Devon Is The *NEW* TNA Television Champion

Why is D-Von Dudley a singles champion in 2012? It's just one of those things that shouldn't happen, no matter how meaningless the title in question is. And I'm not saying that because he's old (he really isn't). I'm saying that because he sucks. Ric Flair could win the title and I'd say "yeah, he's probably going to be entertaining with it, so I mustn't grumble". But D-Von Dudley? Come on.

With all that said, I must heap praise upon a couple of unlikely subjects: Taz and Mike Tenay. They treated Devon like a big star, which in turn made me think of him - however briefly - as someone worth paying attention to. Kudos, Taz and Tenay. You did your job, and you did it well. But not well enough it seems, as I still don't care about Devon.
Wow. People sure are getting quite *********. Yeah, it's Devon. Yeah he won a singles title before Ray. Hey, maybe it's TNA compensating for the guy. Devon's been crap. But for some cosmic reason beyond our feeble comprehension, the crowds respond to him and TNA actually bothered to listen. It's weird as fuck because, well like I said, he's crap. The crowd chanted for him at the start of the PPV and soon enough, they got him. Maybe they should've chanted for RVD in that segment instead of seconds before the match. Oh well. No reason to stress over the title's prestige. Just like Cody Rhodes took the Intercontinental Championship and breathed new life to it, some day, someone will do the same to the TNA TV Championship.

The Television Championship is different. It needs to be defended and won on TELEVISION. You then earn the right to fight for the two more prestigious belts, the X Division and TNA World Championship, on PPV matches. Impact needs to have this belt up for grabs often, that will raise its importance and help elevate the title holder.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but:

A) Almost all of the ECW TV Championships changes came in non-broadcasts.

B) You get more TV title defenses on free TV than World title matches. Yes, despite the lack of emphasis on TNA's version of it, it's still a fact.

C) My PPV's air though my TV screen. Not a microwave. Or radio.

Stop looking into the belts name. It's stupid. The WWE European Championship was never exclusive to the British, the United States Championship isn't exclusive to Americans and Eric Young is holding a female exclusive Championship. Give it up.
Almost all of the ECW TV Championships changes came in non-broadcasts.

Live event title changes are fine, so are matches for free on the federation's tv programs. PPV title changes are not when the belt in question is a Television Championship. This isn't just something to gripe about when you're bored. It's TNA missing out on an opportunity to improve the prestige and importants of all its belts at once. If the Television Championship were never defended at PPV events then it could be used as a stepping stone to reach the X Division Championship and TNA World Championship. The belt would elevate the guys who win it, and the exclusivity of its defenses then in turn improve the importance of the older belts. Everyone wins.

You get more TV title defenses on free TV than World title matches. Yes, despite the lack of emphasis on TNA's version of it, it's still a fact.

Yet we are seeing it put up for grabs, let alone change hands, at PPV events far too often. It shouldn't even happen in the first place.

My PPV's air though my TV screen. Not a microwave. Or radio.

We aren't talking about what the matches air on. We are talking about whether the match is free to watch "live" or not. By that same logic not all of your PPV's air through a tv screen. What if you are looking up old footage later on? Then it's airing on a computer monitor or a phone.

Stop looking into the belts name. It's stupid. The WWE European Championship was never exclusive to the British, the United States Championship isn't exclusive to Americans and Eric Young is holding a female exclusive Championship. Give it up.

First of all.... A title's name is in fact an important thing to consider. I'm well aware of the fact that the United States Championship is defended by people who aren't American in places outside of the states or that the European Championship could be held by Americans, Canadians, etc. That's not the same type of naming issue. It's an analogy. The midcard title represents a region. The world championshop then represents the world. Is Daniel Bryan really the best in the entire world? One of them, but according to WWE's Smackdown brand he is. Kayfabe comes into play.

