TNA is yours

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Mighty NorCal

Reminiscent of the legendary Time NorCal presentation "the wwe is yours"

cept way better, since even the people who watch it, claim TNA is shit. So.

Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett die in a plane crash. They leave TNA, in its current state, to you. How would you improve it, how would you change it, how would you fix the problems??

I dont watch TNA. Ive seen all of 20 minutes of it total in my life. Cuz I cant stand it. But even from that, and what ive seen said on this forum I can formulate ways to improve it.

Fire Don West, and aquire a competent counterpart for Tenay. Tenay is awesome, and deserves better company.

Tour. at least a little. The impact zone is so incredibly stupid. I cant get over it. Please. a normal entranceway, and varying arenas. It can still be a small area. just give it variance. Please.

I dont watch the programming, so I cant speak for the booking, and angles. I do know, however, that Curry man was the first thing to ever make me visibly embarassed to be a wrestling fan. So you guys can speak on the booking and whatnot.

Sam. I expect big things.


I announce a live iMPACT!. I then go on, live, in front of about thirteen people worldwide and set myself on fire.

I just make it a more mature product. Kids don't need pandering to. Doubt TNA gets any little ones watch it anyway. Mostly 25-35 YO probably. Therefore it should grow the fuck up. No more awkward "I'm not in character but I beat you at No Surrender which I am admitting is fake" promos. Fire Eric. No, not really. Job him out. Job the wrestlers that should be jobbers out to the wrestlers that shouldn't be jobbers. Give Roode or Storm the title. AJ chases. Older stars have upper card feuds. Fire Morgan. Why? Because it's my company and I don't like him. Have Abyss in the most brutal match I can think of. Change the X title into a midcard title, give it to Abyss. Have him compete with Joe over it. Do some indie angle but downplay it a little. Hire people you think will stick - bring in some women and tag teams to fill the massive voids in the women and tag team divisions.

It probably wouldn't work and people will point that out but what the fuck do you want from me?
I'll do it in dribs and drabs, I find it hard to do a total post in one go on these type of things.

#1 Selling: I for one would keep Don West. He's enthusiastic. Which is the problem. He's too enthusiastic. Less is more. How am I supposed to care about a lethal beat down of a top star when he reacts the exact same way as when A.J. Styles does a high flying move?

#2 Comedy: There's a place for it in wrestling. I'd keep The Prince Justice Brotherhood. But they'd be the opening match act, always. They'd never be anywhere near my main event wrestlers, and they'd also be the only comedy on the show.

#3 High Flying: X-Division guys can do whatever they want. But the larger wrestlers are to do no high flying moves. That's you Hernandez. Your dive over the top rope is for special occasions only. Same for any other large wrestlers.

#4 Promotion: I'd get Irish to do it all. Starting with better promotional posters. Then better adds and so forth. I woudln't allow my wrestlers to have titantrons with clips of video games in them.

#5 PPV: Never in the impact zone, and with different sets each month. Make them look different and unique.

#6 Less Gimmicks: Enough said really. They should be special, worth buying. No 6 minute long Ladder matches.

#7 iMPACT: No matches that haven't been used as PPV matches. I'm not on about Super Eric vs. Abyss. I'm on about the matches that might sell a PPV, no Booker vs. Styles. Unless it's an important iMPACT.

I'll have to think of more in the future. Shouldn't be hard, TNA is awful.
Right then, I'll go into specifics.

World Title:
Have Joe drop the title to, say, Storm. Joe can stay involved in the title scene, but should never win. I'd say Joe is probably some great enhancement talent in my humble opinion - he makes heels look fantastic... sometimes. Roode was shit hot after feuding with Joe. Part of the reason Joe can't stay champion. You can have older stars in the main event every now and then, but the title should be passed around the youngsters - Roode, Storm and Styles, maybe Cage. Maybe stick Hernandez and Tomko up here too, but have an interchange with the midcard.

