Top 10 most dissapointing pushes made by WWE


We shy worth hair
This is about guys WWE tried to push but they ended up to be complete dissapointments:

10. Brian Kendrick: This really dissapointed me. This guy is my favourite wrestler and i was extactic to see him pushed. The guy In order to be taken seriously as main event material they paired him up with a big bodyguard and being referred to as "The Brian Kendrick" which some saw as awesome and others saw as dumb. He started wearing an awesome jacket too. He cut some damn good promos up to Unforgiven about "The Art Of War" book. He showed nothing that could dissapoint in the scramble match but the guy like his friend Paul London had one hell of a bad attitude and lost just about everything for that(would've been a much better addition to the No Way Out 2009 eimination Chamber than Big Show or Vladimir Kozlov)
9. Mike Knox: WWE tried to push this guy by having him fued with Rey Mysterio but the fact was the guy royally sucked dog anus. His character was VERY bland(not so much now) hence why he did not last long in the match(though he did sell the codebreaker very well). He's jobbing now so good luck with that.
8. The Great Khali: One of the numerous guys whos push started by fueding with the Undertaker. Where do i start? The guy barely wrestles and has such bad finishing moves it is ridiculous. They gave the guy a world title and even had him defend it at a PPV and then get numerous chances again at Pay-Per Views. He showed at Summerslam 2009 why he should never. ever. be on WWE television nevermind PPV.
7. Big Daddy V: The guy worked brilliantly as a monster heel. The samoan drop looked scary as hell I mean would you want to take it? Matt Striker worked exceptionally well as his manager. The problem was the guy was well past his prime and his weight problem really showed. In 1995 he won the king of the ring and got pushed but once he got his title match he fucked up alot and ended up really injuring Kevin Nash's back. He can't move around alot and his transitions were bad which really showed us he really was bad.
6. Mark Henry: The guy has not changed since he debuted. He has always been bad,slow and barely able to sell(remember the Cody Rhodes match?) He won the ECW title out of what could have been a racism lawsuit. He has fueded with the likes of Undertaker & Kane(which ended with him beating the latter of those two) and once nearly broke Undertaker in half by not being able to catch him when he dived to the outside(An incident which got Sim Snuka released!?!). The guy is regularly put on PPV matches which really makes no sense considering he is usually kept out of the ring as much as possible(if it's a tag match) or eliminated straight away(SS 2009). This guy is also past his prime and needs to be Future Endeavoured.
5. Hardcore Holly: A guy who's push was based primarily on the fact that Brock Lesnar couldn't do a powerbomb properly(Typical) Holly got a title match at Royal Rumble which he lost(naturally) but beforehand he would frequently attack Lesnar during and before matches. His push didn't work out as he hadn't improved since he had debuted 9 years beforehand. He was always a dissapointment anyways no big loss though i will give the guy credit for his match with RVD in 2007.
4. Snitsky: A guy WWE wanted to make into a star not once but Twice! He first got his big push in the worst way humanly possible. He killed a baby which was never real in the first place!:banghead: Soon he got a gimmick out of that with his music usually opening to "It wasn't my fault!". He became a monster heel and really showed how bad he truly was when he chance appeared. 2/3 years later he redebuted as a bald yellow teethed monster heel but the bad kind of monster heel which usually jobbed to higher up stars such as Mr. Kennedy & Tirple H. He had nothing just like the first time and hence got released.
3. Heidenreich: Another guy WWE attempted to push by fueding with the Undertaker. He basically helped JBL in a last ride match thus screwing the Undertaker out of the WWE title. Heidenreich was a guy who made children cry which worked for me but he was so damn sloppy and the one thing that made his gimmick suck was how he would reciet a poem before every match usually ending with "And this was a poem by Heidenreich!". Naturally he was a major dud and once he turned face he started looking for "Friends" which were children and while looking for them he walked & talked like the kind of person Chris Hansen would catch. He became a member of the new Legion Of Doom which got him tag team gold but then one day while he was still tag team champion he was released. Can someone shed some light on that?
2. Vladimir Kozlov: Ok i get building a guy up by having him attack the two biggest faces on the brand(in the company in Hardy's case) but he started doing it with 1. A weak finisher & 2. No crowd reaction whatsoever. He gained victories over both Hardy & Hunter he even went as far beating the Undertaker cleanly! He was in the Survivor Series main event which was a poorly worked match even with 2 of WWE's best in-ring workers in the match and even the crowd hated the match. Kozlov still can't even get a reaction to this date.
1. Lex Luger: Why give a pompus ass like Luger who could barely wrestle at the time a push? At first he was The Narcissist a completely muscle bond douchebag but that didn't work out for him even though it reflected what he was like in reality. Then he was portrayed to be the next Hogan(as they needed one BADLY). He was set to win the title at wrestlemania with that lame forearm move of his but beforehand he leaked to the press what the plans were thus stopping what he was going to get and giving the title to Bret Hart. Backstage he was a doche, to the fans he was a douche and completely he was just a douche. Him and Buff Bagwell formed a team known as "Totally Buff" in WCW in 1999 which gave him just what he deserved: the chance to job to two young upstarts(Sean O' Haire & Chuck Palumbo) in less than a minute at Greed. For being built up like Hogan the certainly showed the douchebag personality Hogan had aswell.

