ICE - International Championship Entertainment

*WarZone returns with Tracey standing backstage with David Showtime and TM*

Tracey: David and TM. What do you think about your match at Gold Rush with Will and NSL?

David: We’re not worried. Not one bit. NSL might think that the L in his name stands for Legend, but it still stands for Loser. Which is what he is and he will be losing at Gold Rush.

TM: Just as David said Tracey, we’re not worried. If we were worried. We’d be watching WarZone from our 5 star hotel suites. Instead, we’re here tonight to prove that we’re not worried. Will calls himself, The One Big Will. Calling himself big? Well I know one thing he certainly can’t be talking about Tracey. He must be compensating for something else. His career, you dirty minded people. Don’t look at me like that Tracey. I know you were thinking it too.

David: We have nothing more to say. Except Tracey, the next time you interview us, we’ll be the ICE Tag Team Champions. This interview is finished.

Daniel: Strong words there from David and TM. They’re pretty sure of them selves. They can talk the talk and based on last week, they can also walk the walk too.

Jason: We’ll be right back after these commercials.

*ICE WarZone goes to commercial break*
Daniel: We’re back on WarZone, live in Bonython Park, Adelaide and we now have an official match made for Gold Rush. Before the commercial break, Will and NSL defeated FTS and Big Wes. Lets take a look.

*Highlight video package showing Will and NSL’s win*

*A graphic appears with the ICE Tag Team Championships in the background with David, TM, Will and NSL standing infront of it.*

Jane: The following contest, scheduled for one fall is an Interstate Championship tournament match. Introducing first, from Las Vegas… CM!!... and his opponent…from Los Angeles…Tino…Berry!!. The referee calls for the starting bell and we’re under way.

*The crowd starts chanting “CM… CM… CM”*

CM stands in the middle of the ring, waiting for Tino and Tino walks up to CM, standing over him at 6ft 2. Tino grabs CM by the throat but CM grabs Tino’s arm and throws him into an arm drag and runs back onto the ropes and runs back and gives Tino a baseball slide kick out of the ring. CM waits in the ring as the referee starts to count out Tino.

1…2…3…4…5……Tino’s back in the ring!

Tino gets up and shakes his finger at CM. CM runs at Tino and tackles him to the ground and starts laying into him with right and left fists and the referee has to pull him away. All of a sudden, ‘Who Are You’ by The Who hits the speakers and Eddie McGuire makes his way to the top of the entrance ramp.

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is over.

*CM looks confused because he’s sure he didn’t do anything to get disqualified*

Eddie: CM, you’re fine. It’s Tino I’m here about. Tino, after the first round of substance abuse tests, yours came back positive. YOU’RE SUSPENDED! Now get out of my ring! Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, CM!

*The graphic from last week with Richard and Pippen infront of the ICE Interstate Championship is shown with CM now standing there too*

Jane: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a match in the ICE Interstate Championship tournament. Introducing first, from Mecca…”The Middle Eastern Love Machine” Samir Ebrahim Xerxes… and his opponent… from the Dairy Farm… Milk!!

Instead of meeting Milk in the middle of the ring, Samir walks over to the corner of the ring and stares at Jane, motioning for her to call him. She looks repulsed as he starts to blow her a kiss and wink at her. Milk sees an opportunity and runs in from behind and rolls up Samir. 1… 2… kickout!!. The crowd start to boo at Samir who was able to kick out of the roll up just before the three count. Samir is notably frustrated and snaps and tackles Milk to the ground. Milk’s small stature is no match for Samir’s size as Milk is almost destroyed. Milk is laying face down on the mat as Samir stands on top of Milk, one foot on each side with both arms spread apart, posing for the entire world. He then slices his throat with his thumb and bends down and locks in the camel clutch!!

Daniel: My God, Jason, Milk’s got no where to go, he’s as good as gone!

The referee checks Milk and Milk’s not moving. The referee picks Milk’s arm up and drops it three times and orders for the bell to be rung, we have our winner, Samir!

Jane: Here is your winner, Samir Ebrahim Xerxes.

*The crowd is booing Samir quite loudly as Jeddah starts to play and Samir makes his way towards the back*

Jason: We’ll be right back in the WarZone after these messages…
Jane: The following contest, scheduled for one fall is a number 1 contenders match for the ICE Women’s Championship at Gold Rush. Introducing first, accompanied by MF… ED!!

*The crowd start to boo at her after what ED did to Pippen last week on WarZone*

Jane: And her opponent… from Battle Creek, Michigan… RVD Gurl!!. The referee signals for the bell as ED and RVD Gurl charge at each other and RVD Gurl knocks over ED and picks her up by the hair and locks ED in a chin lock with a knee digging into her back as the referee asks ED if she wants to give up. No she says. It’s still going. ED starts to stand up and then wraps her arms around the neck of RVD Gurl as she sits down into a sit down jaw breaker as RVD Gurl falls back, holding her jaw. ED gets up to a chorus of boos from the crowd. MF is trying to tell people to shut up, to no success. ED picks up RVD Gurl and Irish Whips her into the corner and ED starts to run at her, but RVD Gurl counters with a drop toe hold and sends ED face first into the middle turn buckle. She then grabs ED by her feet and drags her into the middle of the ring and then gets onto the top rope and she goes for a frog splash!. But wait, ED rolled out of the way and RVD Gurl has come crashing down hard to the mat. ED sees her chance as she now gets up to the top rope and hits a picture perfect Moonsault on RVD Gurl. 1… 2… 3! ED is going to Gold Rush!