Upper Card:
Keep the ex-WWE/WCW stars in here, save Christian. Main event doesn't draw? You've got Sting/Booker to fall back on, etc. Just keep swapping them all round with each other. Only stop when it becomes Knockouts-repetitive do you break the cycle and enter some new faces into the mix. TNA normally has a fairly good supply of new old faces though, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Mid Card/X Division:
Fuse them into one. You'll still have mostly cruiserweights in there once Roode & co. head north anyway. Maybe give guys like Shelley and Homicide their runs - take away the wackiness and leave the character, really. Consequences Creed is one to watch, and bring in some indie guys as enhancement - where the fuck did Doug Williams go? Try and rehire Aries, I'm convinced he could be big. He could definitely be a decent X champion. Give Abyss some fucking matches. Do what you like with Morgan. Make him Russo's pet project for all I care. Oh, and really let Shelley loose. This'll be the highest the guy goes; let him have a little fun.

Tag Teams:
Give the Guns a fucking reign! Have a few month feud with LAX, they come out victorious. LAX break up. MCMG stay heads of the tag division for a while, then have a barbershop moment and another insta-feud. Enlist indy talents by the barrel full. Mainstream-ise them a little and then make them your athletic showcase. Long reigns make the belts seem worthwhile - no more pointless feuds. Make every point a selling point. Use 3D sparingly - no more title reigns. No more silly gimmicks. No more Street Fights or strap matches. That goes for everybody.

Women's Division:
Kong back ontop, WWE talent on the bottom. Bring in five or six more promising women and mix the feuds up a little bit. Aim for two singles women's matches a Pay-Per-View. Make it a selling point again. They're not meant to be "divas playing wrestling dress-up", remember?

See if you can get Heyman beside Tenay. Can't get any worse in most people's eyes, so why not test it out?

Have all Pay-Per-Views away from the iMPACT! Zone. Have different colour ring ropes and aprons with the name of the show on them. Get someone else to do titantrons and music, like a student that's halfway competent - make it so they don't repeat themselves three times in the space of ten seconds. No videogame clips either. Get someone new on marketing and promoting. Make it so TNA doesn't look shit.
Just a few things.

I'd try to have a working relationship with both ROH and Shimmer and start an on tv interpromotional feud with those guy. That way we can see matches like Bryan Danielson vs Kurt Angle or Taylor Wilde and ODB vs Melissachif (or in this case Raishachif.) But I really see no reason as to why Awesome Kong needs a manager. (unless it's James Mitchell.) TNA's tag team division is doing fine but I'd make an effort to buy speed muscle's contract from dragongate and have them feud with the MCMG.I dunno bout anyone else here but I really want to see Jushin Liger vs AJ styles. TNA has an established relationship with New Japan so why not take advantage of it more? (Since Kurt wants to do MMA so badly have him wrestle Don Frye.) The upper card will run itself pretty much but I'd concentrate more on the women/indie stars.
First, I would fire the whole announce team. I would bring in Tony Schiavone and utilize Mick Foley. Tony is great at selling an angle, and is the ultimate company man. Mick Foley is awesome on the mic, and his commentary during Smackdown! was excellent.

Second, I would go through with the New Blood angle. I know that JJ was supposed to be part of it, but with his "crash" he won't be. Fine. Have AJ, Joe, The Guns, Lethal fight Booker, Angle, Nash, Sting, and 3D. Keep Christian Cage on the fence for a while, then move him to whatever team isn't over. He is a quality heel that could help the Old Guys. If the Old Guy get their bitterness over, put him with the younger guys.

Turn Christian at the end. It is all about the belt for him, and now that the power structure is settled, have him bring the fed back to reality.

Make AJ your signature star. the guy is the best in-ring performer in the world. Feature him. Promote him. Get him onto Manswers and Pros vs. Joes and any other original television Spike produces.

Become a more integral part of Spike. WWE programming is USA's biggest draw. Ever. Period. Therefore, when USA's original programming needs a boost, they use a WWE star. These guys are actors, so let them act. Convince Spike to have some original programming. They are trying with their Guy movies, but those suck. Fuck it, put AJ on one of those. Talk Spike into making an ultraviolent TV series. Put Matt Morgan on that show once.

Push Matt Morgan. Look, the guy is Vince's wet dream. Having this guy at the top will drive Vince crazy, as he had him and let him go. At some point, Vince is going to mention you on TV. Bring this up once, and then forget the WWE exists. Too many references to the other guys is what sunk WCW. You are not a hype machine for WWE, you are competition. If you're going to do anything, apy the bail of the guy you have crash their ring. I nominate Roode.

