TNA missed the boat or dodged a bullet?


JC CooL 420
Goldberg stated that TNA missed the boat and it was a shame that TNA didn't even try to sign him...

That really shocked me that Hogan never even contacted Goldberg... I'm sure he would've helped out in the ratings for the first few weeks or so that he was there, but does anyone really think that he would've been good for TNA on a long term basis?

I mean, the thought of Goldberg running through the TNA roster like the jobbers he ran through in the start of his WCW run makes my stomach turn... Could you actually see Goldberg putting on a competitive match with guys like AJ, Wolfe, Daniels, Kaz, Hardy, RVD or anyone else who isn't jacked up...?

I think TNA dodged a bullet in a way, I think Goldberg running through the TNA roster would drive a lot of the core TNA fans away... All anyone would want to see Goldberg wrestle would be Abyss, Joe, and maybe Rob Terry... I doubt he would actually put any of those guys over, so what's the use in even having him on the team if the only way to use him right is have him beat everyone...

WWE is the right place for him... Vince will have a new way to put Orton, Cena and Batista over and the E Universe will be happy...
I actually agree. It was what made Goldberg famous in the first place. TNA doesn't exactly have the means to find jobbers. So the next choice would be the actual talent. In time he would obviously go up the ladder to the main event. Then what? Go WWE's road and bury him, or WCW's way (minus politics) and have him squash anything with breath. That would work in TNA but he isn't exactly as young or as reliable as he was in WCW. What if he pulls a Brock Lesnar in TNA? All that pushing for absolutely nothing. And it would take a long time to reestablish the wrestlers. If TNA would do what WWE did last time, as in, having him win the World Title and then use him to enhance other talents, that would be good. But considering TNA's lack of mainstream exposure and Goldberg being on a few TV shows I somehow doubt they'd go that way. It's best to avoid the danger that to fix the problem.
Also agree, if you remember Bischoff said Goldbergs attitude was "if this was a real fight i would win so i should win the match". That imo would not settle well in TNA. i think Hogan and Bischoff done the right thing and not bring him in, within 2 months he would have ran through the WHOLE TNA roaster and be siting as World Champ.
Dodged a bullet. By the way, what are the personal feelings between Hogan and Goldberg? If the red and yellow man doesn't really like him, that might explain why he isn't signed yet. Anyway, Goldberg is in no way a long term thing as he is nearing 50 if I'm not mistaken (I could look it up but I don't want to and besides, unless I'm drunk, I'm rarely mistaken). He IS/WAS a household name but I don't think he could really help TNA especially since I believe a man like him would probably be asking for the moon just to be a shade of himself in the ring. Think about it! TNA usually is like a dog in heat, humping everything that moves. If Goldberg isn't yet with TNA, it means that even TNA doesn't think it's worth it. I certainly don't! I blew chunks when he came back to the WWE and I'm pretty sure, unless he lies down and actually accepts to put somebody over, if he comes to TNA the roster will only look worse for wear because of him.
Goldberg hasnt been in a ring in what 6-7 years? Its a good thing TNA "missed the boat". What would Goldberg do? I dont think TNA fans would accept him because hed come in and immediately beat established TNA stars. Plus TNA has already caught two cruises, The SS Jeff Hardy and the RMS RVD. Focus on them and what you already have.
Dodged a bullet. Orlando Jordan has more to offer TNA than Goldberg ever will. There isn't anyone Goldberg can make good but himself, it's just how he needs to be booked.. and we already have Big Rob for that. They also don't need to put up with his back stage crap. The last thing TNA needs are more heavies. Hopefully they pick up 2 X Division dudes or another tag team for the price of using Goldberg
I don't know if Hogan and Bischoff tried to contact Goldberg or not, but there is no real use for him there. If he did wrestle he would probably run through all the young guys and the fans would chant same old shit again. I don't even think WWE wants him to wrestle. They probably want to own his name for merchandise and so they can put him in the HOF next year and put him in video games. It will be a shock if he does wrestle.

