TNA's booking sucks!!!!!


King Of The Ring
Do you know how many times I've read/heard that? Too many. For some reason, 99% of the time it feels like the people saying it are running on auto-pilot, and don't know WHY they're saying it, it's just a flaw in pro wrestling and hey, it's TNA, let's shit on it about everything, even fabricated crap.

I, personally, don't see that horrible booking that everybody's talking about. Maybe I'm not smarky enough, I'm looking to improve on that. So please, PLEASE somebody give me examples of bad TNA booking. And no, not some crap from last year or five years ago. Recently. I'm not saying that it does not exist, nor am I saying that it does - I simply need examples just so I can sort this out for myself.
Abyssamania, the MCMGs not getting a title run for 3 years, Samoa Joe's kidnapping, The unexplained Deception angle, Hardcore Justice, Orlando Jordan and pushing Rob Terry. And that's off the top of my head.

TNA's booking gets shit on because they do a lot of illogical angles and rapidly change direction. Not a new criticism either, fans were chanting "Fire Russo" years ago.
Agree totally with Zeven_Zion. Love the line 'running on auto-pilot' line..perfectly sums up a lot of smarks here. TNA's booking does not suck. I believe that TNA can improve but that the booking is much better than WWE. Granted, WWE's booking is god awful. But i digress.
Abyssamania, the MCMGs not getting a title run for 3 years, Samoa Joe's kidnapping, The unexplained Deception angle, Hardcore Justice, Orlando Jordan and pushing Rob Terry. And that's off the top of my head.

TNA's booking gets shit on because they do a lot of illogical angles and rapidly change direction. Not a new criticism either, fans were chanting "Fire Russo" years ago.

A rapid change of direction isn't a bad thing, I believe. It's an element of surprise. Now if the direction is something COMPLETELY illogical and moronic - then I agree.

Abyssamania - I agree. It wasn't the most entertaining thing in the world. But it set up Abyss' heel turn nicely, so .. meh.

Samoa Joe's Kidnapping - I agree and disagree. I think the inital plan was to push Joe as the "they" guy. He was talking about "they" and how "they" told him this and that. But maybe they dropped it and decided that Abyss is the better option ( which he is ). OR maybe I'm wrong, maybe he's a part of the whole story, who knows.

"The Unexpected Deception Angle" - What's wrong with that? Sting doesn't like Hogan and Bischoff. The storyline is alive today, Nash is in the mix as well. The deception being that Hogan and Bischoff are not as goodie goodie as people think, and it'll be resolved at B.F.G ( maybe ). How is that bad booking? It's not illogical too. Sting and Nash have their reasons, we'll find out what they are soon.

Hardcore Justice - How is that bad booking too? It was necessary to set up the Fourtune vs EV.2.0 angle. While I hate EV2, there would be no Fourtune without EV2. It wasn't "illogical" - it was REALLY logical. You just don't like it and I'm with you, but it's not an illogical storyline.

Orlando Jordan - Good wrestler, different gimmick. That's not bad booking, you just don't like the guy. I however, do. I'm not gay, but the guy could be a decent mid-carder.

Pushing Rob Terry -
Perfect example of bad booking. Dude sucks MAJOR balls, slapping a belt on him was just a waste of time while it could've gone for someone like Joe or Wolfe.

MCMG Not getting the belt for three years - Like I said, no crap from 2-3 years ago. And actually, while it might've been frustrating, I don't think that their current reign would mean as much if they won it three years ago, get my drift? What TNA did wrong with the MCMG, and IS bad booking, is jobbing them to just about every team on every iMPACT.

So... 90% half of these were not bad booking, just your own, biased opinion. The storylines were logical, even though they didn't appeal to everybody. Just like Cena and The Nexus. I wasn't happy that they got beat. It seemed like there were 1 million options to do something cool and they chose the most obvious and boring one, but it was a logical storyline. We've seen it a few gazillion times - face pumps up, adrenaline rush - pulls off a win.

So far, TNA's booking isn't totally horrific as people say. Actually, WWE's is terrible compared to this. So boys and girls - gimme more. I want to be convinced that their booking is TOTAL pile of midget shit like people claim it is.
A rapid change of direction isn't a bad thing, I believe. It's an element of surprise. Now if the direction is something COMPLETELY illogical and moronic - then I agree.

the ocassional unexpected change of pace is good. rapid, unexplained turns, including just plain going in the opposite direction of no apparent reason is not good.

