Top 5 Worst Wrestlemanias!


Dark Match Winner
there has been many a list on the best manias and matches of all time, but what about the ones that have truly left people disappointed! Wrestlemanias where at the end leaves the majoriy of people saying: How could this possibly have been their super bowl? The following is what imo are the worst 5 wrestlemania's wwe has failed to deliver for the fans!

#5 Wrestlemania 16 (er 2000)
this show came out during the attitude eras hey day and in looking back, they dropped the ball, no one ever talks about any match from this except the first triple ladder match (edge/christian, hardys, dudleys) and truth be told the only great match on the card, They had a ton of wrestlers at their disposal and instead of setting up great stories and one on one match ups they did not have one singles match on the whole card, Instead the thought was let's throw everyone together and see how many people we can get on a ppv, the main event 4 way was the most forgettable main even to a mania ever (until HHH/Orton anyway)

#4 Wrestlemania 25,
yes i'll get slack for this but aside from the Shawn Michaels/Undertaker match this WM was flat out inexcusable, from having punk repeat mitb, arguably their best heel failing to have a quality opponent (Jericho), then having him bitch smacked by an actor who couldnt even acknowledge he was there, to the joke of a women's match, a brother vs brother match that failed to succeed, One title match was done more with humor and just a bad mix for the triple threat. and worst of all arguably the worst main event match of all time with HHH vs. Orton (not from a story perspective, but the match blew big time!) Taker vs HBK not only was the only good thing but the only thing even worth watching!

#3 Wrestlemania 13,
very similar to my analysis from above, this ppv was horried, Taker vs. Sid did not deliver, a bunch of horried match through out (rock vs sultan anyone), essentially the same as above with only one match worth watching, hart vs austin, both epic matches from #3 and #4 on my list make prevent this stinkers of a mania from being higher

#2 Wrestlemania 9
Bad, just very bad, and i'm not even commenting on Hogan politicking his way into the main event. None of the matches on this card were very good, Who really wanted a tag of the hulkamanics vs Money Inc as one of the top draws! the only good match on this one was HBK (1st solo mania) vs tatanka, that should tell you something

and the single biggest Travesty.........

#1, Wrestlemania 11

This was so bad they put most of the matches on free tv a few weeks after the ppv, i love both hbk and diesel but there time for this feud was too early, you had bret hart vs backlund, while they did feud throughout the year, does this really belong on the super bowl of wrestling, and then you bring in a football player to main event the show. hell i'll be the first to say lt did ok in the ring but no way in hell should this have been pushed as the show's main event, just disgusting!

so there is my list, agree/disagree, and what's your list!
Myself and a friend of mine were pondering the samething this past weekend. So here's my list. In no particular order.

Wrestlemania 5: I mean really what does anybody remember about this one? I cant say that there was one quality match.You dont even see any highlights from it and that was the first pay-per-view I ordered. Im still waiting on that $19.99 refund.

Wrestlemania 7: Except for Warrior-Savage and Taker debuting there was nothing special it seemed like they threw it together.

Wrestlemaina 11: Same reason for Mania 7 they threw it out there rushed and Lawrence Taylor and Bam Bam R.I.P. had the best match on the card and you know thats just wrong.

Wrestlemania 13: This one just seemed so bland like a hyped 3 hour Raw special. We had already seen all of those matches just a lot of recycling.
Thank God for Bret-Austin.

Wrestlemania18: All I can say is if not for Hogan-Rock and Taker-Flair I would not have even kept the recording I made. No surprises and HHH-Jericho stunk up the main event.
i dunno about wm5, i mean the main event was hogan-savage

but my top 5 worst WMs are:
WM7- except for the retirement match, theres nothing really that sticks out i mean everyone knew that hogan was going to defeat the sarge

WM8-i didnt like the finish to the hogan-justice match (shoudnt have ended in a DQ) & also papa shango missed his cue to interefere in the match; the main event shoulda been hogan-flair for the title but instead it was savage-flair, which was for some reason a midcard match & occurred before the tag team title match

WM11- the main event was lawrence taylor vs bam bam (ENUFF SAID!!!)

