Top 5 Sitcoms of the 2000's


I'm better than you!
I want to know what your top 5 sitcom’s are for the last decade. This means that you can only choose sitcoms that started after January 1st 2000. Shows like Friends etc can’t be included as they started in the 90’s.

Okie doke so let’s get started.

5. The Office (UK) – 2001-2003

The original is usually the best and that’s certainly the case here. The UK version of The Office was a first of its kind and Gervais’s writing and delivery was gold. The characters have great chemistry and complete storylines wonderfully. As hard as the US version tried it just never delivered.

4. Malcolm in the Middle – 2000-2006

I loved this show when I was at school. My friends and I would talk on the bus about it every morning after it aired. I remember playing the circle game all through high school and I have Malcolm and his brothers to thank for it. I just love Hal’s relationship with Lois and Dewey’s antics. I loved Reece’s behaviour and Malcolm’s ability to hold everything together. It really is one of the best family oriented shows ever created.

3. How I Met Your Mother – 2005-Present

Although the fifth season was lacking this show is still in its prime. The chemistry between the main cast is great, I haven’t seen that sort of chemistry since Friends and it’s refreshing to see. Marshall cracks me up every time he opens his mouth and Barney is comedy gold. And holding the show together is Ted’s quest for love. They have a great suspense aspect to the show too; when are we going to meet the mother of Ted’s children? It gives you enough to keep you wanting to know who it is without overdoing it. I’m really looking forward to the 6th season and where they go from here.

2. The Big Bang Theory – 2007-Present

It was a really hard choice between How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang as to who would get the number 2 spot but I’m going with Big Bang because I’ve laughed the hardest I have in a while since watching all 3 seasons this week. It’s comedy gold. They haven’t gone with the stereotypical unattractive nerds with glasses and sinus issues but have gone with more realistic geeks. Each character brings something to the table, Howard’s over the top unsuccessful womanizing, Raj’s inability to talk to women unless he’s drunk, Leonard’s quest to get Penny and Sheldon’s ridiculous way of life. And the fun thing about the show is it has Penny to bring it back to a more ‘normal’ way of life. The story’s are always entertaining and the guest stars never fail to impress me. I can’t wait for the next season of Big Bang and can really see it becoming one of my favourite shows of all time.

1. Scrubs – 2001-2010

Although Scrubs ended with an under-par season it’s still my favourite show of the 2000’s. I love everything about this show. Everything from Cox to Kelso, Janitor to Ted, JD to Turk... Everything. There isn’t one thing I could criticise about it other than the 9th season being a bit all over the place. I loved JD’s endless day dreaming, Turk’s cockiness, Cox’s hard exterior but caring interior and the Janitor’s never ending mission to get JD back for sticking a penny in the front door. When Scrubs ended I hadn’t felt like that since Friends went off the air and that’s all credit to Scrubs. I only rate Friends higher and the only show I see beating Scrubs anytime soon is Big Bang. I love Zach Braff too, anything he touch’s I love. Garden State is one of my all time favourite movies and Scrubs is no different.

So, tell me what your top 5 are. I’m interested to know how many of you agree with my list and how many of you have completely different lists.
Mine are:

1. Scrubs- I gre up watching this show was a teenager up until the whole series finished this year, the show always had memorable moments whether, funny, sad or serious. In a way Scrubs gives life lessons with its episodes too which make me think as well. Dr. Cox has so many quotable lines its hard to pick a favourite, JD and Turk are the best best buddy/bromance duo in a sitcom, i consider it one my all time favourite sitcoms.

2. Two And A Half Men- I know this show has gotten alot of hate on this site, but i absolutely adore this show, i find it extremely funny and all the characters play their roles well.

3. Malcolm In The Middle- I grew up on this show as well through high school, i used to watch it with my dad, Lois almost mirrored my own mother, but also the family was so messed up you couldn't help but laugh. The final episode was good to and revealed the plan all along.

4. That 70s SHow- This was a show i watch all the time, it gave me endless hours of enjoyment, Red was one of the best TV dad's ever, he always had something great to say, Hyde was a badass and well, but all the characters were funny which made for a good show.

5. Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia- This is such a foul mouthed sitcom, i love it, just the hilarity that Dennis, Dee, Frank, Charlie and Mac get up to is great and the fact that they are all assholes makes the show better.