Make Storm and Roode your top heels. Booker and Angle should get chances, but they have 3 years tops left. When they leave, TNA is fucked. I need to see Storm take the belt from Joe.

Fire Joe. He is getting worse by the day. Let the be a message to everyone on the roster. Improve or go back to ROH.

Bring Joe back. Let him know that he better stop sucking and make him evil again. Face Joe sucks.

Keep plugging along. WWE has lost viewers over the last year, whereas TNA has maintained. That is a victory. Remind your guys that they have a core audience, and no matter what, they need those fans to stay loyal. Make matches better. Tell a story.

Which leads to, improve the in-ring product. Better than WWE does not mean good. Negative one is more positive than negative 2, but you know what? It's still negative. TNA's matches have devolved into punchy kicky crap in the last three months. Start flipping, but tell a story. Isolate a body part, beat it. Make sure it leads to either your finisher, or a failure of their finisher.

Make Jim Cornette head booker. Cornette has more wrestling knowledge than that entire booking team combined. He knows how to tell a story, he kows how to sell an angle. He has done everything in the business, so take him off of TV, and put him in charge of all things TV.

Do not fire Russo. Don't put him in charge, but give him a story and tell him to make it happen. Put a no poop joke rule over his head, and send him to work.

Do not drug test. Keep these guys on TV. They are grown men. If they want to kill themselves, it is their decision. Sorry, not popular, I know, but fuck it. This is not a real sport. Steroids do not give an unfair advantage.

I am a TNA fan. I like the talents in the ring, I loved the AJ/Kurt angle. I like the factions they are building. Keep that shit. Improve everything else.
You might have to drug test but do an annual drug test once a year and anymore after that should be done on a case by case basis. Sure they're grown men/women and should be able to do what they want on their spare time but on the other hand they are a money making product. If Velvet Sky or Rhaka Khan showed up to every event blizt out of their minds they wouldn't be able to be used on tv. Another thing I would do is rescue Scott Hudson from that obscure, nothing happening porno fed WEW and put him back on TV. (I think him and Foley would be a great commentary team.)

But the #1 thing I miss from the WCW days was WCW live. I miss the interaction we all had with guys like Jeremy Borash and Bob Ryder. It was entertaining to listen to daily especially when guys like Alex from Michigan or Lemon called. (did anybody listen to this show back in the 90's.?)

As far as the music goes. Instead of doing remixes of real songs. (like the Evanescence song Christian Cage uses) why not just fork out the cash to license the real song?
Mainly I would take things back to the basics and quit changing everyhting on a weekly basis. I mean heel / face turns all over the place while guys that should obviously be the other way are not (Rhino / LAX). TNA should have long standing and building feuds like ECW and Japan has where you just no their is one guy that is the ultimate opponent to the other. I'm thinking Sting vs Double J, Joe vs Angle, AJ vs Daniels etc. They don't need to fight every week but it should often come back to their deep rivalry with eachother. No more gimick matches for a while (besides cage, ladder and ultimate x because they are great hype).
If I acquired TNA, these are what my first thoughts would be:

I do not enjoy watching most of the performers in TNA, and I hate mark-magnet wrestling. Therefore I would only retain TNA's best performers, namely individuals like Joe, Styles, Sabin, Shelley, Lethal, ect. The only aging wrestler in TNA that I would keep around would be Kurt Angle.

The first person in the industry that I would contact is Dave Meltzer. I would negotiate with him and possibly Bryan Alvarez to be part of my booking team. I would also add Mick Foley to the booking team.

The next thing I would do is contact ROH and negotiate a talent exchange relationship, much like the one WCW used to have with New Japan Pro Wrestling. I would agree to lend my contracted talent to ROH in exchange for them letting guys like Danielson and McGuinness work my shows. I would also financially invest in ROH, but in a more generous way than Vince did with ECW.

I would hire a team of Japanese and Spanish interpreters and business people that I could trust, and would bring in talent from all over Japan and Mexico, like Nakamura, Mistico, El Blazer, Morishima, and an endless stream of others.

My contracts would be incentive-based, like WWE's.

