TNA Vs. WWE: What needs to happen?

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I can do whatever I want
Everyone know's right now TNA is not popular enough to really compete with the WWE. The fact is right now WWE doesn't fear TNA, and both companies are on two different levels when it comes to popularity.

So my question is, what needs to happen to make TNA a legit "WCW" like threat to the WWE. I think it is possible seeing how many WWE fans are getting sick of the stale storylines/wrestlers/ect, but what needs to happen in order for TNA to get to the next plateau in terms of popularity.

I know, people are going to say nothing TNA does is going to make them ever be able to compete with the WWE, but I don't think that's true. WCW proved that with the right creative control, broadcasting backing, and fan support, as well as people looking for something "different" it can happen.

First personally I think TNA needs to get more publicity. They need great advertising, celebrity endorsements, and Spike really needs to back them, 100% and do their part at promoting.

Second TNA has to make sure they cater to the international market too. The US is only one market, if TNA once to get more profit and notice they need to make sure to make Canada & The UK a bigger priority.

Also with the money they make from the international markets, they need to invest in a bigger production budget. I know they want to keep costs low, but if Spike really believes TNA can be something special and attract viewers and advertisers they would help back them financially too(similar too WCW & TNN).

So in order for TNA Vs. WWE, what needs to happen?
Stop being so shit, is a start.

Everyone thinks TNA is SO different from the WWE, when it's not. They're pretty similar, except the WWE is about 70 times more watchable.

However, their entire show is just plain awful. I can't stand to sit through one at the moment, and they need to improve the storylines to begin with. From that, there's a whole lot more that can be said.
For TNA to compete against WWE, TNA needs to do this one thing...realize that it won't happen and continue to improve on what it's doing right now. Don't worry about WWE. TNA has enough to work on without worrying about what WWE is up to. I like watching IMPACT and they have some good young stars and some great veteran leadership. Build on that and improve. Also bringing in Paul Heyman and James Mitchell wouldn't hurt their direction, either.
I can't believe the short sightedness of OIL. WWE isn't entertaining at the moment either.

I do think that TNA will never be number one. But it could be a fantastic number two and do what most fans want - provoke a reaction and improve the product of its competition.

I think that the general consensus is that the booking needs to improve as the talent is already there. The divisions are generally strong and deep. Book your faces to look strong against the heel factions, reduce the crazy match gimmicks (a tag match with two titles on the line? A reverse ladder match?) and the overbooked crooked endings.

And finally, get all the overpaid talent out of the booking meetings. Angle and Jarrett etc have no place exercising creative control. They really should have someone neutral come in but this will not happen.

If this happens then it will go a long way towards helping the company.
For TNA to compete against WWE, TNA needs to do this one thing...realize that it won't happen and continue to improve on what it's doing right now. Don't worry about WWE. TNA has enough to work on without worrying about what WWE is up to. I like watching IMPACT and they have some good young stars and some great veteran leadership. Build on that and improve. Also bringing in Paul Heyman and James Mitchell wouldn't hurt their direction, either.

That's what the WWE did when WCW was beating them in the ratings. They ran things like a business, and followed on their business models. New faces became popular, and the fans enjoyed both the heels and the faces. It made Wrestling like a sports show, gave people a choice for who they like.

What TNA needs to do, is work with new Talent! Sting and Kevin Nash are great, but over their prime. They shouldn't look for the big names that the WWE let go, but the young talent they have let go. Like Manu, Brian Kendrick, and others. The big names don't produce for TNA. Mick Foley doesn't bring huge pops like he use to.

Not also that, but no major Hero babyface has popped out. WCW bought Hogan, who sold seats. Then WWE switched to Stonecold. TNA has AJ Styles who has great skills and moves, but just doesn't do it. Matt Morgan would be great, but they are trying to sell Sting and Mick Foley as their heros.

No old Faces! No Heyman, No Bischoff! Something new and original... Something to get heads to turn, no silly storylines, more viewing as if it is a sporting event. Something to create viewers.

They also made the mistake of having the octagon ring. It was suppose to be something new a creative, and most of their talent have worked in the squared circle for years. Believe it or not, it's hard to transfer squared circle talent into that ring. That ring is more built for luchadore style of wrestling. Don't get me wrong, Luchadore style is fast and fun, and gets the crowd in amazement, but crowds get into those matches like Cena vs. Triple H, or Michaels vs. Flair. Another words, go to square ring format, or get young talent and have they adapt to that ring style. It sounds funny, but it makes a lot of sense. That style of ring is for fast pace high flying action. It isn't built to hold matches of the big men.

