TNA's Big Men.... Suck

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
You've got Matt Morgan, Abyss, Tomko, Hernandez, and Kevin Nash. I'll break them down one by one.

Matt Morgan- Probably the biggest waste of space on the roster. His promos are generic and I have yet to see a good match with him involved outside of his match with Kurt Angle, and that match was only good because of Angle. He is just complete shit all the way around. What anyone sees in him is beyond me.

Abyss- I've never been a huge Abyss fan, but at least a couple years ago he played the monster heel role well. Now every time I see him on my TV screen I want to change the channel. He's just annoying. He's ok in the ring, but all of his good matches have come with gimmicks attached. I really don't see his appeal anymore.

Tomko- He rivals Matt Morgan for biggest waste of space on the roster. I really don't know why they keep bringing him back with these semi-big story lines only to have him job to guys a couple weeks after his return. I have him slightly ahead of Morgan as far as in ring and mic work go, but he is still below average at both.

Hernandez- He is the closest thing to a serviceable big man in TNA. He's nothing special on the mic but at least he can put on a good match from time to time. I prefer him as a heel, but he is at least passable.

Kevin Nash- Now I'm a huge Nash fan and he is still great on the mic, but in the ring he is just too beat up. I really hope he retires from in ring competition soon because some of his matches are painful to watch. I mean the guy is about 86 years old.

It's not like the WWE has all great big men, but for every Mike Knox and Vance Archer they have guys like The Undertaker and Kane.

So what do you think about the big men in TNA?
Man, I hear you on this one. Their big men aren't as great as they could be. Kevin Nash really hasn't done anything for years, and I'm shocked to see him in the ring still. Abyss is making me sad. This guy had a good gimmick, and mixture of Kane and Mankind, but he is just too goofy and is not really fun to watch. Matt Morgan, well I think we all see the reasons why he isn't in the WWE anymore.
yes id have to agree with this statement the best one is Abyss and he is getting to fat to do anything worth watching in the ring maybe if they make him a monster again then it won't be so bad.
I think your opinion sucks. You said for every Mike Knox and Vance Archer, there's an Undertaker and Kane, there is only 1 Undertaker and Kane. After that you have the Big Show. The problem here is all of those guys are either broken down or soon to be retired. Apart from that, WWE doesn't know what to do with big men that they've acquired since about 1999-2000. From Snitzky, Knox, you name it. They're all a waste of space. TNA on the otherhand at least sticks with their guys for the most part.

Let me break it down to you:
Hernandez is the best big man going today in terms of inring ability. Nobody is as powerful, dominant, and can fly around like Supermex. Abyss is a great worker and can have a great match with anybody if you've been following TNA. From Sabu, Christian, Hardy, Raven, Sting, it doesn't matter. You think Tomko sucks, yeah okay, whatever. Tomko is a world traveled athlete who has won tag belts in Japan and brings plenty to the table and is 1 of the most promising guys in TNA today. Matt Morgan maybe average to you but he has the mic skills to carry him and is no different in the ring than Kane except Morgan is more agile. Kevin Nash is much older and with his history of injuries, no one expects anything from him but at least he's in shape.
Man. I always thought their matches were lacking, but I never realized it was because of the people in it. Thanks for helping me realize this.

Anyway, yes I can see exactly the point you're making. Hernandez seems like the one with the most going for him. He's got the high flying spots that are just great for a big guy period, but his run as a face isn't exactly thrilling me.

With Matt Morgan, I'm a fan of some of the stuff he does, but they continue to bill him as a "goliath" type figure. We know he's beatable, so it's not as great as you would think. He's really sloppish in his matches recently too.

Abyss is okay in the ring, I'm just not buying his ******ed/challenged happy-guy routine. He was better as a psychopathic monster.

And Nash is great. I love Kevin Nash. He's a great wrestler.. in the 1990s. He's getting way too old.

Anyway, great post man.
I think your opinion sucks.

That really hurts. Your opinion of me means so much.

You said for every Mike Knox and Vance Archer, there's an Undertaker and Kane, there is only 1 Undertaker and Kane

Was there a point to that statement?