My superstars would use popular music for their entrance themes, like ECW used to do. No more generic, poorly-produced music. Just imagine wrestlers coming to the ring to likes of Meshuggah, The Kills, and Nine Inch Nails.

To begin with, all shows would be held in "smark territory", such Chicago, and NY. When it came time for me to produce my first Impact! taping, the show would be held at Hammerstein Ballroom in NY. I would open the show with Dave Meltzer in the middle of the ring. Dave would cut a passionate promo about how much the old TNA sucked, and how we are going to create the ultimate pure wrestling product. Then I would open the show with an insane Dragon Gate-style six man tag, like MIKAMI, Ibushi and PAC vs. Jack Evans, El Blazer, and Iwasa.

My TNA would have a "one strike and you're out" illegal substance policy.

I would attempt to acquire Finlay from WWE ASAP. He is the best wrestling trainer in the world, and an amazing worker. I would also love to acquire the following stars from WWE, if possible: HBK, Punk, Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, and probably a few others.

The first angle I would run would be a monumental singles tournament featuring the aforementioned TNA stars, ROH talent, and international talent. The ultimate winner of this tournament would not be decided before the tournament--we would push wrestlers SOLELY based on their performances; unlike WWE which puts guys like Cena at the top of the card because they can move major merchandise, even though mid-carders like Finlay, Punk, and Mysterio out-perform him every night.

As for our storylines, promos, and angles: I would let my aforementioned booking team decide those matters. I would also have to eventually change the name from TNA, which I would allow the fans to decide, via submissions on After a while, I would take a hands-off approach to running TNA, because I have the ultimate faith that the guys I've chosen would book the product the right way.

Sadly, all this will never happen, and we are forced to take TNA as it is...Thank Gawd I record TNA so I can just watch Foley, Joe, and The Machineguns, and I don't have to sit through all the other poppycock! :)))
I would have mick foley join the commentator possition and try and get larry zabisko to return to join foley... Have west to promotion or have him with them with a three man booth.. Tenay has lost it I'm sry..

Get some new and old names to X divison to get that up to the top againa nd have them learn how to build their own move sets and stick with them because they are all the same.. Guys I would bring in would be tajiri, too cool, teddy hart, try and get harry smith over to tna.. Start hiring the kids of former wrestlers. Obviously its working out in WWE it'll work in tna... Have tajiri teach the guys how to sell and stop getting up and reversin every single time it kills the whole story telling feeling in a match...

Have the little guys meaning the x division do more promos and build their own story lines..

Every ppv have two main event matches 1 tag team 2 X divison 1 womens match and a mid card match... Doesn't always have to be 2 x but always 2 main events.. That keeps the top carders building the show..

Have sabin and shelly work with the tag titles around their waist and have them LAX Dudleys and a new tag team all fued on and off.. I will not have ne tag teams break up cause that's effin nonsence to keep having tag teams fight each other.. I will throw in a mid card title.. It will be used once in awhile at first with some big story lines surrounding it with storm and styles built around it.. I would have kurt angle help push roode to the roof top making him the world champion and every other month roode will face all the top guys they have now to show how powerful he his and make him into a great... He is capeable of it... Booker, sting, jerrette can the rest can all work main event matches with and without titles and even be involved with the mid cards and start helping build these guys instead of worrying bout themselves...

Kong will get the title and get a serious fued with one female and keep it like that for awhile... Drag out the fueds... Stop ending them after on ppv.. I think every lady has held the title already... Get these ladies 2 matches per impact and even include them as managers and along with male stars in matches as partners or such...
No more gimmick every ppv... One per ppv unless the others are little... And get rid of half of them maybe develop new ones and make some kind of meaning out of them...