I have watched this show from the very beginning to the very bleak end and I loved every single minute of it. Although I thought that they should have ended ti after Zack Braff decided to leave, I was actually glad that they kept it going for a while. This was mainly due to my love of the show and my unwillingness to see it disappear off of my TV. However, it is gone now and that is probably for the best. For me, it is definitely the best sitcom of the 21st Century and could possibly be the best sitcom ever. I have seen every single episode over and over again and there is not a show that I constantly laugh at as much as Scrubs. The cast really made this show and I am gad that we got 8 great seasons out of it. Not a lot of shows can say that.

Arrested Development

Utterly fantastic show and it was a God-damn travesty that this was cut off after the third season. It was possibly the funniest thing I have seen since… Well, since ever actually. The cast and characters were utterly outstanding and I still cannot understand why it was cancelled. I know it never really pulled in a huge amount of viewers but I always thought that it was a magical show that was hugely funny and really got a raw deal when it was cancelled, I don’t think it deserved to be and perhaps is where some of the mystique is coming from.

The Office (US)

I have just started to get into this after watching the UK version of the show. Personally, I love this show and think it is much better than the UK version. Steve Carrell is wonderfully funny in this role and for having such a big ensemble cast, each character has great traits that make this show a laugh-a-minute comedy. However, it is the situations that Michael (Steve Carrell) gets himself into that pleases me the most. Yu wouldn’t think that an office would be the place for comedy gold but Ricky Gervais really created something special when he created this show and the US version has really gone from strength to strength.

How I Met Your Mother

Legen… Dary.

It’s Always Sunny

This is another show that I came late to and I am happy that I found it. I managed to watch a few episodes online last year as we went through the sitcoms tournament and I absolutely adore it. I have all the seasons on my computer now and although I am not fully caught up, this show really captures my imagination. Charlie is wonderful in it and some of the situations the gang get into are just insane. Danny Devito plays a great role on the show and I feel that this show has managed to attain cult following despite not being that greatly successful in the mainstream and abroad like the other shows have. Hilariously funny show though.
Curb Your Enthusiasm - maybe my favourite show ever. My friends say I'm a lot like Larry David, although I'm neither bald or Jewish. On all other counts, they're probably right. Although in truth the man's a bit of a dick, his intentions are always good, and there's so many moments in the show where I find myself agreeing with his warped sense of social justice. Plus it's absolutely hilarious.

The Office (US) - I always liked the UK version of the show, but IMO the US version is in a league of it's own. With the UK series it felt like a Ricky Gervais vehicle in places, but with this one every character has a chance to shine, and they're all brilliant in their own way.

Peep Show - I dunno how popular this is outside the UK, but I'd urge any fan of that classic awkward British humour to check it out.

Black Books - Another British sitcom, centring around a hostile and completely hateful bookshop owner. One of those shows you can seemingly watch over and over again, so many moments of genius.

30 Rock - This is one I've just gotten into recently. The humour's probably an acquired taste, but the show makes me laugh a ridiculous number of times with every episode. It's pretty much the fast-paced comedy of old school Simpsons in a live action setting. Tina Fey is a goddess.
- The IT Crowd - Written by the man behind Father Ted. It's about 3 people working in the IT department of a major company. Chris O'Dowd is fantastic as Roy and Richard Ayoade brilliant as Moss. I recommend this to anybody who was a fan of Father Ted and is a fan of surreal humour.

- Two and A Half Men - I'm up to series 4 of this and I think it's just a fantastic show. Written well and the jokes keep coming and coming. Charlie Sheen is pretty much awesome in everything he does film and TV wise so it's no suprise that TAAHM has been the success it has.

- That 70's Show - Hillarious TV show about the lives of young people in the 70's. It launched the careers of Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis and is probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen on TV. It could have done without the Eighth series as it kinda lost its appeal after Ashton and Topher left but it was still funny as hell.

- Scrubs - Everybody and their dog will know how good Scrubs is. The relationship between JD and Turk will always be something I remember and will always make me laugh. The show isn't just about Zach Braffs character however. The laughs keep coming throughout the cast. This is a program I can put on when I'm feeling a little down and it always perks me right up

- Arrested Development - A fantastically written TV show. The jokes were smart but funny and the actors superb. Cancelled way before it's time it centered around the life on Micheal Bluth the eldest son of George Bluth who was arrested on treason charges. Micheal has to take control of his dysfunctional family with hillarious results. This program lauched the careers of Jason Bateman, Will Arnett and Micheal Cera. Definitely one to check out if you have never seen it before.
Here are my top five 2000 sitcoms in no particular order.

