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Top Five Reasons I am switching from WWE to TNA

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I'm the Big Daddy
I am a big time wrestling fan and have been since the start of the Monday night Wars. I have always been a fan of all promotions but always choose one over another to never miss. As of late I have slowly but surely been making sure not to miss Impact and can care less sometimes if I miss Raw or Smackdown. Here are my top five reasons I am slowly caring less and less for WWE and more for TNA
1) Donald Trump is involved in another storyline!
who cares about the Trump.... I sure dont.
2) TNA has more entertaining ring workers.
face it we all want to see wrestling... the storylines, and comedy aspects
are important but in ring work is even more important... they have AJ
Styles, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, MCMG's, Team 3D, Beer Money, etc etc
etc. yes their storylines sometimes suck but at least they are using their
real talent and not letting their real talented players sit around and be
wasted. WWE claims MVP, Morison, Santino, MIZ are the future and
getting the big time pushes. Where were those pushes on Monday
night. MVP had three seconds of ring time in the Battle Royal. By the
way I think MVP is overrated as all hell but if he is the new Main Eventer
he needs to be in the get this Main Event
3) Everyone complains TNA gets the WWE castoffs and old timers that noone
cares about.... But the WWE has old timers too.... how many more Cena
HHH, HHH ORton (although Orton is young), HHH Batista, HHH BIg Show,
Big Show Cena, HBK HHH, Etc etc etc matches... Id rather watch Booker,
Jarrett, Nash, Steiner, Angle any day over another terrible HHH match.
4) Even the Knockouts are entertaining. The WWE divas are good looking
but cannot work in the ring at all.... The KNockouts work the ring and
some of them look hot its both worlds.
5) Trump is involved in another storyline.
6) Because five was just to show how much I really hate that idea. my real
number five reason is The X Division. ALthough it is just a division of high
spots, I have to beleive most people find spot wrestling very
entertaining... who doesn't love seeign acrobatic acts in the ring and just
marvel at it and wish they could do it.
I have a few other reasons but lets keep my other reasons to myself for now and see what others think...
Hey I dont have anything against TNA and i would Reccomend it, but hey if you have mynetworktv then you could watch Smackdown where they actually focus on the wrestling and have no Trump
Yea, apparently WWE made Raw the storyline show. While they made Smackdown the wrestling show. They have great wrestlers. I mean, Morrison is just as good as anyone in the X division
Yes Smackdown is a better show than RAW but two problems their how many times can Edge win a title in a year what is he on pace to be a 20 time champion by the time hes 40? Morrisson isnt used properly at all and they are trying to build him up but I have all but forgotten about him since he left The MIZ's Side... not that that is a compliment of the MIZ... This thread is to discuss why overall I am more of a fan now of TNA than WWE and if I had to choose between one company or another just so you know Blifford...
why not just watch both?

That was the first thing that came to mind when I read the thread title.

Both the WWE and TNA have huge flaws right now. I don't think making a list of pros and cons for both would really but one ahead of the other. If the problem is not having the time to watch both then I suggest replacing RAW with iMPACT! and continue to watch SD. ECW and Superstars are fun little additions if you can fit them in.

SD is an absolutely fantastic show right now and everything else is waaaaay below it.
Five Disagreements

1. Donald Trump is one of the richest men in America and as the news will show you lots of people find this angle interesting.

2. You compared TNA's older stars to the WWE's younger less established ones. I know i'd rather see Triple H, Big Show, Batista and even John Cena than Booker T and Kirk Angel.

3. HHH and Cena can simply put on better matches.

4. Like the Knockouts some Divas are good and some are bad. Mickie and Beth can wrestle for example.

5. You only have four points.
1) Donald Trump is involved in another storyline!
who cares about the Trump.... I sure dont.

Well apparently, media all around America do. And we'll see what it does for ratings.