Abyssamania - I agree. It wasn't the most entertaining thing in the world. But it set up Abyss' heel turn nicely, so .. meh.

A heel turn which could have been accomplished without him dressing up like an idiot and fighting back "with the power of the ring".

Samoa Joe's Kidnapping - I agree and disagree. I think the inital plan was to push Joe as the "they" guy. He was talking about "they" and how "they" told him this and that. But maybe they dropped it and decided that Abyss is the better option ( which he is ). OR maybe I'm wrong, maybe he's a part of the whole story, who knows.

They kidnapped him, never explained why before bringing him back sans explanation. No logic or reason behind any of it, which makes it a good example of bad booking.

"The Unexpected Deception Angle" - What's wrong with that? Sting doesn't like Hogan and Bischoff. The storyline is alive today, Nash is in the mix as well. The deception being that Hogan and Bischoff are not as goodie goodie as people think, and it'll be resolved at B.F.G ( maybe ). How is that bad booking? It's not illogical too. Sting and Nash have their reasons, we'll find out what they are soon.

They never explained who was being decieved, why, and how it was happening. They also conveniently forgot that the people who made Sting no1 contender were feuding with him at the time. They've now got Sting teaming up with Nash for whatever reason still with no explanation. Don't hold your breath waiting for one.

Hardcore Justice - How is that bad booking too? It was necessary to set up the Fourtune vs EV.2.0 angle. While I hate EV2, there would be no Fourtune without EV2. It wasn't "illogical" - it was REALLY logical. You just don't like it and I'm with you, but it's not an illogical storyline.

Well, for a start the show was terrible, with terrible matches between terrible wrestlers. if it had been booked better, the tallentless wastes of space would have been left off the card.

Orlando Jordan - Good wrestler, different gimmick. That's not bad booking, you just don't like the guy. I however, do. I'm not gay, but the guy could be a decent mid-carder.

You're saying that a guy covering himself with simulated jizz is good booking?

Pushing Rob Terry - Perfect example of bad booking. Dude sucks MAJOR balls, slapping a belt on him was just a waste of time while it could've gone for someone like Joe or Wolfe.


MCMG Not getting the belt for three years - Like I said, no crap from 2-3 years ago.

the beautiful thing about the Guns is that they were just as ready to hold the championships at any point in the last 3 years as they were when they finally won the damn things. making it not an example of bad booking 3 years ago, but a 3 year long demonstration of TNA's bad booking.

And actually, while it might've been frustrating, I don't think that their current reign would mean as much if they won it three years ago, get my drift? What TNA did wrong with the MCMG, and IS bad booking, is jobbing them to just about every team on every iMPACT.

It would have meant exactly the same, because the most entertaining team would have been champions and justly deserved ones at that. There's no reason to give Beer Money 3 tag title runs but 0 to the guns over the same time period. Roode and Storm are great, but they aren't better than the Guns.

So...half of these were not bad booking, just biased oppinion by both you and me on some of 'em. The storylines were logical, even though they didn't appeal to everybody. Just like Cena and The Nexus. I wasn't happy that they got beat, but it was somewhat logical.

Nope, they were all examples of bad booking, and I reiterated why.

So far, TNA's booking isn't totally horrific as people say. Actually, WWE's is terrible compared to this. So boys and girls - gimme more. I want to be convinced that their booking is TOTAL pile of midget shit like people claim it is.

This is not the place to compare WWE and TNA booking.
I watch it every week and I always enjoy it. It's one of the few shows that I look forward to watching. Yet I go online and see so many people bash it. piss me offf.those are not real wrestling fans.they are tna haters.
They tells "bring in an outside booker just so he can gain respect" crap boggles my mind. "I know! Why don't we replace a highly polarizing, highly controversial figure like Russo with another highly polarizing, highly controversial figure like Heyman .
It's unbelievable how smarks call others smarks. I love both TNA and WWE. Both there booking isn't terrible. I enjoy both brands, because they have talented wrestler. TNA went downhill this year, but there starting to become good again. AJ Remix is talking about storylines that happen months ago, which is pointless. And your saying that TNA's booking is better then WWE. I don't agree with that, WWE seems to be a lot more in place this year then TNA. But anywho, TNA is a great brand, with great wrestling. Same goes for WWE, just because there PG doesn't mean there terrible. Sheamus vs JoMo last week was awesome. And I would compliment TNA, but they didn't play it on SPike for 2 weeks, though I did hear Hardy vs Angle rematch was good. TNA's booking was a little sloppy, but I wouldn't go far into saying it was terrible.
They kidnapped him, never explained why before bringing him back sans explanation. No logic or reason behind any of it, which makes it a good example of bad booking.