WM21- i really have nothing against this but this was the beginning of the john cena era so... yeah

WM25- BESIDES FOR TAKER-HBK, EVERYTHING ELSE JUST SUCKED; i was so pumped about this ppv & the card but by the end of the night i was thinking WTF seriously; cm punk won the MITB bank again, i really wanted to see the tag title match & was extremely pissed when i found out that it was a dark match, kid rock performed for like 10 min & coulda had the tag title match instead, there were no diva intros cuz of kid rock which confused me because i didnt know or could tell who some of the past divas were in this match but now i could understand that because of santina, jericho defeated the 3 legends & also i think punched ric flair but got knocked out by mickey rourke of all people, hardy vs hardy wouldve been great if it was given alot more time, FINALLY the ic title comes back to WM after a 6-7 year absence but the ic title match only goes 20 secs (just when i thought the belt couldn't lose anymore prestige this happens & also it was reys 1st wm since he won the world title at 22, shoulda put em in the MITB match instead), i knew edge-cena-big show would suck cuz everyone knew cena would win, lastly after the huge buildup between orton-hhh the fans get treated with that boring crap (this shoulda been a NO DQ match & i was also upset that HHH retained & i expected one of the mcmahons to turn & join legacy, but instead it looked like your ordinary RAW or Smackdown main event match)

wouldve put WM1 or WM2 but since it was the first 2 manias u cant expect it to be really good
mine are as follows wrestlmania 1. just because the matches sucked big time jobber matches mr t i pity the fool that liked this one number 2. wrestlmania 11. lt vs bam bam vince must have been on crack number 3. wrestlmania 2000 big show should never be allowed in the bulding when it comes wrestlmemania time and foley was bout 80 lbs to big to do anything important number 4. wrestlemania 25. why build orton up and not have him kick hhh head off at the big show number 5. wrestlemania 26 how will they fuck this one up
Great topic, shit thread so far.'s my top five in descending order...that's 5-to-1 folks.

5) Wrestlemania 2. This was shit on a stick. King Kong Bundy and Hulk Hogan as the main event was enough for this to be awful. Macho Man v/s George 'the Animal' Steele and that stupid battle royal. Plus having it in about three different places was stupid, too.

4) Wrestlemania 2000. This entire PPV was attrocious. Except for the TLC match. But throwing four wrestlers into the fold, with a McMahon in each corner was stupid. That main event was one of the worst in the history of WM.

3) Wrestlemania 8 was the Wrestlemania of 'what might have been'. Instead of the Ric Flair/Hulk Hogan dream match, we get Flair v/s Savage and Hogan v/s Sid. Total let down.

2) Wrestlemania 11 was the weakest WM in known history. When Lawrence Taylor steals the show, you know it's bad. Real bad.

1) Wrestlemania 25. I pick this one because it's the 25th Wrestlemania and we got shit match after shit match from some quality guys. Except for the Undertaker and Shawn, this entire PPV was a travesty. It's a shame that such a terrific match was tainted by the rest of the stupid PPV.
5 WM 18 like it was said Y2J and HHH sucked this paper-view down the dam tube. these two could do much better now then they did then.

4 WM 8 this one did suck Hogan and Sid are you kidding me this has to be in everyones.

3 WM 9 again just awful how can Hogan find his dam way into the match when he is not even mentioned on the card. on top of that it was held outside for dam sakes.

2 WM 21 i thought this one was highly over rated. first you had JBL in a main tittle match why did they not have someone more credit put Cena over. then you had Batista and HHH this match was the worse of the ones they had so far. the only good one was Taker and Orton and Orton was not a top star then they should have held off on that feud longer.

1 WM 25 this was far and out horrific. one match by two guys who are at there end had the top match that is sad. then the two tittle matches may be the worse ever on any paper-view put together. enough said on this by everbody.
5- WM12, it had a one hit wonder match, and IMO the match could of been better.

4- WM14, had no real good matches, alot of matches at that features guys who should never of made a WM card. Main event wasn't even that good, only due to HBK's bad back, and shitty Tyson.

3- WM15 Card stunk, and the Rock Austin match is the worst of the Rack Austin WWF title series.

2- WM11, worst WWF WM, and one of the worst WWF PPV at that.

1- WM25, has got to be the worst WWE PPV made, and worst WM of them all, Taker HBK in all its glory just couldn't save Kidd Rock and all this crap-fest's glory.
I know what the worst five were, IMO, but I don't know in what order I'd place them.

Thus, in chronological order-

Wrestlemania 2 - Really nothing special on the card. With all the talent around at the time, I'm suprised at the poor level of feuds that came out of this one.

Wrestlemania 9 - I really can't find a redemption for this PPV. Yokozuna wins the title, only to lose to Hogan in less than a minute. The same Hogan that was supposed to be beat up and lost a match earlier. Pathetic.

