Could TNA Use Different Announcers?

Mike Tenay has always been one of the reasons I can't fully embrace TNA's product. It's not high on the list of things, (ie burying homegrown talent at the expense of a well known name is number one, Jeff Jarret is number two) but its still there. Tenay used to annoy the crap out of me on Nitro--especially when they used to have those lucha libre matches and he would come off as he was the only one who could name the moves... though to be fair around this time WWE didn't have high spots and Joey Styles was still saying Hunan-con-rana.

Well, he was called the Professor for a reason. Dude had and probably still has a such a passion for international wrestling styles like puro and lucha libre, which is why he was always the one who dealt with AAA, lucha matches, etc...
Why isn't anyone stating other talents they already have? Like Raven? Once this EV 2 thing is done I can totally see Raven doing this. His style of speech, and mannerisms might transend well to announcing. I mean TNA is doing nothing else with him.

Excuse my mild mark out here, but fuck do I ever agree with you. Although, I think his style of speech and mannerisms would need to be a bit downplayed. If you haven't already, check out Ravens 'Best of' DVD, Nevermore. On the special features, he and Terry Taylor do the commentary on some of his own matches. Although it wasn't a real commentary, Raven's definitely comfortable behind a table.
Am i the only one who misses Don West? Cause personally id love if he took Taz's place overall i liked West both as a heel and face announcer.

To me Taz doesnt payoff as a former wrestler turned announcer since at times he seems clueless about stuff going on in the ring.
I don't understand some of the hate Tenay gets sometimes. I don't think he's great, but he's a solid enough commentator. Taz on the other hand is terrible. His corny jokes are horrible, he doesn't have a good flow to his speech, and I've heard him make a good amount of mistakes every now and then. Maybe Mick Foley will replace him some day. I really enjoyed his commentary in WWE, and I would like to see him get a second chance in TNA.
See, I'm fine with Tenay. The guy is very knowledgeable, does his job well and never messes up. The problem is that he's as good as his partner, and feeds off of him. Unfortunately, Taz is a horrible commentator. Words are not suplahs. He was good at suplahs, not words. He's turning into the TNA Michael Cole. Everything is "frustrating". Or, excuse me, "fuhstrating". He messes words up, half the time he has no clue what he's talking about, and the thing I hate the most -- whenever there's a serious moment he cracks a joke. I hate that. If you need to ask Tenay " 'know what I mean? " after each awkward pause -- then dude, announcing ain't your niche.

Personally, Don West did "it" for me. He yells a lot and stuff, and it could get annoying for some people but I always found it to be quite good. He just made a match seem a lot more energetic than it usually is. Whenever I browse an old TNA match through my memory, and I recall a spot that I liked, I never hear Tenay or Taz's voices in my head, I hear Don West screaming his ass off.

Tenay has the knowledge and the intelligence to criticize and analyze a situation. West on the other hand is the perfect fit for one of these "oh my god" moments and helps the match mean more. Clearly the fans are fuckin' dead for the last two weeks so somebody's gotta go nuts for it.
I would really like it if TNA had various announce teams. For example one week it could be Taz and Tenay then the next it could be Tenay and don West. Then I would really like to see TNA sign Joey Styles. Which I dount he would sign with them over WWE but it is a thought. Imagine JBL coming in as an announcer too. Plus I would like to see Scott Hall try announcing someday and I think TNA would be the best place for him if he would like to do that. They could have, Taz, Tenay, West, Mick Foley, JBL, Scott Hall and Joey Styles. I would be really interested in Taz, Foley, and Styles announcing together. Also with Tenay, and West or Hall and JBL as a team.
Although it will prob never happen, I would like to see JBL replace Tazz. I think a gimmick where JBL comes in and "invests" in TNA, therefore buying an announcer job. He could play a good "heel" and make threats and put down Tenay. We all know how he was a bully to some of the green talent back stage!

Mick Foley coming back and replacing Tazz would also be a good thing.

I am not trying to hate on Tazz, but I agree he has been stale and cracks dumb jokes.

I also like Don West when he played Heel on Tenay. That was a good thing at the time.
TNA has tried about two or three times to sign JBL. It hasn't worked.

Joey Styles recently posted some bankhanded comments towards Vince and WWE. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets released eventually.

They need someone with life. Tenay is horrible at selling storylines.

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