IF Joe's not a part of the "they" storyline - then yeah, it's bad booking. If it turns out that he is - then it's fucking genius. Make people forget about it and deliver good shock value.

They never explained who was being decieved, why, and how it was happening. They also conveniently forgot that the people who made Sting no1 contender were feuding with him at the time. They've now got Sting teaming up with Nash for whatever reason still with no explanation. Don't hold your breath waiting for one.

The whole idea of this alignment is to be mysterious. Question after question, all getting answered in time. Just because you don't get answers on the spot doesn't mean that they booked in a bad way.

Well, for a start the show was terrible, with terrible matches between terrible wrestlers. if it had been booked better, the tallentless wastes of space would have been left off the card.

Again, personal opinion. I loved the Pay-Per-View. It was entertaining. Were the matches sloppy? Hell yeah. Wasn't the best wrestling in the world, but I still enjoyed it.

You're saying that a guy covering himself with simulated jizz is good booking?

Yep. Face it - the guy is a heel, he's as gay as the day is long, that's his gimmick, that's how he makes people hate him, and it's working. It makes me cringe too and I love it - it's a generic gimmick, something you don't get these days.

the beautiful thing about the Guns is that they were just as ready to hold the championships at any point in the last 3 years as they were when they finally won the damn things. making it not an example of bad booking 3 years ago, but a 3 year long demonstration of TNA's bad booking.

They were, but take HBK's first WWF title for example. They turned it into a whole storyline, he was in that company for eight years or something, always an exceptional talent. They could've given him the belt after his 4th, 5th year no problem, he was always full of talent, but didn't. Same thing with The Guns. Like I said, jobbing them was the real shit, screw the titles.
I could make threads just like this about WWE. But they would get closed. You know why? b.c they fucking know I am right and hate to admit it. Remember about 3 months ago when there wer rumors of the Xdivision title being faised out? Yeah, well did it ever happen? Nope. And what ever happened to you precious Cruiser Weight title over on SD? Oh wait, it was faised out. Is there anyone bitching about that? No. You people just want to bash it and say it sucks, b/c you are afraid that a smaller company has a better product that you. And your response? "Look at the ratings" "Who has more money"

Hmmm I wonder why? You be the judge.
I could make threads just like this about WWE. But they would get closed. You know why? b.c they fucking know I am right and hate to admit it. Remember about 3 months ago when there wer rumors of the Xdivision title being faised out? Yeah, well did it ever happen? Nope. And what ever happened to you precious Cruiser Weight title over on SD? Oh wait, it was faised out. Is there anyone bitching about that? No. You people just want to bash it and say it sucks, b/c you are afraid that a smaller company has a better product that you. And your response? "Look at the ratings" "Who has more money"

Hmmm I wonder why? You be the judge.

Dude, hold your horses, did you even read my post or just the title. :wtf:

I don't like WWE in the least bit too, but please this is a thread about TNA's supposed "bad" booking which ruins it for sooooo many people even though every fucking company has plot holes and can't book everything in a perfect manner, but for some reason TNA's the one that gets shit on the most, not about WWE.

I just wanted examples. I've seen it said by at least 5 guys in almost every TNA thread, and I got only one response with good points, some of which were debatable.

I hate it when people claim something and have nothing to back it up with.
an example?

Im watching Impact tonite that I dvr'ed, its nash vs joe. They fight to the outside, sting attacks joe, then jarrett attacks nash, they get counted out.

creative had this match booked as a double count out WHEN ITS OBVIOUSLY A DQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is why tna is booked badly vince Russo does not care about tittles. has shown by this.

More recent example how giving hogan return away for free which wasn't russos fault that had eric bishoff name all over it.

By the way I really like tna and want them succeed because it wrestling and I love wrestling . But I just don't see that happening with vince russo writing story lines. Tna truly has the best wrestling, but it doesn't always get to show through.
this is why tna is booked badly vince Russo does not care about tittles. has shown by this.

More recent example how giving hogan return away for free which wasent russos fault that had eric bishoff name all over it.