Wrestlemania 11 - Another terribly booked card. The HBK/Diesel match was decent, but the rest of the card wasn't. If I wanted football, I'd watch the Superbowl, not Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania 15 - It was either 15 or 16 on the list here for me. However, 16 had the killer Triangle Ladder Match, where 15 didn't. I hate to put a Rock/Austin match up here, but it was by far the worst of the three, and couldn't salvage this card.

Wrestlemania 25 - I DON'T think Wrestlemania 25 was the worst of all. It was better than 2, 9, and 11 in my mind, as I was at least moderately entertained by 25. I don't want to say what everyone else has said, but HBK/Taker was by far the show stealer. The rest of the card was mediocre; dragged down by a terrible main event and poor pacing. I was actually more into JBL quitting than HHH/Orton. Sad...
Wrestlemania 8 - This is THE worst period. Hogan sucks and they messed up the final spot. HOW do you botch the finish to a main event at a wrestlemania?

Wrestlemania 25 - Worst of the Cena era BY FAR. MITB had too many missed spots to count. I don't watch wrestling for music performances (this reminded me of Travis Tritt at Road Wild 98 but was at least AFTER the wrestling was over). Orton/HHH had a PHENOMINAL match at No Mercy 07, but this was like watching a WCW main event. What a huge let down.

Wrestlemania 20 - It seems like the WWE really knows how to drop the ball when it comes to anniversary shows. Rock & Sock/Evolution was the only bright spot here. I know there are a lot of Guerrero/Benoit marks out there, but you don't end the biggest PPV in company history with these two on top. And when you look at who they defeated it is even more nauseating. Don't get me wrong they were both great storytellers, but this ending should have happened at a lesser event.

Wrestlemania 9 - Hogan STILL sucks and he somehow wound up in the finish. Too bad because the ME was actually good, but most of the undercard and the finish left me with bad memories of The Showcase of The Immortals.

Wrestlemania 1 and 2 - Both equally bad and hard to watch due to the production. Just too old school for my tastes honestly. I mean how many of you actually pop one of these in just for the hell of it?
Countdown to the Top 5 Worst Wrestlemanias:

5) Wrestlemania 16 (2000)

While everyone shits on the Main Event, I actually enjoyed it. However, Big Show in the Main Event? Are you kidding me? Great swerve at the end, however, in allowing Triple H to keep the title, as that dropped more than just a few jaws in the arena, and I'm sure of people watching at home. People griped about it, but the Unpredictability factor was great, since EVERYONE was expecting Rock to become the Champion. Hopefully, in years to come, people will grow to appreciate the finish of this match.

Only other plus was really the TLC Match. Everything else was pretty terrible. There was literally ONLY 1 Singles match on the entire card and that was The Kat vs Terri Runnels. Everything else was either a Tag Match, or a Gimmick Match. Pretty lousy card.

4) Wrestlemania 15

Here, WWE was at the Peak of the Attitude Era, and they produce one of the Worst Manias of all time. How the Hell could this have happened?

If not for Stone Cold vs The Rock, this Wrestlemania would have been even closer to the top of the list, as that was the only match that saved the show. They put together one of the worst Hell in the Cells of all time, and having two heels face each other in the cell. Big Boss Man vs The Undertaker. What was Vince smoking?

Big Show vs Mankind was a terrible match with a terrible finish.

The complete undercard was terrible. Very disappointing show, considering this was the PPV of the year during the WWE's most popular time period. What was even worse was that this was the first Mania I actually attended, and even in attendance live, I knew it sucked.

3) Wrestlemania 9

Well, what can I say? Awful match after awful match. And the Main Event was also pretty bad, as well.

Razor Ramon vs Bob Backlund
Doink vs Crush
Lex Luger (The Total Boring Package) vs Mr. Perfect
Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez

The only real thing I give this show props for was the effort they put into the Roman Coliseum theme for the show. I thought they did a nice job with the Opening Ceremonies, and decorating the Arena to provide a different ambiance for the event.

2) Wrestlemania 2

Unwatchable by today's standards. The only reason this show is not ranked first, is because of the time frame it was in. Even though it was still disappointing by standards back then, they still get a slight curve because of it.

1) Wrestlemania 11

I am in agreement with the overall consensus (from most of the Forums I visit) that this Wrestlemania was indeed the worst Wrestlemania of all time. Absolutely no excuse for such a terrible Wrestlemania, in that time frame. None.