After that you have the Big Show.

What's wrong with the Big Show? He's better then every big man TNA has. Lets also not forget about Big Zeke who has shown a lot of potential. And Mark Henry who is a very solid performer.

Apart from that, WWE doesn't know what to do with big men that they've acquired since about 1999-2000. From Snitzky, Knox, you name it. They're all a waste of space. TNA on the otherhand at least sticks with their guys for the most part.

Not everybody is a winner, but at least when the WWE finds out a guy sucks they stop pushing him or release him. ie: Tomko and Matt Morgan.

Let me break it down to you:

This should be fun.

Hernandez is the best big man going today in terms of inring ability. Nobody is as powerful, dominant, and can fly around like Supermex.

That statement is laughable. Hernandez is solid in the ring, but the best big man going today? Until guys like Taker and Kane retire you can get out of here with that bullshit.

Abyss is a great worker and can have a great match with anybody if you've been following TNA. From Sabu, Christian, Hardy, Raven, Sting, it doesn't matter.

Abyss has never had a good non gimmick match. You give him some barbed wire and a steel chair and he's alright, but overall he's nothing special.

You think Tomko sucks, yeah okay, whatever. Tomko is a world traveled athlete who has won tag belts in Japan and brings plenty to the table and is 1 of the most promising guys in TNA today.

Tomko is the epitome of average. If he's one of the most promising guys in TNA then they are in trouble.

Matt Morgan maybe average to you but he has the mic skills to carry him and is no different in the ring than Kane except Morgan is more agile.

Actually Matt Morgan is garbage on the mic and Kane has more in ring skill then Morgan could ever dream of having.
Honestly I think the problem lies more in the way they are all booked. They are all huge guys which they talk about constantly, but NONE of them are booked as huge monster guys. If they want Morgan to get over as a huge guy, they should have him go out there and decimate his opponents if his opponent isn't a top guy.

I think that's my biggest problem with TNA match booking. It seems that no matter who the guys in the match are, the match is booked so that each guy has a fair shot at winning. The exception was last week when Joe steamrolled through his opponent.

But if they want to get any of these other guys over as huge monsters, they need to be booked that way. Who wouldn't love to see Impact open with Hernandez vs. Shark Boy, Jay Lethal, and Creed and watch Hernandez destroy all 3 of them with his finishers? That's how you get big men over. YOU BOOK THEM LIKE THEY ARE BIG. The way TNA booking always has been, the match would be Hernandez vs. Shark Boy where the match would be back and forth for 5 minutes and at times it would seem Shark Boy actually has a chance at winning. You just can't get people over that way.
I hear you loud and clear. I think Hernandez is good in the ring, and Nash is alright on the mic, and the jury's out on Abyss, but the rest of them are arse. Complete and utter arse. Morgan and Tomko are people that WWE deemed useless 5 years ago, and yet they have somehow become a big deal in TNA. The worse thing about them is that none of them look intimidating, sure Matt Morgan is 7 foot tall, but he's quite lankey. When Undertaker or even Snitsky come out to the ring, you feel intimidated. When Tomko comes down you think "put some clothes on, you fat cunt". I think this area of the product is where they are most lacking, and they should probably look into bringing someone in here, but I can't really think who right now.
i hate to brake it to you but the only reason WWE let Morgan go was cuz of 1 thing and one thing only and that was is mic skills thats it. Hernandez, Morgan are better then most of the big guys WWE has now say for The Undertaker and Kane
That statement is laughable. Hernandez is solid in the ring, but the best big man going today? Until guys like Taker and Kane retire you can get out of here with that bullshit.

All of your points are bang on. Pay attention to the bold as I expand on this.

Hernandez is by no means anywhere near one of the best big men in the industry today. Three things make a successful performer :

1) Entertainment. Hernandez is still only just learning this aspect. The Impact Zone marks and most TNA marks see this guy as the jesus of big men, but let's just put it this way, until hernandez can learn to entertain the masses, he will always be a tna mark only guy.

