TNA's Tag Division is Slowly Dying

JT Strike's Alt

Dark Match Winner
If you can even say its a divison but i believe there's 2 tag teams the bro mens and the american wolves. And im so Bored with their feud.

Tna needs to really work on their tag team division,
Bring back Beer Money Inc. And Team 3D And get the tag team division started up once again, And then they can bring on new tag teams and help build the newer generations of tag teaming there's so many fine tag teams out there in the indy's for tna just to let their division get stale.

Am i the only one who feels that tna has let their divisoin just die?

If you agree with me That tna's tag team division is slowly dieing, what can tna do to prevent it from happening cause at a time tna had the best tag teams ever in tag team history in my opinion.
I wouldnt go as far as to say they had the best tag teams at on point ever. TNA was on a roll for quite awhile in the tag divison minus the Pac Man Jones incident. TNA could really use a boost to their tag divison but I feel like the roster is thin. I could see the new stable being led by knux to be in the hunt at some point. And id like to see them bring in a few more fresh faces. Maybe you could bring somebody in and tag with samuel shaw also bram mad an appearance. It defiantly needs a lot of work. I dont see it ever being what it was but you got to try id think.
Yeah TNA needs to build the Tag Team division. How mny times we gotta watch The Wolves & The Bromans wrestle each other. They need to create Tag Teams with the current roster & bring in some other Tag Teams
Sure. When in doubt, pull the old acts out. TNA is debuting a new face team next week in The Menage-something or other. And at the ridiculous rate they've been hiring talent, I'm certain teams will keep popping up. If you think the division is bad now, obviously you haven't been paying attention because it's been on life-support since 2010.

And no, I don't want to see Team 3D or Beer Money back. That's an extremely stupid idea to take 3 former World Champions and saddle them back into tag teams. Not to mention they have been long since played out.
I do expect TNA to debut multiple teams and alliances in the near future but they did a great job with Wolves and Bro Mans. It was a transition period in TNA, Bad Influence out, Wolves in. Most people expected Wolves to instantly capture gold, I dont think anyone expected them to finally secure the title at a ppv 4 months after their debut. Now after a potential rematch the door will be open for fresh tag feuds after establishing a decent run for the gold for the Wolves.
Is slowly dying? Have you been paying attention. It's not dying. It's dead. Been dead for a very long time. I mean hell, Hernandez has won the belts in like 8 different tag teams, all of them lasting a year tops, except for LAX. There is no "tag division" in TNA and there hasn't been for a while. It's just the champs and whoever they threw together to challenge. I mean look at the recent history- Bro Mans who had literally ZERO televised wins before they became champs. Storm and Gunner- two guys thrown together that lasted less than a year. Aries and Roode- two guys thrown together that lasted less than a year. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. Two guys put together for just over a year. Then you have Bad Influence. Then you have AJ Styles and Kurt Angle, a team for about a month. Finally you have Magnus and Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan and Crimson, and Mexican America. All short term tag teams, and that brings us back to January 2011. So no it's not dying. It's dead. And TNA needs to rebuild it with some Indy teams. The Young Bucks should never have been handled the way they were in TNA. Bring them back. Get the Briscoes from ROH. Maybe the Bravado's. Hell get Karl Anderson and DOC Gallows from the Bullet Club. That would revamp the tag division a bit.
People may not be down for it but why not bring in an established team like London & Kendrick.
Then you can bring back Generation Me like MC_Live said.

Don't they have a working relationship with Wrestle 1? I'm sure there's some talent there that can come over and work in teams.

The indies are full of wrestlers who would probably go there to get t.v. exposure and could probably raise their rate after being in TNA.

How is a guy like Chuck Taylor not signed yet?

I know some wrestlers say they can make more money working the indies but I'm guessing those are the bigger names.
TNA's Tag division has been weak at best for some time. The only Tag team they had that was consistent was The bad Influence. What happened there? Right when TNA get's a possibility of a money feud with The Wolves, they are gone. Chavo and Hernandez seemed okay for a bit, but it just felt thrown together and they never really full on pulled the trigger on them either. The Tag team Division has been on Life Support since Hogan and Bischoff came into TNA. At first looked promising, but then they broke just about everyone up and did the same thing they always do, throw people together, as has already been stated. Say what you will, but TNA at one tuime had the best division out there as WWE wasn't doing anything with their Division then, and RoH, has good tag teams, but it wasn't a focus then. It's time for TNA to get things in the right perspective. Tag team, Knock Outs, and X-Division all need some serious work. Parts have been put in place to improve them all, but there are still other parts missing to tie it all together.
Although bringing back successful tag teams from the past such as beer money inc and team 3D seems like a sensible option in an attempt to revive the tna tag team division without the introduction of a few new tag teams from the independent scene that have the ability to gain popularity in tna and then introduce the legendary tag teams as they thrive off good opposition as they originally gained popularity with solid matches weekly with the likes of LAX, MCMG, British Invasion, Daniels and Kaz etc without more tag team opponents other than bro mans and the wolves there is nothing pulling a couple of successful singles wrestlers into a boring tag division
TNA do seem to be trying to rebuild the X-Division & Tag-Division, they've put Bram & Magnus together, I assume Team 3-D will tag together maybe not as regular, the same with the Hardy's if Matt is signed. Crazzy Steve & The Freak need to be put together or else they're just eating up spots on the roster.

The Wolves
Magnus & Bram (Magnam or something)
The Menagerie
Team 3-D
The Hardy's

It's a decent division, if they could sign the Young Buck's, Brisco's or WGTT that would be a helping hand to making that division great again.

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