Too soon for Rey?

Big Ace

Championship Contender
Does anybody think that giving Rey a Number One Contender's spot that quickly is the right decision? I mean, I'd like it because Khali is...well...Khali. Batista's been in the same borefest of chasing the Title for months now and there's no one else yet. However, keep in mind that Rey is fresh off knee surgery. Could he still be prone to injury?

I personally think it's too soon. He comes back and right off the bat he goes for the Title. He should've feuded with Chavo for another month to be honest.
Yeah in a way I think it was too soon, but I don't think they really had anyone else to give the Number One Contendership. I really, really didn't want to see Batista vs Kahli 2 at Unforgiven.
Rey and Chavo have already feuded for a decent amount of time, and I really did want to see Rey feud with someone "new" after his return. Maybe not the Great Kahli, but beggers can't be choosers.

Flames Out
I'm not to fond of it. But there really isn't anyone else that can carry the ball until Taker gets back in the picture. Rey/Khali will be terrible though. Rey's basically going to get squashed. I don't see him getting the belt at Unforgiven. You talk about making Khali lose Cred...That would do it,Losing to someone 10x smaller than you it was bad when Cena made him tap This would even be worse.

I was tired of Batista getting chance after chance and figured he would end up taking the belt at SS and if not a rematch at UFG due to the DQ. I'm still not certain he isn't completely out of the picture just yet.

It would have been better for him to continue with Chavo IMO. He just returned there's really no sense in just throwing him into the title spot just like that. But that just goes to show SD! lacks main eventers.

Either way. I see Khali retaining maybe keep the feud going until Taker returns and takes the belt. It's a little risky putting Rey in the ring with a slob like Khali. He just returned from injury. Now they are just begging to give him one.
What, you actually thought the WWE was going to lay out a plan for it's storyline instead of doing worthless hotshot angles??? Come on now, there aren't too many smart bookers left in the WWE.

Honestly though, it's not too soon. Why not put the spotlight on a guy that is being attacked for being a juicer? Hey, bad press is still press isn't it? I would rather see this then another damn Batista Championship match though. This match was predictable from 6 months away.

Look at the bright side, Khali got a 2 month title reign, and we are more then likely going to see Mysterio vs. Edge at Survivor Series this year, which should be a good match. Who cares if Mysterio winning the belt from Khali completely ruins the credibility or realism of professional wrestling, that went away with John Cena's superman routine months ago.
I would rather see Finlay against Khali. Because we never want to see a Kane vs Khali disaster or a Batista vs Khali match for a looooong time.

Rey shouldn't be pushed for the world title - maybe a quick fued with someone then move to the US Title picture against Matt or MVP.

Finlay as WHC would be better for Smackdown! Instead of the pile of tripe in Khali as Finlay could work with people and not just standing there and no selling
Look at the bright side, Khali got a 2 month title reign, and we are more then likely going to see Mysterio vs. Edge at Survivor Series this year, which should be a good match. Who cares if Mysterio winning the belt from Khali completely ruins the credibility or realism of professional wrestling, that went away with John Cena's superman routine months ago.