2) Technical ability. People say hernandez is good because he can fly around the ring. That's great. But does flying around and ability to do aerial moves make you a GREAT wrestler? Not by a long shot. I'd like to see hernandez get in the ring with Dean Malenko and stay with him for 10 seconds. I'll go ahead and say it's impossible.

3) Mic Skills. Sorry, but hernandez does not have it. Throw him an interview with any of the main eventers from WWE (and yes, I'll even put him against SHEAMUS of all people on this one) and you'll see he meets nothing but failure.

Of these 3 main aspects to a successful talent, hernandez BARELY passes; very mediocre in all areas. If you were to pit hernandez against the best big man today, the undertaker (which is still amazing at his age), he'd get eaten up and spit out.

Also I might ask anyone who says Hernandez is the best big man flyer out there, between taker and hernandez, who actually makes crowds go WOW when they fly through the ropes or jump off the turnbuckle to ringside? It'd be Undertaker in all areas on that one too.
So the OP lists Taker and Kane as best examples of when WWE got it right. Well, Taker is on his last legs and Kane has long since been turned into a jobber for whatever reason. If those are the best two then a more appropriate title might be pro wrestling's big men suck. Although it is hard to take anyone seriously claiming Morgan is the biggest waste of space on the roster.
Also, I just want to add on to this, how does Hernandez get classed as a BIG MAN?

He's 6 foot 1. With that logic Triple H (6ft 1in), John Cena (6ft 1in) and Shawn Michaels (6ft 1in) should all be classified as big men as well. I also do not buy the "he's big and muscular" argument, because Taker, Kane, Nash and Morgan are all by no means huge and muscular, and they are legit big men. The only man who has been classed a big man but has been nowhere near the vertical integrity any other big men have is Big Van Vader, and Hernandez isn't huge by any means. Hell, he doesn't even pass the 280lb mark, lol. Hernandez as a big man is a joke, he's just a muscular heavyweight, and by no means a super heavyweight nor a giant.
So the OP lists Taker and Kane as best examples of when WWE got it right.

Big Show is also better then anything TNA has to offer, and Big Zeke has shown a lot of potential.

Well, Taker is on his last legs and Kane has long since been turned into a jobber for whatever reason.

Yet they are still a hundred times better then the big guys in TNA. This really isn't supposed to be a WWE vs TNA big man thread anyways, it's supposed to be about how shitty the TNA big men are.

Although it is hard to take anyone seriously claiming Morgan is the biggest waste of space on the roster.

Please, someone tell me anything good about Matt Morgan. His promos are generic and monotone, he is fucking atrocious in the ring, and he has failed to get over as both a heel and a face. What the fuck does he have to offer?
It is the saddest comment that Kevin Nash is TNA's best big man. He can not move at all but at least he is entertaining on the mic. I liked the first go-around as Diesel only because he really was not very good but got better when he had the belt--not many guys did that.

Undertaker is about the only big guy who is entertaining in the entire business though I do admire Big Show's willingness to take bumps.
You compare Big Show to what TNA has and then turn around and say it is not about comparisons. Seems convenient. So Big Show, Taker and Kane and 15+ years later another guy finally has potential. Not exactly a glowing endorsement for the company. Plus throw out mic skills as a meaningful category if those three are your picks. I have to get back to the credibility thing. You fancy Nash one of your all-time favorites yet find Morgan's in ring work atrocious? You are just waaay overstating your point. None of those guys suck. But none of them are superstars yet. You do not have to be an instant superstar to be a non-sucky big man.
I have to disagree. The big guys in TNA are full of potential... and hey, Nash is Nash. With Nash it's take it or leave it. He's always kind of been like that.

Personally, I've always felt TNA missed the boat many times with Tomko. Tomko may not be the best, but if booked right, in the right angles, and given the proper direction, he could be the TNA answer to (here come the tomatos) Batista. Well, maybe "baby-face" Batista. Tomko has proven his humor can get him over with the crowd in a face situation, but it was overshadowed by in his Team Angle days because of TNA's constant b.s. of "Let's push AJ Styles" down your throat even more.

