Top TNA Star Unhappy In TNA

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Dark Match Winner
Of course this is all rumours and speculation, so this could very well be false, but with the outflow of Jeff Jarrett and co, it might not be that great a stretch. I haven't really enjoyed Booker T in TNA since he got there 2 years ago, and his degradation into a wild, blathering idiot that can't enunciate tit from tat does not find me a fan. In terms of him staying in TNA, there isn't a lot that he needs to do. He's got the tag titles right now, but as for how satisfying that is, its dubious. I don't think they'll wager on giving him a run with the World Title, simply because Matt Morgan and AJ Styles are getting more focus, and in any case, he's not Kurt Angle or Sting.

Do I want to see him back in WWE, should opportunity arise? Perhaps. Although he wasn't happy with how he was being treated, and how his promotion on Texas got the shaft, it might be a possibility, and he does have name value. He can still go, and would probably be a good asset to the WWE if that where he wanted to be. I dont know why though, as he is more than successful enough and doesn't need the WWE. I'm wishy washy on the topic, but seeing Booker T in top form in the WWE at a big pay per view would be a nice thing to see again.
That's the first report I've seen where they actually had attached a name. I had seen that report on other websites and figured that they were referring to Kurt Angle, who's contract I believe is up sometime next year.

I guess I'm not too surprised that Booker is unhappy. I mean, other than a run as the initial Legends Champion, his TNA run has been pretty uneventful. I do wish he would go back to talking normal, instead of how he's talking now. I don't even know how you would describe it.

Booker, like Sting, can still go in the ring. After he and Steiner drop the tag belts, I could see him as a credible challenger to AJ's title. He's a former Worlds Champion and they have a history with their fued over the Legends Title. I don't think he should win the belt, but a program with him and AJ could help to make AJ look strong.
On the flip side, maybe TNA should be unhappy with Booker T. I didn't watch the video, couldn't be bothered, but I'm guessing his unhappiness revolves around how shit TNA is. All well and good, but Booker is shit, has been for years. It's like me calling Sam a shit poster when in fact we're both crap, coasting along on reputations we inexplicably gained years ago.
i think booker character sucks now...cant understand a word he says n thats why the crowd isnt into him anymore...i think tho if he did go back to wwe vince would put him on ECW like he did with christian so if booker doesnt like that then i see him taking time off n just doing his texas wrestling
Booker flat out refused to got to ECW in 2007. That reason, WWE not wanting to use his promotion, his wellness failure and the thought of becoming a WWE Midcarder on Raw were reasons why he left WWE. Nothings changed, WWE still won't want to use his promotion and on any other brand than ECW he'd be a mid carder
The King is going to go out on a limb and say the person that is unhapppy in TNA right now is Scott Steiner.....i read on WZ that since they are getting rid of all of Jeff Jarrett's friends and if JJ doesnt come back he doesnt know how long he is going to stay......But if it is Booker T the King would be happy and upset at the same time... happy because with his departure another good tag team...i.e. MCMG, Beer Money, could get the belts and have some incrdible matches.....upset because i enjoy when Booker starts getting serious with his talkin and eventually calls somebody a PUNK ASS....thats the best....THe King has spoken im not the POPE so im not pimpin but i am the KIng and im royalty
I had seen that report on other websites and figured that they were referring to Kurt Angle, who's contract I believe is up sometime next year.

I don't know what goes on behind the scenes at WWE and TNA, but it occurs to me that if Angle is the one who's unhappy, I wonder what would have to happen in order to change his mood. After all, he's added substance abuse problems, marriage scandal and trouble with the law to his employer since he arrived in TNA.....yet he's still catered to and treated as the #1 performer. Does Kurt want the company to fire the bookers and let him handle the storylines, too?

I guess I'm not too surprised that Booker is unhappy. I mean, other than a run as the initial Legends Champion, his TNA run has been pretty uneventful.

If Booker is the unhappy one, I think he would probably retire to run his wrestling school (or whatever the hell it is) rather than return to WWE. Consider this: WWE pushed him to the hilt with whole "King" gimmick, yet he was still living in misery about how they used him.

They found a place for his wife, too. On her own, she couldn't keep her employment at WWE, remember?

Okay, so now he's unhappy at TNA, too? Well, guess what, Booker? There's no place else to work that could measure up to your standards.

As I remember, Booker was planning to retire in his early 40's anyway.....even before TNA existed.

