Todays Greatest Finishers...

911 JP

Love the sig!
I know that J4L made the worst finishers thread, but the I thought why dwell on the negatives? Not a shot, but thats what we all seem to do so...

In Wrestling what have been the greatest finishers?

I would choose...


I believe it is a truly great move, that takes great strength, skill and athleticism to carry out correctly. And when thinking of finishing matches, the F5 is a truly great way to do so.

Sweet Chin Music

This move has not only stood the test of time, but, it is still a great move. The move not only looks great by HBK, but it is also an effective looking move. It is also able to be hit out of no-where which is what a great move is meant to do.


This move is the same as The Sweet Chin Music, it is able to be hit out of anywhere, yet still looks impactful enough to finish a match. The only fault with this move is that in real life, it would hurt Randy more than his opponent, which makes Wrestling look fake, duh.

Stone Cold Stunner

Themost badass finisher ever, and gets a huge pop from he crowd. The move of the attitude era, nuff said!

What are your gretest finishers ever?
I agree with everything you said, I just want to add the best looking DDT.

Futureshock DDT

The Pedigree
I'd definitely go with the codebreaker, just like the RKO and the superkick it can be hit out of no where and its executed by my favourite wrestler, Y2J
The LeBelle Lock looks like it could do legitimate damage to someone; I'd suggest that's the best finisher out there today.

Hmm I'm not so sure about that. Sure, it combines a legit submission hold with a classic finisher but it just looks too awkward to apply as a counter for fucking everything, which was part of the charm of the classic crippler crossface. For my money, the best crossface variant is Alex Shelley's Border City Stretch.

Also, Sheamus' Bro Kick is a pretty darn good finisher.
The Stroke.
I'd definitely go with the codebreaker, just like the RKO and the superkick it can be hit out of no where and its executed by my favourite wrestler, Y2J

I think "executed" is a bit generous. "Sloppily attempted" would be more accurate.

I'm a big fan of Sheamus' new Cloverleaf, personally, and Christian's spear is better than Edge's.
The RKO, and I don't think any other finisher is even close.

1. Comes out of nowhere.
2. Fans pop like crazy for this finish. More so than any other finisher out there right.
My top three are:

1. RKO
2. Brouge kick
3. Does Beautiful Disaster count? If not then the Ankle Lock goes third.

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