By the way I really like tna and want them succeed because it wrestling and I love wrestling . But I just don't see that happening with vince writing story lines. Tna truly has the best wrestling, but it doesnt always get to show through.

Excuse me, I can't understand anything from your horrific spelling.

Do you mean that it was a mistake for TNA to have Hogan's return on iMPACT and not on a Pay-Per-View? Really? Something that happened over six, seven months ago? That's your big example? IF SO, then, yes, it could be taken as a mistake, but then again, WHO in their right mind would PAY to watch Hogan return, when they don't give a shit about TNA to begin with. Sure, the TNA fans are going to buy the fuck of it - but that's not the point. The point was to advertise the hell out of it, and then have a Live show, draw some ratings and spread the word - the best way to do that is on free television. If I wasn't a TNA fan and I heard that HOgan and Bischoff are going to some other wrestling company, I'd most likely tune in and see what happens, 'cause it's free. But if I had to pay for this, while not being a TNA fan - not a chance, I'd just watch it on YouTube later.
an example?

Im watching Impact tonite that I dvr'ed, its nash vs joe. They fight to the outside, sting attacks joe, then jarrett attacks nash, they get counted out.

creative had this match booked as a double count out WHEN ITS OBVIOUSLY A DQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You know, they also didn't disqualify Flair last week when he held someone's foot from the outside, right infront of the ref.

Thing is, they wanted this match to end in some kind of a draw. Didn't want Joe to lose, didn't want Nash to lose. They need momentum and heat going into Bound For Glory. The match furthered the storyline, ended in a double countout, that's it.

You see little things like that in wrestling all the time. Paying attention to them and an excessive use of "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - that's grabbing for straws and acting like an idiot.
I don't think that TNA has Terrible Booking but the Booking is not great they make mistakes booking and over- booking stuff just like the Angle Vs Hardy was overbooked. No Wrestling show is really going to be perfectly booked because there is always going to be Fans that complain that they should have done something because its not what they wanted to see happen. TNA's booking to me is far from terrible but its not perfect either.
Excuse me, I can't understand anything from your horrific spelling.

Do you mean that it was a mistake for TNA to have Hogan's return on iMPACT and not on a Pay-Per-View? Really? Something that happened over six, seven months ago? That's your big example? IF SO, then, yes, it could be taken as a mistake, but then again, WHO in their right mind would PAY to watch Hogan return, when they don't give a shit about TNA to begin with. Sure, the TNA fans are going to buy the fuck of it - but that's not the point. The point was to advertise the hell out of it, and then have a Live show, draw some ratings and spread the word - the best way to do that is on free television. If I wasn't a TNA fan and I heard that Hogan and Bischoff are going to some other wrestling company, I'd most likely tune in and see what happens, 'cause it's free. But if I had to pay for this, while not being a TNA fan - not a chance, I'd just watch it on YouTube later.

Okay you are right about the spelling lol, but I think there would have been hogan marks that would have purchased the ppv along with the normal people the purchased tna ppvs. More recent example why giving rvd the tittle win for free after he wrestled a match (which made aj styles look really weak) and then where supposed to buy the ppv with the rematch really.
an example?

Im watching Impact tonite that I dvr'ed, its nash vs joe. They fight to the outside, sting attacks joe, then jarrett attacks nash, they get counted out.

creative had this match booked as a double count out WHEN ITS OBVIOUSLY A DQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it is perfectly normal for a man to exit the ring by going over the top rope in an "Over The Top Rope" Challenge. It certainly is normal for a laptop to run a show. Not to mention how the person can write a detailed e-mail response towards a wrestler's claim about 2 seconds after the wrestler speaks. Say where does Cole get his emails on anyway? iTunes?

How about that Undertaker? Powerful undead guy. He gets attacked and ends up in a "vegetative state". Not a coma. Not beaten and taken out. A "vegetative state".

How about that Nexus? Brash group of young guys. Banded together to take over Raw. Yet they couldn't win a singles match if their life depended on it. Great set of invaders there.

What about Michael Cole? He just walks out of a show because it frustrates him. Be beefs on Danielson and Kaval and rides Miz's wiener to the moon. Is this gonna lead anywhere? Are we supposed to take a guy that got locked in a closet and "raped" as a serious asshole commentator?

How about that Jack Swagger? He was the only World Champion to have a win-loss that has more losses than wins. By a mile, too. Not to mention just how damn god awful he was on the mic.

