TNA Made a Mistake...


ROH TV champion
Alright im actually a TNA fan and although im not a huge fan i dont hate hardy by any means, he just inst a good champion, i love high flyers but hardy is just boring and lazy now a days he shows no emotion and doesnt seem to care or try in his promos or matches, i can see how they had to put the title on hardy again and why they had to allow him to beat RVD but leave it to where he won by cheating, in order to allow RVD to have unfinishsed business and set something up for a ppv, plus this allows for a triple threat match with some heat between anderson and RVD as well.......but Anderson should not be kept in and made to look sooo good...i like anderson a lot but he is a guy who overcomes or uses underhanded tactics to win not own people like he did last night, i think Anderson should lose his way out of the title picture, and RVD and AJ should be the ones who are the main faces in the main eventt (for the time being at least) they are just better champions imo (i mean all around with minor titles along with heavyweight) i think it hould be RVD then have RVD retain over Anderson just because RVD being a fighting champ opens more doors for feuds....but TNA will keep the belt on a lazy champion...or on a guy who is more or less a glorified one trick pony in Anderson (although hes good) he only has a mic check in the ring...which isnt a very good finisher, so what do you guys think? Should TNA go the way their going with some triple threat matches and multiple ppl in the picture or should they narrow it down to a one on one with RVD, aj, or Anderson
Actually, I do believe in a sense, a triple threat match is good because it creates an unpredictability. I mean think about it, you say hard is not a good champion, you say hardy is lazy and you say Anderson is a "one trick pony" well what is RVD? he's a little old now don't you think? its a little tired to have hardy as champion all the time? and why not give someone else a chance to break through the proverbial "glass ceiling"

Also, why would you want Anderson to lose his way out of the title picture? Anderson is one of the most over guys on the TNA Roster, he has a strong and loyal fan base and most importantly he wrestles way better than hard and works better too. So in other words...( usually don't do this cause im not a "smark") If it were up to me. I would put RVD and Anderson in a main event for the strap, almost like "old lion vs. young lion" kinda thing. (with a few tweaks) that way i would get my money's worth instead of watching yet another lack lustered, careless hardy "bore" i mean boy performance.
First off you need to learn how to breathe when you type something. Be more grammar conscience and use a PERIOD (.) every time you pause. It made your post unbearably hard to read. Besides that...your point you are trying to make gets lost.

Second one of TNA's mistakes was making already established guys be in the spotlight. The ex-WWE and ECW guys should've been used to further push the guys that TNA had built...AJ, Samoa Joe, etc. By having Hardy as champion they are only hurting themselves in the long run. Same goes with Flair. Why have him and Foley fight to the death? Flair should've been used to put over talent like he was doing with Fortune.

The storyline they are running with now about TNA originals wanting to "take back" the company should've been done LONG ago.

Here is what I would've done...

Use the feud between Angle and Jarrett with Jarrett being the one who brought over the established guys because the TNA talent was getting the job done to build the company. Angle joins forces with TNA talent in an attempt to control and build it the way it was going with just the TNA talent.

The other mistake was trying to re-create the past without learning from it. ECW died so why bring it back. The attitude era died and your main competition is making a KILLING off a PG rating with kids. You have a man that destroyed a billion dollar company helping run and book TNA. They are trying to build a company off of wrestlers that not many people care about anymore.

Somewhere the original roster got lost in the shuffle of bringing in old wrestlers and ex-WWE and ECW guys. Its the whole reason Nash left and Im sure Sting will too.
The guy with the RVD avatar is posting about how RVD should have won the title and become TNA's top guy. Shocker!

I agree with you about Hardy being a bad champ and AJ belonging in the Main Event, but you're wrong about Anderson and RVD. Last night was actually the first time I came away impressed with Anderson as a legitimate contender and badass. I've spent two months trying to buy into him and never could, so I applaud what TNA did. Not only did they finally make him look tougher, but the second Mic Check he gave Van Dam kept the door open for some unpredictability. Austin certainly stunned his fair share of faces during his run.

It's obvious you're a RVD fan and didn't like seeing him lose or get shown up post-match, so you're forgiven for the bias. But the bottom line is that RVD is just not a Main Eventer. They pushed him hard in his TNA debut and, though the matches were great, his mic skills and persona could not hold up. He's great to use in a wrestling-heavy midcard feud but wilts under the spotlight.
I never gave a damn about RVD or the belt when he had it. RVD's TNA run, in my opinion, has been pretty lackluster. I don't really see him as World Champion material, to be honest.... Why they haven't had him in the X-Division, I don't know. That one would honestly write itself and be the adrenaline shot the X-Division needs.

Anderson has become so over that TNA basically HAD to put him in the main event. It's nice that Anderson is now one of the top foes Jeff Hardy has, considering that Anderson was also screwed at Bound For Glory by Immortal. I see no problems with pushing Anderson and I generally like the guy. I don't think you can say his run was too bad, considering it was mostly a quick move to get the belt off of Hardy when he was headed into court. I thought Ken did very good with his little time with it.

AJ Styles in the world title picture pretty much goes without saying.
Anderson should not be in the title picture, but RVD should? no. if anything, other way around. Anderson is better and more over than RVD.
it's not just about what happens in the ring. mic work for example is huge. Anderson on the mic is money!
however I'd take either of them over Hardy as champion.
I also think you have to factor Matt Morgan in the title picture, and hopefully Styles.
RVD's also a convicted druggie like Hardy and the fact TNA bases there whole show on either of them when they were convicted sais alot.

RVD "was" a great champ when he was in ECW and when he was in WWE as IC champ

Jeff Hardy has "never" been a great singles champion EVER. he's a tag wrestler and is now at the bottom of the barrel in ability. He seems to have no desire, has no self respect and no clue. I will give him props for putting his ass on the line so many times in the past but that's all he is a spot monkey

Anderson atleast hasn't been in any serious trouble in ages and has potential, just for whatever reason he falls flat overall.

so to me none of them are world champion material
Be honest, I would choose any of them over Joe, he is just boring, and hard to look at, he has gotten sloppy, and I haven't been able to care for him since his X division feuds with Styles and Daniels, but with that rant over, Hardy is a glorified spot monkey, and who knows when he will fall again, He is pretty much the new Scott Hall, sans mic skills. RVD is a pot head, not a complete drug addict, and now a days it's legal medically in many states, so that reduces his risk. But Anderson should be the champ, because he is over, and is believable, he has something that I don't see much anymore, tons of Charisma, which is why we all loved so many of the greats in wrestling. He also shows a passion on the mic, and has the ability to sell merchandise, and in this business, that is what is important, making cash.
Truthfully, I can see this being done decently. Not sure, but I'll have to wait and see.

This makes the title picture a bit more unpredictable and Anderson chasing the title is very creative. The only problem is that now Anderson is working off of two other guys that aren't talkers. Still, it could still create some interesting and NEW concepts with the top story lines.
Jeff Hardy should of not beat Anderson clean at Against All Odds, and that is why I am done with TNA for good. TNA will fold soon watch because they dont want to listen to anybody. TNA just wants to blow money on stupid worthless talent and stupid things instead of worrying about getting Impact on the road for good and going live every week with Impact.
I may sound crazy but like the title bein with hardy, because it open the belt 2 alot more contenders. ANDERSON is a damn good champ and will be in the longrun, but rightnow hardy is the only 1 in immortal thats championship material. Till somebody join immortal worthy of holdin the strap its gone be that way i geuss. And then its alot of people on hardy ass 4real, thats why i dont mind him havin it, you got anderson, rvd, fortune, morgan, and you can throw angle in there to. So you gotta take the good with the bad....

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