I think Abyss is entertaining as well. Is he on the level of Kane? No. But like Tomko, if he's pushed in the right direction, he'll be a star as long as he's getting over with the fans.

Matt Morgan I like. He seems to have alot of potential as a face personality.

Hernandez can really be a big star at TNA if he gets that one big push that will win fans over. His star time is coming, and like Morgan, he's a good face. But unlike Morgan he can play heel even easier than face. We'll see what happens with him.
Amen. For a while, I was a little into Matt Morgan but my interest in him has evaporated over the past several months and it was really the same type of situation for Hernandez. Now, whenever either of them are on iMPACT!, I mostly just want to change the channel.

Abyss is just awful outside of a hardcore/gimmick match environment. The only time he's even remotely interesting is in a hardcore/gimmick match environment and even my interest in Abyss in that realm is all but dried up. A lot of people have called Abyss a rip off of the Mankind and old school Kane gimmicks and I agree for the most part. A few years back, Abyss was somewhat interesting but that's just been decimated over the past year or so. He was a monster, now he's a mouse.

Tomko is the epitome of average for me. There's never been anything about Tomko that's kept me from changing the channel in the past and nothing has changed about that. We all had, more or less, surmised that Tomko was the man in black attacking AJ Styles at various points. They dragged this out for months and when Tomko is finally revealed as the attacker, not only does it receive a luke warm response but Styles pins him in the ring the very same night in less than five minutes. Take away his devilbeard and his tats and the guy is just completely and utterly average overall.

I've said it before in other posts, watching Kevin Nash try to wrestle a match now is almost a painful experience. His knees are shot to shit, he's had over 20 different surgeries on them and he can barely move in the ring. Kevin Nash's only saving grace right now is his mic work and, personally, I'd love to see him as a commentator. But Nash is just plain awful in the ring now. He was never really spectacular in the ring, but he was head, shoulders and pecker above what he is right now.

I think one was left off the list even though I guess it could be debated as to whether he counts as a "big man" and that's Rob Terry. Rob Terry has easily been the single biggest waste of space in TNA in the year 2009, not a doubt in my mind about that. Yes, even more so than Lacey Von Erich. And the reason I say that is because I'm a heterosexual and I like gawking at pretty women wearing skimpy clothing even if some of those said women are more or less worthless on a wrestling show. Now, Terry won the TNA Global Championship during TNA's recent tour of the UK and I don't have that much hope for Terry. I'm not gonna blast the guy because maybe, just MAYBE, something good can come out of it. I'm not going to hold my breath, but maybe we'll all be surprised.
Big Sexy said:
That really hurts. Your opinion of me means so much.

It hurts so much that you had to comment on it right.:rolleyes:

Big Sexy said:
Was there a point to that statement?

Yest, there's only 1 Taker and Kane, idiot!

Big Sexy said:
What's wrong with the Big Show? He's better then every big man TNA has. Lets also not forget about Big Zeke who has shown a lot of potential. And Mark Henry who is a very solid performer.

Big Show is a good big man but in ring wise, but match-wise he's not as impressive or entertaining as Hernandez. Sorry. And lol st Big Zeke. If Big Zeke has potential, I'm afraid for your future. And if you want to bring up Mark Henry, I'll bring up Samoa Joe and no big man in WWE can hold a candle to Samoa Joe. I dare you to challenge that if you even know enough about him!

Big Sexy said:
Not everybody is a winner, but at least when the WWE finds out a guy sucks they stop pushing him or release him. ie: Tomko and Matt Morgan.

Lol, that statement just shows how narrow minded you are. You think WWE is the end all and be all of wrestling? WWE is also the same company who let The Pope go and the Pope has more potential than anyone in WWE right now. So that's a pretty stupid ass statement to make.:shrug:

Big Sexy said:
That statement is laughable. Hernandez is solid in the ring, but the best big man going today? Until guys like Taker and Kane retire you can get out of here with that bullshit.

