TNA TV Title


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this or what might be going on. Now my memory could be bad and wrong on this but I dont remember seing Devon defending his TV Title this past week and maybe even the week before and I was under the belief that he was to defend his Title every week. Is this something that TNA has giving up on already? Is Devon injured, or is my memory just messed up and he has defended his title and I just forgot? Make fun of me all you want if he has been defending his Title but if I'm right let me know if you guys know anything.
I think the Bound for glory is being focused on and when there is time, the TV title will be defended. Just remember, Bound for glory series is there main focus. Not making room for a midcard title.
Devon explained this on Twitter, he said that TNA need the airtime in-order to build for Destination X and do Bound for Glory Series matches, so he has been given some time off to rest, but that he would be back in two weeks time to defend his belt again. That is literally the explanation.
Ah gotcha well thank you for explaining it to me, I dont really follow twitter so I wasnt sure and I would have never known that, I do understand that the BFG series is more important and I love the series so its all cool. Thanks again for the info.
Makes sense considering some good contenders for the TV title are involved with the BFG series. I'm curious who's next in line to get a shot at it.
Am I the only one getting bored of Devon as the TV champ? I would like to see anyone else as the TV champ (anyone but Robbie E or Garrett :D).
Devons title run has been pretty long and I think it's time for a new TV Champ.
AJ should be TV Champion and hold it for the next year. Who wouldn't want to watch an AJ Styles title defense every week? Make it an upper main event title. The guys going for the TNA Title should also be going for the TV Title. That way when young guys break into the TV Title scene, it's a career boost.
The TV title is in a tough spot...everyone else is occupied with the BFG Series, and Devon beating Robbie E every week got old real quick. I think every other week would be plenty, that would give enough time to pick a fight with someone on the alternate weeks, and the opponents wouldn't be burned so quickly. But it definitely needs to come off Devon, give it to someone who could use the focus...Kid Kash? Maybe Joey Ryan? Actually, that might be interesting...have him come steal it, rub in Tazz's face...
I'm pretty sure he defended it on explosion a couple weeks ago. Not last week though. I bet he'll defend it this week.

Yeah he defended it on Xplosion last week, which is "technically" tv.. haha.. I think Devon is doing a pretty good job just stabilising the belt. Which is what it has needed since its inception. I'd like to see Hernandez become a TV Champ monster heel and destroy people who come after him for it. Give him the ball and see what he deos with it. The guy is very powerful and can fly, so it could be areally good thing for him and TNA.
Am I the only one getting bored of Devon as the TV champ? I would like to see anyone else as the TV champ (anyone but Robbie E or Garrett :D).
Devons title run has been pretty long and I think it's time for a new TV Champ.

Your not the only one dude. I know the BFG Series and Destination X are important right now, just wish they had time for TV title matches. I would like to see RVD or AJ as TV Champ. AJ's involved with that drug addicted/pregnant/baby daddy drama angle. So maybe RVD, and I would enjoy Magnus, or Joe. Yeah, anyone but Robbie E or Garrett.
I know that the BFG series and Destination X need to be top priority, but i wish they still made a slot for the TV title to be defended. I was starting to get into the title, and I like the rest of you think it is time for Devon to give it up to someone who can showcase it better in the upper mid card.
Hopefully the guy who takes it off of Devon will win it after a good feud, not just a random defence. If anything I like that Devon has it as it keeps him out of the BFG series with a logical reason.
there's a wrestler out there not involved in the BFG series who could use the TV title to go in a different direction than where they had him going before the previous PPV.
going into the last PPV there was a wrestler with an undefeated streak in TNA, issued an open challenge for the PPV. James Storm returned at the PPV to beat him, and he hasn't been seen on Impact since.
where's Crimson?
Crimson could use the TV title and build him up more in the mid card level. last year at this time Crimson was in the BFG series and doing well throughout most of it. now a year later he's not in this years BFG series and not even on TV anymore.

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