So do it, already.
The King is going to go out on a limb and say the person that is unhapppy in TNA right now is Scott Steiner.....i read on WZ that since they are getting rid of all of Jeff Jarrett's friends and if JJ doesnt come back he doesnt know how long he is going to stay......But if it is Booker T the King would be happy and upset at the same time... happy because with his departure another good tag team...i.e. MCMG, Beer Money, could get the belts and have some incrdible matches.....upset because i enjoy when Booker starts getting serious with his talkin and eventually calls somebody a PUNK ASS....thats the best....THe King has spoken im not the POPE so im not pimpin but i am the KIng and im royalty

If Steiner leaves it WILL BE because of his health, not that he's unhappy. Between Booker and Kurt, I think they both are most unhappy with TNA right now. Kurt feels he should be wrestling for the title, not giving morgan "the push" at the PPV. And Booker's character just sucks now and he knows it. They're not giving him what he wants, which is a singles title or title shot, and he's disgruntled because he believes he still has the talent to make it far. But TNA wants to push the future at this point, and I can't blame them. So let them be disgruntled, and we'll see them as midcarders in WWE.
Steiner is so messed up physically that he should be done anytime now. It won't be because JJ is not around right now. The man is actually putting over young guys despite his obvious pain, but it's catching up to him. Booker just knows he's bad now and won't do anything just because I don't think Vince will take him back at this point in his career. Angle isn't going anywhere no matter what, and he'll get the title again at some point. It's gonna be interesting to see when we find out who this person is.
I think Booker T will retire. He's what 45? He has accomplished so much. He is one of the most accomplished african americans in wrestling history if not THE accolade wise. If he still has his wrestling school he should focus on that. Hopefully he has saved his money well and can enjoy retirement.
If it's Kurt he has the option to return to the WWE and still have a few credible years as a top guy and world champion. I'd love to see this and I really hope he gets his head straight before he becomes another wrestling tragedy. Kurt's better than that.

If its Booker T I think he's reached his full potential and its all down hill from here. He should hang up the boots and run his indy promotion. Book has had a great career that he should be very proud of but the ship has sailed and its time to bow out gracefully. Let his protege's be his future as he has alot to contribute in that way.

Steiner should fucking die. I can't stand his roid rage episodes, Hogan worship and bad attitude. He's wrestling's #1 steroid abuser (and thats saying something) instantly discrediting any kind of wellness policy authenticity (of in all fairness he isn't alone here). Nothing would make me happier than Steiner never being heard from again. Even better, I hope Vince resigns him so he can be HHH's bitch....AGAIN!

So to recap its:

Kurt Angle: WWE return.

Booker T: Well deserved graceful retirement.

Steiner: Morgue.
If it's Kurt he has the option to return to the WWE and still have a few credible years as a top guy and world champion. I'd love to see this and I really hope he gets his head straight before he becomes another wrestling tragedy. Kurt's better than that.

If its Booker T I think he's reached his full potential and its all down hill from here. He should hang up the boots and run his indy promotion. Book has had a great career that he should be very proud of but the ship has sailed and its time to bow out gracefully. Let his protege's be his future as he has alot to contribute in that way.

Steiner should fucking die. I can't stand his roid rage episodes, Hogan worship and bad attitude. He's wrestling's #1 steroid abuser (and thats saying something) instantly discrediting any kind of wellness policy authenticity (of in all fairness he isn't alone here). Nothing would make me happier than Steiner never being heard from again. Even better, I hope Vince resigns him so he can be HHH's bitch....AGAIN!

So to recap its:

Kurt Angle: WWE return.

Booker T: Well deserved graceful retirement.

Steiner: Morgue.

wow, iknow steiner sucks, but wow. Anyway I agree that kurt should return to the wwe. Who wouldnt want the chance to yell you suck aat him with his perfectly timed theme. And Booker t, wouldnt mak it back to the E, look at r-truth who is a mini booker. HEs going nowhere.
After Bound For Glory, where Steiner and Booker will most likely lose the belts, and an eventual rematch at Turning Point where they can be pinned convincingly, both are useless to TNA. They can either stay or don't.

I am usually the first person to come out of the woodwork and make a case for these guys, as like 6 months ago, I would make a case that they are needed in TNA. Now though, not so much. Steiner can go, retire while he can still walk. Booker can go depending on if he is okay with staying or not.

TNA does not need these guys after the end of this year. They can live without them. They had their TNA runs. Nash seems a little more determined to stay and I think he is much more dedicated to the company than Booker is currently.

Angle however, is more important. I think he, out of anyone, knows that they need to make new stars and he can't be main eventing every PPV. He, in pretty much every interview, has made it clear that he wants to make several new stars within the next year or so.

