Top 5 Mark Out Moments

5. Booker T returning at the Royal Rumble (according to Matt Striker "ITS A MARKOUT MOMENT BRO! IM MARKING OUT!") Anyways, Ive always been a fan of his and although his return in the Royal Rumble match was short, it was great seeing him in an amazing shape. (Yeah I have watched him TNA, but everythings better when you come back to WWE)

4. Jeff Hardy wins his first ever WWE Championship
(at that time I was a hardy fan, and the story was just amazing, he was the underdog here... he dreamed of being champion for years, and finally it happened)

3. John Cena returning at Survivor Series to win his first ever WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP from Chris Jericho.
(I'm not a Cena fan, but I do respect the guy a hell of a lot, why not add the World Heavyweight Championship to his resume?)

2. Batista vs. John Cena feud
(The whole thing was a markout for me... each and every promo I marked the fuck out! Batista played his character so well.... The moment that I really marked out by was when he said "You come out here hugging fat chicks, and kissing babies!" Total Markout

1. Its a tie between CM Punk's 4th Wall Speech, and Chris Jericho's second coming...
Both were in my opinion the greatest markout moments for me...
1. Rock's Return (2011)
2. Rock's Return to save Eugene (2004? I was there, so that is why this is rated so high)
3. Jericho's Return (2007)
4. Cena challenging Rock to WM 28 (2011)
5. Stone Cold being the host of Raw/Bret Hart hosting Raw (2010/2011) (Tie because I was at the Austin hosted Raw)
5. Cactus Jack going through the cell - No Way Out 2000

4. Evolution turning on Orton - Raw 2004

3. Stone Cold announced to return at Backlash - Raw 2000

2. Brock Lesnar and Big Show break the ring - Smackdown 2003

1. The Rock returns - RAW 2011 (I will admit 1 thing was thrown due to marking out so hard)

Other moments that made me mark out

.Elix skipper doing a hurricanrana from the top of the cage - TNA Turning Point 2004 (I only watched WWE/little bit of WCW so i had not seen crazy shit like this before)

.Sid breaking his leg - WCW 2001 (Marking out for all the wrong reasons)

.DX reuniting in 2006 (Loved them in the attitude era so i ate this one up)

.First ever Shane titan tron spot at Summerslam 2000
5. Save_US_222.
Chris Jericho's return in November of 2007. The runner sprinting into the parking lot, coming closer to the camera before being knocked on his ass by a big Clothesline, before the camera zoomed out and there stood Jericho in his pose. The promo itself was classic, just him shreiking the line, "The Sexy Beast is back baby!" made a shudder of ecstacy run down my spinal cord.

4. Stone Cold Returns - Backlash 2001
Ran down, by Rikishi, under the order of Triple H was the way the angle eventually planned out, but Steve's actual return at Backlash was huge! The pop was electrifying, and the match up until this point had been pretty classic. Just him leaving, then coming back with the ruins of the D-Generation X tour bus was funny. God I loved that match.

3. Shawn Michaels Return - Joins the nWo
HBK's final return was, and to seemingly join the nWo. Him dancing out on stage was enough to make me cream my pants, so when he spoke and eventually Superkicked Booker T's head clean off, you can imagine the mess I made. And it only got better from there with the Triple H feud.

2. DBD Returns at SummerSlam 2010
This is like a mark-after-mark type of thing. I marked for about a month. To begin, he's the only person in the history of probably wrestling to have his name chanted, loudly, at the end of a Pay-Per-View when he isn't even part of the company and John Cena vs. Randy Orton had just taken place. And then his eventual return, beating the hell out of Mizanin was great, plus he made Young tap like a bitch within a minute.

1. Christian Wins the World Heavyweight Championship
I always said if he won it I'd cry... I didn't cry, but I rang my older brother who said Christian would never do it and told him to STFU. Just the image of him atop the ladder, title in his hands. I don't think many people get what it actually mean't. He was one guy who deserved the belt and people were always fifty-fifty on. Well, these days nobody can argue he deserved it.
Honorouble Mentions: Cena returns RR2008. Mankind fell from the HIAC and chokeslammed through it. batista turns face in 2005. Hulk Hogan returns WM21
5. Kurt Angle coming out in a Penguins jersey at Slammiversary 2009.

4. Chris Jericho beating HHH for the title on Raw after goading him into the match.(Even though the decision was overturned.)

3. Mankind defeating the Rock on Monday night Raw to win the WWF/E Championship.

2. CM punk cashing in on Edge on Raw in 2008 to win the World Title.

1. John Cena returning at the 2008 Royal Rumble and winning it.

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