TNA tour the UK!!!


WZCW's Mr Excitement
It's here, at last.


Kong is no longer going.
It will (probably) be the last public showing of the six sided ring.
Gimmick matches featured through each night of the tour, including ULTIMATE X.
Hogan wants to kill house shows (good job this one was booked months in advance!!)

Now I think this tour should be awesome. I'd imagine it would be a similar line up to last year but on some many levels, the talent has improved.

These are the gimmick matches for each night of the tour.
Team 3D vs Morgan / Hernandez - Tag team tables match
Lashley/ Joe - I quit
British Invasion vs Beer Money - Flag Match
World Elite vs Beer Money & MCMG - 8 man gauntlet
AJ/Daniels/Joe/Angle - 4 way ladder match for World title
Amazing Red/Pope/MCMG/Daniels/Suicide - Ultimate X for X Division title

Ultimate X spoiler?
Doug Williams wins the X Division title! Fantastic I think but then I remember, it doesn't happen until "next week". Impact doesn't air until Thursday but not until Saturday here (the last night of the tour and the show featuring the Ultimate X match)

I don't know who booked it but the title changed should have happened in this show! There seems to be a lack of foresight on someones part, or they wanted to get the belt off Amazing Red. (It could be like when the Rockers win the tag belts or when Bret won the WWE title)

So I think the match will be changed to a contenders match. Williams could be added but I think the British Invasion will wrestle (possibly) for the tag belts on this show.

In the main events not already advertised, I think we will see Angle vs AJ and AJ vs Joe and plenty of hints towards Against All Odds. There should not be a bad match on the tour.
I've been looking forward to this tour for literally a year. I can't stand to watch TNA on TV, the shoddy production, terrible storylines and over the hill talent do my head in. However, TNA live is a different kettle of fish and this will be my 3rd TNA show. Adding to the excitement, I've got floor seats!

Anyway, I'm going to the London show, the one with the Ultimate X match, but don't want to know the card until I get there.

I'm umming and ahh-ing about the Fans Interaction thing this year. Last year's was toilet. I got to meet JB, Dixie Carter, ODB, Creed, Hebner, Team 3D and Foley. However, Foley was a dick, as was Hebner and Brother Ray. I had a good laugh with Creed who was trying to fix me up with ODB, Dixie was her normal super sweet self and JB was pretty cool, but the Fans interaction the year before was 100000x better.

Who do you think will be on the tour?

AJ, Joe, Angle, Wolfe, Daniels, Red, MCMG, Pope, Suicide, World Elite, Morgan, Lashley, Hernandez and British Invasion will obviously be there. But will we see the likes of Flair, Hogan, Bischoff, JJ, Sting, Hall, Waltman, Nash, Abyss, The Beautiful People, Tara, Angeline Love etc?
Wait, no Eric Young Global Championship defense?

When he won the Legends title, he came out a show or two later and renamed it the Global Championship and said it would not be defended on US soil, and/or against US wrestlers.

Last I checked wikipedia, the UK isn't part of the US. So why no Eric Young Global Championship defense?

A sign that the New Regime will be letting the Global Championship fade away.
Looks like Bobby Lashley is not going to be on the tour anymore either

I'll be at the show in Bournemouth and I can't wait! It will be my first TNA show and I am so excited!

This is the info for the Bournemouth show that is available on :


Obviously remove Kong from that list
Wait, no Eric Young Global Championship defense?

When he won the Legends title, he came out a show or two later and renamed it the Global Championship and said it would not be defended on US soil, and/or against US wrestlers.

Last I checked wikipedia, the UK isn't part of the US. So why no Eric Young Global Championship defense?

A sign that the New Regime will be letting the Global Championship fade away.

I agree. This tour would have been the perfect chance to bring back meaning to the Global Championship. I would have loved to see Desmond Wolfe win the belt in England, which would have been huge for the audience, them have come back to the US and continue his program with the Pope. I think battling over the belt would add an extra something to what could be a money program for the company.

Also, I read that Alex Shelly will be missing the tour due to disc problems (I don't know if it's in his back of neck).
The matches above is not a card. One of those matches will be happening PER show.