I think anyone that believes he is bitter about losing the belt to AJ or wrestling Matt Morgan is just missing the point of why he is in TNA in the first place.
I think Russo and Ferrara should use Booker T better. He's hilarious on the mic but he deserves some more time on the show to shine. He's really good at promos, and can contribute more. Same with Steiner . Nash has a pretty good gig.. but they need to really let the old guys do more as well as creating characters for the young guys.

I do not want to see Booker T go! neither do i want to see Kurt Angle go
How anyone could find Booker T to be anything other than terrible on the microphone these days is pretty outlandish to me. Booker wasn't bad on the mic a decade ago. Now? If you can even understand what he's saying, he's just awful. He's like a black Ultimate Warrior, ranting nonsensical gibberish that no one really understands, but you just go along with it because you know it'll be over pretty soon.

Booker can be unhappy all he likes. He was a great performer. Not so much anymore, he's pretty much useless to TNA right now honestly. At least as long as they still only have 2 hours of TV time per week. That time needs to be spent on people the fans actually care about, not crazy old Booker. I loved him in his heyday, he was an amazing talent, but right now he's well past his prime. I suppose he still has it in him to deliver a good match if he wants to, but we're not going to see that when he's just tagging with an equally over-the-hill Steiner all year.

I hope he doesn't think TNA owes him anything, because they don't.
If Booker is unhappy working with people in TNA, I don't know how he expects to work with people in WWE. It seems like Booker doesn't want to job to anyone whether it was WWE a few years back, and TNA now. I do find him and Steiner's crazy anecdotes on Impact amusing, but I won't be sad when they're gone. TNA still has Team 3D, Beer Money, The Invasion, and MCMG in the mix. Here is hoping for the MCMG to be given the ball again in the tag division. I really don't think TNA or WWE needs Booker T, especially if he has a bad attitude.
Steiner should fucking die. I can't stand his roid rage episodes, Hogan worship and bad attitude. He's wrestling's #1 steroid abuser (and thats saying something) instantly discrediting any kind of wellness policy authenticity (of in all fairness he isn't alone here). Nothing would make me happier than Steiner never being heard from again. Even better, I hope Vince resigns him so he can be HHH's bitch....AGAIN!

So to recap its:

Steiner: Morgue.

What the hell is wrong with you ! You shouldn't wish death on anybody !
Steiner might be crazy but he's working his ass through injuries, he came back from a throat injury that nearly killed him. When he retires it will be well deserved. As for Kurt, last I checked he's the one that started TNA new youth movement so I doubt he's unhappy anymore, although a new girlfriend to make him forget about Karen wouldn't hurt (preferably a shrink).

Booker? Somethings wrong with his head for sure but Ive read reports that he was complaining about Morgan, that if he works with him he wants to do it on PPV instead of TV (Because it matters more). Why would he be unhappy, probably cause nobody understands what he speaks, or maybe because they aren't using him for much, other than helping the tag teams, he's been there and done that. I guess he just want something to do,if he wants to go back to WWE he's gonna be in the Mid Card or ECW, he's past his prime. I really doubt it has anything to do with the King gimmick cause he still paraded some of it on TNA (The locker room, his accent, the robe, he even used to stick out his pinky on the entrance). If they were to be unhappy about anything it should be about TNA 's lack of progression, or Vince Russo, whichever is worse.
You guys make me laugh so hard. The typical internet chat room fans(not all of you but a good amount that have commented on this). So let me get this straight you flood the boards with complaints about why tna booking is terrible because they are not pushing the new young talent yet now i read a bunch of things talking about how dumb it is they are pushing the young guys over the vets. Funny stuff i must say. I wont judge though so whatev

As for Booker T from what i have read it not only is the whole Morgan deal but attitude backstage as well. From reports say he not only refused to lose to morgan but told them just 45 mins before the tapings started which created a hardship for booking to rush to put together something else. Then it has been reported that his behavior on overseas tours has been "disruptive". Also walked out of a tag match with steiner when the fans got a little rowdy and did the throwing chairs in. He didnt come back ether which really put creative in a hard place. From what I have read this isnt one i could put on tna management. If his attitude is messed up then 1 i wouldnt want to make him a main event star constantly ether. Plus when you constantly put creative in hard places by telling them with short notice is a big bad thing to do. Plus he has a record in wwe for bad behavior to.

Also someone said something about angle being angry about putting over morgan in this current storyline. Well he has been the guy since day one talking about pushing the young guys instead of just going wcw and keeping the vets ontop. He has also praised morgan on many interviews as someone who had a bright future and that he wanted to make sure he went far. He even pretty much put down wwe for passing the oppertunity they had with morgan. Kurt is big on helping the young guys theres no doubt about it.

