To write or not to write...

I graduated High School. I never did any of the homework, aced all my tests and still got on the honor roll.

My teachers hated me for that.
My teachers hated me for that too Monkey, that and the fact that I was semi-disruptive, seldomly paid much attention in class, and got sent to the office multiple times, yet I was always in the top 5 in my form...sometimes first, it alternated.

'Becca when do your results come out? Ours come like next week or week after, not really looking forward to it.
I hear ya on that.

They always told me they wanted to fail me, but my tests wouldnt allow it. I asked them why Homework was needed. They said to prepare you for the tests. I said "O Rly??" Then why am I acing all of your damn tests.

I was then set on detention for a week for sassing a teacher.
Well homework can make a one or two percent difference. It counts! I'd rather have a 95% than a 94%. Or god forbid an 89%.

Flames Out
If my teacher didn't like me I would have failed my match class with a 64.4 She found a way to give me 1/10th of a point so she could round it up to a 65 which is barely passing

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