"the realism"? come on there is no realism in profesional wrestling, Rey has had the title before and I liked him as champ more then Khali's current reign, so why not just let Rey win it... I mean Rey vs. Edge is going to be amazing if Edge is healthy
ok firstly, there is little to NO (probably no) chance that rey can possibly win this....DUDE ITS HREAT KAHLI VS REY FUCKIN it just sorta seems like a throw away match to me at a ppv, which is something im not real happy about (throw away becuase the winner is obvious) of course this would be the perfect time to make something totally insane and unexpected happen, and have rey rey win it, which in turn could give us higher quality matches for the WHC, but you know the WWE doesnt get down like that lol...maybe they know just HOW BAD Kahlis championship matches are, and will throw us a bone with this one...highly unlikely...
Yeah it's too soon and how could he possibly win? The only way is if Khali has the flu, food poisoning, or has not slept in several days. Mind you they could have Batista come down and give him a few shots while the ref was not looking.
Well, I would normally say it would be too soon, but not in this case. Rey is one of the only wrestlers in the WWE that deserves the title World Champion. He is one of the greatest performers to ever step foot in the ring, making each match he is in exciting at the least. But besides those points, Rey DID just return from surgery, it would be wise to give him smaller fueds for a few months and then throw a title his way. Even though it feels rushed, I am happy about Rey getting the push he deserves, he deserves much better than being a cruiserweight champion or mid carder. The guy is a main eventer, he's proved it time and time again, and if you watched last friday's smackdown, i think its safe to stay that he is just as fun to watch as he was before. A great way to end the match would be for batista to come in and spinebuster khali, followed by a 619 to khali and a drop da dime to end it, the place would be estatic. Thats my opinions tho, like em or hate em.
For WWE it's about the best move they could do right now. It's apparent that they don't want to have Batista with the belt. If they did he'd be the #1 contender and not Rey. The only real main event faces that they have on SD! are Batista and Rey. Putting Rey vs Khali could get him in the books as the "biggest underdog champ. of all time." Should he mysteriously win. As far as it goes for Rey's health. No I do not think it's a good idea at all. It doesn't matter how "easy" Khali does his moves to Rey, it's still gunna hurt the guy way more then say someone like Batista. Khali is just way too big, and I think that any superstar just returning from injury are more prone to get another... Rey vs Khali just seems like WWE is asking for an injury...
Rey getting this title shot is a terrible idea. The points that have been raised about possibility of injury as well as the pure unbelievability of Rey winning a match with Khali, no matter how much interference occurs, are both very valid. What would make a lot more sense in my mind would be to move Rey back to the cruiserweight division. The main event scene on Smackdown is gonna be a disaster until Edge and Taker return whether Rey, Batista, Kane, or Khali has the belt. Therefore, instead of wasting good talent, why not have Rey feud with Jamie Nobel over the CW belt? Nobel is experienced enough to protect Rey in the ring, especially compared to Khali. Rey going for this belt gives it so much more credibility, and between the crap and the steroids surrounding the WHC, this is a good time to put the focus elsewhere. Lastly, since Nobel is really the only heel in the CW division, this would be a great time for an unexpected heel turn from either Rey or Jimmy Wang Yang. The half-assed turns of Umaga and CM Punk aside (since they were quickly reversed), when is the last time that someone people actually gave a damn about underwent a major turn? Again, a way to generate interest in the CW division and take attention away from the crap on top until Edge and Taker can save the WHC
Well IMo I do not believe it is too early, Right now he is basically the only main eventer they have and he is a good performer in the ring. even though giving him the title will not be believable what so ever. Rey has been working a lot he has had some dark matches before he returned so i do not believe having him wrestle a giant slob like khali is a big risk even though it is basically going to be a squash match and we as viewers dont deserve that on PPV. But all in all i think giving Rey the title shot was a good idea because it is better than a Khali Batista rematch because thats a ratings risk in its self. Anyways Rey is deserving of the belt and they are professionals so i believe Rey is not at any risk and they couldnt afford to lose him again for an extended period of time.
In one way, its good. It prevents us from having to sit through a few more weeks of Khali vs Batista.

In another way, its bad. Rey isn't back to his old skills in my opinion, and it seems odd to have him just get the belt already.

In yet another way, its good. Rey, despite being a little rusty, can still put on a much better show than Batista.

In yet another way, its bad. Rey only has Khali and Finlay to feud with, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of only seeing those 2, Kane, and Batista in the title scene. This is going to get even more boring.

In a third way (lol this'll be it, I swear), its good. Rey can drop the title to Edge when he gets back and it'll be a lot easier for that to happen than for Khali to drop it to him.

In a third way, its bad. That means that the Undertaker won't get the belt from Khali after Unforgiven.

