Top 10 WWE/F World Champions

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My Top 10 WWE/F World Champions:

10. Chris Jericho

9. Bruno Samartino

8. Kurt Angle

7. Undertaker

6. Hulk Hogan

5. The Rock

4. Triple H

3. Bret Hart

2. Shawn Michaels

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin

I thought about putting Vince McMahon in there (He does hold victories over Stone Cold, Triple H (for the WWE Title) and Shawn Michaels), but his reign was way too short. He should've held the title for at least 2-3 more years. Think of the money they would've drawn in!! LOL Just Kidding.
10. Chris Benoit

9. Chris Jericho

8. Mankind

7. Kane

6. Undertaker

5. Bret Hart

4. The Rock

3. Shawn Michaels

2. Triple H

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
10.bret Hart

9. Macho Man Randy Savage

8.ric Flair

7.rey Misterio

6. Triple H

5.brock Lesner



2.stone Cold

But The Best Champ Ever Has To Be ........

1.hulk Hogan
10) Chris Jericho

9) Yokozuna

8) The Undertaker

7) Macho Man

6) Bret Hart

5) Shawn Micheals

4) Triple H

3) Stone Cold

2) The Rock

1) Ric Flair
10. Bruno Sammartino
09. Rey Mysterio
08. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
07. "Superstar" Billy Graham
06. Bob Backlund
05. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
04. Rob Van Dam
03. "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero
02. Bret "The Hitman" Hart
01. "The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit
10. Bret Hart
9. Eddie Guerrero
8. Ric Flair
7. Cena
6. Kane
5. Stone Cold
4 The Rock
3. Undertaker
2. Chris Benoit
1. Randy Orton
10. Ultimate Warrior

9. Chris Jericho

8. Undertaker

7. Bret Hart

6. Kurt Angle

5. The Rock

4. Shawn Michaels

3. Bret Hart

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin

1. Hulk Hogan
1- Kurt Angle
2- Triple H
3- Bret Hart
4- The Rock
5- Stone Cold
6- Chris Benoit
7- Chris Jericho
8- JBL
9- Shawn Micheals
10- The Undertaker
1. Hogan
2. Austin
3. Rock
4. HHH
5. Hart
6. Michaels
7. Sammartino
8. Taker
9. Backlund
10. Angle/Lesnar
My top WWE and World Champions of all time are in this order:

10) Bill Goldberg

9) The Undertaker

8) Edge

7) Brock Lesnar

6) Randy Savage

5) Chris Benoit

4) Rob Van Dam

3) Eddie Guerreo

2) Bret Hart

1) Kurt Angle
10. Chris Benoit
9. JBL
8. Brett Hart
7. Hogan
6. Lesnar
5. Kurt Angle
4. John Cena
3. The Rock
2. Stone Cold
1. Triple H
1.triple H
2.rick flair
3.kurt angle
4.eddie guerrero
5.bret hart
10.Rob Van Dam
8.The Rock
7.Eddie Guerrero
6.Kurt Angle
5."Stone Cold" Steve Austin
4.Shawn Michaels
3.Bret "The Hitman" Hart
2."The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
1.Hulk Hogan
1. Shawn Michaels (Iron Man Match, Hell In THe Cell, Elimination Chamber,
Casket Match. Innovator of special rules matches
2. Triple H

3. Bob Backuland (Almost 5 years as champion

4. Hulk Hogan (Randy Savage, Ultimate Warror, Sg. Slaughter the
list goes on

5. Bret Hart (Before his days of crying, Yokozuna, steel cage
6. Stone Cold (Anytime Anyplace any match, he whip your ass