2) TNA has more entertaining ring workers.
face it we all want to see wrestling... the storylines, and comedy aspects
are important but in ring work is even more important... they have AJ
Styles, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, MCMG's, Team 3D, Beer Money, etc etc
etc. yes their storylines sometimes suck but at least they are using their
real talent and not letting their real talented players sit around and be
wasted. WWE claims MVP, Morison, Santino, MIZ are the future and
getting the big time pushes. Where were those pushes on Monday
night. MVP had three seconds of ring time in the Battle Royal. By the
way I think MVP is overrated as all hell but if he is the new Main Eventer
he needs to be in the get this Main Event

The problem with TNA is, for every good worker they have, they have a bad one. For every AJ Styles, there's a Kevin Nash. For every Kurt Angle there's a Scott Steiner. And it seems that many of the bad wrestlers are getting pushed more than the good ones.
MVP, Morrison and Miz aren't Stone Cold. They don't have the natural charisma and flair for the business. But I assume Morrison's push is coming from looking great against Jericho and beating the World's Greatest Tag Team's ass. And we'll see what he does on Friday. And I assume Miz's push is coming from getting 5 minutes of mic time per show as well as actually holding his own against Cena on the mic.
I find it funny that you neglected to point out Punk, Hardy and R-Truth in your "young people not getting pushed rant". Punk is world champ, Hardy is number 1 contender and Truth interrupted Jericho and verbaly owned him.
But when was the last time you saw a young guy in TNA get a world title push? Samoa Joe? How long ago was that?
Why are you complaining about MVP's stalled push if you find him overrated?
And when did WWE say Santino was the future?

3) Everyone complains TNA gets the WWE castoffs and old timers that noone
cares about.... But the WWE has old timers too.... how many more Cena
HHH, HHH ORton (although Orton is young), HHH Batista, HHH BIg Show,
Big Show Cena, HBK HHH, Etc etc etc matches... Id rather watch Booker,
Jarrett, Nash, Steiner, Angle any day over another terrible HHH match.

Steiner and Nash are horrible right now. They can barely move. Booker's not far behind them. And Jarrett and Angle aren't far behind Booker.
Triple H is one of the most consistantly good workers in America right now, so don't say he regularly has terrible matches. He pulled a decent match out of Khali after all.
Raw may be going over some of the same feuds, but SD is fresher than a summer daisy. And Batista and HBK are retiring soon. HHH will retire not long after that. Be patient, if they retired today, WWE would be screwed by lack of drawing talent.

4) Even the Knockouts are entertaining. The WWE divas are good looking
but cannot work in the ring at all.... The KNockouts work the ring and
some of them look hot its both worlds.

At least WWE gives the divas that can wrestle a chance. Until Cheerleader Melissa is wrestling as herself, I can't take TNA's woman division seriously cause she is in the top 3 female workers in the world today.
And the knockouts actually aren't particularly hot.

5) Trump is involved in another storyline.

And you accuse the WWE of being repetitive...

6) Because five was just to show how much I really hate that idea. my real
number five reason is The X Division. ALthough it is just a division of high
spots, I have to beleive most people find spot wrestling very
entertaining... who doesn't love seeign acrobatic acts in the ring and just
marvel at it and wish they could do it.

Suicide is the top X division guy. A character from a failed video game. That should tell you something about that division.
And if you watch spotfest match after spotfest match, it will eventually get boring. At least WWE inly brings out spotfests when they're needed. And because they whip out spotfests less regularly, the wrestlers think up more spectacular spots when they are whipped out. The 2 big spots in the ER ladder match were more spectacular than anything the X division has done in a long time. Considering the age comparison, that's saying something. And the lader match spots were especially better than that 5 minute ladder match TNA had a while back... Jeez.

I have a few other reasons but lets keep my other reasons to myself for now and see what others think...

Please, let me see these other reasons.
I have been a wrestling fan since the mid 80's & I am going to have to strongly disagree with you on this one. I will attempt to counter you 5 points.

