. I'd say make him a type of crazy heel character by having him attack a face with some type of signature weapon. Then make him attack every opponent after the match with this weapon. When people try to interview him then he would attack them with the weapon after screaming nonsense. However instead of giving him a crazy persons move set have him keep the same move set with no explanation why.
Well, assuming my idea for a third tier title (European/Cruiserweight) doesn't eventuate, I'd say put him on Smackdown where his wrestling abilities can shine. Having him in matches against Tyson, Swagger and Daniel Bryan would showcase his skills to a larger audience. Trent & Tyson are the reasons to watch Superstars every week.
I would just throw Trent back into the tag division. In FCW, he was in the tag team, Dude Busters with Caylen Croft, which we all know ended up on the main roster. Anyway, in FCW, Curt Hawkins eventually joined the two. So, since Caylen had been released a while back. I say just get Trent and Hawkins together as the new Dude Busters. WWE is in need of some tag teams for their dying division. Now that Awesome Truth seemingly broke up, there's really no one left. Yep, I say reunite the Dude Busters with Trent and Hawkins. :)
I'd get him on tv by changing NXT to another Superstars show with a television championship division, in which whoever the champion is gets 10 minutes of guaranteed airtime on RAW or SmackDOWN that week, plus defends the championship and competes on said Superstars shows.

People can say that nobody watched either NXT or Superstars, but lets face it.. they're not really given a reason to. If they changed NXT to WWE Superstars Showcase & Kept Superstars as it is, you could use the talent thats on those shows collectively, have it run by say, Matt Striker and use it to build up the tag division and a new Television championship division...

Then they could give something for McIntyre, Baretta, Kidd, Tatsu, McGillicutty, Otunga, Riley etc. to fight for. Hell they could even have a Saturday two hour show every 2-3 months called WWE Superstars Supercard where they pack it out with tag team contenders matches, cap offs to feuds, TV Title match and even a US or IC championship match to add a bit of star value.

The WWE already produce two extra shows a week, it doesn't take much to give one of them a facelift and devote half hour of one of the bookers time a week to plan the show out. If they're going to bother having these shows, why not make them matter.

Thats how i'd build Trent & all the other jobbers of WWE land.
Trent could be good if WWE gave him a chance. I loved the Dudebusters tag team. They should give Trent back that sarcastic gamer gimmick and let him run with it in the midcard. Put him in a gimmick match for the Intercontinental Championship at TLC after a year of being built up and then it will all have been worth it because they will have successfully turned a jobber to the jobbers into a midcard champion who the fans will like. Keep him there for a while like they did with Ziggler so he can improve and then he will definitely be able to move up the card. Trent could be so much more than "the guy anyone can defeat" on Smackdown if they just gave the guy a chance.
Id bring back Caylen Croft and have them tag together. No idea why Croft was released as he wasn't bad on mic and solid in ring. Have them as a tag team for a few years and see where it takes them. And this time actually give them a chance to get over with the crowd as a couple of Cocky youngsters.

But Tag Teams dont really get air time so im in a dreamworld here.
Trent Barreta can be anything he wants. That sounds corny, but at 24, he could be around for six more years and still not hit his prime. He has a lot of charisma and a killer personality for a face.

My idea for Barreta harks back to a particularly notable moment in wrestling: when The Kid beat Razor Ramon on Raw in 1993. Have him presented as a jobber against, say, Alberto del Rio. Then, after a few minutes, Barreta rolls up the former WWE Champion for the win. I'm not saying this will give Barreta instant credibility or instant heat. Nor am I saying that Barreta should feud with del Rio (although if he did, WWE would have to really behind it or it would be no good for Barreta or del Rio). I'm saying that this could be something.

My other idea is a bit more reality-based: just build him up. Give him screen time on Smackdown, give him vignettes. Allow the fans to actually take to him. Then begin to give him more ring-time. Then give him a rival or an angle. This is the method that should almost always be used to get someone over, and Barreta doesn't need to be the exception.
My new idea, don't let his first gimmick be part of a team called "The DUDE-Busters." Than again I think Beer Money is a ******ed tag team name too.

They have a ton of great mid card guys in the WWE right now, If i believed in the guy I'd let him go to TNA where he might actually get a match now and than.
trent is an example of a guy who should be in tag team. No way is he worthy of a push when other guys like wade barrett, justi gabrielle and even ted dibiasse r waiting for theres
Nice Trent barretta thread and he could be a high flyer that jumps off ladders and puts his body on the line he would be over with the fans he just needs the right feud
I also think that he should be in a tag team. He just seems like more of a tag team guy. I woulld have his partner kind of start to turn heel, and they have a feud. I think that will help him to get over with the crowd.
I also think that he should be in a tag team. He just seems like more of a tag team guy. I woulld have his partner kind of start to turn heel, and they have a feud. I think that will help him to get over with the crowd.

That kind of reminds me of when Paul London and Billy Kidman were tagging together in 2004. Kidman was afraid to hit the shooting star press so he turned on London. That may work for Baretta. Trent being the Paul London and somebody like Justin Gabriel being the Billy Kidman, being too afraid to hit the 450 splash. I like that idea.

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