TNA Knockout Pay Per View Airing on Oct. 1st

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
I was on Facebook just a few seconds ago when I saw this posted...

"TNA Knockouts "Mad Sexy Volume One" special coming October 1 to Pay-Per-View! Visit for more info:"

I continued on to the link and found out that the airing will feature an airing of "classic knockout bouts" with Gail Kim, Awesome Kong, and others in action.

Obviously, this is TNA's attempt to thwart Smackdown's move to Sy-Fy, but surely the thought of at least doing an actual pay per view could've crossed their mind? Or maybe even the thought of doing a special like they did for the Whole F'N Show?

Anyway, what's your opinion on this?
Yes let's ask people to pay for old wrestling rather than watching the free new wrestling with better workers on a company that is better written and better put together. Couple that with the fact that you could probably get the matches online for free and I see absolutely no point in having this show at all and it'll likely wind up losing money for the company.
So let me get this straight...

TNA expects me to pay for a show that's only going to feature matches that have happened in the past...matches that I can watch for free on the internet... yeah there's no way in the all of the nine circles of hell is that going to happen.

Since my favorite wrestler Kane is coming off his first major PPV win over the Undertaker, nothing short of TNA hiring Manami Toyota to work the main event would draw my attention from Smackdown.

I expect the results of this undertaking to be abysmal... especially if all TNA are going to feature are reruns.
The audacity of TNA to ask for money for the footage they own that you might be able to find on youtube. WWE wants me to pay for Jericho matches soon? Those idiots never heard of youtube either! This is not airing on the 1st as much as it is first available then and will be available through the end of the year. They are not going to lose money on this because it doesn't cost them much of anything to put together. At a relatively cheap price I am sure plenty of guys will end up buying this at some point.
So will people on here bitch about WWE having the audacity to offer their old matches on WWE Classics On Demand? Come off it. It's simple...either you want to buy it, or you don't. I become more and more convinced every time I come on here that people love to bitch about TNA just for the sake of bitching about TNA...bunch of Mark Madden wannabes.
youtube vids don't work on my tv unfortunately....I hope they have tara vs kong from lockdown 09 I think where komg got powerbombed off the the top rope or 2nd rope I think
So will people on here bitch about WWE having the audacity to offer their old matches on WWE Classics On Demand? Come off it. It's simple...either you want to buy it, or you don't. I become more and more convinced every time I come on here that people love to bitch about TNA just for the sake of bitching about TNA...bunch of Mark Madden wannabes.
Yeah shame that WWE is ON DEMAND, as in you can watch it any time you like with a subscription. It's not pay per view which this is. For TNA you can only see it this one time. For WWE you get a constant stream of shows for less money which you can watch anytime you like. It's not the same thing, it's not close to the same thing, and, amazingly enough, more than a handful of people give a damn about TNA. Go whine about how much better off WWE is elsewhere because I've heard every line TNA fans like to spit out and most of them are complete and utter bullshit.
Uh, Klunder...why don't you try doing a bit of checking about the Knockouts PPV before going all know-it-all on me? It is not available just on October's available starting on October 1, and available for purchase until December. So it's more similar to WWE Classics than you'd care to admit. And really, even if it's not exactly the same, you're paying for matches that have aired already. And I'd reply to the last sentence in your post if it made any sense at all.
This not a one time thing. This one hour special will be available on a pay-per-view basis at just $9.95 until December 31st on your cable or satellite provider. I think that this not a horrible idea some Hardcore TNA fans will order it to see to see some of old Knockout matches when they were actually Pretty Good. TNA will make money off of this its cheap to order and probably cheap to produce. The money they make from people ordering it will be more then it cost to make it. So I definitely don't think this a HORRIBLE IDEA.
Yeah shame that WWE is ON DEMAND, as in you can watch it any time you like with a subscription. It's not pay per view which this is. For TNA you can only see it this one time. For WWE you get a constant stream of shows for less money which you can watch anytime you like. It's not the same thing, it's not close to the same thing, and, amazingly enough, more than a handful of people give a damn about TNA. Go whine about how much better off WWE is elsewhere because I've heard every line TNA fans like to spit out and most of them are complete and utter bullshit.

um...with a subsription? so I can't watch those vids anytime unless I pay extra? lol. You must be talking about that wwe service that is an add on fee to your regular bill.... Though old wwe dvds can be ordered as ppvs for a one time fee which is what tna is attempting to do instead of the add-on service you refer too
Don't like it - don't buy it - don't watch it.