Finally get rid of any kind of mention of wwe... Build the attention around tna and tna only... Stop making it look like a indy show.. That's ECW's job... Make ppvs have their own look.. And I would start taping impact in the hammerstien ballroom and other small places to start making money and make a different look... GET OUT OF FCKIN ORLANDO!!!!!
1. Keep someone like Sting a face. There is no way the crowd will have him as a heel.
2. Put Jarrett as a heel. As much as the fans right now may like him I think he is better as a heel and put some of the young guys under him like Storm and Roode. Kinda like Evolution in the day.
3. Get rid of the ring and make it the normal ring.
4. Do something with the Knockout Division. As much as people may say it is sexest or something I am sure WWE gets its best ratings for the Womens division when there is a bra& panties match or some other weird match.
5. Get rid of Tenay and West. Bring in Foley and Borash
6. how can you call a guy a monster with a mask and him be a face like Abyss is. Turn him heel.
7. Bring in a name General Manager. Cornette is nothing special. If they could get someone like Flair to be the G.M. more people would watch. Back in the day the WWE had big name g.m's. Flair, Vince, Stephanie, Bischoff, Austin.
8. Get rid of the Main Event Mafia, You know what will happen, 4 main event guys all want the title so they break up because they start to fight over it.
1. Sell all assets to Vince McMahon.

Problem solved.

Barring that, however, here's my thoughts.

Knockouts Division

Get rid of Kong. I'm not saying fire her entirely, just get her away from women. She ruins the division because she's just too damn big. None of the other women have a legit chance against her, the only way to win is with steel chairs and roll ups. People would rather see a competitive women's match, or barring that, two extremely hot women grabbing each other. Kong can provide neither. I would have no issue with them moving Kong to the main men's division. She is 6'1 and 270 pounds. She's a heavyweight wrestler. TNA wants to cross the line? Female world heavyweight champion. She is taller and heavier than Kurt Angle, heavier than Sting, barely outweighed by Joe. She can bump heads with these guys. I think she's got a legit shot at it. For the rest of the women, most of them are good wrestlers and most are pretty hot. Grow Roxxi's hair back, for one. No one likes bald chicks. Move the belt around to some established talent, ODB, Roxxi, the Beautiful People. Farm good women from indies. Main event the show with women again. It drew big ratings last time.

Tag Team Division
TNA's tag teams:
Team 3D
Beer Money
Abyss and Morgan
Prince Justice Brotherhood
Rock 'n Rave Infection

The last two are comedy and jobbers. Eliminating them, you've got 5 good teams. Make a few more teams, I say. Pair up Lethal and Creed, they're not doing anything. Put together Petey Williams and Scott Steiner. There's two more good teams. TNA has a strong tag team division there. Move the straps around enough to create excitement but not enough to ruin the titles. Every 2-4 months, creates buzz. Hardcore matches are a good way to put them over, especially with the asset of Team 3D. TLC matches become an instant option with them present. Don't abuse them, but a well built one with good hype could do wonders. Let the Guns have the strap, they're a great team. TNA's tag division is actually one of their strongest assets right now, just a few tweaks are needed.


There's really not much high flying going on here nowadays. Petey didn't do much, and Bashir isn't doing any. Give this back to the crazy high flyers who do stupid things through tables and off ladders. Now is a good time to say this, get rid of Curry Man. Who the hell thought this was a good idea? It's a comedy routine for Japan. They're ruining a great wrestler here. Bring Daniels back to the X-Division. Bring AJ Styles down into it, turn one of them heel, make 'em go after each other. Money. Let Kaz in there and hope to Jesus he doesn't come back as Suicide in that god awful costume. Mix Sonjay Dutt up in there, he's pretty good. Some of the better tag teams can come out of competition for the title on occassion and chase after this title, Homicide and Hernandez would be great X-Division champions. Roode and Storm too. Lethal and Creed could mix in here too, but I favor them as a tag team myself. Bashir is not bad, he's just not doing a lot of the crazy high flying that the X-Division needs. And, his finisher is a DDT. Gragh. Move Bashir into the tag team division or something. X-Division needs to be less the secondary singles title and more the "Holy Shit did you just see that" Title.

World Heavyweight Championship Division

This is probably the best part of TNA, honestly, when they don't screw it up. You've got huge names on the list here, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Booker T, Sting, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, and even Mick Foley. Yes, I would be behind a Mick Foley title reign 100%. It probably won't happen, but he'd put a lot of credibility to the belt. It's hard to figure out which of these guys is the best man to hold the title. On one hand, you want to put new guys over. On the other hand, you want the name power behind the old guys. There's a lot of talent here. Kurt Angle is a good man to hold the title. Sting is good, Cage is good, Booker would be good. The Legends title should help Cage and Booker get over to work at the real World Championship.