Then we have naming issues that DO matter. A common example in my arguments is Cruiserweights winning the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship. I'm looking at YOU, Rey Mysterio. Others include men or women winning belts meant for the other gender, and finally we have a Television Championship getting defended on PPV. Names can be misleading when they shouldn't be. If names 100% never mattered then why don't TNA just change the name of their most prestigious prize to reflect that theory? I'm sure that announcing Bobby Roode as the current "Jobber Loser Who Sucks And Should Be Fired Champion" sounds far less impressive than the TNA World Champion. So.... Yeah. Names matter. In closing, you brought up Eric Young. TNA destroyed him and I would take Garrett Bischoff as the World Champion before I ever watch any match involving Eric Young ever again until TNA bring back his serious character. He's not funny and what they did to him was an absolute disgrace.
Can't be mad that Devon has the belt because that also implies Robbie E is no longer champion.

Here's the thing when Bully ray came out during VRoad before he started his speech a nice sized Devon chant broke out and that isn't the first time it's happened. There is a certain level of star power or overness or familiarity with Devon Dudley. With that the Heel that defeats him will at least glean a little heat from taking the belt from the old likable vet.

There are two guys who I don't want fighting Devon: Bully Ray he is past Devon with no reason to look back. I enjoy him in his hunt for the world title and think it's too early to forego that; And the Pope we've seen these two have these weird family oriented storylines before. I want these two particular workers distanced from each other.
Live event title changes are fine, so are matches for free on the federation's tv programs. PPV title changes are not when the belt in question is a Television Championship. This isn't just something to gripe about when you're bored. It's TNA missing out on an opportunity to improve the prestige and importants of all its belts at once. If the Television Championship were never defended at PPV events then it could be used as a stepping stone to reach the X Division Championship and TNA World Championship. The belt would elevate the guys who win it, and the exclusivity of its defenses then in turn improve the importance of the older belts. Everyone wins.
Great. Except for that, you need a place to focus on that champion, you need a star the people care about, and a point to that person holding the belt. There is not enough airtime on Impact for all these guys and the best testimony to that is how Robbie E had 2 straight open challenges. They tried to keep him relevant, but there is just too much going with way too little space. And before you say the belt should to Bully Ray or RVD, well Ray just got off a main event level feud. RVD's contract is expiring, Anderson had personal issues. Who else could they put the belt on that would matter? Hell, at least Devon got a few good pops from the crowd.

Yet we are seeing it put up for grabs, let alone change hands, at PPV events far too often. It shouldn't even happen in the first place.

Who gives a damn if it's PPV or not? If it's on TV, being defended, that should be good enough for any title.

We aren't talking about what the matches air on. We are talking about whether the match is free to watch "live" or not. By that same logic not all of your PPV's air through a tv screen. What if you are looking up old footage later on? Then it's airing on a computer monitor or a phone.

It's the TNA World Television Championship. Not the TNA "Free Television" Championship. It's a midcard belt. No gimmicks attached.

First of all.... A title's name is in fact an important thing to consider. I'm well aware of the fact that the United States Championship is defended by people who aren't American in places outside of the states or that the European Championship could be held by Americans, Canadians, etc. That's not the same type of naming issue. It's an analogy. The midcard title represents a region. The world championshop then represents the world. Is Daniel Bryan really the best in the entire world? One of them, but according to WWE's Smackdown brand he is. Kayfabe comes into play.

Meanwhile, Chris Jericho and CM Punk are pissing about who's the "Best In The World". Completely shooting your theory dead. In kayfabe.

Then we have naming issues that DO matter. A common example in my arguments is Cruiserweights winning the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship. I'm looking at YOU, Rey Mysterio.

Heavyweight is a division, or weight class, in boxing. Fighters who weigh over 200 pounds (14 st 4 lb/90.7 kg) are considered heavyweights by the major professional boxing organizations: the International Boxing Federation, the World Boxing Association, the World Boxing Council, and the World Boxing Organization.
Because this division has no weight limit, it has been historically vaguely defined. In the 19th century, for example, many heavyweight champions weighed 170 pounds (12 st 2 lb, 77 kg) or less (although others weighed 200 pounds and more). In 1920, the minimum weight for a heavyweight was set at 175 pounds (12 st 7 lb, 79 kg), which today is the light heavyweight division maximum. Today, for most boxing organizations, the maximum weight for a cruiserweight is 200 pounds. Thus, a fighter whose weight is over 200 lb may not fight as anything but a heavyweight.