Also to the guy who mouthed off about wanting steiner to go die,you should really get banned for crap like that dude. Thats the most unrespectful immature thing to do. Its one thing to just say you don't like a wrestler thats fine. Even to say hate a wrestler is fine. All these opinions would have no problems but now to wish death on any wrestler is just something you dont do. If I had it my way you would be banned for sure. Next time you wanna say something like that,keep it to yourself. Im quite sure im not the only one who thinks this way ether
Booker going to the WWE would be the worst move for his career right now. Right now, Booker needs to go back to his wrestling school and be teacher for the rest of his career. Booker is being a douche by refusing to job. I won't go as far to say that he was a joke all of his career, because he wasn't. He was very over for a period in 2003 as a face. But 2009 is not 2003. If he goes to WWE, he'll be joining an already stacked roster and will not do anything worthwhile unless he's in ECW. Booker T was made a star out of necessity, not talent. He became champion because there was nobody else worthwhile to do it. Booker T needs to get the fuck over himself.
If Booker goes back to the WWE, you know Vince is going to ship him off to ECW. Look at Christian. He been there about a year now and despite the lack of babyfaces on Smackdown, he's still stuck in ECW. At least Booker can get back together with Golddust. I smell comedy gold.

If Booker has a hard time putting over Moran, what's going to happen when he's told to put over Zach Rider, Tyler Reks or Yoshi Tatsu?
Booker going to the WWE would be the worst move for his career right now.

Yep. Going back to work for the greatest wrestling company in the world would be a horrible idea. What could he be thinking.

Right now, Booker needs to go back to his wrestling school and be teacher for the rest of his career.

Why? If he wants to still wrestle then let him wrestle. He has earned the right to retire on his own time.

Booker is being a douche by refusing to job.

First, this is all speculation. Second, it's not like this is the first time a veteran superstar has refused to put a young guy over. It happens all the time. Besides it's not like Matt Morgan has done anything to deserve being put over. He sucks on the mic, and in the ring he is no different from any other big man. He's just very ordinary.

I won't go as far to say that he was a joke all of his career, because he wasn't. He was very over for a period in 2003 as a face.

Booker T has never been a joke in his career. He started as part of one of the greatest tag teams ever, then he went on to be a very successful singles star in both WCW and the WWE.

But 2009 is not 2003. If he goes to WWE, he'll be joining an already stacked roster and will not do anything worthwhile unless he's in ECW

I wouldn't say the roster is stacked. It's no more stacked then at any other time.
Booker T was made a star out of necessity, not talent. He became champion because there was nobody else worthwhile to do it.

This has to be the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read. Booker T is one of the most talented performers to ever step foot in the ring. He was well on his way to being a main eventer when he unexpectedly became champion. The process might have been sped up a little but in my opinion it was long overdue.

Booker T needs to get the fuck over himself.

No, Booker T is fine. You need to get the fuck over your shitty posting abilities.

Yep. Going back to work for the greatest wrestling company in the world would be a horrible idea. What could he be thinking.

I love how you left out the part where he would most likely be a jobber to the stars in ECW. Let's be serious here, Booker had his best gimmick when he was making people kiss his feet and acting like he was king. If he only (barely) won one World Title during that era, then how the fuck would he come back almost three years later and be successful?

Why? If he wants to still wrestle then let him wrestle. He has earned the right to retire on his own time.

If he wants to be jobbed out and ridiculed, he'll go to the WWE. If he wants to help mold tommorow's superstars, he'll go and train his students at his wrestling school. Simple as that.

First, this is all speculation. Second, it's not like this is the first time a veteran superstar has refused to put a young guy over. It happens all the time. Besides it's not like Matt Morgan has done anything to deserve being put over. He sucks on the mic, and in the ring he is no different from any other big man. He's just very ordinary.


Tell me you didn't just call one of the TNA's best mic workers "ordinary". If Matt Morgan was "ordinary", would he be facing Angle at TNA's biggest event of the year? Would he have been in the Main Event Mafia, one of the most star-stacked stables in wrestling history? Would he have fought Sting? Would he have been pushed as a legitimate threat to the TNA Title? No. Now I realize that wrestling is scripted, but you can't just give anybody a push. They have to earn it, and from everything I've seen of Morgan, he's earned it, and in all likelyhood will go on to be one of TNA's biggest stars and will become a bigger superstar than Booker ever was.

Booker T has never been a joke in his career. He started as part of one of the greatest tag teams ever, then he went on to be a very successful singles star in both WCW and the WWE.