The problem with TNA is usually not the matches. I mean, it is sometimes the matches. Take the last Impact. Lethal vs Bashir was shit. It should have happened at Turning Point and been something good. Instead, Lethal jobbed to Bashir without ever getting to cut a promo about winning the Steel Asylum. Ridiculous. Kong got the Women's title with no hype. As I said before, she should be wrestling in the heavyweight division anyway. Title changes need hype on them, seriously. If you're gonna do it on live TV, the least you can do is give them a pinfall victory first. I can forgive little hype if it's on PPV, a little bit. There wasn't a promo. There was nothing. They decided to have a match and the title changed. End of story. Bah. I think the problem with TNA is more that the promos tend to suck or make no sense. They're always yelling, screaming, swearing. They're all so generic. "I, Wrestler A, will now deliver a vengeful rant against Wrestler B for these reasons." Sting can deliver a real promo. Maybe he name drops sometimes, but you know what? Sting is allowed to name drop. He should get a little card or something. He's Sting. Samoa Joe is boring on the mic. He either puts you to sleep or he yells and screams and no one cares. Kurt Angle can cut promos but he pulls out random things. He's going after Jarrett's daughters? Is he trying to convince us he's a pedophile? Mick Foley's promos have been weak lately. There's not a lot of heart in them, and you can tell. TNA just has all around weak promos. I'm not saying the WWE doesn't have weak promos, but the main event can cut better ones 9 times out of 10.

So that was a pretty long post that boils down to this. Move Kong to the Heavyweight Division, make a few new tag teams, kill Curry Man and make the X-Division about crazy high flyers again, book better matches, and cut better promos. Stop pulling out things like "Your wife is dead, ha-ha" or "I will eat your daughter". Also, stop swearing so much. It makes them look stupid. It doesn't make you hardcore. I know six year olds who swear like sailors. Just tone down the swearing, it's not really necessary. TNA has all the talent to be good. I blame the bookers and writers. Give them better matches, give them better lines (or don't script them).

Just sell it to Vince. He could fix it.
Now that Shocky has the cable turned back on in the house, and is no longer relegated to watching most wrestling on an eleven inch monitor, I must say a few things.

Right now, I enjoy TNA more then I enjoy the WWE, and that shocks the shit out of me. Watching Impact in HD has been more impressive then Raw or Smackdown in HD. The Impact Zone redo is fucking phenomenal ocmpared to what it once was.

The groundwork in TNA right now has been laid. Seemingly, creative is listening to it's audience. They wanta war, and it looks like we have it. The Young Guns and Main Event Mafia situation is great. Tons of storylines that can last for a year plus have been laid out. I think that TNA has a better grasp on it's long time storylines then the WWE does at this point.

Now there are obviously still flaws with TNA. While he has gotten better, he's still terrible, and it's Don West. He isn't as bombastic as he once was, but he's too over the top for my taste. Mike Tenay is okay, but he really needs to focus on the commentating instead of editorializing of matches.

Also, Impact needs to leave Orlando. It's really time to take the traveling circus on the road, and try to expand. The WWE is in a rut creatively, and ratings. If there was ever a time to strike, this is the time to do it. Aggresive story telling, and aggresive expansion is what I would do with TNA at this point. If you have a huge source like Panda backing you, show them a gameplan, ask for patience and ask for capital.
First off I would give the World Title to AJ Styles. The guy never ceases to amaze me. It's like he has good matches with everybody, and I think it's just what TNA needs. A good and capable champion, who can have great matches. I think he is the best bet to hold the title.

Second I would give the knockouts title to Awesome Kong. I love her lol for her size she can put on a damn good match, and I think she is the most capable diva on their roster, and that's the second thing I would do.

Third thing I would do is change Curry Man back to the fallen Angel. This Curry Man bugs the shit out of me and while the wrestling is good the entrance music is annoying as hell and the gimmick to me sucks. We need the Fallen Angel back and as a main eventer not a fucking super hero.

The final thing I would fix is give the Tag-Team titles to Moter City Machineguns. I think they are just better then Beer Money, and also far more entertaining in the ring. I've always been a fan of their ring work and I think they deserve the titles more then Beer Money.

