Top 5: WWE's most controversial moments

I am Mr. Excitement

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This just came into my head a few minutes ago. Ever since CM Punk dropped his pipe bomb in June of 2011 controversy has been erupting. Even when Brock came back to WWE and bloodied John Cena's lip to pieces, now that was controversial. Which bring me to my point what oher moments are the most controversial in WWE history in your mind?

Here are my opinions.

5) Vince Mcmahons fake death(s). I didnt want to put it on here but it was very controversial, but it was just plain stupid.
4)Mankind gets thrown off of a Hell in a Cell King of The Ring 1998. This to me is one of the key moments that defined the Attitude Era and wants really insane at the time. Its very controversial and is one of the most talked about moments in WWE history.
3)CM Punk's Shoot Promo.Hmm. I wonder if anyone knows about this. Yep, your reading it right its not number 1. CM Punk has obviously turned into the most entertaining and controversial superstar in WWE right now because of what he did on the mic in the summer of 2011. Love him or hate him he is the best in the world and no one can prove him wrong.
2)Stone Cold Steve Austin.Do I really need to explain? I put his name because you cant put every moment from Stone Cold in the top five. He possibly is the definition of controversial. The man who basically IS the Attitude Era, and the man who basically said screw the system and the boss, which audiences had never seen before on TV. From his King of The Ring speech in 96 to Stone Cold stunning Mcmahon over 10,000 times it never got old, and it was always controversial.
1)The Montreal ScrewJob.The title speaks for itself. The Montreal ScrewJob=Controversy.

Give me your thoughts and opinions on mine, and please list your top five because I know there's more than just these historical moments.
This just came into my head a few minutes ago. Ever since CM Punk dropped his pipe bomb in June of 2011 controversy has been erupting. Even when Brock came back to WWE and bloodied John Cena's lip to pieces, now that was controversial. Which bring me to my point what oher moments are the most controversial in WWE history in your mind?

Here are my opinions.

5) Vince Mcmahons fake death(s). I didnt want to put it on here but it was very controversial, but it was just plain stupid.
4)Mankind gets thrown off of a Hell in a Cell King of The Ring 1998. This to me is one of the key moments that defined the Attitude Era and wants really insane at the time. Its very controversial and is one of the most talked about moments in WWE history.
3)CM Punk's Shoot Promo.Hmm. I wonder if anyone knows about this. Yep, your reading it right its not number 1. CM Punk has obviously turned into the most entertaining and controversial superstar in WWE right now because of what he did on the mic in the summer of 2011. Love him or hate him he is the best in the world and no one can prove him wrong.
2)Stone Cold Steve Austin.Do I really need to explain? I put his name because you cant put every moment from Stone Cold in the top five. He possibly is the definition of controversial. The man who basically IS the Attitude Era, and the man who basically said screw the system and the boss, which audiences had never seen before on TV. From his King of The Ring speech in 96 to Stone Cold stunning Mcmahon over 10,000 times it never got old, and it was always controversial.
1)The Montreal ScrewJob.The title speaks for itself. The Montreal ScrewJob=Controversy.

Give me your thoughts and opinions on mine, and please list your top five because I know there's more than just these historical moments.

Cena proves Punk wrong on a weekly basis.

Pillman's got a gun should be on this list.
Pillman's got a gun should be on this list.

My guess is that would count as part of #2.

I'd replace Mankind's dive off the top of the Cell & Vince's fake death with Sgt Slaughter turning his back on America during the Gulf War & Owen's death at Over The Edge 99 (RIP Owen).
How can Owen Hart's death not be on the list? They continued to wrestle in a ring that a man died in, that's some pretty fucked up stuff.

CM Punk's "shoot" promo was awesome, no doubt, but it doesn't crack the top 5 of controversial WWE moments. Controversy implies that there was mixed feelings about it, but that promo was pretty much accepted as being a very cool angle.
WWE reporting that Jeff Hardy was found collapsed in his hotel on the morning of Survivor Series 2008 has to be up there.
5: Hacksaw and Shiek arrested together
4: Vader assault overseas TV host
3: Undertaker "hangs" Bossman, "Crucifies" Stone Cold
2: Owen Hart dies at OTE
1: Benoit murder/suicide
People, I don't think that we can list only five moments in an industry that thrives on it.
Brian Pillman pulls a gun on Austin. I saw that I was like wtf is going on. I mean just the way Pillman looked, it was crazy. They played that whole story well.
I don't think Punk's promo was controversial. It's not like anyone was offended by it, or disagreed with it for that matter. Maybe we have different definitions? Katie Vick was more controversial than that.

I also don't consider Stone Cold, a man, to be a controversial moment.

Rock vs Mankind I Quit match I think should be there.

From wikipedia- Controversy is a state of prolonged public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of opinion. The word was coined from the Latin controversia, as a composite of controversus – "turned in an opposite direction," from contra – "against" – and vertere – to turn, or versus (see verse), hence, "to turn against."

So basically your saying Stone Cold was not conteoversial? Between 1997-96 he did things that he was not supposed to do on TV. swing into the ropes and knock Vince Mcmahon to the ground. Which by the way caused an actual realistic fight that was going to happen b/w Austin and McMahon off the air. Controversy= very talked about. Same with CM Punk and his Pipe Bomb, CM Punk spoke his mind and revealed things the WWE/PG people didn't know and now the company is going towards a different direction that PG(younger/newer) fans have never seen before.
So basically your saying Stone Cold was not conteoversial? Between 1997-96 he did things that he was not supposed to do on TV. swing into the ropes and knock Vince Mcmahon to the ground. Which by the way caused an actual realistic fight that was going to happen b/w Austin and McMahon off the air. Controversy= very talked about.

No, I'm saying that Stone Cold is not a "controversial moment" lol he is a person. A person is not a moment, and that's what this thread's about. Moments.

Controversy does not equal being talked about, but usually with controversy comes much discussion.

Same with CM Punk and his Pipe Bomb, CM Punk spoke his mind and revealed things the WWE/PG people didn't know and now the company is going towards a different direction that PG(younger/newer) fans have never seen before.

Who was offended by it? Where was the dispute, where was the debate? Read your definition. The promo was universally praised and it had people talking. It was great but it has no place on this list.
How is Miss Kitty getting her boobs out on PPV not in any of the top 5 lists? The WWF got tons of shit from parents for that.
1. Montreal Screwjob
2. Mike Tyson - Steve Austin feud
3. Matt Hardy - Edge - Lita controversy played out in an angle
4. CM Punk 2011 promo and MITB walkout
5. Owen Harts death

But if you want to feature scandals then the Guerro and Benoit deaths rank above all of those.
¡Roján!;4126807 said:
Booker T banning the Brogue Kick and then re-instating it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perez Hilton will slap you around

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