Here's my point. Every company has it's flaws. And yes, I admit TNA has more than WWE. I mean we had Abyss branding people. But here's the detail. Some people like the product. And by some people, I mean about millions. I really don't care for criticizing WWE even though I've grown to hate what they've become, because I know they are too stubborn to change. So I stick to TNA. What I enjoy. And I don't give a flying fucking shit about the WWE loyalist's that come by here and try to poke holes into TNA as if their great and powerful "god" of pro wrestling was purged of all sins.

People always come into the TNA section to moan and bitch about how "TNA's booking sucks" and how "I tried, but just couldn't sit and watch". Giving zero reason behind their critiques. JACKASSES is all I have to say. Does it really kill you to analyze and filter into a steady thought process what you hate? And why and what you think they should do to improve. Instead we get a bunch of blind loyalists coming in here just to poke the animal in the cage. Too stupid to think from the caged animal's point of view. Not bothering in being analytical or integral. Because apparently the fun here is to come in, stir shit, look like a jackass and leave giving no real point.

Seriously. As a TNA fan, if you come here and give a well thought out, well written, well analyzed explanation, I will respect it. Gladly, too. But if you're flat out ignorant and just saying it for the sake of it, it's never gonna solve anything.
I don't like WWE in the least bit too

So let me get this straight-
You think TNA booking sucks, and you don't like WWE as well. But you are here on a Wrestling Forum giving your two cent.
Am I sharp in assuming that you've just professed your ignorance in action and opinion?

Bravo, you've just become the Lady Gaga of WZ Forums,
You know, they also didn't disqualify Flair last week when he held someone's foot from the outside, right infront of the ref.

Thing is, they wanted this match to end in some kind of a draw. Didn't want Joe to lose, didn't want Nash to lose. They need momentum and heat going into Bound For Glory. The match furthered the storyline, ended in a double countout, that's it.

You see little things like that in wrestling all the time. Paying attention to them and an excessive use of "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - that's grabbing for straws and acting like an idiot.

If they wanted it to end in a draw they could have had nash and joe fight to the outside, have sting start to go after joe but have jarret cut him off before he makes contact, then get the count out and carry on with the rest. simple enough.

The fact that you say it happened again last week illustrates my point further.

It does not suspend disbelief, it is not logical, it shows nobody cares, and therefore its CRAP BOOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Ill use punctuation all I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The problem that comes from the IWC is that TNA gets criticized for "bad booking" while the angle is still going on. Like the "Deception" angle. It isn't even completed, we haven't even had the reveal, and people shit on it. Then people try to take minor leaps of logic and make them out to be huge issues, like "why couldn't Nash and Sting just say plainly what the problem they have is?" Because it's a fucking soap opera and they're trying to build drama, so you have to make some little leaps of logic. I mean, logically, wouldn't a heel champion, who is by definition a coward and a bad guy, purposely get himself disqualified every match, because he would then retain the title forever?

Or take that guy who complained about the Joe-Nash match being ruled a countout as opposed to a DQ. Talk about nitpicking! I mean, why did Frodo hold the ring for the entire series when there were three other hobbits? Because it adds to the drama. In Top Gun, is it realistic for a jet fighter to be 3 feet apart from one another? Hell fucking no, but who cares?

In short, people try to create mountains out of molehills when it comes to TNA, because it's en vogue to criticize TNA. Has TNA EVER had really big logical breakdowns that ARE the result of poor booking and need to be called out? Sure. The Joe kidnapping thing has the potential to be a big booking error, for sure, if they don't end up tying it into the "They" thing on 10/10. But the vast, vast majority of the shitting on TNA is unwarranted.
I don't know why I'm bothering to reply to this, because I'm sure someone is just going to try and defend TNA instead of opening their minds or admitting that TNA makes mistakes..... BUT, here is a very recent example of some of their illogical booking .... THE ENTIRE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT!!! TNA strips their champion (RVD) of the World title because he is too injured to defend the title and it's so important that the title is defended on a regular important that they stretch out an 8-Man tournament over 2 MONTHS??!! And then the injured ex-champion (RVD) returns before they even crown the new champion???!!! (Yes RVD on the phone dropped a one liner hinting that he may not have doctors clearance yet, but he will still be wrestling on the same card they are crowning a new champion.) .... Oh, but the tournament gets better!!! On the last PPV they have Hardy and Angle wrestle to a brutal "no contest". (Which should have closed the show.) Which normally would mean no one advances making thus making Anderson vs Pope a championship match. (Which did close the show.)... As oppose to booking Anderson vs Pope first THEN closing the show with Angle vs Hardy in a "no-contest" catching everyone off guard. (So you don't have time to make a decision/championship match.) and leaving a cliffhanger with the commentators selling "Who will be the next champ? Does this make Anderson Champ? Tune in to Impact to find out!!" ....At least that would make a LITTLE more sense not to completely eliminate Angle and Hardy from the tournament altogether.....but what do I know.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]But it is perfectly normal for a man to exit the ring by going over the top rope in an "Over The Top Rope" Challenge. It certainly is normal for a laptop to run a show. Not to mention how the person can write a detailed e-mail response towards a wrestler's claim about 2 seconds after the wrestler speaks. Say where does Cole get his emails on anyway? iTunes? [/QUOTE]