Those are the first four things I would do if I inherited TNA right now.
First I will deal with the TNA World Title and give it to Williams for a long run. First I will make Sting loose his title to AJ who looses his title quickly to Steiner who drops the title to Williams the same night. I will move Sting, Angle, Booker, Nash, and Steiner to fued for the ledgends championship and remove them from all other title pictures and bring in ledgends to have a brief fued, guys like rick steiner, ddp, and any other star from the 80's/90's that we all just want to see in the ring one last time. I will rename the x-division to the NHB Division where all titles have to be defended in hardcore matches and keep all the curent guys still in it except williams and I will add hernandez and homicide. I will also delegate team 3-d to both this division and the tag team division. For the tag division there will be MMg, 3-d, Morgan and Abyss, beer money, rock and rave, pjb, and another tag team of x-wwe guys like cade and murdoch. So overall I will make sure the mem gets little to no main event action, I will alter the x-division, I will make sure the tag team title is important again, and I will most defently do some wwe recruting and get guys such as kenedy and jeff hardy who are in hot water.
1. Go back to 4 sided ring
2. Keep Impact Zone, it cuts down costs dramatically, maybe 1 a month or every other month, do a live show from an arena somewhere, give the show a big time feel.
3. PPV's outside of the Impact Zone always.
4. Zbyzsko to replace Don West
5. Make the X Division the X Division again - a high flyer type division
6. Scrap the Legends Title, but bring in a secondary title, either TV Title or US Title or something like that.
7. Weekend morning television show, even if it is mostly recaps, promos, and squash matches. It will get the product out to a younger audience, which can be used to buy the toys, video games, t-shirts, etc. Kids also bug their parents to no end to buy ppv's. Anyway to broaden their audience should be explored.
8. Make the tag division something special. The WWE is sorely lacking in tag wrestling right now, if TNA can capitalize on that division, give it a big time feel, I think that can help them out alot. Beer Money Inc, MCMG, LAX, 3D, Rock N Rave, that is 5 teams that can form a quality core, then you can add superstar teams now and then, like Booker & Steiner, AJ & Rhino, etc.
9. I'm not sure what Samoa Joe brings to the show. He doesn't have a good look, and is pretty uninteresting at the moment. I would drop him down the card a little, maybe a heel run.
Ok, so I'm new to TNA, but I can already say a few things need to change.

Sorry, but the company will never be taken seriously with T&A. It might even lose opportunities in the future with a name like that, with TV channels not wanting the show because of what it insinuates. I'm downright embarrassed to admit I watch TNA to non-wrestling types because it always follows with an explanation of what the acronym means.

Sorry, but it sucks. Even the layout sucks. It has team corners right outside camera frame, so when there are teams of 3 you can't see whose hand is out until they get tagged in. Plus, when wrestlers get tagged in they can't run into the ropes straight off unless they make that weird angle turn, otherwise they run right into the other teams side. Furthermore, bouncing off the ropes and pulling off moves always looks better from side to side, not from background to foreground. You can't see velocity properly with the latter. And finally, when there are 3-4 teams in a match, two teams always stand virtually next to one another. When a wrestler goes to make a tag (like the tag title match in Genesis) one team always has to go out of its way not to tag in.

Matting around ring
There's not enough of it. Wrestlers are often landing on the cement. I know you can't add more matting near the crowds, but they can add more where the announcers table and ramp is.

Looks cheap. Looks like something they use at the Home Depot to load stock in.

That's all I can think of at the top of my head...
Tour. at least a little. The impact zone is so incredibly stupid. I cant get over it. Please. a normal entranceway, and varying arenas. It can still be a small area. just give it variance. Please.

Before I start, I have to get this out of the way. What are Raw, Smackdown & E.C.W... but the same exact fucking set-up? The non-HD version of iMPACT! was brutal, I'll give you that.. but unless you've checked out the HD version.. quit bad mouthing it, because if anything.. it's a fuck ton better than anything W.W.E.'s done with their HD abilities.

Now, if you're refering to their Pay per view set-up (which I can't believe you are, since you said yourself you've never watched a T.N.A. ppv) then I agree that they need to get OUT of their weekly television studio and tour for all Pay per views. Now then.. here we go...

1. Knowing Your Role: The one gapping flaw I see with T.N.A. at the present moment is too many Superstars are jumping in and out of divisions. You have Tag Team wrestlers Main Eventing in a single's type role. You have jobbers getting World Heavyweight title shots. You have Main Eventers not even making your Pay per view shows. And you have Champions, barely ever defending their titles.

