Top 10 Current Stars That Could Wrestle at Any Time


Getting Noticed By Management
I often find myself looking back on the past times in pro wrestling as many of us do, and remembering times when pro wrestling was more exciting, entertaining or just plain fun to watch. Sometimes when I see a star doing great things today I often wonder how they would do against great stars or the past like a Rick Rude, a Curt Hennig, a Hulk Hogan. I think about how they would match interact in a war of words with a Ric Flair, a Rock or a Stone Cold Steve Austin. If you could pick any 10 stars who could somehow face, compete and do programs with the greats of the past who would they be. Who do you really think would deserve that honor?

My 10 would be

10.Cody Rhodes- Cody was a natural when he first made his WWE debut, and I think is one of the most improved wrestlers and overall performers since his first appearance. He's a student of the game and I think would really benefit, and take advantage of wrestling and performing with the all time greats.

9.Damien Sandow-He has great size, tremendous aggressiveness and would be very tricky dealing with him on the mike. He'd be a handful for any wrestling superstar past or present.

8.AJ Styles- I love AJ Styles. He's never been amongst the elite on the mike but his uncanny athletism and raw physical talent would leave some of the best high flyers the world has ever seen in awe.

7.Kurt Angle- Best technical wrestler ever. I would agrue that he can still wrestle circles around any elite wrestler today and yes any superstar wrestling technican from the past. Big words but I believe it to be true.

6.Jeff Hardy- Hardy can be just out of this world and odd, but the people always tend to gravitate towards him. And when you have the people with you, you're a powerful force. I'm sure a lot of heel wrestlers even from the past would love to get a chance to steal his glory.

5.Randy Orton- He looks like a superstar and he wrestles like a superstar. Orton is a superstar. I think you could take him and put him in any era and he would somehow rise to top and again this is someone with an aura about him that some people would love to knock down a peg and steal his thunder.

4.Bully Ray-Now we're getting to the meat of it with Bully Ray. I like watching guys like Bully Ray in today's pro wrestling climate, because even after those countless tag team titles this guy is still hungry. He wants it, he wants greatness. He's the guy on the roster that is constantly reaching for a bit more, and is reaping the benefits as seen on TNA right now.

3.Austin Aries- He may not be the greatest man who ever lived but he's pretty damn great. Great promos, great presecence, great matches. He's got everything going for him. He goes out there like he has something to prove, with an intensity and fire with every little thing he does. He doesn't wilt under pressure but seems to become even better from it. It really is a shame he couldn't wrestle some of the all time greats or even the next guy on our list.

2.CM Punk- CM Punk is fearless. He stand toe to toe with Rock on Raw and he evokes that conviction and confidence in himself that he will beat him at the Royal Rumble. He didn't waver when he went face to face verbally with Ric Flair a few weeks ago and I don't think he would if he went up against Flair in his prime. Punk is a very unique and special personality that comes along once in a lifetime and the smartest thing that the WWE ever did with him was let him just be himself.

1.John Cena- Cena commands control of an audience like no other performer before him. The worst thing that can happen for an any performer anywhere is they go before an audience and it's dead silent. But whether you love him or hate him Cena always gets a reaction. If you pay to boo him or pay to see him get his ass kicked you're still putting butts in the seat, plus all the countless fans that actually like him and look up to him. That reaction makes Cena one of the best ever and one of the most powerful. In their primes, Hogan, Flair, Piper and Austin would have enjoyed and loved to get a crack WWE's current poster boy.

Who would you pick as your top 10 stars of today who could compete and thrive with the all time greats of the past?

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