Am I going to order it. FUCK NO I'm not ordering it. It's women wrestling. The last time I cared about women wrestling was the WWF women's division with Molly Holly, Lita, Trish, etc etc. Now, TNA's KO's are awesome. I just don't care about them.

Is it a horrible idea? No. TNA's not paying much to put this on TV. As much as I don't believe it, people will buy it. Not everybody, but they will, and that's money for TNA. Show me what's wrong with that. They'll make more than they spent, so fuck it, let them have a blast, but I'm not ordering that thing, nah uh.
I don't know why people would buy this when they could buy or Rent the Best of Knockouts DVD Volume 1 that was released a few years ago. It probably doesn't have the new Beautiful People or Tara on the DVD, but that is probably what the PPV will be comprised of. The old DVD footage and a few matches from Impact and PPVs from the past year. More power to TNA for putting a PPV for people to buy, but I don't think many will buy this. Maybe if they put the best of Beer Money/ Motor City Machine Guns, Bound For Glory, or even the Best of TNA Asylum year 1 on PPV people will buy it..
Actually it's airing on the 2nd of Oct not the 1st so no it's not against SD! on SyFy's debut but it does compete against the SD!/RAW encores on Universal HD on that night.
I don't know why people would buy this when they could buy or Rent the Best of Knockouts DVD Volume 1 that was released a few years ago. It probably doesn't have the new Beautiful People or Tara on the DVD, but that is probably what the PPV will be comprised of. The old DVD footage and a few matches from Impact and PPVs from the past year. More power to TNA for putting a PPV for people to buy, but I don't think many will buy this. Maybe if they put the best of Beer Money/ Motor City Machine Guns, Bound For Glory, or even the Best of TNA Asylum year 1 on PPV people will buy it..

I totally agree with you. What if instead of having a KO's PPV thingy, they just had the last five Bound For Glory's, 5 weeks before BFG. I'd certainly pay to see it. I don't think you can find it on YouTube. Slash the PPV price in half and enjoy some easy cash.
I totally agree with you. What if instead of having a KO's PPV thingy, they just had the last five Bound For Glory's, 5 weeks before BFG. I'd certainly pay to see it. I don't think you can find it on YouTube. Slash the PPV price in half and enjoy some easy cash.

good idea, though they kinda sold the previous 5 bound for glories plus 2 shirts plus 3 autographs for 50 dollars on an online special....the week impact didnt air on spike. Were selling 100 only...10/10/110 special they called it. Actually it was 40 dollars but with tax and shipping it equaled out to 51. Within a day all 100 were sold. Besides the bound for glory dvds...the aj and flair autograph made it a great deal (flair was guaranteed)
Funny how people are always gonna bash something that ANY wrestling company does. And if people had actually checked it out before running thier mouths they would get it's available starting October 1st, then runs from then on. It's just like WWE putting DVD's of theirs on PPV (yes people they still do it). Sorry op, this is NOT a TNA attmept to "thwart" WWE's move to SyFy. It's just coincidence, not everything is an attack on the other promotion.
Yeah, chill out folks. If you and your buddies want to huddle around a shitty computer screen only to have to look for bits and pieces of your favorite Knockout matches, then go ahead and knock yourselves out. But for those who actually have friends, a few bucks for some snacks and drinks, and who would like to spend a Friday night watching the Knockouts do their thing, then this is cool.

