Best Band, in your opinion of...the 60's?


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Ive just come up with this Idea, of coming up with a weekly thread that,, will come to now, in the 2000's. Now this particular thread, you gotta pick your favourite band to come out of this generation/decade and some of these bands, may not had released anything till say 1971......nyway, heres a list, let us know your favourite from The 60's FIRST.....sorry if I miss anything, you put something in, and why?

The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
The Who
Pink Floyd
Alice Cooper(band)
Black Sabbath
ZZ Top (didnt release an album till 1971)
Scorpions (released first album 1972)
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Led Zeppelin
The Yardbirds
Jimi Hendrix
Deep Purple
The Government
Ronnie and the Prophets

Som of these may appear next week, in the 70's thread, as I am puttting them here, as they formed in the 60's, but I will include them in the 70's, as they may have released their first album then....

So what do you think is the best band to come/form int he t60's....Whether it is based on your opinion (why?), album sales/impact, logetivity and so on...?
A few notes first off-- Actually more then a few. In fact like half of the bands you've listed aren't 60's bands.

1. Alice Cooper's first album came out in August of 1969, so he really shouldn't be considered a "60s" artist.
2. ZZ Top's first album came out in 1971.
3. Scorpions first album came out in 72.
4. Nazareth's first album came out in 71 (though honestly why in god's name is Nazareth even on this list? They're one-hit wonders. Same with the Scorpions)
5. Where are The Kinks? But most importantly...


Not counting the 70s bands you listed, and a few bands that honestly don't deserve to be on this list, my choice would have to be The Beatles, without a doubt. Personally, in terms of my own musical taste, I prefer The Doors and consider them to be pretty much the greatest band ever, but putting aside my own preferences The Beatles are the best choice. No band has ever had the impact or influence on music like the Beatles had, without them rock and roll would be almost unrecognizable currently. They were the first true band to showcase artistic integrity and experimentation, something totally unheard of in those days. They marked the shift from making records strictly for money and top ten hits, to making records in order to make an artistic statement.
A few notes first off-- Actually more then a few. In fact like half of the bands you've listed aren't 60's bands.

1. Alice Cooper's first album came out in August of 1969, so he really shouldn't be considered a "60s" artist.
2. ZZ Top's first album came out in 1971.
3. Scorpions first album came out in 72.
4. Nazareth's first album came out in 71 (though honestly why in god's name is Nazareth even on this list? They're one-hit wonders. Same with the Scorpions)
5. Where are The Kinks? But most importantly...


Not counting the 70s bands you listed, and a few bands that honestly don't deserve to be on this list, my choice would have to be The Beatles, without a doubt. Personally, in terms of my own musical taste, I prefer The Doors and consider them to be pretty much the greatest band ever, but putting aside my own preferences The Beatles are the best choice. No band has ever had the impact or influence on music like the Beatles had, without them rock and roll would be almost unrecognizable currently. They were the first true band to showcase artistic integrity and experimentation, something totally unheard of in those days. They marked the shift from making records strictly for money and top ten hits, to making records in order to make an artistic statement.

If you had read what I said, I mentioned bands that Formed in the 60's, not necessarily released albums in 60's, and Alice Cooper can be considered 60's, as yeah he released in 1969, but originally formed under a diff name in around 1966. But, I havent mentioned the Doors, as I havent menitoned all bands from the 60's. If you looked, I did say I havent mentioned all band from the 60's, but put your own in, if there wasnt a band I have listed, irrespective of exactly when they released an album...consider, Led Zep didnt release an album till 1969 nor Deep Purple, so, if they rleased an album same year as Alice Cooper, can they be considered 60's/.....
Nowhere have I seen Alice cooper referred to as 60's it is the same as Nazareth. If you are going off of that idea of forming in the 60's you have Fleetwood Mac as well as king Crimson and Jethro Tull and a few other fairly big bands. A 60's band is one that performed during the 60's and was a player within that sound. Alice cooper wasn't, post Syd Floyd wasn't 60's but Syd Era Floyd is great.

However when we are talking about 60's only a few names come up for me in terms of personal enjoyment. The Doors, The Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Jefferson Airplane, The Monkee's and The Jimi Hendrix Experience. I know there are more bands out there that are influential but that grouping are the ones that I enjoy the most and can remember with relative clarity over sound, and names of songs.

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