Goldberg wrestled for about a year last time he was with WWE, and that led nowhere. Remember all the fans booing him and Lesnar at WM20? It is good for WWE though because they are going to be desperate for new stars since Hunter, HBK, and Taker are taking time off. Cena and Orton may be taking time off as well for movies.

Basically if Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Hardy, and RVD aren't big enough names to make an Impact in TNA, I don't know how Goldberg would change things.
its a much bigger coup for the wwe than it could have been for tna if it ever happens with the wwe...wwe needs to change the main event scene up... the past 2 years its been the same 5 or 6 guys competing for the titles... goldberg won't win but it'll be nice to see him for the first few weeks challenge and undoubtedly he has huge fan base... made the rock look unpopular when he debuted with the wwe...
Does everyone in this thread realize wrestling isn't real? Ya'll act like if TNA signed Goldberg he would just kill everyone on the roster. To do that he'd have to be *booked* that way, and why would they do that - again?

Well, it is TNA so maybe they would, but it would be dumb.

If TNA signed Goldberg at least they'd have *one* guy who is a house hold name who isn't either 20 years past him prime or a drug addict. To act like Goldberg wouldn't benefit TNA is some way is ******ed. Like him or not he's one of the biggest names of all time, even if his run was short and maybe he was a dick.

And it doesn't surprise me that Hogan didn't contact him. His ego would never be able to handle it. Goldberg is one of the guys Hogan has always been afraid of taking the spotlight from him.

When TNA is getting sub 1.0 ratings there are no bullets to be dodged. What the hell is the worst thing that could happen? They sign Goldberg and get a .07? lol
I'm still not quite sure how it worked in WCW. If a guy squashes EVERYONE then what is there for him to do? I guess the fact they had so many main event talents on their roster took the focus off him enough to mow through everyone, because when he arrived in the WWE it seemed illogical that he should be allowed to squash Triple H, and he didn't. I believe he actually complained that they killed his character but I have to ask the question of what he wanted to do? Did he want to get 5-minute victories over everyone in the WWE as well? They didn't have enough other guys around to cover him and they did at least let him go over Christian, Jericho and Batista before he was defeated by Triple H.

At this stage in his career he's not up to wrestling full or even part-time so I think it's purely a hypothetical of what would have happened if TNA brought him in because I don't see him wrestling for the WWE. As I stated in another thread I believe he's negotiated to be a guest host and perhaps begin an on-screen role leading to a one-off Wrestlemania match to coincide with his Hall of Fame induction, NOT to wrestle.

As TNA can't offer him the kind of exposure and pay-day that WWE can I really don't see what they'd have given him if he did come in. A few spears on main event players, maybe a brawl. He'd have been like Lashley but older and in worse shape. I'm not surprised they didn't go after him, they know in their heart of hearts they have nothing for him.
If he is not wrestling and getting into a commentary position, occasional match, or a gm role, TNA missed the boat. He Does have charisma, and he is in good shape, especially compared to several of TNA,s new acquisitions. Plus he did a good job calling MMA fights, so he would be a good commentator.
I'm not really sure if TNA dodged a bullet or not. I've read some posts about this and they don't really make too much sense. After all, TNA is loaded down with older, big named wrestlers so I fail to see how Goldberg's presence would be a hindurance on TNA. Even if Goldberg had something of an attitude problem backstage while he was in WCW, so what? A lot of the older wrestlers had attitude problems. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Kurt Angle; do I really need to go on.

On the other hand, however, I very much doubt that Goldberg would be that much of a draw in TNA. As far as the older stars go, I'd say that Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock would be TNA's last and best chances to increase their audience via the usage of older talent. However, Austin is under a legend's contract with the WWE and there's no way TNA can afford The Rock. Besides that, both are pretty loyal to the WWE overall based on what I've read.

Also, just because the WWE is in talks with Goldberg doesn't automatically mean he's going to be wrestling. I'm sure there could be any number of onscreen roles that Goldberg could perform.