Main Event: LT vs Bam Bam Bigelow??????????
Bob Backlund vs Bret Hart?
Owen/Yoko vs Smoking Gunns
Allied Powers vs Jacob and Eli Blu

Diesel and Shawn Michaels had a pretty bad match, thanks to Kevin Nash.

Given it's time frame, I have not seen a more worse Wrestlemania from the time the bell rang until the time it was over, other than Wrestlemania 11.
How anyone can name WrestleMania 1 in this list is beyond me. Sure, by today's standards, the production value would be considered poor, but remember, IT WAS 1985, and without it, you wouldn't have the great Manias to come. Anyways, I'll put my high horse back in the stable...

5. WrestleMania 5: Other than the Mega Powers exploding, nothing memorable.

4. WrestleMania 14: Other than the main event, nothing really memorable other than the return of LOD, which was ok. In hindsight watching Michaels pull off a pretty decent match in his condition was pretty awesome.

3. Wrestlemania 15: Honestly, other than the Rock/Austin, I can't recall ANYTHING else from this show

2. Wrestlemania 16: Again, nothing memorable, crappy 4 way main event

1. Wrestlemania 11: No need to explain as everyone else seems to be in agreement on this one

** I can't include Mania 25 because I was there and the spectacle blinded me from being able to see any crappiness lol.
Thats not in particular order:

WrestleMania 2: The main event was Hogan vs Bundy in a cage match, enough said.Adding the stupid 3 venues thing and you'll know that this sucked big time.

WrestleMania 7:This was supposed to be the biggest WrestleMania at its time, they even booked the 100,000 LA Memorial Colliseuim but poor tickets sale made them go for the 18,000 LA Sports Arena instead and you want to know why? because nobody cared about Hogan vs Slaughter or any match of the card except the Savage vs Warrior match.

WrestleMania 8:This was supposed to be headlined by the biggest stars of all times, Hogan vs Flair, but the WWF screws up again and we see (Savage vs Flair, which was good) and Hogan vs Sid which was awful, the ending describes it all Papa Shango lost his cue in interference, so Sid gets away from the pin after the leg drop and then Harvey caused the DQ by interfering, Papa Shango finally arrives and looks like an idiot because at that time Sid and Harvey were completly dominating Hogan and then Warrior makes his comeback and saves Hogan, he looked so skinny that some people thought he was Kerry Von Erich in diguise, there are defeanitly worse WrestleMania endings than Orton vs HHH.

WrestleMania 9: This IMO has the worst WrestleMania ending of all time, Hogan who returned to the WWF after a brief hiatus, had a tag match with Beefcake against Ted Dibiase and IRS where the Mega Maniacs would lose by DQ where Bret Hart the defending WWF champion will face Yokozuna for the title which was supposedly the main event, Hogan (not letting go of his ego) told Vince that Yoko would become the first heel to win a WrestleMania main event and thus fans wouldn't be happy and that it would be a better idea to make if Mr. Fuji, Yokozuna's manager, threw salt in Hart's eyes, enabling Yokozuna to pin Hart and win the WWF Championship only for Hogan to check on Hart and then challenge Yoko where he'll defeat him for the title in under 25 seconds, do I need to mention JR wearing toga or Giant Gonzalez spray body paint or Luger's narcissist" gimmick, this have to go down as the worst WrestleMania in history.

WrestleMania 11: When the main event is LT vs Bam Bam then you'll know that this Mania sucked, other than the HBK vs Diesel everything on the card didn't make sense and each match was done on Free TV after that and was way better than what happened at the greatest show on earth.

WrestleMania 21: Ok, this wasnot the worst Mania and I know it had Four Great matches(Rey vs Eddie, Angle vs HBK, Taker vs Orton and First MITB) but you feel that this is an extende 3 hour RAW special, espcially with the way we had about 15 minutes wasted in a Piper's Pit segment on a PPV and another 15 minutes having Hassan and Daivari attacking Eugene only to have Hogan come back to make a lame save, they could have added two more matches on the card, and given the fact that the two main events where completly stale I just picked this one.

Honorable mentions:
WM4:The Final should've been Hogan vs DiBiase, but their only way of building the mainevent of WM5 was by giving the belt to the Macho Man, adding the fact that on the same time the first Clash of Champions was airing made things worse.
WM12: The main event saved the day
WM13:Could've been a disaster if it weren't for Bret vs Austin
WM15:The fact that Michael Cole spoiled the main event made it worse for an already bad Mania
WM16:Triangle Ladder Match and the forgetable two falls triple threat match for the Euro and IC titles between Angle,Benoit and Jericho saved this from being the third worst after 9 & 11
WM25:HBK vs Taker was the only thing in this.
The 2 fall match was not forgettable!