George Lopez - I was very shocked to not see this on anyones list, this was a very funny show and was more along the lines of a traditional sitcom centered around a family and their every day life. The show went strong for 6 seasons and 120 episodes during a period where it was very hard for a sitcom to survive thanks to reality tv taking over.

Malcolm in the Middle - One of my favorites that i still watch to this day whenever i come across it on nick at night. The cast just blended so well together, not to mention it was on fox which rarely allows the family style sitcom to go very long before canceling it. So much of the events on this series reminded me of things i had seen in my life and it was rather funny to see the things play out the way they did.

Everybody Hates Chris - Although this was a little short lived only going 4 seasons and had under 100 episodes it catches my eye as one of the sleepers for this category. Never have i come across one episode of this show where i didn't laugh at something. The characters seem to tell Chris Rock's story so well and the key factor in that was he narrated and wrote most of the storyline involved. In standards of being one of the best of all time its not even close but it holds its ground as a solid sitcom to say the least.

That 70's Show - Although this show got its start in the late 90's the bulk of its run occurred during the 2000's and this show was up not only in my top 5 for the 2000's picks but top 5 ever for me personally. Even though near the end when the show winded down and many key elements were missing i still found the show tolerable and at times enjoyable. I recall sitting down with the family and watching this quite regularly as a kid and it was always a fun time. I miss this show very much and i consider myself fortunate to own the complete series on DVD.

House - Although i have never kept up with this on a regular basis the times i do watch it i am always eyes glued to the screen. Provides a very interesting story and keeps you wondering whats coming next. I do intend to really catch up with the series at some point and if anyone else is looking for a show to get into i suggest this one.
How I Met Your Mother- I actually suit up now, no lie

The Office (US)- I didn't start watching it until last summer, but the Michael Scott character is so influential to me according to my friends

That 70's Show- It was just an all around good comedy about the 70s

Scrubs- I loved it until the last season. They had a perfect spot to end it but they kept beating the dead horse. Otherwise, it always made me laugh.

The Big Bang Theory- I just recently started watching it and it's hard for me to put down. It's sad that I understand the majority of what they are saying.
1- Leverage- I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE this show. Gots a great cast of people. Christian Kane, from the Angel series. Then you have Timothy Hutton, who has been in TONS of great movies. Then you have Aldis Hodge, he was in one of the more recent Taco Bell commercials, I know, its a quip of mine. These people are con people who do good for the helpless, but do it in THEIR way, and connive the bad people.

2-CSI-(all the various versions)- each cast has their own mojo to me, and I just love the mechanics involved with solving some big drama that goes down. I still don't think I'm truly over Grissom leaving, but I think Lt. Mac Taylor and Horatio Caine are helping me.

3-LA Ink- I love the drama in this tattoo parlor. Kat VonD and her awesome artwork and the artists that do these tattoos. I love seeing the stories behind people and their choices, some just make me cry uncontrollably depending on how sad they are. :icon_sad:

4- Tosh.0- this dude is hilarious. I love his snarky comments on various web videos, and his breakdowns, and you see him super-impose himself sometimes on some of the clips. Then the web redemptions are just too funny sometimes.

5- American Dad- I didn't think I'd like it at first, but that family is too funny for words. The alien that lives with them just adds his two cents all the time and the naivete of the dad is always leaving it open for more humor.
1. Entourage: My all-time favorite show, everything on that show is hilarious.
2. Chuck: I love that is not your typical action show where they almost make fun of things that you would see in a normal show like that
3. That 70's Show: Great show, the type that you could watch re-runs of all the time and they are still funny.
4. Modern Family: The show has only had one season but its great.
5. Always Sunny: I just started watching this show after a friend of mine told me about it but another great comedy show, it would be higher on my list if I'd seen more espisodes.
1.) Entourage - just got into this show earlier this year, have seen every episode since, absolutely love this show, Johnny Drama is my favorite character of the show.
2.) The Office (US) - started watching a couple of years ago, had to watch a episode for school thought it was great, watched all the episodes, its gonna suck when carrell leaves after the next season
3.) That 70's Show - watched it since the beginning, hilarious show, like someone said its one of those shows where you can watch them all over again and they're still funny as the first time you watched it.
4.) The Game - Just a hilarious show, love it, cant wait for it to come back this year or next year. Malik, TT, Derwin, and Jason and fucking hilarious. not to mention some hot ass women.
5.) My Wife & Kids - Great show, sucked that they cancelled it. every person on this show was funny as hell. i always watch the re-runs whenever i can.
1- How I Met Your Mother: What can be said about this comedy that hasn't already been said.