Jane: Here is your winner and number 1 contender to the ICE Women’s Championship, ED!.

Jason: And there you have it, one on one, live on Pay Per View, ED and Becca will face off for the ICE Women’s Championship. What a match it will be. Who do you think will win Daniel?

Daniel: It’s going to be a close match, but ED seemed very impressive there with that impressive Moonsault, Jason. We’ll be right back on WarZone after these commercials..
*Eddie McGuire is standing at the top of the entrance ramp, microphone in hand*

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen. Last week I promised to announce the competitors in the match for the ICE World Heavyweight Championship match at Gold Rush, in 2 weeks. Well I’m not going to disappoint. The first superstar in the match is…

*NorCal emerges from the crowd, microphone in hand and jumps the barricade and walks up the ramp to stand right infront of Eddie, nose to nose*

NorCal: What’s it gonna be Eddie? If you know what’s good for you, you’ll announce me as a competitor.

Eddie: Okay, you got it. You’re in the match.

*The crowd boos heavily as NorCal makes his way back through the crowd*

Eddie: The other competitors will be…from Adelaide… Rusty!!. From New Jersey… IC25!! And from Tasmania… Sparky!!. Now, next week, there will be a contract signing in this ring. All four of our competitors will be in this ring, face to face. Good night and thank you for tuning into WarZone!

*When Worlds Collide starts to play as WarZone goes off the air*
For future reference. The current champions and upcoming card for any PPV will be found on page 1 in my original post.
Name: The Jay or Deadman
Height: 6'3
Weight: 236
From: Dallas,Texas "The Jay" Barroom "deadman"
Music: Jockin Jay Z "Jay" "Hypontize" deadman
Finishers:Superkick/Triangle Chock/Pile driver(Jay) Chokeslam/ Power Bomb/
Ring Attire: "The Jay" Long black jeans like R-Truth which say The Jay No shirt

Deadman Will wear all black
Attire: Deadman is all black while The Jay has jeans and a south pole shirt on
Heel/Tweener/Face: Tweener. both
Name: Bant
Height: Bant
Weight: Bant
From: Bantland
Music: "I iz bant" by "The Banters"
Finishers:Bant, bantkick, stone bant stunner, etc.
Ring Attire: Bant

Deadman be bant
Attire: Deadman is bant
Heel/Tweener/Face/Bant: Bant

ICE WarZone Preview:

With the announcement of NorCal, Rusty, IC and Sparky in the ICE World Heavyweight Championship match all four superstars will be in the ring at the same time next week, what will happen when these four are face to face with each other for the first time? Also, General Manager Eddie McGuire is scheduled to make an announcement regarding the left over ICE superstars who did not make the card so far. Also, there will be a huge tag team match, involving David, TM, CM and Samir taking on Will, NSL, Richard and Pippen as well as two more ICE Interstate Championship Ladder Match qualifying matches. All this and more on the next edition of WarZone.
Man, is it just me or is Jane being annoying as fuck as of late?

On a side note, Rusty FTW!
Sorry to the people who are waiting for the next edition of WarZone for the lack of updates. I'm going away in an hour for a few days and will not be on WrestleZone or MSN until Saturday. Expect WarZone to be up by Monday. Thanks.
Ok, so I didn't post the next show when I said I would. Sorry to anyone who was waiting for it (Probably nobody, but anyway) but there have been a few things gone wrong in the last few weeks. Relationship problems, a person close to our family passing away and me possible moving have all taken up my time. I'm writing the next edition now but I've decided I will only write the PPVs as full length detailed cards and the WarZone's will be short recap shows with not as much detail as before so I can do them quicker. If I like the way this one goes I will stick with that.
I was waiting Richard, seriously. Oh and do whatever you want with Warzone and I hope everything turns out ok for your personal life.
ICE WarZone opens with ‘When Worlds Collide’ and the announcers welcome us to this edition of WarZone.

We’re shown a graphic of the ICE Interstate Championship with Pippen, Richard, Samir Ebrahim Xerxes and CM infront of it, posing and our announcers inform us that tonight, one more competitor will be revealed. Jane’s in the ring, looking like she’s going to announce our first match up of the evening.

‘The Deadman’ Jay vs 'The Ayatollah' Will – Number 1 contenders match for a spot in the ICE Championship Ladder Match at Gold Rush.