1)The Donald Trump thing is stupid in the eyes of most hardcore wrestling fans, but it did do its job. It got people talking about and watching the WWE. The problem will be this angle will probably do nothing. The WWE does not seem to understand that “yea Trump is here will get people to watch, but without a major storyline(s) they will not stay watching. However, TNA story lines are just brutal man.
2)TNA may have better in ring workers, but that honestly does not matter. In the mid 80's to early 90's people(including myself) watched WWF, NWA was putting on better WRESTLING matches. People would rather watch the mega powers explode than Steamboat/Flair. WWE was putting on better matches in 96 & 97 but lost to better sorylines. WCW was putting on better matches toward the end of the company but lost to better storylines. STORYLINES SELL NOT MATCHES! TNA does have good talent, but there is nothing I care about there. AJ Styles I will give you. But Kurt was always better as a dork heel. Am I the only one who thinks Joe is just a fat guy that can wrestle good, not great, his promos are not anything to write home about. I am not trying to be mean, but I really don't see what people see in this guy? MCM's are good, but again, I am not tuning in just cause someones in ring work is amazing, if that were true a lot more people would be watching ROH. The Dudley's??? No one has cared about those guys since 01...maybe 02. WWE great entertainers. Edge & Jericho are as good as it gets today. Randy Orton is close too. Say what you will about Cena but people love him, although I think a heel turn would be great. Guys like HHH, Batista, Big Show, are and have gotten old but so are the TNA guys they have been around for a while now too.
3)Guys are getting pushes. However, a push does not mean you get main event status or a world title...although with the WWE writers it may. Miz has received a lot of air time & a fued with Cena. They have killed Santino, but he has received his air time as well. Morrison has won his last 5-6 televised matches it seems. MVP challenged Orton his first night on Raw! The guy who actually needs to get more wins is Dolf Zigler. He is slowly drawing heat, great in work skills, havent really seen mic work because they only let him say his name.
4)If you think Nash and Steiner put on good matches...I have nothing left to say. I am a huge fan of the two because I am N...W...O 4 life!!!! But they are terrible today. If you like Steiner get some of his stuff before he became steroid freak. Nash has never had the best skills, but his matches with HBK, Hall, & early WCW days are pretty good. There is a reason Jarret never worked as a main event guy in WWF, WCW, or TNA. People just dont care about him!
5)The diva angles are just the attitude angles recycled. And their divas are not hotter than WWE's! Also WWE has an X division its called the Hardy's, Mysterio, Kingston, etc. They just don't have a STUPID BELT FOR IT!
TNA is WAAAY too gimmicky. Plus they stole most of their superstars from WWE. Look at how many have even come back to WWE. And if you're tired of seeing the same WWE stars main eventing, take a second look at TNA. They always put Sting, Joe, Jarrett, Angle or Booker in the main event. Now compare them to HHH, HBK, Orton, Batista, Cena, Punk, Edge, Show, and Christian. Yes, TNA has some pretty good quality matches, but their storylines (to me) aren't that great.
I am a pure TNA fan. Was a big wrestling fan all together but when TNA Impact was on at midnight on Spike a few years back I was flipping through the channels and saw this 6 sided ring and noticed Mike Tennay. I have always liked Tennay so I decided to wait and see what he was doing. After wondering why they paired him with a guy who was being unsuccessful at being the next Bobby Heenan on the mic I saw Jeff Jerrett come out and cut a promo. I thought it was pretty cool. Then I saw a match between AJ Styles and someone else and was hooked.

I mean yea the storylines arent always that good but hell the RAW storylines suck. I am a huge Triple H fan and HBK fan but asside from that Raw was already starting to drown itself then in my opinion.

However for me the major thing that TNA did that put them over WWE in my opinion was the hiring of Jim Cornette as an on-air personality. That man could take a pile of shit, hand it to you and make you think it's a gold nugget. The man is a wrestling genius and in my opinion if he had the money of Vince McMahon could run Vinnie Mac into the ground. If Jeff Jarrett was smart he would let Cornette do all of the booking and he and his creative team would write storylines around Cornette's bookings because Cornette comes from the old school, and most importantly he is a WRESTLING FAN.

For TNA to blow Vince out of the water TNA has all of the pieces they just arent using them.

If I was Dixie Carter I would make Cornette the Booker, continue to let Jarrett and his team write around the bookings, give Terry Taylor a budget and tell him to adjust the roster as needed. That would be awesome.

I know I got away from the main topic a bit but I tend to ramble so I should be forgiven. My point is that TNA has all the pieces at this point within their organization to make a run they just dont use them properly. They have the best tag team division in wrestling which I love, the knockouts can put on good matches and storylines which are the best in the business right now as well, they have the most exciting mid card in wrestling because they don't completely ignore it and every one of the veterans can cut a promo better than anyone in WWE not named Cena, Edge, or Triple H. TNA's overall talent in my opinion is as good if not better than WWE as well.