Here are mine in no particular order:

WM I: Okay, okay, I know it was the beginning of it all, the spectacle, etc. But it bugs me that the belt wasn't on the line in the Main Event, it just seems wrong to me. And the main event is really dull. I've watched it a few times and it doesn't really do much for me.

WM II: As discussed, pretty dire. Mediocre main event, stupid tri-arena event (which weakened the commentary). From memory I enjoyed the Bulldogs winning the belts on this one but other than that it's pretty poor. Haven't watched it in about 10 years I reckon.

WM IV: I actually loved this when I was a kid and I feel guilty about listing it here, but it's really poor. I love the main event though because I'm a huge mark for Savage. The rest was dire though.

WM IX: Piss poor ending. I'm not against an impromptu match per se, but having Mania finish with a 9 second finish like that was piss poor, that reign of Hogan's was arguably the worst in WWE history. The HBK-Tatanka match was good, the rest was pretty dull.

WM 11: Dire. Bam Bam bigelow in the main event is bad enough, but against an American Footballer? Farcical, it's easy to see why WCW were able to take a foothold in the mid-90s when you watch this shit.
there has been many a list on the best manias and matches of all time, but what about the ones that have truly left people disappointed! Wrestlemanias where at the end leaves the majoriy of people saying: How could this possibly have been their super bowl? The following is what imo are the worst 5 wrestlemania's wwe has failed to deliver for the fans!

#5 Wrestlemania 16 (er 2000)
this show came out during the attitude eras hey day and in looking back, they dropped the ball, no one ever talks about any match from this except the first triple ladder match (edge/christian, hardys, dudleys) and truth be told the only great match on the card, They had a ton of wrestlers at their disposal and instead of setting up great stories and one on one match ups they did not have one singles match on the whole card, Instead the thought was let's throw everyone together and see how many people we can get on a ppv, the main event 4 way was the most forgettable main even to a mania ever (until HHH/Orton anyway)

#4 Wrestlemania 25,
yes i'll get slack for this but aside from the Shawn Michaels/Undertaker match this WM was flat out inexcusable, from having punk repeat mitb, arguably their best heel failing to have a quality opponent (Jericho), then having him bitch smacked by an actor who couldnt even acknowledge he was there, to the joke of a women's match, a brother vs brother match that failed to succeed, One title match was done more with humor and just a bad mix for the triple threat. and worst of all arguably the worst main event match of all time with HHH vs. Orton (not from a story perspective, but the match blew big time!) Taker vs HBK not only was the only good thing but the only thing even worth watching!

#3 Wrestlemania 13,
very similar to my analysis from above, this ppv was horried, Taker vs. Sid did not deliver, a bunch of horried match through out (rock vs sultan anyone), essentially the same as above with only one match worth watching, hart vs austin, both epic matches from #3 and #4 on my list make prevent this stinkers of a mania from being higher

#2 Wrestlemania 9
Bad, just very bad, and i'm not even commenting on Hogan politicking his way into the main event. None of the matches on this card were very good, Who really wanted a tag of the hulkamanics vs Money Inc as one of the top draws! the only good match on this one was HBK (1st solo mania) vs tatanka, that should tell you something

and the single biggest Travesty.........

#1, Wrestlemania 11

This was so bad they put most of the matches on free tv a few weeks after the ppv, i love both hbk and diesel but there time for this feud was too early, you had bret hart vs backlund, while they did feud throughout the year, does this really belong on the super bowl of wrestling, and then you bring in a football player to main event the show. hell i'll be the first to say lt did ok in the ring but no way in hell should this have been pushed as the show's main event, just disgusting!

so there is my list, agree/disagree, and what's your list!

First of all I pretty much agree with you on 5, 3, 2 and 1, Mania 25 I dunno I'd need to watch it again and reevaluate my opinion on the show.

however Mania 2000 (16) if you look at the card they're is only ONE singles match and that being a women's match, from a fans stand point looking back the card sucked, far to many tag matches (4 all together) but the hardcore title match was fun, ending was a bit hashed but cool neither the less, also the Euro/IC titles match, again stupid booking desicions would it not have been better for Jericho to win the Euro title first then have Benoit win the IC Title? and the main event was absolute bollocks if was a cluster-fest and came off bad, this is one of the only wrestlemania's that I have on Video and haven't watched since maybe 2002 as I just can't get into the event.

