The Great Batista Bash

For Reals:

CM Punk, because he was made to look like Batista's bitch last year and I'd love to see Punk come out and destroy Batista in seconds, Warrior style.

For Lawls:

Michael Cole. Just have Cole snap and turn heel and attack Batista. Dave could be standing in the ring cutting a promo and out of nowhere Cole just rushes the ring, spears the shit out of Batista and starts stomping on him and choking him. Then, as Batista's broken body is laying in a pool of his own blood, Michael picks up a mic, stands over Batista, waits for a few seconds, and in a coarse whisper says "Vintage....Michael"
His daughter, as I bet she knows his secrets to life. I hear he is a bitch so her, so I bet she could lay the smack down on his ass.
It's just too bad that Batista will go on to squash all the cruisers, stay at the top of the business, and make even your women scream louder for him than you.

Face it, Batista is over and effective in his role. Now if I could pick one wrestler to destroy Kendrick, Mysterio, and all of Japan, it would be Dave Batista.
For Reals:

I would love to see Batista get squashed in a hardcore handicap match by The Sandman, Raven, New Jack & Tajiri. I can see a few staples in the head, a few cane shots in the head & Tajiri kicking the fuck out of Batista's head would change his attitude a bit & make him stop acting like he is a god or some shit like that.

For Lawlz:

I would love to see all of the midgets(Hornswoggle included) Chyna, Hervina Whippleman, Richard Simmons, Road Warrior Animal & George "The Animal" Steele all come down to the ring & beat on Batista just enough til the most known transexual Ru Paul comes in there, takes him away & well i'm not gonna get into the rest of that, but I think y'all clearly would know what probably happens between Ru Paul & Batista.
You can't go wrong with an ol' fashioned Horseman beatdown. Have Tully, Arn, Ole, and even FLAIR run in, and start going to work on some limb on his body and break it. have Eugene come back, use a cheese grater on Big Dave...maybe even have Goldust, Hornswoggle, Jerry Lawler, Todd Grisham, and Brian Gewirtz take turns on taking chair shots to Batista.

i would choose the ultimate warrior because he stoled his gimmick. and my other choice is brock lesnar cause hes a rip off of lesnar
This thread is so much fun. I would love to see Batista take on either Cactus Jack or Terry Funk in their prime. To make it all the more entertaining it should be in a barbwire match!!!! Then maybe we would never have to sit through another ridiculously boring Batista match or promo!
Id have Batista coming on to Santina only to be shut down because shes a lesbian. Then have him challenge for the Miss Wrestlemania crown only too lose and be covered in pig shit.
Braden Walker(Chris Harris) and Colin Delaney in a handicap match against batista, the jobbers getting their revenge
LOL This is an awesome thread. I'd put batista in a 3 on one handicap match. Where he would be facing Big Dick Johnson, Hillbilly Jim, And Eugene, With the jobbers coming out on top for the win.
I'd love a cross brand match with CM Punk and Batista.Last year Pu was basically Batista's bitch during that joke of a title run.With CM Punk going against Umaga at Extreme Rules I don't think this match is out of the possibilities of happening at the Bash.
I would actually go out of WWE and pick Akira Maeda, probably the biggest, most unprofessional asshole to ever step inside a wrestling ring. This man didn't want to job to anybody, and would occasionally shoot on his opponents (he shot on Andre The Giant and he got axed from New Japan for breaking Riki Choshu's orbital bone with a kick to the face).

I'm assuming that your dislike for Batista is quite strong here. So, why not pick a wrestler who in all likelihood would do serious harm to Batista and have no scruples about it whatsoever?
I would love to see a faction like The Spirit Squad or the Mexicools beat the shit out of Batista. I think the Spirit Squad would be the funniest as it would be a bunch of ******y ass male cheerleaders beating up on a 300 pound steroid junkie Batista. The dances the Squad did during matches were pretty classic aswell.
The Man that new Jack beat the shit out of, Gypsy Joe.

idk y every one hates batista so much
he isnt a bad wrestler
if he just used more wrestling skills he would be a better champ
and i would wanna see Maria kick his ass xD

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