Pedro, that's a good spot. I didnt know that. And I am annoyed Lashley is not going. I didnt think his MMA thing came into play until after this tour.

Eric Young will prob be on this tour and I can totally see a title match on every show. Me and NSL have already discussed the very real chance of a title change at the London show.

Madcap, I'm excited too. I went last year and was so impressed. Impact recently has been so good that it has only helped and the TV production values and occasionally dodgy storylines havent affected that.

AJ vs Wolfe could be a great match if given 20 mins plus and its good to see Wolfe clearly as a face. Dinero is the other new face that I am looking to see.

I'm fully expecting Jarrett, and Foley to be there. And I'd be so annoyed if Hogan, Flair and Bischoff all stayed away.
hi all
got a ticket for next friday at manchester i understand that there is a 4way laddler match for the main event dose anyone if the likes of flair anderson, scott hall or sean waterman are going to be there?sean waterman should of been doing a signing at wrestleslam which is next saturday at manchester but as pulled out along with sid vic
Erm, it's waltman, not waterman. There's been no confirmation (as far as I know) about Flair etc but I imagine Anderson will be there. I dont want to see Hall and Waltman on Impact let alone on a show I want to see. I doubt they will be there, unless they can work.

I'm looking to see spoilers for the Glasgow show on Tuesday to get an idea of who will be here.
MANCHESTER'S Main event changed, again. It is now AJ STYLES V SAMOA JOE V DANIELS, and Kurt Angle will face Desmond Wolfe. 2 Amazing matches to witness personally. Bring on 29th!!!!
Where are these changes being taken from?

They may have just improved the card right there. I'd love to see those two. Two of 2009's best matches on a house show? That's crazy good.

I know they often repeat their shit on house shows and over here we tend to get Genesis rematches but honestly, when they are that good, it doesn't matter.
I know, I was excited when it was a 5 man ladder match, but now its only 3 man, with Angle v Wolfe, this is going to be one of the best house show they have had over here. Hope they dont get rid of the UK tour shows should Hogan scrap house shows.
Well, I'd like to think them scrapping house shows and scrapping tours will be completely different. They could tour a lot more and make as much money as if they were doing one or two house shows a week. The ticket prices for the shows here I would imagine are a lot higher than they would be for a show in a random American town.
if they are going to stop house shows i hope they still do a yearly one in the UK as i go to them, this will be the 4th time i have seen them live, the first being in Florida, i had no idea about the company before this, but got in and i was amazed by these guys, been a fan ever since, they have a huge following in the UK so for them not to tour would be a mistake, im not bothered if foley, nash, hogan arent there as id rather see MCMG,Aj daniels and jay lethal, would love to see sting tho.

i would love to see a reaction like Kurt got in liverpool, Thank you Kurt, great night and he was visibly moved by it, and as he is now a face it will be good to see if he gets to talk to us again, cos last year he was a heel and was going on about it being a dump
Off to Manchester on Friday night, can't wait. Will be my first TNA show and I'm looking forward to seeing how they do things. I will definitely be getting value for money if the card stays as advertised. The Glasgow and Paris shows both sounded great so more of the same please!
Bonus for those who are going to shows on the European tour. As reported by

"Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne have been flown in for the TNA European tour, to take the place of Awesome Kong and Hamada in matches with Sarita & Taylor Wilde."
^^ That's very cool. I saw them last year and they are truly stunning.

Re: the X Division
they clearly booked themselves into a corner by having Red lose the belt. It sounds like Williams wont defend it until iMPACT airs in the US, so Friday night?

The main page is reporting that they reckon the Ultimate X title match will become a contenders match (they didnt list the contestants correctly). I think it will be that now.
Does anyone have any reports from the shows?

I would really like to know what they were like, who was over, who wrestled, were any of the new TNA acquisitions there?

Also, what kind of merchandise was on offer? I've just been on the TNA shop page and there's a few t-shirts I'm inevitably going to end up buying...