Wrestlemania 13 this event is a funny one for me personally some PPV's I can recall watching then live or on tape for the first time, this one I can remember being so hyped, recently watched about a month ago, not the greatest of cards, the 4 team opener was rushed I got the sense they tried to rehash Summerslam 1996's four corners tag match that was quite good IMO, but failed, along with the dismal Rocky IC Title run, only good thing about his run was he dropped the belt to Owen, Austin/Bret Classic, and The Chicago street fight wasn't to bad just depends on what you like, the Main event well that lacked.

From what I've read tho the card wasn't meant to be fairly different, with Bret/HBK, Bulldog/Austin (they'd been feuding a little) and I'm sure it was Rocky/Owen (I could be wrong tho) but the whole card was more or less changed from head to toe when Shawn lost his smile.

Wrestlemania 9 I can't comment on this event as I've never seen it and don't wish to view it, the whole event just looked like a make shift card with the attraction match the tag titles, and the main event.. also this was HBK's 2nd singles match at Mania his first was mania 8 Vs Tito Santana

Wrestlemania 11 again I can remember what this for the first time, and watched it about 6-7 months ago, like stated before definitely dropped the ball on this and to the threat starter HBK/Diesel was about 7 months in the making through out the summer of 94 they had HBK super kick Diesel 3 times which culminated in Diesel losing the IC Title to Razor then costing his team at the Survivor Series, HBK won the rumble which set this match up, so IMO this wasn't rushed in the least, but the card could of done with some changes, but looking back the card pretty much summed up what was going on in WWE at the time Undertaker was gunning for the Million $ team, HBK/Diesel (I would of been nice to add Bulldog in the match but at the team triple threats were unheard of) Razor/JJ and Bam Bam/Taylor should of been co main event but the whole event was about getting as much celebrity a lists as possible which they did.. to be honest tho I think this event pretty much sums up the way WWE was at the time, it could of been much worse tho if you look back at some the characters that were around at the time The Goon, Avitar, Mantar to name a few.
WM21- i really have nothing against this but this was the beginning of the john cena era so... yeah

WM 21 i thought this one was highly over rated. first you had JBL in a main tittle match why did they not have someone more credit put Cena over. then you had Batista and HHH this match was the worse of the ones they had so far. the only good one was Taker and Orton and Orton was not a top star then they should have held off on that feud longer.

If someone else starts dissing Wrestlemania 21, Im going to bitch slap them. It was a good Wrestlemania. "oh, Cena went over...wah wah wah". He got put over JBL after a his year long reign as WWE Champion. How is that not someone with credit?
HBK and Angle, Orton and Taker, Guerrero and Mysterio. Hogan, Austin. It was good so stop trashing it if you haven't actually watched it.

My 5:

Wrestlemania VI: I may be skinned alive for this but I didnt like this wrestlemania. Going into it, I felt it was just a one match show, sort of like this past years mania. Maybe its a little biased as I have never been quite sold on the match itself, but Hogan and Warrior was good for what it was. I always felt that a match that outshined it was Bad News Brown vs Roddy Piper, controversial and non stop fighting. Whereas the face vs face got all the attention.

Wrestlemania IX: This was bad. I thought it was a cool idea, the whole roman, outdoors thing, I even liked the opening match, HBK vs Tatanka. It went downhill. The title match just left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Wrestlemania XI: This doesnt draw my ire as much, because it did give us HBK vs Diesel which I enjoyed as a stand alone match. Should have been the main event though, as celebrity matches can work, if used in lower card. (See: Mayweather)

Wrestlemania XII: Two mediocre ones in a row. I was heartbroken. At first I was hearing all this great stuff about the iron man match, and it was good. On the highlight reels. I just needed to cut out all those rest holds. Im sorry if you're offended, and it is a good match. Just have your fast forward button ready. Diesel vs Taker is also pretty decent.

Wrestlemania XV: I didnt like it. Sorry. Rock vs Austin I know I know. And i have nothing against that match. But look at the rest of the card. When you dont have any other halfway decent matches, its not a good wrestlemania.


Perhaps the Brawl for all? Oh yes, Butterbean is so good. when the 30 seconds this takes is too long, you know its bad.

Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett vs D’lo Brown/Test? Oh yeah this was excellent. I couldnt even type that with a straight face.

When SHane O Mac is having one of the better matches of the night....WITH X PAC, you know its a bad Wrestlemania.

Keep your Wrestlemania 2000's and your Wrestlemania 2's. I liked them.

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