And yet, look who's talking like an intoxicated idiot every Thursday night on Spike TV.

I wouldn't say the roster is stacked. It's no more stacked then at any other time.

Anybody on Raw right now (barring the Divas and the Colons) would get a bigger reaction than Booker. Booker could only dream to compare to the reactions and drawing power of Randy Orton, John Cena, Big Show, etc. Hell, I'll put my money on The Miz before I would on Booker.

This has to be the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read. Booker T is one of the most talented performers to ever step foot in the ring.

Correction: One of the most talented performers to ever step foot in TNA's ring. Compared to greats like Hogan, Flair, Rock, and Austin, he's purple monkey shit.

He was well on his way to being a main eventer when he unexpectedly became champion. The process might have been sped up a little but in my opinion it was long overdue.

Yeah, he was obviously going to be the next Rock, you know, winning his only WWE World Title to fuel a feud between Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero.

No, Booker T is fine. You need to get the fuck over your shitty posting abilities.

I hope the kettle and pot get along nicely.
I hope WWE does not take Booker back. I hope he stays in TNA with the rest of the Russo marking idiots, so then he can help them destroy TNA just like WCW. While I am on the subject has any one noticed how crappy TNA has become. I hate how they sign anyone Vince fires and the story lines are awful, can anty one say WCW all over again??????
I love how you left out the part where he would most likely be a jobber to the stars in ECW. Let's be serious here, Booker had his best gimmick when he was making people kiss his feet and acting like he was king. If he only (barely) won one World Title during that era, then how the fuck would he come back almost three years later and be successful?

Please point out the part in my post where I said he would be main eventing in the WWE?..........................Still waiting.
All I said was that there's nothing wrong with him going back to the WWE. I'd rather be a mid carder there then be in TNA doing jack shit.

If he wants to be jobbed out and ridiculed, he'll go to the WWE. If he wants to help mold tommorow's superstars, he'll go and train his students at his wrestling school. Simple as that.

Jobbed out and ridiculed? This isn't Funaki we're talking about. This is Booker T. He can still put on good matches and still contribute to the company.
Tell me you didn't just call one of the TNA's best mic workers "ordinary". If Matt Morgan was "ordinary", would he be facing Angle at TNA's biggest event of the year? Would he have been in the Main Event Mafia, one of the most star-stacked stables in wrestling history? Would he have fought Sting? Would he have been pushed as a legitimate threat to the TNA Title? No. Now I realize that wrestling is scripted, but you can't just give anybody a push. They have to earn it, and from everything I've seen of Morgan, he's earned it, and in all likelyhood will go on to be one of TNA's biggest stars and will become a bigger superstar than Booker ever was.

When the fuck did Matt Morgan become one of TNA's best mic workers? Did I miss something? Because last time I checked he still has the occasional stutter and I have never seen him cut anything close to a great promo. Matt Morgan hasn't earned shit. He's a big guy with a good look so he's being given an opportunity. Once people realize he's an average at best superstar, he will go back to doing nothing.

And yet, look who's talking like an intoxicated idiot every Thursday night on Spike TV.

I was talking about his career as a whole. Up until now he has never been a joke, and the only reason he is now is because he obviously doesn't give a shit. It's clear he doesn't want to be in TNA.
Anybody on Raw right now (barring the Divas and the Colons) would get a bigger reaction than Booker. Booker could only dream to compare to the reactions and drawing power of Randy Orton, John Cena, Big Show, etc. Hell, I'll put my money on The Miz before I would on Booker.

I guarantee that is false. If Booker T came out on RAW next Monday he would get a bigger reaction then everyone outside of Cena and DX.
Correction: One of the most talented performers to ever step foot in TNA's ring. Compared to greats like Hogan, Flair, Rock, and Austin, he's purple monkey shit.

Did you ever watch Booker T in his prime? I'm not saying he should be compared to guys like Hogan, The Rock, Flair, and Austin but his talent is undeniable. He had some great matches in his career and he was a very underrated worker.

Yeah, he was obviously going to be the next Rock, you know, winning his only WWE World Title to fuel a feud between Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero.

I was under the impression we were talking about when he became champion in WCW. However, this is easier to defend. He never got a real shot with the title in WWE because he was already in his late 30's by the time he got there and they didn't want to push a WCW main eventer over any of the WWE guys right away. Then once he did establish himself as a legit main eventer they were reluctant to give him the belt because he had always been contemplating retirement.
I hope the kettle and pot get along nicely.

Wow. How long did it take you to come up with that one? That's grade A original shit right there.
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