So really, what does this add up to in my mind? "Meh" lol. They could've done worse, especially now with all the suspensions and stuff. We could see Deuce as the new champion or Kenny Dykstra, or they could've give Palumbo a ridiculous push and make him champion. Out of all their choices, since Hardy's tied up with MVP, I guess Rey was their best choice.
Y hope rey gets the title.It s strange to bring batista into this match.Maybe khali will keep his title,\lthough smack down goes from bad to worst in the tv audience.Y hope rey gets the title back.Y ll love to see mysterio vs undertaker at wrestlemania 24
I think Rey does not fit into the champion scene. I hope Khali keeps the belt until royal rumble where Batista will take it and than a 3 way feud with Khali, Henry, & Batista. Maybe 4 is Big Daddy V goes to Smackdown! Imagine thoes 4 in the wrestlemania main event. I for one think it would be a really great match with 4 giant monster types. This will help Khali improve even more with hios wrestling if he works with 2 veterns Henry and V. Than have someone like rey after mania take the belt form V or Henry. I think Rey needs to wait some time and get better before entering champion status again...
I'm a big Rey Mysterio fan, but Khali vs Rey Rey has no potential.

Most likely this will be like how it was when Rey Mysterio faced Khali on Smackdown! last year. Of course professional wrestling isn't real, but come on make things look at least a little believable.

Like said, at least this is better than Batista vs Khali. It's getting annoying to see Batista in the scene all the time when all he does is lose match after match. Same old crap.
Well I dont care what other people think. I think Khali vs. Rey is a good idea. Ever since Rey lost his championship to Booker he never got his rematch. Well this is what I think should happen.

Rey and Khali start the match up. Rey tries to do X Factor and messes up which makes Rey fall. Khali tries to show off and goes to the third rope. Rey quickly stands up and does a heel kick to Khali. Khali then falls on the floor. Rey goes to the top ropes an does a frog splash Khali moves out of the way and Rey misses the splash. Then Khali tries to do the Vice Grip. Rey ducks before he does. Then Rey does something like a spear. Khali gets on his knees next to the rope. Rey quickly does 619! on Khalis head. Khali is still on his knees and then Rey does Dropin da Dimes which makes khali fall. Then Rey does the frog splash and hits! Then rey pins and khali kicks out. Rey tries to go for another splash. Khali stands up and pushes rey and rey falls on one of the announce tables. Khali gets a chair and hits Rey on the back. The Ref disqualafies khali. So Khali keeps the championship. Then Long comes and says that the match will re-do and if khali cheats and gets disqualified then he will lose the championship. Then Khali gets mad and gets rey into the ring. Khali tries to do a powerbomb to rey. But rey countered. Then khali tries to go for a running chop to the head. Rey gets out of the way and khali hits the ref. Then rey gets the chair and hits khali right in the balls. Then in the back. Then khali stands up and so does the ref. Rey gives khali the chair and rey falls back ( for eddie guerrero. R.I.P. ) . The ref disqualifies khali and rey becomes champion. Thats it
Well I dont care what other people think. I think Khali vs. Rey is a good idea. Ever since Rey lost his championship to Booker he never got his rematch. Well this is what I think should happen.

Rey and Khali start the match up. Rey tries to do X Factor and messes up which makes Rey fall. Khali tries to show off and goes to the third rope. Rey quickly stands up and does a heel kick to Khali. Khali then falls on the floor. Rey goes to the top ropes an does a frog splash Khali moves out of the way and Rey misses the splash. Then Khali tries to do the Vice Grip. Rey ducks before he does. Then Rey does something like a spear. Khali gets on his knees next to the rope. Rey quickly does 619! on Khalis head. Khali is still on his knees and then Rey does Dropin da Dimes which makes khali fall. Then Rey does the frog splash and hits! Then rey pins and khali kicks out. Rey tries to go for another splash. Khali stands up and pushes rey and rey falls on one of the announce tables. Khali gets a chair and hits Rey on the back. The Ref disqualafies khali. So Khali keeps the championship. Then Long comes and says that the match will re-do and if khali cheats and gets disqualified then he will lose the championship. Then Khali gets mad and gets rey into the ring. Khali tries to do a powerbomb to rey. But rey countered. Then khali tries to go for a running chop to the head. Rey gets out of the way and khali hits the ref. Then rey gets the chair and hits khali right in the balls. Then in the back. Then khali stands up and so does the ref. Rey gives khali the chair and rey falls back ( for eddie guerrero. R.I.P. ) . The ref disqualifies khali and rey becomes champion. Thats it

