Pushes in 2011

who had the greatest push in 2011?

  • Sheamus

  • Wade Barrett

  • The Miz (for the first half)

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • CM Punk

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Dolph ziggler

  • Zack Ryder

  • Mark Henry

  • Beth Pheonix and Natalya

  • R-Truth

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First of all, Dolph Ziggler's name isn't his "one last flaw". He still has a few. How about his in-ring work (sloppy as fuck), or his inability to garner main event levels of heat. These problems still exist, no matter how many Ziggler fans like to bury their heads in the sand.

Anyway, onto the point of this thread: his name. A lot of wrestlers in WWE are derided as boring. Or like everyone else ('cookie cutter' is a term that gets banded around a lot). So when someone does something to set them apart, why is everyone so quick to jump down their throats about it?

The name "Dolph Ziggler" is different. That's a real point in his favour. You know who else had a cartoonish name? Hulk Hogan. You want a more examples? The Miz. CM Punk. The Big Show. Triple H. The Undertaker. History has shown that fans are just as likely to embrace 'far out' names as they are embrace 'normal' names.

If you say that you can't take Ziggler seriously because of his name, you're either lying or stupid.
Much like Sanka, I think the name works. Dolph Ziggler stands out, it's something you're going to remember. Nick Nemeth doesn't have that effect, John Smith doesn't, etc. "Dolph Ziggler" is more of a blessing than anything, because if you combine that with his appearance and his promos and all that, you get something nobody else has in the WWE. He's about as far away from the norm as possible, the name only helps. Remember the "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler." segments? Yeah, I bet you those wouldn't have worked half as good as they did had his name been "Nick Nemeth." You hear the name "Dolph Ziggler" and it piques your interest. It's simple.

I'll take "Dolph Ziggler" over "Nick Nemeth" ten times out of ten. Also, insinuating that his name is his last flaw is pretty foolish. He's still improving, but he's nowhere near the upper echelon. That promo he did on Raw was brilliant and it showcased his abilities and his readiness, but he still needs to polish everything up. I'd actually be hard-pressed to call anybody in the WWE "perfect." There's room for improvement.
What constitutes a bad ring name?

If OP worked in a bank, for example, and some one came up to the counter and said "Hi, my name is Hulk Hogan, I'd like to open a savings account please", how would he react?
Oh, is Hulk a biblical name?

Wrestlers have always had daft ring names, and the WWE are incredibly meticulous about inventing unique names because (A) people remember them, and (B) they can trademark the fuck out of them. For crying out loud, Michael Cole is even a fucking stage name.
Here's the thing: I don't think the WWE expected Dolph to get as far as he is, hence given a stupid name. Remember when he was in backstage skits introducing himself to everyone? I think the WWE back then thought about keeping him as a lower to midcard type of guy.

But then over the past year, he stepped up his game and got the people in the back to take notice; and he is where he is now. Is a name change posssible? No. He's too far into his career. Nitro worked as he was on the C show, holding a midcard title, so no one really cared. Can't say I remember his reason to do so anyway. What would Dolphs reason be? He doesn't need one.

Remember when Dolph changed his hair? Yeah, that went well. The same if he changed his name IMO.

Good point, May I allude to when Cody came out on SmackDown and just cut a brilliant 7 minute promo and told the world that is now DASHING Cody Rhodes? I agree that he was given this name just because his intial character was to go and introduce himself to everyone.

Dolph would change his name after approval/decision for management, isn't like cutting his hair.

First of all, Dolph Ziggler's name isn't his "one last flaw". He still has a few. How about his in-ring work (sloppy as fuck), or his inability to garner main event levels of heat. These problems still exist, no matter how many Ziggler fans like to bury their heads in the sand.

Am not a hard-on Zigg fan. I said it in my OP and mentioned others think that he's great. I think he's fine but lackluster with his mic-work more than anything. I really need to hear that promo.

Anyway, onto the point of this thread: his name. A lot of wrestlers in WWE are derided as boring. Or like everyone else ('cookie cutter' is a term that gets banded around a lot). So when someone does something to set them apart, why is everyone so quick to jump down their throats about it?

The name "Dolph Ziggler" is different. That's a real point in his favour. You know who else had a cartoonish name? Hulk Hogan. You want a more examples? The Miz. CM Punk. The Big Show. Triple H. The Undertaker. History has shown that fans are just as likely to embrace 'far out' names as they are embrace 'normal' names.

If you say that you can't take Ziggler seriously because of his name, you're either lying or stupid.

Sadly I wish I was lying and/or stupid, yet I'm neither. I understand that cartoony and over the top names have been the norm of wrestling. But for every Hulk Hogan, you have somebody normally named Shawn Micheals.

Here's my deal, and try and get this, for a guy his size he doesn't need a realy cartoony name. John Cena was allowed his name and it went fine. I would prefer if he was only called Nemeth and a moniker like 'Mr. Total Package' or something was tagged along. I am very aware that if he keeps going on and gets better at what he does, he will transcend the name. But remember, even Hunter Hearst Helmsley had to be called Triple H when his championship days were dawning and a slew of other monikers. The Miz came from Mike Mizanin, and doesn't sound like what you would call a male prostitute like Ziggler.

You saying normal names fade out is propsterous. Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, John Cena, Dave Batista (if you say no no it was BaUtista I will digress) Steve Austin, Shawn Micheals etc. etc.
I agree but I think what's done is done. Dolph is the future. Period. Unless something drastic happens. In my opinion, with the exception of C.M. Punk he is the best overall performer in the WWE. He has everything, the look, the mic skills and not to mention the in-ring capability. He is a modern day Curt Hennig. I certainly don't disagree that Nick Nemeth is a much better name for a performer, but like I said, what's done is done. I don't think it would be a smart idea to have him change his name and have everyone trying to get used to it. As someone said, even though if you'd ask me, there's no comparison, Johnny Nitro. I actually preferred that name to Morrison and it was a bitch trying to get used to it.

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