TNA shreading WWE!

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Rated ''R'' Superstar
People might think that this is not a big deal but I think it is.For those of you that didn't catch it.TNA has a video package of Rhino talking about how he got released.The video package took you back to phili where they had there Hardcore War house show.It shows him saying Tna is where his heart is.Then all of a sudden it goes to him saying crud about WWE and Vince Mcmahon.Is this all a big plan?Will WWE strike back?This is getting interesting....Will they continue this next week?IF they do this could get interesting.Let me hear your thoughts:D
Until TNA gets a little bigger in the ratings, I don't think they will respond to anything TNA does. Vince will just continue to pretend they don't exist. I think they should keep firing shots though. Once they get a 2 hour show at a better time slot the noise they make will eventually be something that WWE can't ignore. IMO, it will happen sooner than later though.
That's been going on forever in wrestling..the little guy wanting to get where the big guy's at.

I watched Impact for the first time from start to finish the other day and really liked it. It seems like TNA gives their wrestlers a lot more freedom in the ring, and even out of the ring. I'll probably Tivo this weeks show.
Tna Needs To Start Shows In Different Areas In Different Arenas So That Way People Can See The Tna Product And What There Talent Are Doing To Grow
They have some good storylines and superstars but there isnt anyway the can compete with wwe
rhino was not a big draw in wwe and the wwe is nor really threatened but tna...yet. so right now i dont think the wwe is going to do anything
It just needs a little more time, and a better time slot to get it's name out and people will star watching and finally be a threat to the WWE, currently i'm sure they dont really give a fuck about TNA.
RVDblazeguy said:
rhino was not a big draw in wwe and the wwe is nor really threatened but tna...yet. so right now i dont think the wwe is going to do anything

It's not that he wasn't a big draw, it's that he was misused in WWE. He had all the tools to be as big as he was in ECW, but WWE limited his move set and didn't give him many story lines to take part in. I'm glad Rhino realized that he would once again get screwed in WWECW, and decided to stay with TNA. This feud with Team Canada is only temporary - it won't be long before he's competing for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship again.
mystyk said:
Until TNA gets a little bigger in the ratings, I don't think they will respond to anything TNA does. Vince will just continue to pretend they don't exist. I think they should keep firing shots though. Once they get a 2 hour show at a better time slot the noise they make will eventually be something that WWE can't ignore. IMO, it will happen sooner than later though.

I dont mean to hate but to my understanding the ONLY reason WWF brought ECW back was to bury TNA. Originally they were going to use ECW people and bring up new tallent. BUT they really messed it up by having Angle, Show, and now Flair on ECW TV. Another thing that did them in is having 1/2 of their original popular stars work and not wanting ot leave TNA. Rhino, Raven, Dudlies.. I think when your getting a 1.0 at 11pm on a thursday and smackdown is struggling to pull 2.5-2.7 at 8 on a Friday... Dont worry WWF is watching and watching good.... Dont forget Kurt Angles in ring call out to anyone in a 4-6-8sided ring!!!
TNA?You mean WCW right?The company is doing everything WCW did.Taking old WWE guys and putting them on top,while the good wrestlers like Somoa Joe and Chris Daniels take a back seat to the WWE rejects.A.J and Senshi,Petey Williams,these guys are some of the best wrestlers i've seen in a while,and they are mid-carding.If TNA would get their heads out of Jarrets ass and see that,they might bring something to the table.Till then were stuck with Captain Charisma and the WWE job squad.Oh,and cornette is a living glory hole.Pissed caused he was canned.Same with the old ECW guys.Pissed cause they were fired so they will say anything to down Vince and the wwe guys.Sad it is,sad.
But the point you're missing is that TNA is far superior product than WWE. Jeff Jarret is actually entertaning in TNA because he has an amazing amount of x-pac heat. It makes people give a shit, unlike WWE, about which I simply don't care now.
Only if you like all the old guys there.Granted the wrestlers show more,but at the rate their going,they will all be out with injuries and un-able to do it anymore.Look at Raven.He addmitted to being careless and now he is worthless to the point of having to wrestle Zabysko.Jarret calls the shots and that hurts the show.He was the biggest reject in WWe and ran crying to daddy.Like I said,if they let the REAL wrestlers shine,they would dominate WWE,and thats the truth.Until then,were gonna have to watch Kevin Nash do the same shit he did 10 years ago and the D-X rejects hold on to their careers by the skin of their crotch chopping.Sorry,sad but true.
Your criticism would be valid but for the fact that Nash is now a midcarder who the fans don't really care about, Raven is out of shape and, I feel, soon out of a job and the DX rejects fued with the Dudley Boyz in really quite alright tag team matches. Let's totally ignore the fact that the vast majority of the show is taken up by TNA guys, ECW guys or WWE guys who got abused by Vince. And let's totally forget the X Division.

You also accused AJ Styles, a guy who's won every belt in TNA three times, of midcarding.

Open your eyes.
Trust me,I have kept up with TNA since it was doing Pay-Per-View each week in hopes it would go further than WWE.But the cruel truth is as long as it takes the WWE rejects and pushes them over the TNA guys,they will not.Christian?Not good.Rhyno?He is good,but they took to long to notice,just like Vince.Cornette?Washed up for 5 years.Now their talking Goldburg.When will it stop?Give Joe the belt and let Petey or Daniels go for the shot.Steiner?GOOD GOD!!He sucks worse than Viscera!Damn Jarrets promos are like nails on a chalkboard and his whole gimmic is just a mid-card HHH.I will continue to watch TNA in hopes it will push more than one of it's wrestlers,(Joe),but it wll have to start soon.I am losing faith fast.With A.J and Daniels having the belts,that is great,but for how long before the Dicks show up and win those?
Joe will get the belt soon. I agree about Steiner. The reason the ex-WWE guys are pushed in TNA is that they're very talented, and just because they didn't make it in WWE doesn't make them any less able. Many, such as Rhyno, were used wrong. Christian was cast aside despite being superior to Edge, and then released himself from his contract to go to TNA where he would be appreciated and pushed. JJ is a great heel because everyone hates him, and isn't that what a heel is for? AJ and Daniels will, I predict, lose the belts to the Franchises boys and get a push thereafter.

The future is bright, and if TNA gets 2 hours and a better timeslot, it will rip WWE apart in two years unless Vince ups his game or squarely targets kids.

You're also talking junk about Goldberg. He won't be in TNA anytime soon.
Point taken.I agree,if TNA does it as you say.If not,it's WWE all the way and without resistence.And for the love of god,lets hope Goldburg stays away!
face it they dont have the funds to stay afloat nor the t v time o promote it...i dont care if they have wont last long the salary there paying all there wwe washed up wrestlers is too much to handle theyll go down soon
yes..i agree its suprsed me..but there talent is getting old..and theres not thatr many young guys there..and all the old talents are getting out of shape like d von and raven and nash and sting all are getting fat
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