Total Divas officially ruined the division.


Getting Noticed By Management
The 4 on 4 Divas elimination tag match just ended and I have to say, they had a chance to create a new strong Diva in Paige, but they blew it. Basically, Natalya's team won a clean sweep, with Paige being the last Diva on her team. Apparently, this will be used for Total Divas somehow.

I'm just so mad... It's ok to want the Natalya team win, but at least let Paige show she is good, let her show strength, let her eliminate at least 3 other Divas before getting eliminated... Instead, nothing. Paige should be the future of the Divas division, but they missed a big opportunity here, especially seeing as the fans were really behind her, once she was left alone.
I'm not lying when I say that I liked Paige when she first debuted. I followed her career in NXT, but the constant screaming turns me off.

It was their chance to make her stronger and they blew it. A feud between her and Nattie would have been great, and we might still see it though.

Total Diva's is shit though, and I wouldn't say it's ruined the Diva's but it hasn't helped.
I agree.

Total divas is killing to the divas division. Even though the divas division has already suffered enough damage.

Woman's division in wwe
Would you expect anything else from a promotion where promoting a semi trashy reality show takes precedence over pushing a talented female wrestler still in her prime.
They can make any one of the divas stronger... They're too busy focused on the talented Bella Twins and worthless AJ... Nikki Bella is the new Divas Champion and that's what matters right now, not Paige loosing in a match that doesn't mean anything in the first place... Paige is not a top diva and she never will be, her winning the Divas Title earlier in the year was just a way to introduce her to the fans..
The Diva's division was ruined before Total Divas. The show just made everything worse. I mean, how many times have we had to suffer through Eva Marie in the ring? That match was horrible tonight, as are most divas matches. They care more about looks and the stupid reality show than actual in ring skill. And it shows. It's effin ridiculous, and it's so easy to fix. But at this point, complaining about the divas division isn't even beating a dead horse. It's digging up a horse that died eight years ago, and beating a dead horse skeleton.
The match was awful and worthless.... I mean hell, when it was 4 on 1, why not at least let Paige show some of her skill and eliminate a few of the other team?

Match was a complete waste of time.
I actually think the show is fine to show what their lives are really like. The problem to me is the excessive talking and screaming they do in the ring. On the WWE network for just 9.99 :) I watched 2001 survivor series and the main difference between their divas match and tonight's was no annoying yelling and taunting like middle school girls. This group of divas actually has some good wrestlers in it. Emma, Nat, Naomi, Paige and Alicia all impressed me. I just think the fact that too many have the sassy girl, flip hair every five seconds is annoying. The reason why 2001 was so different was bc each diva was unique and didn't have to say much. Lita was edgy and a high flying rocker, trish quiet sexy grappler, ivory was pretty and intense, Jacki was a firecracker, etc. I don't mind the show-it's these gosh awful personalities some of them have plus their loud obnoxious mouths in the ring. Let them wrestle and be sexy and we'll be good.
The 4 on 4 Divas elimination tag match just ended and I have to say, they had a chance to create a new strong Diva in Paige, but they blew it. Basically, Natalya's team won a clean sweep, with Paige being the last Diva on her team. Apparently, this will be used for Total Divas somehow.

I'm just so mad... It's ok to want the Natalya team win, but at least let Paige show she is good, let her show strength, let her eliminate at least 3 other Divas before getting eliminated... Instead, nothing. Paige should be the future of the Divas division, but they missed a big opportunity here, especially seeing as the fans were really behind her, once she was left alone.

If you're mad about the result of the match, relax. I mean, it's cool that you're into it, but they'll live to fight another day.

As for Total Divas ruining the division, I ask: what division? What was so great about the Divas division before that is in shambles now? 2 years from now nobody will recall if this match was from Survivor Series 2014 or 2010. That they're booking around the show is no surprise and it won't matter once the show is either cancelled or put on the Network where all of a thousand people will watch it. Fewer in the UK.

They should've scrapped this whole mess and did a soft reboot, maybe while AJ was away. Just never have brought Paige up, had Total Divas segments rather than Divas matches, and then brought back AJ while introducing Paige and Charlotte and resetting the division maybe with a clearer delineation between Total Divas and the Divas title. That way kayfabe would've only been broken on the reality show (i.e. Brie and Daniel Bryan's or Natalya and Tyson Kidd's relationships).
Honestly tho if you don't like the people in the match then it's gonna be a bad match for you. I found 30% of the match enjoyable. Some divas need a lot of work (Cameron and Summer Rae) and some actually dropped the ball a few times in that match (Natalie, Alicia, Layla and Emma). The show does help us realize the kind of stuff they go through even with their hectic schedules. I do wish they kept the reality show away from the pro wrestling show. But I feel it is not the diva's fault. They do the show to make money. They're not making money at the events with their 2 minute matches twice a month. How would you feel of you had to dust off your ring gear before a long match knowing more than half the crowd has not seen you perform for longer than 2 minutes.

