Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

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I'm glad Andy won. I couldn't stand Luke one bit, he sucks. Andy kind of reminds me of Test and maybe a little bit like Edge. I hope we get to see him do great things in WWE.
Would have loved to see them pick Luke then the lights go out and the taker smoke and lightning comes and when the lights come back on Andy is gone.

For the next few months show clips of Taker putting Andy through hell. Then at mania when he goes to 20-0 and if Taker thinks he is worth it have andy come out and destroy taker killing his teacher
... Remember guys, we're watching whatever the editors want us to watch about the tough enough competitors... They show whatever they want to show.. For all we know Andy is just as good in the ring as Luke is...

While that's true (editing can destroy a guy) in this case I think it's clear. Andy is the guy that couldnt even do a basic move in the corner ( i think it's called up n over) with steamboat last night (even though he said he was the best athlete wwe ever had, lol)? He got passed in obstacle course by Jerimiah (even though he's the best athlete wwe ever has had (according to him, lol). Have you seen his arm drags? He failed to go under a guy on the leap frog early in the season as well.. While these other guys were training w some indy guy in Alabama he was training with the likes of ricky steamboat, dusty rhodes, steve kiern at fcw since last summer. It's obvious it was a fix by putting a developmental guy in the show with indy guys. To me, Luke is by far better in the ring and much more athletic. However, luke was completely unimpressive without his shirt on yesterday.
i think it was fairly obvious Andy was going to win after anyone just had a quick look at his Wiki page it makes it clear he was already signed by WWE well before Tough Enough even started recording, having already been on the FCW roster for a few month back in 2010 under the name Kevin Hackman he was 'released' to compete in Tough Enough the WWE clearly wanted someone they knew to win so they could throw them pritty much straight in the ring after the show was completed to capitalize on the momentum gained im not sure about the forums rules on links so i appologize if this is not allowed but you can see Andy in FCW for just a a sec backstage back in 2010 on this vid at 25:20 but never mind im glad he won i like hs look and he seems like a genuinely nice person
As with anything, if you like him, you like the decision that was made and if you don't you'll find reasons as to why Luke should be the winner. I thought the Tough Enough series as a whole was done well and it seemed legit. Andy won because he came on late and Luke just coasted through with his nose in the air thinking they were just going to hand it to him at the end. Andy has a good look and IMO Luke's look needs work. He looks like a high school wrestler with his shirt off. If there were still a cruiserweight division he would have a chance, but I think Andy was the right choice in this case. Now granted, if Martin didn't get hurt, he wins this thing hands down, but you all know what they say about ifs. Congrats to Andy.
Why do I see Andy or the tough enough loser getting involved in the Raw main event.. Either attacking Cena and Joining nexus or coming out to save cena (or both guys) either way it would get them major attention..
I really liked Stone Cold in this, he was tough but did listen to the opinions of the other trainers. I also liked the question he posed to the last 3. everyone has their own opinions and I respect that. I was cheering for Andy especially when he stood up to Steve in the bottom 3 removal. Although I think if Martin hadn't been hurt he may have taken the whole enchilada. Anyone know when Andy's wrestling debut may be? From Monday Night Raw, it looks like a story will be in making with MC Punk.
Andy should debut on smackdown immediatly.

1.So they could push him faster.

2.So another face could be on smackdown, I like the kind of face he is he is ruthless he reminds me of Chris Benoit and Edge do what it takes to win.

3.They need help
I'm happy that Andy won. What? Yes, I'm aware this is a week and a half after the ending. I just forgot about it. So yeah, I'm glad that Andy won. Like Jack-Hammer said, as a human being, it's nice to see a hard worker get something that they deserve. It came as a total surprise to me, though. I thought it was definitely going to be Luke. Especially when he started to impress me on Raw. Seriously, when he was talking, it was the first time I was impressed by him. On as side note, I loved the sweet, delicious irony of Stone Cold calling the 26 year-old Luke "Young Luke" and the 23 year-old Andy "Big Andy". I know, he does look older.

The show itself wasn't amazing. But when you have to fill an hour with a show which only has one purpose, that's to be expected. I would've really have liked to see those matches with Bill DeMott. It would have been nice to see what they were like when performing, not just training. I would have also have like to see if DeMott could still go.

I have no complaints about how the announcement went down. Not only is it useful way of giving some kind of rub to Andy, at the end of the day, I don't think there is a bigger honour for a wrestler than to get slapped by Mr. McMahon, and then getting a Stunner from Stone Cold Steve Austin.
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