Now tell me your thoughts and even post your own ideas
10.The Kat...granted she was a women's champ, but what all did she REALLY do besides take her top off on a PPV and sleep with The King?

9. Colin Delaney :banghead: what in the heck was that about? I really am speechless with that kid.

8. Brian Kendrick...'Nuff said.

7. Alicia Fox...granted she has some talent can't see why she got 2 champ tries ahead of better performers, but the women's division just needs a makeover BAD.

6. La Resistance...all members in the group. Dont' remember their names and don't care.

5. Bobby Lashley...good technical skills...just no personality.

4. Big Viscera/Big Daddy V- dear goodness, someone put a shirt on that guy, and how would he impress crowds with just running against his opp. into the corner or smothering them. Then he has the nicely dressed Matt Striker as his mgr.

3. Sylvester Terkay - he was the guy Elijah Burke used to manage when he first showed up. The dude was supposedly 'indestrucible' the announcers say that about everyone.

2.Vladimir Kozlov- I don't know..he just really didn't seem to fit into anything WWE had to offer, other than he was just a brute, but yet the heat behind him just generated fans for whoever he was fighting.

1. Jillian Hall...she had the Divas title for all of 30 secs. which is sad because she is a legitimately good wrestler.
1. Shelton Benjamin.

The dude has had the mid-card title a few times, each more forgettable than the last. He hasn't had any sustained momentum, he's good for one neat high spot per year at M.I.T.B., and the days of his feud / tussle with Triple H are LONG gone.

2. Test.

Speaking of Triple H, here's another guy who could have been huge but fizzled. He took a backseat in the whole "McMahon-Helmsley Era" deal, and it's a damn shame. In his prime, he was a fairly good wrestler with an awesome look.

3. Lash Laroux.

WCW's "Ragin' Cajun." I flippin' loved this guy. No clue why he fizzled. Oh, wait, I do have a clue. WCW went to the shitter because just when the young guys were getting over, hey turned the company over to the likes of Kevin Nash and the Steiner Brothers. Whoops.

4. Cryme Tyme.

We got funny videos. We got catch phrases the crowd got behind. We got pretty decent tag-team moves. We got...nothing. In a tag team division with a grand total of two honest to God tag teams, these guys have ZERO Tag Title Reigns. Brilliant.

5. Bam Bam Bigelow.

The guy lost the worst main event in Wrestlemania history. But the important part of this whole deal? He's the guy WWF trusted to work a main event match with Lawrence Taylor when Vince shot for some main event recognition. He's one of my 5 greatest Superheavyweights of all time, and he never held a major singles title in the WWF. He's one of the quietest guys ever to put over virtually everyone he worked with, and if you need proof, remember the work he did at King of the Ring 1993 against Bret Hart? Yes, Hart was brilliant, but Bigelow wasn't too bad in his own right.

6. Billy Gunn.

Remember him? Mr. Ass? People talked about his work on the mic and his look, and as soon as he became a single "star" and started working matches with The Rock and guys of that caliber, he was exposed as an underselling poor worker about whom the fans didn't give a damn. Oh well.

7. Ludvig Borga.

Shit I still think about how badass his title feud with Luger could have been. WWF pumped so much press intp this guy, and MAN was he hated. Great backstory, great look, great performances, and other anti-american heels around him like Yokozuna and the Quebecers to intensify his heat.

8. Hardcore Holly.

He just never made it. His faux little-cousin Crash was more over than he was, and the best he ever mustered was an IC Title Triple Threat with Jericho and Chyna and the wasted face turn on ECW from his back laceration. He survived the original character of Thurman "Sparky" Plugg and remained one of WWF's most tenured talents, but didn't really get anywhere with it.

9. Tatanka.

We endured a near 2-year unbeaten streak (and the countless false finishes that was accompanied with) and several really close matches for the IC Title with Shawn Michaels. He never held a WWF title of any kind, I don't think. His heel turn on Lex Luger was masterful, and it didn't even last.

10. Taz.

When the man from Red Hook arrived in the WWF to choke out Kurt Angle in less than a minute, the fans went WILD. It ended up one of the biggest wastes of time ever. After a nothing-feud with Angle, Tazz went on to a nothing feud with the Mean Street Posse, before finally settling into the shockingly natural commentators role. With his ECW momentum, it's a damn shame he never had teh success Rob van Dam had.
10. Umaga

Umaga’s push wasn’t bad. He went about ¾ of a year undefeated, beating guys like Ric Flair and Kane. Then, he came up against Cena, who handed him two straight losses. I get that Cena was the top face, and sure, this was over the title, but Umaga’s momentum was killed so quickly. Granted, he became IC champion for a while, but his main event days came and went too quickly, a shame considering he could have been the next big monster heel with a great manager.