Leave the reality show on E! And leave pro wrestling on USA and SyFy.

However... This match was not as weird and the Diva's title match. The kiss, the clothesline that made AJ lifeless and the sudden happy Bella Servant. That was just bad.
In my opinion Total Divas didn't hurt the Diva's Division it helped the women who only get maybe if lucky before TD 5 Minutes imo pure BS. Why should Women and The Diva's get less airtime then the men it should be equal. FYI WWE SD! was originally supposed to be an all Divas Show. Plus the 4 on 4 wasn't Team Nattie it was Alicia Fox's Team but probably to make Nattie happy named it for her. As Alicia Fox and Paige, Nattie-Summer Rae, Naomi-Cameron, and they jst wanted to add Emma and Layla to fill it out. I'm one of the few men that actually I guess watch more Diva's and Knockouts Matches more than the Men's. I guess all the men who hate watching Women's matches are Secretly Queers. The reason why we get some sloppy diva's matches is that they don't get enough time as if you go watch Goldberg's Streak most of them were also Sloppy as heck. But if they give them 5-10 mins they can make it look better. So in Conclusion Total Diva's Helped The Women's Division not Hurt it.
Total Divas is the only reason some people care about the division (my girlfriend). Paige is a heel, so it'd be stupid to have her go over in some heroic spot. In this match there was a ton of effort and spots performed you wouldn't have seen in the attitude era. The division has a pretty strong mix of in ring and character talents.

In a nutshell it sounds like you're mad about the results of a match because your favorite didn't pin more people. That's very markish. Heels aren't heroic. Paige actually almost walked out, remember? That's a heel thing. It doesn't make her "look weak". It makes her look like a heel. It's a good thing.
Total Divas is the only reason some people care about the division (my girlfriend). Paige is a heel, so it'd be stupid to have her go over in some heroic spot. In this match there was a ton of effort and spots performed you wouldn't have seen in the attitude era. The division has a pretty strong mix of in ring and character talents.

In a nutshell it sounds like you're mad about the results of a match because your favorite didn't pin more people. That's very markish. Heels aren't heroic. Paige actually almost walked out, remember? That's a heel thing. It doesn't make her "look weak". It makes her look like a heel. It's a good thing.

I'd say this about sums it up.

I thoroughly enjoyed this match for what it was, and I don't see how anyone could think Total Divas ruined the division. I actually think it's done wonders for it, because if you can get past the reality TV aspect of it, and just view it like an extension of Raw, then you'll see that really all it is, is an extra hour of weekly TV time to give the divas a more fleshed out character than Raw ever would've allowed them to have.

As for the match itself, I like Paige too, and it would've been cool to see her win since the face team went over in the main event. Plus, I kind of feel like most of the divas are shades of gray, they really aren't heels in the true sense, or at least most of them aren't. However, I was fine with the face team winning, and when you think that most of the girls in this match with the exception of Natie, Paige, (and maybe Emma) aren't really very solid in-ring workers, I thought they all did a great job at featuring their best offense and in a well paced match, that gave each performer a little shine.

Basically it was about as good as you could hope for given the type of match and the participants.
come on iwc. Total divas is part of divas division. How you guys told TD ruined divas division. last year AJ beat all total divas. But no one told aj ruined total divas. You guys are one siders, selfish and winers.
Total Divas is what brought my wife into watching PPVs every month on the Network and Raw every week on DVR. If anything, Total Divas brought new fans to the WWE. Outside of Lita, and even though I don't agree necessarily, Trish, there hasn't been a competent Divas division ever.
I think all you guys are missing the point and you didn't read my original post. I said that, because of Total Divas, they missed a big opportunity in making Paige big. She could go all-in and eliminate all 4 of her opponents in the end by herself and make her really strong.

Maybe I didn't word the title correctly. Total Divas ruined the FUTURE of the Divas division. Please discuss about that.
I think all you guys are missing the point and you didn't read my original post. I said that, because of Total Divas, they missed a big opportunity in making Paige big. She could go all-in and eliminate all 4 of her opponents in the end by herself and make her really strong.