I have been watching TNA since they started on Spike and WWE since Wrestlemania 6. I have seen the WWE's 2 decade long rise and their gradual fall over the last 5 years. Right now TNA Impact has the better overall program than Raw and no matter what Vince says I think he knows it or else he wouldn't be making so many changes to his product and bringing in guys like Donald Trump to try to gain viewership.

Right now it is TNA over Raw all the way.
I can not stand watching TNA except for their Knockout matches and the Tag Devsion which shits all over the WWE's.
Besides from that WWE is the better company specifically Smackdown. The Trump angle will hopefully last for no more than a few months maybe resulting in a Trump VS Vince angle and that will be the end of it.

TNA's Main event is just a bunch of roided ex WWE wrestlers that wernt good enough to be picked up by the WWE or to remain there.
Just remember that the WWE wont stay on top forever. TNA may one day be big enough to overtake them. I mean, even the great NWA fell to the wayside. Change happens whether it is wanted or not. TNA like it or not has the potential to bring about that change in time.
Top 5 reasons TNA rules and WWE sucks Ass:

1) WWE treated all the former WCW/ECW originals like crap. Booker T, Lance Storm, Sabu, Raven, Mike Awesome, and Rhyno were all jobbers and shown the door. Vince McMahon even wanted Paul Heyman to go out on ECW and trash and fire all the ECW originals years ago. Besides Orton and Cena who has Triple H jobbed to? Kurt Angle and Sting have jobbed to Daniels, AJ Styles, Samoe Joe, and even Jay Lethal.

2) The titles don't mean jack anymore in WWE. TNA has incredible performers competing each and every week for the X Division title, Tag Titles, Knockouts Title and even the Legends and World Title. WWE has the same 4 guys on every show fighting for the World Titles. If I see another Orton vs. Triple H or Cena vs. Orton I'll puke. The same goes with Edge and Jeff Hardy. Chris Jericho and Mysterio actually bring something to the IC Title but they should be going for the Main Event.

3) Storyline: WWE storyline is god awful with Donald Trump as the owner of Raw? that will last.. The Vickie Guerrero and Santina storyline and hog pen match was horrible too. WWE tries to hard to get media then wrestling fans so story lines fall out the window. TNA has the Main Event Mafia, the Tag team tournament with 3D, Eric Young and Jeff Jarrett storyline, Samoa Joe's nation of violence, The Knockout Division with girls that can actually wreslte and look good doing it. Along with Stevie Richards and former ECW/WCW posse such has Daffney and Raven.

4) WWE's misuse of new talent: What's going on with these main event players we hear about.. such as MVP? Shelton Benjamin? or Brian Kendrick? The Miz is starting a feud with Cena but always gets squashed in matches and ends up doing segments with Goldust and Hornswoggle. John Morrison is squashed in his matches too. Jeff Hardy and CM Punk are in the main event but they have been there for a while now. Plus CM Punk isn't main event player in my book. TNA took Kurt Angle, Mick Foley and Victoria and made them even brighter and bigger starts then they were in WWE in the end. I've never even knew Victoria existed in WWE until she came to TNA and got her full potential. What happen to Gail Kim? and Christian? Christian won the ECW title but he should of been on Smackdown or Raw to begin with. Has anyone seen Gail Kim on tv in the past few weeks? She should be women's champion or at least have a match instead of showing the same bleach blonde bimbos with fake breasts that can wrestle their way out of a paper bag. Mr. Kennedy and Umaga, along with Taz will get the recognition they deserve along with the main event status that was only reserved for Triple H, Orton, and Cena.

5) The enviornment at a live show and the announce team is actually alive and not rigid robots that read or listen to a teleprompter. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are incredible announcers and there is no one today that can top that, however, they are seperated and these guys they got out of glue factory to do color commentary are just terrible. Michael Cole is the worst, Tod Grisham isn't that better either. At least Mike Tenay and Don West talk to each other and have a chemistry heel face conversation instead of just sit there. I've been to live WWE shows and TNA shows and the atmosphere at TNA is electric. The only time I heard anyone cheer at a WWE show was when the cameras rolled for Raw to come on the air and of course whenever Cena comes to the ring. I swear I thought I was at a Jonas Brothers concert with all the young children there. I'm biased sure, but at least TNA feels like a real adult wrestling show instead of a damn Disney reality tv show with some wrestling in it. That is why TNA rules and WWE sucks unless you are a 13 year old girl I guess..
Besides the fact about the Knockouts, I disagree with the rest.