And yeah I could buy the dvd for 20.00$ or that ON DEMAND crap for whatever they're pimping it for but I like to be spontaneous once and awhile. And the extra 10 bucks I save from not buying the dvd goes back into more booze. Heh...
Yeah shame that WWE is ON DEMAND, as in you can watch it any time you like with a subscription. It's not pay per view which this is. For TNA you can only see it this one time. For WWE you get a constant stream of shows for less money which you can watch anytime you like. It's not the same thing, it's not close to the same thing, and, amazingly enough, more than a handful of people give a damn about TNA. Go whine about how much better off WWE is elsewhere because I've heard every line TNA fans like to spit out and most of them are complete and utter bullshit.

hey ******! you either you want it or not, its your choice, no ones forcing you to pay for it, and we all know you dont like tna and you wont order from them, so how about you get a life and stop bitching about shit that doesn't even concern you
This is a easy way for the company to make a few couple of bucks, nothing more this for all we know can be an R & D experiment by TNA, Instead of dvd they might switch over to the whole netflix live streaming concept. I mean you can watch impact on spike tv's website for free or for a $1.99 on the Playstation Network(ps3) as well as itunes etc. and before every one explode about paying two dollars for impact lets look at it this way with hulu and such its easier to watch your shows with out having to pay for cable subscription fees thus making it easy to ditch cable $8 a month for impact vs a lot more for cable and satellite etc. For all we know maybe tna watch to switch to only digital media content instead of having to produce dvd's
um...with a subsription? so I can't watch those vids anytime unless I pay extra? lol. You must be talking about that wwe service that is an add on fee to your regular bill.... Though old wwe dvds can be ordered as ppvs for a one time fee which is what tna is attempting to do instead of the add-on service you refer too

Well, WWE On Demand has over 40+ hours of just matches that you can't find on ppv. And you can't order old WWE ppvs (except like maybe 1 or 2 that come out monthly as a promotion).
Yeah I can't believe people are complaining that TNA is doing this. The WWE has there on Demand and also they show the DVD collections on PPV all the time. And yet no one complains about that

SO what's the difference
hey ******! you either you want it or not, its your choice, no ones forcing you to pay for it, and we all know you dont like tna and you wont order from them, so how about you get a life and stop bitching about shit that doesn't even concern you
Let's stop this misconception again.

It does concern him. It concerns all wrestling fans. The wrong answer to someone criticizing TNA is "just don't watch it". How else is TNA going to grow? Are the magic audience fairies going to come down from the sky and turn a 0.9-1.0 into a 2.5?

Criticism should be looked at as somewhat of a positive. Have you ever heard the saying "I would rather be hated than ignored?" If people are criticizing TNA, it means they at least want to care about it. They are just dissatisfied with what they see. In order to grow your audience, you have to provide them with what they want to see (which is something professional wrestling fans are notorious for not knowing themselves.)

There are no loyalty rewards programs in professional wrestling. No one is writing to reward you for being such a good fan for however long; they're writing to maximize audience share. They didn't bring in Hogan to make the Cripple Crew in Orlando mark out.

So, yes, it does concern him. It concerns you, it concerns me, it concerns everyone who has ever cared about professional wrestling. is reporting that TNA will be airing an all-Knockouts PPV titled "Mad Sexy, Volume 1," beginning October 1st. The PPV will feature stars of the past and present, including Awesome Kong and Gail Kim. The show will be hosted by Christy Hemme.

From the front page.

Now call me a dumb, out of touch loser, but ummm, isn't Gail Kim in the WWE these days?

I suggest it's either one of the following...

As someone posted on another thread that Vince has brought TNA, hence talent can jump about - hehe not a friggin' chance, silly idea!

Gail Kim is switching companies AGAIN!

or Nick Paglino (the author of the piece) made a balls up.

Either way, not overly interesting, but just something that jumped out at me browsing the front page.

Anyhow - thoughts on the above, and also thoughts on a Knockout only PPV... will you buy it? What would you like to see on it? And will Daffney FINALLY get some airtime? And anything else relating to the subject!
HAHAHA..makes me kinda laff!! well why lie..makes me laff alot!!

Remember TNA's special iMPACT which was 4 hours..we had 2 hours of old footage from the past and then 2 hours of all KO's fighting!! It scored a 0.6 cable rating..and thats free tv!! And back then they had some good diva's!! I know the plan is now to have Mickie James to appear..but I would rather watch all the WWE stars on Smackdown on Oct. 1st, obviously there will be people who disagree with me and ahh well its my opinion..not yours!!

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