Maybe I didn't word the title correctly. Total Divas ruined the FUTURE of the Divas division. Please discuss about that.

I think everyone read and fully understands where you were going with the OP. Your preference or what you feel is best for business did not happen and you are a bit sore over it. Since your idea booking of Paige didn’t come the fruition you’ve chosen to blame some agenda involving the Total Divas series. While you were not directly attacking Total Divas the show you did in a roundabout way say it is BS that is should a consideration when it comes to booking. This is why so many came to the defense of the show.
The booking in the 4 on 4 Diva Survivor match made perfect sense. It was a through away match where the face team went over for a “feel good” moment. Paige played her role as a heel to perfection. There was no need for some magnificent comeback to solidify her as a star. Had Last time I checked Paige has been prominently featured on weekly programming since she debuted following WrestleMania. The fans are well aware of who she is and what she is all about.

Oh yeah, Paige is the newest Total Diva. I be willing to bet the drama show moves her along further as a Sports Entertainer than any submission hold or arm bar ever will.
I agree that they've missed some opportunities with Paige. At the same time, Paige is so young that there's little wonder WWE doesn't want her to peak so early in her career.

In the grand scheme of things, for the most part, the Divas Division has never been what anyone would consider great. That goes for today and all the way back through as long as women's wrestling has existed in WWE. There've been a few standouts over the years like Trish Stratus, Lita, Mickie James, Natalya, AJ Lee and Paige who've stood out from the rest of the pack because they had a different look, personality, strong in-ring skills or some combination of both. But, as a whole, women's wrestling has never been a huge force in WWE.

As I've said in lots of posts, women's wrestling will never have a remote chance of ultimately being something more than what we've seen as long as Vince McMahon is in charge. Vince either doesn't know how to book women with consistent strength & relevance without all the "crazy" or goofy stuff or he's just not interested. I'm not guaranteeing that Triple H would do any better, but I feel confident in believing that he would because when you look at the women's division of the main roster and compare it to NXT, it's like night and day.

Initially, Total Divas wasn't a problem because Vince didn't start having creative come up with storylines based on what was happening on the show. I knew that if he did go down that road, however, it'd be a mess so I'm not surprised in the least. While I can't say for sure, I think Total Divas might be cancelled soon if the next batch of numbers don't improve. I just don't see E! keeping the show on the air if it can no longer draw a million people. If so, then that's one problem that'll be solved but, all in all, Total Divas hasn't really ruined the division as a whole because, in my opinion, it was never great as a whole and that's unlikely to chance with Vince sitting at the head of the table.

All WWE has to do is rebrand Paige as the anti-Diva who made waves and got noticed in NXT, give it a few months, actually give her some serious storylines and that's all it'll take to recapture some momentum.
The 4 on 4 Divas elimination tag match just ended and I have to say, they had a chance to create a new strong Diva in Paige, but they blew it. Basically, Natalya's team won a clean sweep, with Paige being the last Diva on her team. Apparently, this will be used for Total Divas somehow.

I'm just so mad... It's ok to want the Natalya team win, but at least let Paige show she is good, let her show strength, let her eliminate at least 3 other Divas before getting eliminated... Instead, nothing. Paige should be the future of the Divas division, but they missed a big opportunity here, especially seeing as the fans were really behind her, once she was left alone.

Paige has been Divas Champion multiple times this year and was in a lengthy feud with AJ.

It's about time she be in the background and let the other Divas get their own. If anything, this match may have created a new star in Naomi. Her high flying moves definitely makes her stand out among the other Divas.

Naomi has never won the Divas Championship. Natayla and Alicia Fox has.

With Nikki being a heel, maybe we could get a Naomi vs. Nikki match down the line.
There were some skills on display, Naomi and Layla were a highlight. I think they should be using valets more often and using their role and airtime to generate heat for actual rivalries.

The last diva rivalry they actually worked was Summer Rae and Layla's feud over Fandango, and they really need to make sure Summer Rae leaves wrestling to literally ANYONE ELSE.

Was Naomi and Cameron's split after that? Well maybe, but the one segment they had as Cameron was leaving in the carpark wasn't followed up at all.

I'd trim the wrestlers(rest valets) in the division to Diva's who actually have in-ring skills, I'd push the hell out of Naomi, they could run a Naomi/Nikki Bella feud for a couple of months, even have Brie complete a heel turn for the run.

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