Really am looking forward to this show though, the card will be fantastic, as will the atmosphere, it's a damn shame I'm working in the day so I can't go to the Fans Interraction, I just know it's going to be well represented with amazing talent.
ill be there tomorrow, i hope the crowd is more vocal than last year it was quiet subdued i thought last year in manchester, but the one in liverpool the year before was amazing,

i cant get over the fact i shared a taxi with homocide :)
I can see another title change in London. I dont see the new Global Champ as a long term thing. But if he was to drop to a superior wrestler like Brutus Magnus or even Wolfe that would be awesome to see.
Well I've just come back from the Coventry Skydome show. The scheldule was thrown completely out of the window and with Alex Shelley injured I was always going to be dissapointed with that. In contrast I'd love to rave about Hamada vs. Amazing Red. This match displayed a great inner story and physcology and really gave Hamada a chance to shine, it deffinately could have been silly but these two pulled it off really well, its a shame we wont get to see it on TV but Hamada can hang in the X division.
Just got back from Manchester and had a blast. When you see see the crowd at TNA events, it makes you realise how crap they are at WWE's. I was disappointed that they changed the Ladder match and the order of the card was a little weird but I had a great time and will almost definitely go when they come back over here next year.
desmond wolfe was brillant lastnight, when the chelsea rentboy chant started his reaction was priceless. i really do feel you have to see TNA live to get the best out of it, hope they dont take too long to come back,

the whole ladder match thing was wierd tho
Also, I read that Alex Shelly will be missing the tour due to disc problems (I don't know if it's in his back of neck).

Alex Shelley's got both neck and back problems that kept him off the tour.

wrestlingnewsworld website said:
Alex Shelley had an MRI last week that revealed he has several bulging discs in his back and a herniated disc in his neck.

I hope he gets better soon. Images from the shows in the UK are looking good though.
got to say just started to watch tna,so i popped to manchester to see last nites show and was impressed althrough not sure about the ring.they have got some good young talent i only hope they dont get pushed out by all the old wwe stars.i also went to wrestleslam 3 today 4 out of 9 wrestlers were there the other the other 5 got detained at the airport due to a caller saying that they were bombers work that out
It was another brilliant London show.
First Half:
Beautiful People bt Sarita and Wilde: 4/10 - Sloppy throughout with bad timing in places didnt start the night well. The dirty finish suprised me too. But Velvet and Madison are the stuff dreams are of. Taylor and Sarita are growing on me too.
Wolfe def Pope: 7/10 Only made worthwhile by great face work by Wolfe. Gutted neither got mike time as that would have been golden. Pope worked the silent heel and didnt get one Pope is Pimpin chant which I am really suprised about.
Hernandez and Joe def Young and Rhino: 7/10 - I saw a Hernandez swan dive which was nearly enough to boost the rating of this match. The faces were truly over and Eric Young is a very good heel.
Beer Money def British Invasion (Terry and Magnus) and Team 3D: 7/10 - Magnus has massively improved since his debut last year. He even got on the mic to mention John Terry, which got a big boo. But my god Terry is shocking. He can do all he needs to and his look is remarkable, even more so in person but he is just SO SLOW!!! 3D and Beer Money especially were totally over and really revived the crowd.

The first half was quite average with only a couple of high points. But then it got better. A lot bettter.

Ultimate X: Doug Williams bt Sabin, Daniels Suicide and Amazing Red: 9/10 It started slowly but man, when they picked it up, it was awesome. A simply wonderful stunt bout which managed to get better and better. Suicide and Daniels nearly stole the show with moves on the steel above the belt. Admittedly it was only a body slam but seeing Suicide try and narrowly fail at trying to claim the belt from above was rewarding to watch.

Main event:
AJ bt Kurt Angle: 10/10 - This was the perfect way to top the Ultimate X. They started off with the chain wrestling and then picked it up with impact moves. The near falls started early and they got closer and closer. These two had the place working with all the big moves they had. No anglesault this year but there was an AJ Olympic Slam. Angle even had Hebner (evicted by Dixie but returned after Slick took a bump) tapping out. Finish was a belt shot and then a brainbuster on the belt.

I left then but there was a huge cheer and I reckon AJ got beat down. (His heel work is improving slowly but I reckon the main reason he had most of the arena booing him is due to Angle.)

The last two matches rescued it IMO. The fact that Morgan wasn't there and Foley or anyone else really hurt it for me anyway. But wow, I could watch those two matches ten times over and still enjoy it.

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