Jeez, sorry for the rant, but TNA needs to take some time off, and rebuild and make a new product. Not worry about WWE, and get a product that doesn't compete with WWE, but creates TNA fans. That's how WWE defeated WCW, they created new markets, and made the old markets to feel ashamed for leaving them.
I don't think TNA is worried about WWE, it definitely doesn't affect their product or their shows. Of course TNA wants to compete and beat WWE in the ratings but its taking things one step at a time. Now they are beating ECW and Superstars, maybe in the next year they can be Smackdown. As long as TNA focuses on their shows and building new talent they will be fine. I do feel TNA needs more exposure and more shows like a live show on Monday nights to compete with Vince. Or a live show on Friday to compete with Smackdown. TNA needs its own version of SCSA WWE had in 96. Remember WWE didn't create Stone Cold, Stone Cold was born long before in ECW but flourished in WWE after Austin was allowed to be himself instead of The Ringmaster. I think AJ is the Shawn Michaels of TNA , and either Bobby Lashley, Kennedy, or even TBK could be TNA's answer to Stone Cold or John Cena. TNA is not perfect, but when is the last time anyone could sit through 2 hours of Raw with a straight face?
TNA has two plans to make them a contender. Go WWF's plan (Taking a bunch of new guys.) Or WCW's plan (Making a huge babyface turn heeland make him interesting.) But then again, they could pull somthing out of the hat.
I don't think TNA is worried about WWE, it definitely doesn't affect their product or their shows. Of course TNA wants to compete and beat WWE in the ratings but its taking things one step at a time. Now they are beating ECW and Superstars, maybe in the next year they can be Smackdown. As long as TNA focuses on their shows and building new talent they will be fine. I do feel TNA needs more exposure and more shows like a live show on Monday nights to compete with Vince. Or a live show on Friday to compete with Smackdown. TNA needs its own version of SCSA WWE had in 96. Remember WWE didn't create Stone Cold, Stone Cold was born long before in ECW but flourished in WWE after Austin was allowed to be himself instead of The Ringmaster. I think AJ is the Shawn Michaels of TNA , and either Bobby Lashley, Kennedy, or even TBK could be TNA's answer to Stone Cold or John Cena. TNA is not perfect, but when is the last time anyone could sit through 2 hours of Raw with a straight face?

First of all, I have to say "You're fucking out, I'm fucking in!" Sorry, couldn't resist.

I agree with almost everything you said. I think they should also tour their show like the WWE and get a better live enviroment. Even if they had a huge face star, you couldn't really tell from the reaction of the crowd. Their crowd audio is just horrible. I think they should also add one more hour to their show to maybe flush out the storylines better, giving every secment much better time to flow.
As for that SCSA like character they need, get Kennedy in and let him run with it. Let him mouth off against WWE and let him be free on the mic. I think he would be a huge star for TNA. Hell, I think an AJ Styles and Kennedy pairing against the MEM would be huge if done right.
I also disagree with changing the ring to being square. They should definitely leave it as it sets apart TNA from WWE.
As for the wrestling, TNA has got three divisions that can compete with the WWE at the moment. The X Division is an incarnation of WWE's cruiserweight division fused with the current midcard area, let's go with the IC title just for discussion purposes. The matches that the wrestlers perform in & the moves being executed can blow people's minds simply from the high-paced wrestling action. When Main Event players merge into this division to after the title, they are not considered to have lost a step... but simply cementing their legacy even further by gaining a well-respected title.

The Tag Team division is a helluva lot better than WWE atm... TNA can develop storylines & feuds with depth that can go beyond the "I want the title." They extend the shelf-life of great tag teams to solidify them as great wrestlers & give tag team specialists a chance to shine like James Storm. Have a look at any Beer Money, Inc match as of late & you will see how great they shine. They are well over with the crowd, even when performing as heel wrestlers. A while back, they had a match with the Motor City Machine Guns that lasted for at least 10 minutes... & thats an understatement... with great intensity & passion keeping people on the edge of their seats.

The KnockOut division... despite your ideas M_F of WWE > TNA in the women's division, they can give the WWE a run for their money without question. The women here can wrestle a lot better than WWE. The women here have characters apart from the usual face diva/heel diva. The appearance is probably the only factor that the WWE has over the WWE at the moment. But TNA have catered for this with one group, The Beautiful People... & they seem to always get TV time.

However, there are two thing that TNA should be doing in order to be able to establish themselves to compete with WWE. 1) Make the Legends Championship like the Million Dollar Championship. Just a stable title to make the faction even more credible. Either Solidify the Main Event scene with credible wrestlers. All of TNA's eggs are in one basket at the moment with main event wrestlers, & most of the ME wrestlers are aging off into retirement soon. They need more AJ's & Samoa Joe's to pull off great ME matches, albeit that the MEM is a great modern stable.
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