You must not realize that Both Taker and Kane are washed up. Taker can't have a match going over a certain amount of time and he needs to work with certain opponents to have a good match. Kane is a good worker but he's average and is barely relevant. The only thing keeping those guys relevant is their name. If you remove their name and everything else, wrestling wise, they're not a match to SuperMex.

Big Sexy said:
Abyss has never had a good non gimmick match. You give him some barbed wire and a steel chair and he's alright, but overall he's nothing special.

This is why you need to stop talking out of your ass. Go search for TNA Slammiversary 2007: Abyss vs. Tomko. Go search for AJ Styles vs. Abyss at Lockdown 2005. Go look for Abyss vs. Christian Cage at Lockdown 2006, Go look at any match involving a 1 on 1 with only Kurt Angle facing Abyss. Don't sit there and just babble especially if you're probably new to TNA or only watch it once in a while. Abyss is one of the most solid well rounded workers today. Just because TNA books him in gimmick matches doesn't mean he can't have a non-gimmick match that's not good.

Big Sexy said:
Tomko is the epitome of average. If he's one of the most promising guys in TNA then they are in trouble.

Wait a minute, you named Big Zeke, a guy who is green as broccoli as a guy with "potential" yet you have the nerve to talk about Tomko who actually knows how to wrestle, has honed his craft in Japan, and is 10x better?:banghead: You're a joke.

Big Sexy said:
Actually Matt Morgan is garbage on the mic and Kane has more in ring skill then Morgan could ever dream of having.

Morgan garbage on the mic and Kane isn't garbage? Kane's mic skills are nothing to write home about with all the played out monster talk that doesn't even scare my 3yr old niece. Everything about Kane is a joke nowadays.

As for inring skill, what can Kane do that Morgan can't. Kane maybe a better worker because he's been in the business for about 20 something years but with the ability that Morgan has, he has the potential to one day super exceed Kane as a worker and in all categories.
I agree with the thread starter 100%. ALL of WWE's big men, save Khali and Vance Archer, are better than TNA's big men.

Mike Knox- say what you want about him character wise, the man can put on a great match. See his matches against Rey Mysterio as proof.

Kane- Has lost a few steps, but still more athletic and intimidating than any of TNA's guys. And it doesn't matter if you fly around the ring alot, it matters how impressive it looks, and Taker and Kane's Suicide Dive and Flying Clothesline, respectively, have the most WOW Factor.

Taker- Same with Kane, he's lost a few steps, but has the character and prestige to warrant keeping it going, ala Ric Flair.

Big Show- Not the best worker, but great on the mic, and still puts on decent matches by comparision to Morgan, Tomko. Great Tag-team fodder like Kane a few years back.

Khali- Awful, awful worker, but huge in India, and a damn impressive specimen size wise. Andre wasn't good in the ring either, but he's a legend.

Big Zeke- Great athelete, and possibly a future world champion, Regal as a mouth piece has done wonders for this guy.

Sheamus- Once again, people have varying opinions on him, but his mic work is decent, and his ring work is solid.
I have to vent on Abyss. Why is everyone obsessed with the Kane/Mankind element and even more odd why is this a bad thing? You are talking about him saying he is a combination of one of the most menacing presences in wrestling history and one of the most beloved personalities in wrestling history, yet this is a bad thing? I do not really see how that works. Does Cena suck because he is a combination of R-truth and Stone cold? Does Big show suck because Andre came first? Did ECW suck because they had a lot of hardcore matches?
Yest, there's only 1 Taker and Kane, idiot

Thank you for the insight. This whole time I thought there were 10 Kanes and about 15 Undertakers.

Big Show is a good big man but in ring wise, but match-wise he's not as impressive or entertaining as Hernandez.

Overall Show is light years ahead of Hernandez. Show is solid in the ring, great on the mic, and he can actually help carry a feud.

And lol st Big Zeke. If Big Zeke has potential, I'm afraid for your future.

What's wrong with a big, scary motherfucker who destroys everything in his path? He is everything a big man is supposed to be and although he has a lot to improve on he is off to a great start.
And if you want to bring up Mark Henry, I'll bring up Samoa Joe and no big man in WWE can hold a candle to Samoa Joe. I dare you to challenge that if you even know enough about him!