7. John Cena (only cause he carries the title with so much pride

8. The Undertaker (No one could fiarly beat him, not even Michaels

9. The Ultiimate Warrir

10.Kurt Angle
1. Triple H
2. Shawn Michaels
3. Bret Hart
4. Kurt Angle
5. Ric Flair
6. The Rock
7. Stone Cold
8. Chris jericho
9. Hulk Hogan
10. John Cena
no real order
The rock
B Hart
1. Billy Graham
2. Ric Flair
3. Bret Hart
4. Undertaker
5. Kane
6. Triple H
7. Goldberg
8. Randy Orton
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Batista
10.Chris Benoit
7.Ric Flair
6.Hulk Hogan
5.The Rock
4.John Cena
3.Triple H
2.Stone Cold Steve Austin
1.Shawn Michaels
1. Hulk Hogan (If it wasn’t for this man wrestling wouldn’t be what it is today!)
2. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (Saved wrestling)
3. The Rock (More charisma then any superstar ever!)
4. Shawn Michaels (Took the belt from Bret ('96) and passed it on to Austin ('98) in a floorless way!)
5. Triple H (The Game! Sure he wouldn’t be as big if he wasn’t married to Step but you have to admit he still would have been a 3-4 time champ by now if he wasn’t a McMahon?)
6. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart (awesome wrestler, would be higher if he didn’t whine about everything!)
7. Brock Lesnar (Awesome WWE champ, best thing on WWE TV for years!)
8. The Undertaker (How long has this guy been a main eventer?!)
9. 'Match Man' Randy Savage (When Hogan was off TV in the 80s/90s who picked up the ball?)
10. John Cena (not a big fan but the guys is no bulls*it, he sells Vince lots of Tshirts and spinning crap and has all the makings of a top 5 WWE Champ)

** Ok, after looking on this forum I see lots of people have gone with Flair, Batista, Orton, Rey, Eddie, Benoit, JBL etc. Here are my reasons to go against them.

Flair - This guy was WCWs champ I really don’t feel him as a top WWE champ as he only had 2 short runs?
Batista - I like Batista but don’t think he should be in the top 10 champs of all time? He has only held the belt once and didn’t really do anything special with it? (apart form HIAC with HHH)
Orton - The Legend Killer! Orton is the man! Same reasons as Batista tho.
Eddie (RIP) - Same as Orton/Batista.
Rey - Oh come on! Rey is a good wrestler but he DOES only have the belt cos Eddie died? I would have put Rey on Raw and have him doing the same thing but with the IC belt.
Benoit - Please the guys a joke! I understand giving him the title at Mania due to how hard he has worked etc but he will never hold the belt again im telling u!
JBL - The Wrestling God! This guy had an awesome run that ended with the right guy (poor match tho!)
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Superstar Billy Graham
3. The Rock
4. Bret Hart
5. The Undertaker
6. HHH
7. Shawn Michaels
8. Bruno Sammartino
9. Ric Flair
10. Batista
I'm just listing these-

10. Stone Cold Steve Austin
9. Hulk Hogan
8. Bret Hart
7. Chris Jericho
6. Chris Benoit
5. Eddie Guerrero
4. Rey Mysterio
3. HBK
2. Ric Flair
1. Kurt Angle

Flames Out
1. Hulk Hogan
2. The Rock
3. Stone Cold
4. Triple H
5. Kurt Angle
6. Bret Hart
7. Chris Jericho
8. Eddie Guerrero
9. HBK
10. Macho Man
apparently rey is the greatest underdog champion, what a load of shit
1 - Stone Cold Steve Austin (He was the shit for this generation of wrestling Fans)
2 - HBK (His early heel persona was my fav, Face was still good. DX awesome)
3 - Hulk Hogan (Gotta give him credit no matter what u may think of him)
4 - JBL (His run saved smackdown from death in 04 truly awesome stuff)
5 - Nature boy Buddy Rogers (The original and the best)
6 - Bobby Backland (Cool cat with great wrestling skills)
7 Ultimate Warrior (Nearly every kid on the planet idolized this guy growing up)
8 - Chris Benoit (The night he won brought tears to my eyes, It was prehaps one of the best things to happen in wwe)
9 - EDDIE (Maybe im a bit biased but i loved this man as a wrestler and it was an honor to watch him wear the strap)
10 - hhh (Maybe shoulda been higher in teh list but i dont think he has been as good as afformentioned)
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