Travesty in the Music Tournament

My Immortal? Really Will really? Total shit.

There's like two versions. The one I posted is the one I like better, as it has the guitar bit later on.. whereas the original only had the piano.

And I'll openly admit to liking what I'm hearing from Dream Theater, so they aren't awful.. but I laugh when reading most of this arguement, because a lot of it seems to be because one person picked a band they like.. over not caring who the other mystery band even is.

Just ask yourself this question.. "If Becca would've listened to Dream Theater, going in that she was already thinking of voting for the other band.. do you think one song is really going to sway her vote?"

No. So ultimately, you're arguing and throwing a fit because she isn't voting for a band YOU want to win. (Once again, in my opinion, a band that is actually good.. but one even I wouldn't pick over the other band, simply because I like the lyrics and overall sound of Evanescence)
That's perfectly fine Will, I have no issue with people voting for other bands because they like them more. But you actually took the time to listen to both bands, and not completely disprespect this tournament, IC25, and myself by voting blindly without listening to both bands, like HBKaholic did.

Granted, Evanescence is still absolute drivel and that song you posted is about as original, catchy, or musically talented as me taking a shit, but thats just my opinion and besides the point.

See how long that took HBKaholic? All of what, five minutes for Will to listen to a Dream Theater song? How ever did he find the time?

:lmao: See, now I can live with that opinion. Because while I don't have to believe it or think it, I'm not against someone else feeling that way.

And to clearify, I actually tied in posting while listening to that other song. :p That way I wouldn't have to completely think I'm wasting my time.
Which is the whole point of this tournament Wes.

Will, it's simple. Follow the fucking rules, or don't vote. Not rocket science. I'm pretty sure my autistic 7 year old cousin could figure this out.
Indeed, and in fact when you do so, you find new bands too like.


I agree with this. Now, speaking of new bands and this arguement..

Why wasn't I shown this song, instead..

Dream Theater - Another Day

I like this one far more than the other one.

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