2- Psych: James Roday and Dulé Hill have made a complete hit here. Matter of fact, other networks have followed their lead with a more serious tone, I.E. The Mentalist.

3- Two and A Half Men: This series has dominated CBS' Monday night line-up with an absurd amount of authority. It seems to keep pushing forward and the story-lines grow with every season.

4- Royal Pains: Mark Feuerstein and Paulo Costanzo have produced a hit that won't soon see it's end. I predict this show to be the second coming of Monk

5- Leverage: Timothy Hutton, Beth Reisgraf, and Christian Kane have produced a massively entertaining hit that keeps viewers interested and engaged. They keep the arcs fresh and they push the bounds of their storylines.
5.Malcom in the Middle- It was a constantly good show, usually pretty funny, and whenever it was on I watched it.

4.King of Queens- I think it's a pretty good show, I laugh during every episode, and Kevin James is a pretty funny guy overall.

3.Scrubs- I think it's not only a funny show, but it deals with issues that can happen to anyone, not just hospital workers. I am always drawn to the episodes of the show, and even if something else is on TV that I like, I can't bring myself to change the channel because the show is that good.

2.George Lopez- This is one of the better shows that I've ever watched, because George Lopez is really funny on it, and so is Belita Moreno (George's mom), not to mention how hot Constance Marie (George's wife) and Masiela Lusha (George's daughter(yes she's legal) are.

1.That 70's Show- BEST. SITCOM. EVER. The episodes are great, every character is hilarious, the episodes have good, entertaining stories, and Laura Prepon (Donna) and Mila Kunis (Jackie) are super hot.
1. Curb Your Enthusiasm - The Seinfeld of this decade.
2. 30 Rock - Funny and smart at the same time. hard to accomplish.
3. The Office - Either one, really, but I'll go with the US version. Never get tired of watching this show, in repeats or even the new episodes, even though they've been sub par since like season 4-5...
4. Family Guy - Defined this generation like Simpsons did the one before.
5. Scrubs - I didn't really want to put it here, but you kinda have to considering it was on for the entire decade and was really a funny and unique show the first few years. They overstayed their welcome, but I think they really paved the way for a lot of no laughtrack/audience shows that followed it.
Family Guy - The first 2-3 seasons were almost always awesome. Lately it's been a lot of hit-and-miss stuff, but I usually get a cheap laugh or two.
Scrubs - Probably my favorite show in the past decade. JD and Turks 'guy love'. JD's constant flashbacks. Dr. Cox. It had comedy, drama, everything you could ask for. It actually got better as the years went on, too, aside from that abomination of a last season.
That 70's Show - Still watch it from time to time and get a good laugh out of it. Most of the characters gave me a few laughs. However, like Scrubs, the last season without Kelso and Eric, was horrible.
South Park - I know it didn't start in 2000, but in about the 5th season is where it really started to become awesome, starting with the Scott Tenorman episode. Still one of my favorites to this day.
Yes, Dear - A little more of a family-friendly show then some of my other choices, but it still was quite entertaining for most of its run. I wasn't a big fan at the last few episodes, but it still doesn't change my view that it was funny and you could get some laughs out of it with your family.
Two & A Half Men - I never ever expected Charlie Sheen to be funny but he pulled it off. It's the next best comedy after Friends. Him, Jon Cryer & the kid have great chemistry together.

Malcolm In The Middle - I never watched much of it but in the episodes I watched, it was good. They're the epitome of teenage hellraising.

Everybody Hates Chris - A funny narrator and would have funny ass scenes that would never be pulled off in real life but have been thought about or refrenced in rl. It's like a real version of The Simpsons.

The Office (UK) - This was the show that made Ricky Gervais and brought him into the mainstream world. Contains memorable & ROFLMAO moments. Also it was a new concept at the time to me, comedy in an office, never seen that before.

My Wife & Kids - It wasnt all that funny but it was a good family show to watch. Junior's misbehaviour & stupidity were the highlights of the show.

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