Now, did I ever say WWE is perfect? Is this thread even about WWE? No, and no, this thread is about someone not understanding why TNA's booking is flawed. Plus King and Cole had a comment to try to save the Khali thing but I agree, he should have lost the match when he went over the top. As far as a laptop running a show, there is a person behind it. Whether you like the angle or not it still makes sense, it follows logic unlike referees who dont make correct calls. If they get punished for their actions later then it may end up making sense.

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]How about that Undertaker? Powerful undead guy. He gets attacked and ends up in a "vegetative state". Not a coma. Not beaten and taken out. A "vegetative state". [/QUOTE]

vegetative state is a coma.......

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]How about that Nexus? Brash group of young guys. Banded together to take over Raw. Yet they couldn't win a singles match if their life depended on it. Great set of invaders there. [/QUOTE]

That happens with a lot of heel teams. They can't win by themselves but together they can cheat a lot better. In the case of nexus most of their attacks were between 5-7 on 1. Who wouldnt dominate with those odds?

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]What about Michael Cole? He just walks out of a show because it frustrates him. Be beefs on Danielson and Kaval and rides Miz's wiener to the moon. Is this gonna lead anywhere? Are we supposed to take a guy that got locked in a closet and "raped" as a serious asshole commentator? [/QUOTE]

They're obviously turning him heel (although I agree with him about NXT3 lol). The bad booking done with him is that he's not a heel all the time which is illogical. You can't have a tweener commentator, hopefully this will lead somewhere but right now it is BAD BOOKING!!!! although I do think his heel persona is entertaining. What about him getting raped? Did they do that on tv? is there a youtube clip? lol, I dont remember that at all, who raped him?

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]How about that Jack Swagger? He was the only World Champion to have a win-loss that has more losses than wins. By a mile, too. Not to mention just how damn god awful he was on the mic. [/QUOTE]

He won the title by a fluke and doesn't have it anymore, they could even do that with the Brooklyn Brawler. They attempted to push him and it didn't take so they bumped him back down. I dont think he's that bad on the mic, but thats just my opinion.

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]Here's my point. Every company has it's flaws. And yes, I admit TNA has more than WWE. I mean we had Abyss branding people. But here's the detail. Some people like the product. And by some people, I mean about millions. I really don't care for criticizing WWE even though I've grown to hate what they've become, because I know they are too stubborn to change. So I stick to TNA. What I enjoy. And I don't give a flying fucking shit about the WWE loyalist's that come by here and try to poke holes into TNA as if their great and powerful "god" of pro wrestling was purged of all sins.[/QUOTE]

I don't hate TNA, that main event was really good and showed the right way to do a draw and to further a program. You seem to think I hate TNA, I dont, I just wish the gaping flaws were fixed. It happened a lot in WCW too, low blows in front of the ref that wouldnt get called, it was awful. I dont think Abyss branding that guy was terrible. Hokey? yes! but it fits his character and makes sense.

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]People always come into the TNA section to moan and bitch about how "TNA's booking sucks" and how "I tried, but just couldn't sit and watch". Giving zero reason behind their critiques. JACKASSES is all I have to say. Does it really kill you to analyze and filter into a steady thought process what you hate? And why and what you think they should do to improve. Instead we get a bunch of blind loyalists coming in here just to poke the animal in the cage. Too stupid to think from the caged animal's point of view. Not bothering in being analytical or integral. Because apparently the fun here is to come in, stir shit, look like a jackass and leave giving no real point.[/QUOTE]

This thread is called "TNA's booking sucks!!!!!" and the person that created it is looking for flaws in TNA's booking. Thats what this is all about. If you don't like it you can go to another thread. I think I gave good reason as to why TNA booking sucks, LOGIC. A referee, logically, should call the match according to the rules. If he doesn't then why is he there? He's not doing his job. If it leads to an angle where he gets fired then fine but there was no indication of that.