Rey Mysterio weights around 175-180.

Repeat after me. Title names don't mean shit.

Others include men or women winning belts meant for the other gender, and finally we have a Television Championship getting defended on PPV. Names can be misleading when they shouldn't be. If names 100% never mattered then why don't TNA just change the name of their most prestigious prize to reflect that theory? I'm sure that announcing Bobby Roode as the current "Jobber Loser Who Sucks And Should Be Fired Champion" sounds far less impressive than the TNA World Champion. So.... Yeah. Names matter. In closing, you brought up Eric Young. TNA destroyed him and I would take Garrett Bischoff as the World Champion before I ever watch any match involving Eric Young ever again until TNA bring back his serious character. He's not funny and what they did to him was an absolute disgrace.
Funny, the crowds think different. Hell, the only one who gives a shit about how the TV title is on a PPV as opposed to "free TV" is you. I smell a pattern. Of course titles don't mean shit. WWE has 2 World Champions. To drive the stupidity home, they are barely brand exclusive at this point. How can the United States Championship be an equal to the Intercontinental Championship if the U.S. is a part of one of the continents the belt represents? How could TAG Team Championships be defended in matches were teams DO NOT HAVE TO TAG? Names are just formalities. What they really do depends on the writer.
It would be great for Bully for his heel heat though if he would take the belt of his former friend at Lockdown.

Short Term it would be Good-

But equally these two have feuded as recent as a year ago and it wasn't exciting then to say the least. Secondly whereas I think it would provide good heel heat Impact Wrestling already has the exact same storyline as the main event of Lockdown two former friends, brothers and tag champs feuding for an even more prestigious title though in Roode and Storm.

I'd like the idea a little more if I thought it might end at Lockdown, but I have personal fears this would drag on for an extended period of time. Last time they feuded it lasted at least three months, and his feud with Pope was half a year before it resolved. As much as it would give Ray something to do while Roode and Storm go at it I fear it would delve into a slow plodding feud that quite frankly I was hoping Ray was past. IMO D Von should lay down for a rising heel.
Short Term it would be Good-

But equally these two have feuded as recent as a year ago and it wasn't exciting then to say the least. Secondly whereas I think it would provide good heel heat Impact Wrestling already has the exact same storyline as the main event of Lockdown two former friends, brothers and tag champs feuding for an even more prestigious title though in Roode and Storm.

I'd like the idea a little more if I thought it might end at Lockdown, but I have personal fears this would drag on for an extended period of time. Last time they feuded it lasted at least three months, and his feud with Pope was half a year before it resolved. As much as it would give Ray something to do while Roode and Storm go at it I fear it would delve into a slow plodding feud that quite frankly I was hoping Ray was past. IMO D Von should lay down for a rising heel.

It doesn't have to be a long feud. Just start this now and end it at Lockdown where Bully wins the title. And gets a ton of heat by doing so. Just the idea of Bully bragging on Impact that he's tv champ and how nobody can take him would be great. You could make him a monster heel and have him stay tv champ till BFG, making the title mean something in the process. And a babyface that TNA want to put over would beat Ray at BFG. Sort of like what the WWE did with JBL but on a smaller scale.
Shouldn't the TV TITLE oh I don't know actually be defended on TV? Can't stand Robbie E so glad he is no longer champ but in the scheme of things TNA doesn't care about this title, sadly.
I skimed the forums for something like this but couldn't find it so I put it here, move if necessary...

I was wondering, what happened to the TNA TV champ. At their last PPV I read that Robbie whats his name had an open challange for the belt, and Devon accepted the challange and won the title.

I have watched the past 2 weeks of Impact and have seen nothing mentioning the fact of a title change or anything, PLUS last night Devon came out with the other Sting/Hogan supporters to the ring with no belt or anything. Did I miss something? Are they phasing the belt out? Can creative STILL find nothing for Devon even though he is the champ?