That would be great imo. But you know, Rey winning the title would e the best decision WWE has made in a while, that scenario would be ok. I dont know why everyone says the match will suck, every match rey is in he does a hell of a job, but oh will ignorance is bliss.
What, you actually thought the WWE was going to lay out a plan for it's storyline instead of doing worthless hotshot angles??? Come on now, there aren't too many smart bookers left in the WWE.

Honestly though, it's not too soon. Why not put the spotlight on a guy that is being attacked for being a juicer? Hey, bad press is still press isn't it? I would rather see this then another damn Batista Championship match though. This match was predictable from 6 months away.

Look at the bright side, Khali got a 2 month title reign, and we are more then likely going to see Mysterio vs. Edge at Survivor Series this year, which should be a good match. Who cares if Mysterio winning the belt from Khali completely ruins the credibility or realism of professional wrestling, that went away with John Cena's superman routine months ago.

You just stole my words from my mouth :)

I think that its not too soon, Rey is a MEGA drawer, he usually delivers great entertaining matches, kids love him, etc etc... got the idea?
Rey is the perfect person to carry a beaten WHC right now, decimated by injuries, suspensions, etc. sure, as Shocky said, he was a suspect on the "Juice scandal" but his name never appear officially, so, in my eyes, the guy's clean as the water...:D
Rey Mysterio could be a transitional champ, if you like to call it that way, but IMO, he is one of the best entertainers on the entire WWE roster.
i cant wait to see Mysterio vs edge, eventually, it will happen. So, why dont give him the strap?
Rey for Champ at Unforgiven!
rey shouldn't get a title shot yet. rey rulez but he had the title and chavo messed it up. He shold be after chavo instead of getting a title shot. It should be a good match tallest guy in wwe vs smallest. well second smallest cause hornswaggle.
Its gonna go down like this Edge cannot get over if he takes the title from Khali, so Rey will take the belt and than feud with Edge. at WM 24 Taker will feud with Edge and all is well again on Smackdown. Somewhere i see Batista getting thrown in but not winning the title.

Rey Draws and as a champion he can draw.
Hes not as good as he was but damn he can still pull off the big time moves.
He will get the sales and stuff for WWE and i think that no matter who Rey fights its always an entertaining match up.

He dosnt need to defend the belt at house shows because story cannot develop at a house show so he could appear on Smackdown as Champion and have a lighter schedule on the house show side.
Its gonna go down like this Edge cannot get over if he takes the title from Khali, so Rey will take the belt and than feud with Edge. at WM 24 Taker will feud with Edge and all is well again on Smackdown. Somewhere i see Batista getting thrown in but not winning the title.

Rey Draws and as a champion he can draw.
Hes not as good as he was but damn he can still pull off the big time moves.
He will get the sales and stuff for WWE and i think that no matter who Rey fights its always an entertaining match up.

He dosnt need to defend the belt at house shows because story cannot develop at a house show so he could appear on Smackdown as Champion and have a lighter schedule on the house show side.

I couldnt agree more good point. I think the only reason that Rey will win is to get edge over because there is no way Edge will get over by defeating Khali, So if edge is going to get belt Rey would be his only access. So no i believe it isnt to soon for Rey because he can draw does bring in money and people love him, Edge wants a feud with him so i think it will happen. But no i dont believe it is too soon for rey because he does draw and gets a good pop and can put on great matches if given the chance, so no it isn't too early, because its a business and you bring in money you will make it. so therefore it is never to soon to get pushed if your a great star like rey is.
Rey had surgery a while ago, it's not like he had it the day before Summerslam. Wrestlers always jump back quickly after injury, sometimes. Rey is needed in the title contention, otherwise it is simply two or three big guys going at it. Rey adds huge depth to the roster, and even more depth into the muscle-headed World title contention.

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