I included Mark Henry because he is about 400 pounds. Samoa Joe is only 6-2 and about 280 pounds.

Also another poster pointed out to me that Hernandez in only 6-1 or 6-2. I honestly thought he was taller then that so if he does get excluded from the list that only makes it worse for TNA.
You must not realize that Both Taker and Kane are washed up. Taker can't have a match going over a certain amount of time and he needs to work with certain opponents to have a good match. Kane is a good worker but he's average and is barely relevant. The only thing keeping those guys relevant is their name. If you remove their name and everything else, wrestling wise, they're not a match to SuperMex.

I'll keep with my original post and use Hernandez as an example of a TNA big man, but you must be hallucinating if you think he is better then Taker or Kane in the ring. They might be getting older but they are still better then Hernandez. I've never seen a Hernandez match where I came away saying "wow that was a great match, this guy is a future main eventer."

This is why you need to stop talking out of your ass. Go search for TNA Slammiversary 2007: Abyss vs. Tomko.

It was a no DQ match and really wasn't that great.
Go search for AJ Styles vs. Abyss at Lockdown 2005. Go look for Abyss vs. Christian Cage at Lockdown 2006,

Both gimmick matches in a cage.

Go look at any match involving a 1 on 1 with only Kurt Angle
facing Abyss.

I'm having trouble finding a match between the two that wasn't a gimmick match. Besides anyone can have a good match with Kurt Angle.

Abyss is one of the most solid well rounded workers today. Just because TNA books him in gimmick matches doesn't mean he can't have a non-gimmick match that's not good.

Actually that is probably what it means because I have never seen a good Abyss match that did not involve a gimmick.

You think WWE is the end all and be all of wrestling?

When did I say that? I said the WWE realized Tomko and Matt Morgan didn't really have any potential so they released them. And neither has done anything to prove otherwise. Tomko had a few good matches in Japan but other than that he hasn't done shit. Morgan, like Tomko, has done nothing in TNA to impress me. They just suck.

WWE is also the same company who let The Pope go and the Pope has more potential than anyone in WWE right now.

Pope has been very good, but I don't know if I'd go that far. Besides the WWE can't push everyone at once, sometimes you have to cut guys even if they do have potential. They keep a lot more great superstars then they lose.

Morgan garbage on the mic and Kane isn't garbage? Kane's mic skills are nothing to write home about with all the played out monster talk that doesn't even scare my 3yr old niece. Everything about Kane is a joke nowadays.

Even Kane as a shell of his former self is still better then Matt Morgan. Morgan fucking sucks. There is no good redeeming qualities about him other then the fact that he's big.

As for inring skill, what can Kane do that Morgan can't.

Put on a good match

with the ability that Morgan has, he has the potential to one day super exceed Kane as a worker and in all categories.

What potential does Matt Morgan have? All I hear about is the great "potential" that he has. I don't see it. He is fucking horrible. He has been wrestling for 8 years now, you'd think that some of this potential would start to show eventually.
Here are my thoughts on each of the guys you listed.

Matt Morgan- Probably the biggest waste of space on the roster. His promos are generic and I have yet to see a good match with him involved outside of his match with Kurt Angle, and that match was only good because of Angle. He is just complete shit all the way around. What anyone sees in him is beyond me.

Morgan's cool. He has a great entrance and is decent in the ring. Unlike most "big guys" he's good on the mic. The promos don't sound generic to me at all. I'll admit he's not the best in the ring but he did have some good matches against AJ and Kurt. I find him to be very entertaining and think he will be TNA World Champion someday because he has the look and the skills of a future champion.

Abyss- I've never been a huge Abyss fan, but at least a couple years ago he played the monster heel role well. Now every time I see him on my TV screen I want to change the channel. He's just annoying. He's ok in the ring, but all of his good matches have come with gimmicks attached. I really don't see his appeal anymore.