OR is it just me, and did I miss something during a commercial break?
The TNA Television Championship is 100% meaningless. It's not a priority to TNA and, generally speaking, it never really has been. Like the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship, it seems to exist at this point in time as nothing but a belt to put on someone just for the sake of them having it.

As with Robbie E and Eric Young especially, it could be weeks before we lay eyes on Devon on IW as the TV champ. When we do, it probably won't mean anything. Most likely, he'll just be put in some seemingly random title match against a seemingly random opponent. There'll be no story to it, just a filler 3 minute title match.
I still think what Robbie E was doing with the open challenge contest was the most meaningful thing the belt has been in for ages (maybe ever, but that's not saying much) they should have kept going with that idea for a bit longer before giving it to someone else (say Crimson for example) who could have then defended it against someone in a fued which would have helped elevate the belt a bit more above 'belt no one cares about'
hopefully this is devons big push as this guy as so much potental they gave bubba ray (a.k.a bullyray but i hate his name as that its childish ) his push so now its devons turn and i say show them the skills he got as tna tv champ and hopefully he will get a shot at the big time b4 its too late
I gave up on the Television Championship after Eric Young lost it the first time. To me, EY had the greatest run with the title and really it was a nice way to make EY look serious. Since then, the TV title has been a muck in TNA, and really it's not their fault.

Much like WCW and all of their championships, TNA just has too many. There was a time when I could say "Oh, they just need better time management" but really, the TV title and KO Tag titles are over kill. I can't even remember a time I cared about the KO tag titles...

Maybe if TNA got a second show on Spike, which you know they could if they wanted, then they could do something. It doesn't even need to be a two hour show. Just put Xplosion on Saturday nights. Better yet, put it on a local UPN or Fox on Saturday mornings.
They should probably just retire the title at this point. As a legends title, it was kind of just a tactic to get heat for the Main Event Mafia, as a Global Title, it was supposed to get Eric Young over, but they just sort of gave up on him, and as the Television Title, they barely ever defend it on TV. It just seems purposeless and like it won't get anyone over. Just like how the Cruiserweight Title could give us great matches, but they just didn't get anyone over. TNA just really has way too many titles already. I think TNA can sacrifice this and the Knockout's Tag Titles pretty soon so they can focus more the actual titles and feuds without a focus on titles.
Maybe if TNA got a second show on Spike, which you know they could if they wanted, then they could do something. It doesn't even need to be a two hour show. Just put Xplosion on Saturday nights. Better yet, put it on a local UPN or Fox on Saturday mornings.
Really? Why is it that we should all know TNA/IW could get a second show on SpikeTV if they really wanted to?

Impact remains one of SpikeTV's higher rated programs, but it's pointless to just compare, alone, the ratings from one show to another. Episodes of "Manswers" might draw a 0.4, but they also cost pennies to produce compared to what an episode of Impact costs to produce.

People forget that TNA/IW already had their attempt at a second show. It was called "ReAction", and it bombed, horribly. (I was pilloried on these boards when I said that people were being fluffed when SpikeTV executives said they had plans to replace ReAction. Still waiting on it.) All that SpikeTV would gain by adding another hour of TNA/IW would be to get the same set of eyeballs that they get on Thursday nights to view the same set of ads on a different night. To an advertiser, that's almost worthless.

Over the past two years, TNA/IW has added big names from across the spectrum of professional wrestling, from top independent names all the way to Hulk + Eric. They've paid for a studio revamp, they've felt out the waters for a televised tour (and retreated), they've had two national advertising campaigns. The ratings for this week's Impact were right around the average ratings in 2009.

From a money perspective- not a professional wrestling fan's perspective- how could you see further investment in TNA/IW as paying off at this point? TNA/IW's treading water right now; Roode/Storm is a classic old school feud, Aries is good, but they aren't selling tickets or drawing viewers and the rest of the show, quite frankly, sucks.