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438422]Seriously. As a TNA fan, if you come here and give a well thought out, well written, well analyzed explanation, I will respect it. Gladly, too. But if you're flat out ignorant and just saying it for the sake of it, it's never gonna solve anything. [/QUOTE]

I gave reason for my post, the match was obviously a DQ but in order to do what they wanted they just pretended it didnt happen and made it a count out. They could have worked it out to end with a double count out in a logical way but they didnt, that is lazy booking, which is BAD BOOKING!!!
Tonight I saw the best booking ever, Fortune stomping the shit out of Tommy Dreamer after his whiney promo. Personally I would like to see that everytime Dreamer opens his mouth. I think TNA has a lot of great angles going on now leading into their biggest ppv of the year. There are always going to be booking decisions some fans don't like, don't understand, or are too impatient to wait for a conclusion. One thing I notice is a lot of people are bitching about storylines that havent concluded and will likely play out on the 10/7 live show and BFG. "Deception" is a good example, Sting and Nash will most likely answer that question at BFG. Just check out Riaku's post out and it will show you TNA is not the Lone Ranger when it comes to booking. Isn't part of the fun for the IWC to try and find holes in these storylines and mis-steps in the ring? I know I love to try to figure out whats coming next and seeing if I am right. As far as I'm concerned, the booking is just fine in TNA, but there is always room for improvement.

TNA's booking is still suffering from mistakes made by Jeff Jarrett: Jeff loves Vince Russo, Russo was a good booker in the WWE but went to WCW, devalued the WCW World Championship by using it as a game of pass the parcel. Something that helped Jeff Jarrett's career, but started the last and worse days in WCW history. So as Jeff's mate, he got a strong booking job for TNA.

If you remeber the days just before Hogan and the Bitch-off came to TNA, it was like the company told Russo not to write dumb storylines and just book good matchs and we had some good matchs without terrible storylines tagged on.

Hogan, sorry I don't care how beloved he is, ain't a booker. He's a on-screen company face at most and when he does book, the product suffers from it. A great wrestler (really, the guy had a limited moveset... He's the 80s/90s John Cena) does NOT make a great booker, or even someone who understand the business. If he did why did he go to TNA then, why not before when Jarrett clocked him with a chair- a great feud never used.

The Bitch-Off, to me, is the new Russo and very over rated. Tommy Dreamer, how can anyone trust him- he will just push his friends, when he was in the WWE almost all of his friends we're not in the company, thats why he did well. Mick Foley however OR Scott Levy (RAVEN) are great bookers, Scott proved his without a doubt with his run as a booker in WWE. I don't want TNA to take a page from WWE's book and use "hollywood writers", which IS what they are doing, I'm a film maker (pHD and a MA in the Performing Arts) and I'm the type of person they want, not wrestlers or guys that just love the sport.

TNA needs to calm down, look at its self. Make Hogan just a company face or have a feud with someone YOUNG, not Flair, to let some of the "mega star" rub off and yes that means Hogan will have to job at some point. Drop EV2.0 or to be fair all current stables and refocus them into tag teams or single wrtlers. There is nothing wrong with OJ's current gimmick he just need to be booked in the right way. Sabu, could still be a credit to the comany, have him feud with Raven, Abyss, Jeff Hardy and so on, but let one of the feuds lead to a Barbwire match- not a title match.

Just sayin'
There are some huge flaws in terms of booking for WWE and TNA. As some of stated before, we have to look at the Joe kidnapping and Sting deception angle. Abyss is someone else we have to bring up. Why is this guy still employed and not in jail? He practically killed RVD on Impact and he branded a guy's genitals on live television. Abyss was "sent" the the mental asylum in the past for being too hardcore, but now even the announcers don't care that he is literally branding people backstage?

Even though the matches were good, why would TNA let their fans sit through two 30 minute matches of Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy to determine the #1 contender for the title when it has already been decided the match at Bound For Glory would be a triple threat match anyways?

Vince Russo is trying to be Martin Scorsese and its getting really annoying. I can't wait for this 10.10.10 garbage to be over with.

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