I'm not a big fan of Abyss either, but he has his moments. The Foley feud was really good and he's better as a Foley ripoff compared to how he was a year ago. Other than some great hardcore matches, I'm somewhat bored by him though because he's a bit of a one trick pony.... great at hardcore matches but boring at anything else.

Tomko- He rivals Matt Morgan for biggest waste of space on the roster. I really don't know why they keep bringing him back with these semi-big story lines only to have him job to guys a couple weeks after his return. I have him slightly ahead of Morgan as far as in ring and mic work go, but he is still below average at both.

Tomko is THE biggest waste of space on the roster. I've never cared about anything he has ever done, and he's really boring. I certainly agree with you on the fact that Tomko sucks.

Hernandez- He is the closest thing to a serviceable big man in TNA. He's nothing special on the mic but at least he can put on a good match from time to time. I prefer him as a heel, but he is at least passable.

I don't see what others see in him and just never liked him. He's a generic "big guy" and extremely boring. Also, foreign promos are never a plus in my book.... I tolerate Hernandez, but I don't like him much.

Kevin Nash- Now I'm a huge Nash fan and he is still great on the mic, but in the ring he is just too beat up. I really hope he retires from in ring competition soon because some of his matches are painful to watch. I mean the guy is about 86 years old.

He should definitely still be kept around to do promos and stuff, maybe be a manager after/if he retires. Nash is awesome on the mic but he's too old and injured to do anything huge in a match anymore.
I agree with you to an extent. Abyss is becoming worse and worse the more I see him. His character has more or less been ruined at this point. Tomko is fucking trash. The mystery attacker angle was such a fucking waste. Nash is too old and broken down to do anything but talk at this point.

I actually think Hernandez is alright, but he's a tag team guy, not a singles wrestler. He has absolutely nothing to offer on the mic.

I do disagree with you on Morgan though. He's imporoved greatly over the last year. He isn't bad on the mic at all and actually has some charisma. He's way over with the crowd and more than serviceable in the ring (his 3 matches with AJ were great). He seems like the only good one though.

Whoops, almost forgot about Rob Terry. Great muscles on that guy.
Abyss has become worse over the past two years. His character has become horrible. The last time he was interesting was when he had his feud with Mick Foley going into Bound For Glory, and that had A LOT to do with the fact that he was working with Foley. One minute Abyss is this psychotic monster, and then he will turn into this goofy gentle giant. It's a pattern that's been repeating it self far too often, and it has become ridiculous now.

Hernandez seemed like he might be going some where when he got the feast or fired briefcase, but nothing came of it. TNA was trying to push him as singels wrestle, but it wasn't working out because I just don't think he's a main event guy. He is a mid carder, and once him and Morgan lose the titles, I think he will be stuck on the mid card for a long time.

Matt Morgan has been improving over the last year. His promos aren't great, but they're good enough to get a reaction out of the crowd every now and then. His feud with Angle going into for Bound For Glory was very good. I liked the match, and the feud made Morgan look like a legit threat to the MEM. Morgan also has "the look", so it's very likely he will get pushed to the top again.

GD brought up Rob Terry who is just horrible if you ask me. At least you can say Morgan has charisma, and is pretty athletic for a man his size, but Terry is just awful. He is just muscle and nothing more. In fact, if he didn't have the physique that he does, he wouldn't even be in wrestling.
Since when do big men need to be intimidating or dominant? Tomko is just fine as a jobber (which he is, don't get it wrong), and Nash works well considering how old he is, and how bad his knees are. He won't ever work another 5 star match, but he can at least work a feud, and put some people over.

Abyss is never meant to be an amazing athlete. He's a hardcore freak. He likes blood and violence, and there is nothing wrong with that. Raven gets endeared for it, but Abyss gets called shit? Really?

Morgan and Hernandez don't need to be powerhouse guys. I'm a huge fan of both of them. Hernandez is a freak-ish athlete, and Morgan has worked well with everyone they've paired him with. His match with Angle was outstanding.

There's no rule anywhere that says they need to fit the WWE mold to be successful in a non-WWE company.

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