As far as Goldberg's relationship with Hulk Hogan goes, I think I remember reading that Hogan contacted Goldberg and asked him to be part of the Hulkamania tour and Goldberg wasn't interested. I'm also fairly sure I remember that Goldberg said in interviews that he has no desire to even work with Hulk Hogan. So, I dunno what Goldberg is talking about as far as TNA missing the boat. Goldberg already told Hogan no, so I think it's reasonable for Hogan to assume Goldberg wold have no interest in TNA.
I though Goldberg was only signing a legends deal with WWE so that he can be in videogames and stuff. I didn't hear that he'd be wrestling. If so I also don't blame TNA because he wasn't that great when he was supposedly "great". He is the one that put Brett Hart on the shelf for good. I don't see him wrestling, or wanting to work the WWE schedule. I think its just a legends deal.
I really that TNA missed a golden opportunity here. Like it or not Goldberg is one of the few remaining main event stars left on the free agent market and would have been a big asset for TNA. The casual fan who use to watch WCW would have tuned in to see what Goldberg was doing just like what WWE and WCW was doing with the ultimate warrior in the 90's. Goldberg still has his fanbase and a return to wrestling in TNA would have been huge for them.

They don't need to have him do squash match every week, they have rob terry for that, but they could use him in main event programs again guy like Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Abyss and other main event stars on the rosters. Goldberg could have been use also as a special attraction.

The fact is TNA brought in a lot of guys that don'T have a lot to offer to the company, guys like orlando Jordon, The nasty boys, Mr. Anderson and RVD don'T offer what GOldberg could have and that's another huge name on the roster.
I've already ranted about how much I hate Goldberg in another thread. If he does show up on WWE tv, it will give me yet another reason to watch TNA. The guy only wants to be booked one way and one way only. He wants to look like a god. His attitude and work ethic sucks and he's a cancer for this business. TNA has enough malignant tumors already. It actually pleases me to hear that TNA didnt even contact Oldberg. Its a good indication that theyre looking to the future. So far, all the old guys in TNA have been working to put over the young guys. Goldberg doesnt like putting people over unless there's enough money in it for him. He's not a company man. He never was. He's just a tool who believes in his own kayfabe hype way too much. He couldnt draw flies even if he was covered in horse shit. If he came to TNA, there would be an initial nostalgia pop and then it would switch to pure heat. The guy is one-sided and can only be booked in one way. Nobody wants to see an old has-been burying the future of this business.
I would love to see Goldberg wrestle simply because I enjoyed him so much as a kid. He was intense, tough and bullet-proof.

TNA has such a great roster that anyone who has a match with him would make it look like an even and interesting contest. If you guys watch his early WCW matches, he actually pulled off quite an array of moves, so I'm sure he could fit in without having to be as super dominant as he once was.

Hope things work out for him in WWE.
I have nothing against Goldberg whatsoever. I think he was perfect for what he was. He was a big, jacked up, intense guy. He ran through people...and he should have. Just because some of those people may have been "more deserving" or "might have worked harder" didn't mean they shouldn't have fallen to him. I am a big believer in storyline over merit. It's an ENTERTAINMENT business. It's not always as entertaining to watch the guy who has payed his dues go over the more exciting guy...but anyway.

I think TNA kind of did dodge a bullet here. I don't think they did so because it would have been bad for Goldberg to run through everyone. I think it's good for TNA because I just don't know where/how they would use Goldberg right now. They have brought in a lot of new faces and kept a lot of older ones. TNA is having a hard enough time figuring out where to put the guys they have as it is. I just don't think it would have worked out very well to bring in Goldberg, at least not right now.

They just do not have enough time, week in and week out, to showcase everyone. And adding another major name like Goldberg wouldn't help. As for ratings, sure it might have given them a bit of a bump, but that's not a certainty. Jeff Hardy hasn't helped at all in ratings, and he is far more relevant today than Goldberg is (especially with his high profile legal battles). TNA has way, wayyy too much going on as it is, and Goldberg would have only added to the confusion, IMO.

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