WWE is getting ready for their mid-carders to get pushed, so now we get some new fresh match-ups often with people getting more air-time. If they had a more established tag team division, WWE would be really awesome.

Donald Trump is very well-known around the world, and his last WWE run was pretty decent. Raw went to like a 3.7 rating this Monday, let's see what they can pull off now.

TNA, in all is just too much for my eyes. We have Suicide ripped off from a comic as our TNA X Division Champion, and a guy who was in his prime 10 years ago as our champion. Sounds like fun, right?

Also, WWE is getting less repetitive but I see what you mean. I was pretty pissed off that Triple H got it, but I understand they are in a feud at the moment. I'm a huge MVP fan, so I was hoping for him.. and was mad he got eliminated second. Anyways, WWE RAW was great this Monday nonetheless, and we'll see how long Donald Trump will continue on.

yoshi_doce2006 Just remember that the WWE wont stay on top forever. TNA may one day be big enough to overtake them. I mean, even the great NWA fell to the wayside. Change happens whether it is wanted or not. TNA like it or not has the potential to bring about that change in time.

TNA won't even come close. People are boasting about how they are beating 2 out of 4 WWE shows, when they are the C and D show of WWE. If I see the day where Raw declines by half in ratings, and TNA doubles, then you can tell me otherwise, but TNA has neither the publicity or the talent to pull it off. "Sarah Palin" on their show didn't work.
Big who cares. You are just a pissed off Fan. If you want to break your loyalty with a wrestling brand because you are unsatisfied it is your problem. but no offense to your choice, TNA makes it more obvioius that wrestling is scripted when compared to WWE.
TNA is basically built from indy wrestlers and WWE's and WCW's "Too big for their britches" wrestlers. TNA is WWE's garbage pail.
Big who cares. You are just a pissed off Fan. If you want to break your loyalty with a wrestling brand because you are unsatisfied it is your problem. but no offense to your choice, TNA makes it more obvioius that wrestling is scripted when compared to WWE.
TNA is basically built from indy wrestlers and WWE's and WCW's "Too big for their britches" wrestlers. TNA is WWE's garbage pail.

Like the WWE didnt previous to the attitude era with guys like Skinner, Doink the Clown, The Berzerker, Repo Man, and countless others?

My point is simple. TNA isn't that different from the WWE 20 to 25 years ago with it's characters. It was just so long ago that you have forgotten. But believe me there was a time WWE had characters that just made you shake your head.
Top 5 reasons TNA rules and WWE sucks Ass:

1) WWE treated all the former WCW/ECW originals like crap. Booker T, Lance Storm, Sabu, Raven, Mike Awesome, and Rhyno were all jobbers and shown the door. Vince McMahon even wanted Paul Heyman to go out on ECW and trash and fire all the ECW originals years ago. Besides Orton and Cena who has Triple H jobbed to? Kurt Angle and Sting have jobbed to Daniels, AJ Styles, Samoe Joe, and even Jay Lethal.

2) The titles don't mean jack anymore in WWE. TNA has incredible performers competing each and every week for the X Division title, Tag Titles, Knockouts Title and even the Legends and World Title. WWE has the same 4 guys on every show fighting for the World Titles. If I see another Orton vs. Triple H or Cena vs. Orton I'll puke. The same goes with Edge and Jeff Hardy. Chris Jericho and Mysterio actually bring something to the IC Title but they should be going for the Main Event.

3) Storyline: WWE storyline is god awful with Donald Trump as the owner of Raw? that will last.. The Vickie Guerrero and Santina storyline and hog pen match was horrible too. WWE tries to hard to get media then wrestling fans so story lines fall out the window. TNA has the Main Event Mafia, the Tag team tournament with 3D, Eric Young and Jeff Jarrett storyline, Samoa Joe's nation of violence, The Knockout Division with girls that can actually wreslte and look good doing it. Along with Stevie Richards and former ECW/WCW posse such has Daffney and Raven.