The first thing I would do, is lay an outline of divisions. And with the exception of a couple cross-overs, I would make damn sure each Wrestler stayed in their own fucking division and didn't come out of it.

2. T.N.A. World Tour: Much like the W.W.E., T.N.A. is investing more and more into going overseas and putting on iMPACT! shows. Here's a fun little fact.. my guess is they make a shit-ton more money in ticket-sales overseas than they likely do here in America. So, why not put on a Pay per view (or two) overseas?!

Sure, it might suck depending on when you'd have to tape it and how it likely couldn't be live.. but if your show is good enough, and I'd like to hope mine would be.. people would still purchase the Pay Per View regardless.

Furthermore, don't just tour overseas with Pay per views. Go all over with them. Get the shit out of Florida and the iMPACT!zone. That's your television set-up, not your Pay per view set-up.

3. Nothing's Free: Similar to what Jake said. Stop giving away Pay per view quality matches on free television. Sure, Cable/Satelite aren't exactly free.. but I'd hope you get what I mean. Furthermore, outside of once in a blue moon.. for the love of everything, quit having titles change hands on your television show more than on Pay per view. It's no wonder your p.p.v. sales aren't going through the roof..

Now I'm not saying have a constant jobber v. known name match on iMPACT!, that's what's honestly killing Raw, Smackdown & E.C.W. (to me) but I am saying don't make every line-up a Pay per view sized line-up. Because when you do that, you run out of ideas quicker and end up with fucked up Pay per view line-ups like Sting v. Rhino, and Cute Kip in Main Event matches. I would say have 3-5 decent matches, with a very solid p.p.v.-isque Main Event.

4. Storylines: Does anyone remember when T.N.A. brought in Rodderick Strong & Austin Aries? They did a little storyline about how they had a working relationship with.. (someone/indies) well, why not develop a HUGE working relationship with say.. R.O.H.? If you truly look at the R.O.H. rosters and listen to all the I.W.C. fanatics, this would be the greatest thing to happen.. ever.

Have a nice group of R.O.H. Superstars invade on an iMPACT! show. Start out realistically though, have them "in the crowd, causing a scene". Then go a step further, do this for a couple weeks, having them thrown out and in time "barred". Run a story on your website about it, try your hardest to make sure nothing breaks, to keep it as "real" as possible.

Then, finally have one of the R.O.H. members blatantly slap or get in a brawl with a T.N.A. Superstar. Bam, you have a full-on war on your hands. This type of feud/war could rival and eclipse that of the W.W.E. v. E.C.W.C.W. war of 2001.
Personally i prefer tna and have only just started watching wwe again and i feel tna still need to change some shit.

1: Get rid of the fucking legends title.Booker has defended it once and never since.They hardly mention it and Booker usually comes to the ring without it.And the NAME.Legewnds title.Boy are you cutting down the challengers there,considering he's in a stable with most of the legends.Unless young guys can challenge well then it is very badly named.Maybe the AMERICAN title or even the ACTION title.Anything is an improvement.

2 Better management of feuds and storylines.2 years ago,at bound for glory,joe and cage had a huge feud.A few weeks later they're allied.In the main event mafia, Angle has had big feud feuds with all of the members and now they're best friends.

3 Give the title to AJ, Hernandez, Angle or someone because sting is boring the hell out of me.Sting v Rhino at genesis,put me to sleep.
I watch TNA regularly & it sucks really bad. So here are some of the changes that I think needs to be done.

1.Either drop the Legends title all together or rename it altogether cause quite frankly all or most of the damn legends are already in the main event mafia & it seriously limits the challengers for that title.[/B]

2.Stop flip flopping people in & out of divisions. It's very confusing & you have like jobbers & tag team wrestlers getting title matches & main event guys not having a pay per view match.

3.Give the title to someone like either Angle, AJ, Hernandez, hell i'll even take another Samoa Joe reign(we all know how poor that was) cause Sting's reign is god awful & he keeps looking like a pussy in the process. Sting vs Rhino well let's just say it was a great time to either take a bathroom break or grab something to eat.
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