SpikeTV themselves have been a bit of a disappointment. Their original series, like "Blue Mountain State", have bombed, and right now they are treading water, making more money off of shows that cost a couple grand to pay the extras and some time in an editing room. TNA/IW hasn't been the tentpole program SpikeTV is searching for, and time's almost out for Spike to find that. (It won't be Bellator, although that'll get some eyeballs.) It hasn't been that long since SpikeTV was TNN; all that it takes for a format change is a Viacom executive saying they'd have better luck eschewing the male-oriented format.
Jack-Hammer said:
As with Robbie E and Eric Young especially, it could be weeks before we lay eyes on Devon on IW as the TV champ. When we do, it probably won't mean anything. Most likely, he'll just be put in some seemingly random title match against a seemingly random opponent. There'll be no story to it, just a filler 3 minute title match.
Seemingly random? ;)
They should probably just retire the title at this point. As a legends title, it was kind of just a tactic to get heat for the Main Event Mafia, as a Global Title, it was supposed to get Eric Young over, but they just sort of gave up on him, and as the Television Title, they barely ever defend it on TV. It just seems purposeless and like it won't get anyone over. Just like how the Cruiserweight Title could give us great matches, but they just didn't get anyone over. TNA just really has way too many titles already. I think TNA can sacrifice this and the Knockout's Tag Titles pretty soon so they can focus more the actual titles and feuds without a focus on titles.

Giving up on the title is very short sighted. People have been asking for a secondary title for years and they have one with the TV title. Just have to use it properly.
The tv title is defended nearly every week on xplosion. Robbie e defended the gold against Eric young, Shannon Moore, Douglas Williams etc. and Devon has defended the title the last two weeks since winning it at victory road . This week against kid kash and last week against Robbie t.

Now that Devon has gold the gold I can see him losing it to a creditable star in pope or bully ray or maybe against Magnus as Magnus still has a guaranteed title shot after winning xplosion championship challenge.

I actually think tna are doing pretty well with the tv title since taking it off ey. Robbie e was great on the mic and Robbie t made easy heel wins by interfering behind the ref. it's now as a thank you gift to Devon but the fans are always shouting Devon when bully ray speaks so I can see this reign being a good way to get the belt to bully ray after lockdown
As far back as I can remember, I think Eric Young was the only guy that ever came close to bringing some prestige to the TV title. I always hoped that the TV title would earn some kind of credibility, but it never did. They had so many potential holders that could have been booked to defend on a frequent basis, and instead they went with the hot potato route. What's the point of winning a Championship and calling yourself a Champion when you're just gonna lose it in a few weeks? Stupid. Maybe Austin Aries should just win the title and unify it with the X Division title. Another booking decision I don't understand is how they put the title over Devon, and never put the title on someone like Desmond Wolfe when he was around. What the hell? Devon IS boring. He always came across as the lesser of the Dudleys. It's also ironic how he had a preacher gimmick back in WWE and now he's feuding with a guy with a similar gimmick. As far as D'Angelo Dinero is concerned? He missed his calling a long time ago. Seriously, who still cares about this guy? Will a TV title even help him become relevant at this point? He was a hot commodity when he entered TNA, and since then he's slowly relegated to nothingness.
I watch TNA every week, but admittedly I am usually doing something else to, but I don't think we have seen Devon since winning the belt. I was hoping something would come from this (for the sake of Devon and the belt), but I don;t think anything is going to. Honestly I think at this point Devon would be better suited doing a behind the scenes job like an agent or training young guys. I always liked Devon, but there doesn't seem to be a place for him even with the TV title.
I dont think i've actually seen devon with the belt since winning it. i thought they had a new rule that if creative had nothing for you they wouldn't waste talent.
I can't believe that pissed all over that title. First it was the terrible legends titles, what the fuck does that even mean? anyways.... cough WCW international Title.. Euriopean Title... aside, I always think they'll took the belt off Doug Williams why?? Aj and Doug got that belt over and then... well TNA happened. I would hate to be Borash, that guy has had to witness all this shit behind the scenes.

Dvon being a champion in 2012... is much like the Wolfpag being tage champions past 1997... oh wait... right.

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