Will seems to be acting fairly feminine as he is blowing kisses to the crowd and giggling like a little school girl and posing for all the cameras. Jay looks frustrated by his opponents lack of focus and runs into the ropes and rebounds and connects with Will’s head with a massive clothesline. Jay is stomping Wills head into the mat as Will lays there, out of it. Jay stands over Will and puts one foot on Will’s chest. 1…2…3. Jay is going to Gold Rush!!

The commentators are shocked at how easily Will was squashed.

The camera cuts backstage to ‘The One’ Will and NSL. They talk about their match at Gold Rush with TM and David and how they are confident they will win. NSL tells TM and David they’ll see them shortly in the tag match later on.

Women’s tag team match: Hailey Rose and RVD Gurl vs ED and Becca

Hailey Rose and RVD Gurl decide on Hailey starting the match off and ED and Becca can be seen arguing over who’s starting first. ED slaps Becca in the face and gets in the ring and tackles Hailey to the ground and is laying into her with right and left fists. The crowd is chanting “Becca, becca, becca”. Hailey quickly rolls up ED in a small package but only gets a 2 count. Becca is reaching out for ED to tag her in and she does and cleans house. Knocks RVD Gurl off the apron and clotheslines Hailey and then picks her up and Irish whips her into her teams corner and ED starts to pound away at Hailey. Becca tags in ED who kicks Hailey in the back of the leg, causing her to fall. ED stands over her, looking at her and laughing and turns around to tag in Becca but instead eats some Sweet Chin Music! Becca leaves the ring and it looks like RVD Gurl is regrouping! She goes to the top and hits a frog splash and pulls Hailey’s arm over ED.1…2…3! Hailey Rose and RVD Gurl win!

8 man tag team match - David, TM, CM and Samir vs Will, NSL, Richard and Pippen

The respective teams decide who will start off. It looks like CM and Pippen will be starting things off. The crowd are getting behind Pippen and his team with “Lets go Pippen, lets go” chants. A test of strength ensues. CM’s got the advantage but Pippen lets go and quickly puts CM in a roll up. 1…2…kickout! CM gets up and wipes his forehead and looks surprised. TM and David are yelling at CM to hurry up. CM turns around to tag in TM but Pippen grabs CM and irish whips him into his teams corner and tags in Richard. Pippen stays in and holds onto CM as Richard gets into the ring, looking for a double team move. Richard irish whips CM into the ropes and props CM up with a flapjack and Pippen hits a cutter on CM and tries to pin him again. 1…2…no! CM kicks out again. Samir runs into the ring and dumps Pippen over the top rope and starts to brawl with him on the outside. Richard’s in the ring, clapping to get the crowd into it. Samir and Pippen are brawling up the ramp as CM runs and jumps to tag in TM who runs in a clotheslines Richard with authority and then knocks Will and NSL off the apron. Samir and Pippen have kept on brawling up the ramp and gone backstage, it looks like we’re now having a 6 man tag match. TM picks up Richard and puts him into a sleeper hold and it looks like Richard’s gone, but no NSL comes in to make the save and kicks TM in the back. TM and Richard are both down, with David and Will reaching out for their team mates to tag them in. TM tags in David as David starts to make his way towards Richard, Richard makes the quick tag to Will and Will’s in, unloading right fists on David and TM. The crowd is eating this up. CM has come from behind and pulled Richard off of the apron NSL notices and jumps off and delivers a cross body splash to CM as NSL and Richard are beating up CM who breaks away and jumps the barrier and runs away through the crowd. It looks like we’re now left with TM and David vs Will, NSL and Richard. Will is laughing at CM and while he’s not looking, David tags in TM who comes up behind Will who turns around into TM’s finisher, The Canadian Cutter! 1…2…3! It’s over.

TM and David quickly run out the ring and to the back post match.

After the match we cut backstage to see Pippen and Samir still brawling backstage. They’re in the catering hall! Pippen irish whips Samir onto the table with all the food and the table collapses with the chips, dip an drinks all over Samir. The superstars in the back are in hysterics, taking pictures, shooting videos of a food and drink covered Samir getting up. Samir looks incredibly angry, this can’t be good for his reputation with the ladies.

ICE World Heavyweight Championship Match Contract Signing

Eddie is in the ring with a table and four clip boards each with a contract on it. Each competitor make his way to the ring. First out is IC, then NorCal, then Rusty, then Sparky. The elimination rules are explaned. Pinfalls and submissions are the only way to eliminate someone. They sign the contracts and NorCal goes to exit the ring and walks past and walks into Rusty’s shoulder. Rusty stops NorCal from leaving the ring and gives him a jawbreaker! The crowd erupts as all 4 competitors are having an all out brawl in the ring. Sparky and IC are going at it while Rusty and NorCal are hammering away. Rusty dumps NorCal over the top rope and NorCal gets away through the crowd and Rusty helps Sparky throw IC over the top rope and Rusty holds his hand out for Sparky to shake. Sparky looks at him, his hand, then back again and then shakes his hand as WarZone goes off the air.

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