9. Test

I agree that Test could have really benefitted from his corporate days if he had more of a push. He basically stayed in mediocrity for too long, before being rejuvenated in the WWE’s ECW. However, he quickly lost to Lashley and any newfound momentum was squashed. Sad, as he was one of the better big guys in the ring.

8. Vladimir Koslov

Koslov is on this list for the same reason as Umaga. However, he really didn’t even get booked to look like a potential champion. Hell, he never even topped the midcard. His undefeated push came to a halt in a multi-man match, and was barely referenced. The crowd never really got behind the character. Perhaps if he wasn’t winning just squash matches, or if he was built as a midcard champion first, he would be over with the crowd a bit more today.

7. The Brian Kendrick

Kendrick had potential. Unfortunately, the WWE didn’t think so. His gimmick was decent, Zeke as an enforcer was brilliant, and he even had one of the best promos of 2008 with “Art of War”. Afterward, he was the longest reigning champion in the Scramble match of Unforgiven 2008. Then, he got derailed and was squashed by Triple H. Sad fate for Kendrick, who got split from Jackson and was later released. I guess that was the opening for Zeke to finally go somewhere though. Maybe he’ll get somewhere on RAW/Smackdown.

6. Heidenreich

Heidenreich was another guy that really had everything going for him. Good look, good speaking ability, backed by Paul Heyman, and booked against the Undertaker of all people. Heidenreich didn’t really lose too much steam even after losing to Taker. His main loss was the loss of Heyman. Honestly, if Heidenreich didn’t leave the WWE, he potentially could be a main eventer now, in a post tag team role. The potential was there.

5. Shelton Benjamin

What more can really be said of the curious case of Shelton Benjamin? He has the look. He has the talent. Mic skills? Not really. Ok, but that hasn’t stopped some other guys. However, it somehow stopped Shelton dead in his tracks. He had one of the biggest pushes against Evolution, scoring clean wins against Triple H, something not too many were doing at the time. He basically was the rising face of RAW for a while, before cooling off and just settling back down to nothing. Sure, at his peak he was a great IC champion. However, maybe it was just wrong place, wrong time for Benjamin, who could have been so much more. Hopefully Kofi Kingston doesn’t follow suit.

4. Elijah Burke

Burke outranks Benjamin on this list just because of his current run in TNA, which proves that he could and can be a main event guy. In the WWE, he was anything but. When Vince apparently had lots of hope for the new ECW, Burke was the leading guy against the originals. All the potential feuds that could have occurred would have boosted Burke up the ranks. However, instead he dropped into the bottom of the lowest brand, until release. TNA saw the wasted potential, and now Mr. Dinero is in the main event of PPVs. Go TNA.

3. Carlito

Carlito is another like Benjamin, only with more upsides. He is damn near the athlete that Benjamin is. He has a legacy. He has a gimmick. He has mic skills. Hell, at his best, he was used as the focal point of Piper’s Pit at Wrestlemania. In his first match, he won the US Title. In his first RAW match, he won the IC Title. Things were looking way up for Carlito, but then he somehow got downgraded again, feuding for midcard titles that he couldn’t even win. Then, he tagged with his brother, until they prematurely broke up. Now, the best he can do is job to rookies on NXT. Sad.

2. Billy Gunn

Stone Cold Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, Edge, Kurt Angle, and Bret Hart all have something in common with Billy Gunn. They all won the King of the Ring. However, for Mr. Ass, he just couldn’t seem to go anywhere with it. He had a gimmick that worked, was over, was part of not only an incredibly over tag team, but also stable, and could talk too. Where did this go wrong? The career of Billy Gunn is often associated with a dropped ball, and this is just terrible, considering what could have been.

1. Kane

Kane has to top my list. There just isn’t any other place to put him. In 1998, he rose to the top of the WWE, defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin in a first blood match for the title. Then, he lost it 24 hours later. This notorious daylong reign still haunts many Kane fans to this day. However, there was ample chance for redemption in the oncoming years. In 2001, Kane finished second in the Royal Rumble, eliminating the most guys in one match in history. This was historical, but the overall push went nowhere. Then, in 2002, the infamous feud against Triple H saw Kane at his most popular state possibly ever. Unfortunately, the WWE saw the need to create the Katie Vick storyline, which was not only one of the worst storylines ever, but destroyed the push of Kane. In 2003, Kane unmasked, and the peak of his career was pretty much over. Unfortunate, and the top thing I would call disappointing.

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