4) WWE's misuse of new talent: What's going on with these main event players we hear about.. such as MVP? Shelton Benjamin? or Brian Kendrick? The Miz is starting a feud with Cena but always gets squashed in matches and ends up doing segments with Goldust and Hornswoggle. John Morrison is squashed in his matches too. Jeff Hardy and CM Punk are in the main event but they have been there for a while now. Plus CM Punk isn't main event player in my book. TNA took Kurt Angle, Mick Foley and Victoria and made them even brighter and bigger starts then they were in WWE in the end. I've never even knew Victoria existed in WWE until she came to TNA and got her full potential. What happen to Gail Kim? and Christian? Christian won the ECW title but he should HAVE been on Smackdown or Raw to begin with. Has anyone seen Gail Kim on tv in the past few weeks? She should be women's champion or at least have a match instead of showing the same bleach blonde bimbos with fake breasts that can wrestle their way out of a paper bag. Mr. Kennedy and Umaga, along with Taz will get the recognition they deserve along with the main event status that was only reserved for Triple H, Orton, and Cena.

5) The enviornment at a live show and the announce team is actually alive and not rigid robots that read or listen to a teleprompter. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are incredible announcers and there is no one today that can top that, however, they are seperated and these guys they got out of glue factory to do color commentary are just terrible. Michael Cole is the worst, Tod Grisham isn't that better either. At least Mike Tenay and Don West talk to each other and have a chemistry heel face conversation instead of just sit there. I've been to live WWE shows and TNA shows and the atmosphere at TNA is electric. The only time I heard anyone cheer at a WWE show was when the cameras rolled for Raw to come on the air and of course whenever Cena comes to the ring. I swear I thought I was at a Jonas Brothers concert with all the young children there. I'm biased sure, but at least TNA feels like a real adult wrestling show instead of a damn Disney reality tv show with some wrestling in it. That is why TNA rules and WWE sucks unless you are a 13 year old girl I guess..

1. Booker T was given the king of the ring crown and the world heavyweight title, Everyone really did think Lance Storm was boring as hell, Sabu is a botch master which the WWE doesn't want someone like that because their botches could put other wrestler's careers in jeopardy, Raven really sucked anyways, Mike awesome's WWE Career lasted only about a year from 2001 to 2002 he was better off in the indy circuit anyways may he rest in peace, and Rhyno was okay but he wasn't WWE material He was better off in ECW where real wrestling took place.

2. I understand that the WWE has to revamp the title scene, but right now, the title scene is a huge draw for the company. The WWE isn't only a wrestling company, it is also a business. They have Stocks and merchandise to sell. this is like TNA is a "mom and pop" store and WWE is Wal-Mart. Do you catch my drift with that?

3. The Donald Trump situation is again reiterating what I said before, it is all about Business. Trump has money and Vince McMahon wants it. The vickie guerrero hog pen match was a way of saying goodbye to her because she is leaving the company for good to spend more time with her family. Plus i don't think she likes getting booed all that much anymore. The WWE has been lagging in the creative department and there is no way of telling whether or not they are going to come back from that. I think it is because of their new PG rating.

4. Again, it is the fault of WWE's Creative team. But Vince McMahon also has a part in this. He does not like Christian very much and doesn't think he is main event material. that is why he was put in ECW. Gail Kim might be off because WWE doesn't take the divas seriously like TNA does. I have seen the Knockouts of TNA wrestle and i have to say "Damn, they could probably beat the guys in the midcard in WWE" Seriously, the WWE needs to be a bit more serious about the Divas. They aren't just eye candy(most of the divas are just not that pretty anyways) they are WWE wrestlers too. Too bad the real wrestling divas are gone like Trish Stratus, Chyna, The Cat, Victoria, and Lita(she was the best). By the way, TNA didn't take Kurt angle, Mick Foley and Victoria, they themselves decided to join the company because Kurt is a Conceited Lying sack of crap, Mick Foley wanted to wrestle but WWE just wanted to make him an announcer for the rest of his career, and Victoria wasn't happy that there were no more original Divas in the WWE.

5. Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross are legends of commentary. I wish that they were the only announcers. Michael Cole has been making so many mistakes as of late. Todd Grisham's voice is just too annoying and everyone else who announces just plain sucks. TNA's announce team reads off of a script. Here is video evidence of that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBxbP-AmWYA
Anyways, The reason why you see a bunch of Kids at a WWE event is because WWE and Vince McMahon are trying to appeal to Kids. I don't know why but they want to do so. First it is Playboy now it is Kids. I think it is a big mistake.
Anyways, I really feel that over time the WWE will finally get out of this phase and will finally be the better brand again because it has been falling back.
Maybe I shouldn't reply because I admit I have limited knowledge of TNA. I have, however, been a WWE fan for 23 years. Here is a little perspective of a life long WWE fan who just can't get into TNA.

I think one reason I can't get into TNA is simply because there is too much wrestling on tv. RAW on Monday, ECW Tuesday, Impact Thursday, SmackDown Friday, Superstars Sunday (in Chicago), and 2 or 3 ppv's per month. As I mentioned I'm a life long WWE fan so I watch RAW every week and usually record SmackDown. As for ECW and Superstars I watch them if I'm not doing anything else, but don't go out of my way to do so. So although it's not TNA's fault I'm just not willing to commit so much time to wrestling every week. I do think there are a few thing TNA can do to improve.

1. Slow Down. I know the name is Total Nonstop Action, but the matches are to fast pace. I should mention I've only seen 1 TNA ppv so I'm talking about Impact here. Every match seems to be a rushed spot fest usually ending in outside interference. Meanwhile the announcers are yelling the whole time. Everything on TNA is too loud. Honestly TNA gives me a headache and is not a pleasureable viewing experience. Slow down and let a match develop. Most young stars (WWE & TNA) need to realize that psychology is MUCH more important than high spots and pace themselves throughout a match.

2. Quit the copy cat. This isn't a huge issue, but someone mentioned previous WWE gimmicks like Doink and Repo Man. For as bad as they may have been, I will take those characters over a carbon copy of Randy Savage or Steve Austin any day. I can go out there and do a Macho Man impression too. These are ok in short spurts, but shouldn't last more than a few weeks. Then it just becomes lazy. Show some originality.

3. Get a signature event. WWE has WrestleMania. WCW had Starrcade. TNA needs their own big event. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't have one show that stands above the rest. I know this is a little hard to do. TNA started when monthly ppv's were routine. When Mania and Starrcade started they were the only big shows so they were well established by the time monthly ppv's started. TNA should try to establish a premiere event anyway. Don't just pick Sacrafice for example. Something new, with a new name. They need to save their best matches and feuds for this event. When Kurt Angle joined TNA in the fall of 2006 a match with Somoa Joe was natural. I think it would have been a lot better if they built that match for a few months instead of rushing on the first ppv they could. This would have been a perfect match for their first Mania like ppv.

4. Get rid of that damn six sided ring. I know they want to look different, but to me it looks bush league. I really don't see how this is a benefit to any of the actoin inside. I think most would agree that Shawn Michales and the Undertaker had a great match at WrestleMania. Picture that same match with the same action in the six sided ring. Maybe I'm alone here, but I think it would look pretty stupid. I just can't take matches seriously in that ring.

TNA still has a long way to go before it is serious competition to WWE, but the few things I mentioned would be a good way to start. I'll always be loyal to WWE and until TNA can make some necessary changes I will be loyal to only WWE.
Why is it that the WWE will not stay on top forever? Why is it that most of you who disagree with all that is the WWE, must constantly come on here and trash it repetitvely. You are accomplishing nothing. :smashfreakB: This whole conversation thing you have here does nothing. WWe nor TNA will change anything that you put forth simply because you brought it to the fore front. You are not anti-establishment, nor intelligent for noticing the difference in the two. If I had to pick one or the other I would watch Raw and then secretly watch Impact. Would you like to know why? Good, because I feel like telling you. :icon_smile:

The WWe and TNA, need each other. Thats right, I said it. They are competition. Did anyone notice when things really started to go well for WWE? Thats right, when WCW went ape shit crazy and let Russo do what he wanted. Now when did they start to go downhill? Good point! Exactly, they went down in ratings upon purchasing WCW, true diehard WCW fans walked away for a bit. Why because they cornered our interest. Their response was "the invasion". Remember that disaster? The point is, they need each other and they know it, thats why their contracts never stipulate them as not being able to work elsewhere, most of the time. To keep interest is great but to keep people talking is even better. You are talking about this right now, because they want you too. Both companies, so your savior TNA, isn't much more than an underpaid version of the WWE. They have goofy recycled storylines. They have talent that has to undergo so many different match types, that it is no longer innovative, it is simply hysterical. I have seen 12 different names, 12, for a street fight. That was in a two year span. Dixie Carter, is stupid. Jeff Jarrett, is a great wrestler and a shitty promoter. Cornette is Jim Ross with a banjo. Samoa Joe, OH MY FUCKING GOD. AJ Styles.....shit I love Aj. Damn it, well nothing is without a bright spot.
So in my farewell, I will leave you with the words of a great man indeed. "Significance, is in the eye of the beholder, beauty simply draws you to it." You can bitch about which company holds the most "beauty" but at the end of the day the "significance" of pro wrestling....that is something we should never lose sight of.
First off i still watch WWE, Id watch TNA If theres nufn else on....But if i was too change, my Top 5 reasons why Wud B.....

1)TNA Is alot more Hardcore
2)TNA Makes up Knew Matches nearly Every Month
3)TNA Wrestlers our far more athletic and Tuff
4)TNA Don't provide Bad Storylines
5)TNA Pay Per Views Never Disappoint

The Only Thing i have against TNA Is there On Going fued between Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe, The Fued lasted a whole year. lol But i suppose it pays well.
A couple things to say:

1) Many media outlets think the Trump purchase is legit so this idea WORKED

2) WWE young guys are not getting pushed? Orton is 28 and WWE Champion.....Punk is early 30's and World Champion.......oh and TNA's Champ is Mick Foley........man I wish WWE thought like TNA

3) Samoa Joe sucks......YEA I SAID IT.....AJ has NO MIC SKILLS........Foley is Champion.....Sting is going to be Champion again soon.......what does Cornette do?

4) Vince Russo books TNA...........can u say :wcw: year 2000 edition

5) Women's Ladder Match in TNA

6) 5 minute Ladder and Cage matches for free

7) 2 Knockout Tag Matches in the same show which go over 10 minutes each

8) Nash and Steiner just dont have it anymore considering they are pushing 50 and 60 respectively

9) Don West is the worst color commentator in the business....(listen to his commentary in the 1st Ultimate X match....says it all)

10) TNA is so good.....they are currently in a ratings battle with ECW.......again fairly self explanatory
TNA is pretty terrible right now. People are complaining that WWE has the same people going for the world titles, but every main event in TNA is Angle vs Sting, Angle vs Jarret, Sting vs Foley, Foley vs Jarret. It's the same deal. The difference is the WWE main eventers aren't people 10 years past their prime. Do they get repetitive? Yes, and Vince recognizes that which is why Smackdown is featuring Rey vs Jericho and Punk vs Hardy and why Raw is pushing up the Miz and MVP.
I'm sorry but I just can't watch TNA. To me the ring side commentary for each match is absolutely corny as hell. And some of the characters (to me anyway) are just absolutely ridiculous. Plus they ruined the old sting that I used to know and love!
i agree that the women's wrestling in TNA is .....infinitely times better than the WWE. However, while Raw seems weak you should watch Smackdown. Look at the top stars right now: Edge, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Jericho, Mysterio, Benjamin, and Morrison. They are all athletic wrestlers who can all have great matches with each other. The end result is that every Smackdown show has at least 1 or 2 great matches. It makes one forget Khali v. Ziggler is happening.
You wanna dump WWE for TNA? Fine. I'm not stopping you. But don't group Raw, Smackdown, ECW, and Superstars all together. I think they each give a different look to wrestling.
bigbadfox this is a really good thread. after this past monday night when mcmahon announced trump i was just dumbfounded. why? WM23 was enough, and it wasnt that big of a deal then. idk what mcmahon is trying to do. as far as tna goes, id rather watch trips vs orton WM25 on replay then anything involving nash, steiner or booker t. angle is still awesome to watch, as well as styles. but i dont care what woman it is, i could give 2 shits about women wrestling. im not being sexist, i just dont get any enjoyment out of it. name me one woman's match that was a classic. bottom line is that tna does have some great things you cant deny that, but the wwe is the great white shark in the small pond.
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