TNA Has Failed


Getting Noticed By Management
Im sure there are posts related to this but I cant locate them and would like to voice my opinion. TNA has been around since 2002 and really has not accomplished anything. They have produced zero stars. The only one with potential to come out of TNA is Awesome Kong- and we have to wait 9 months to see if she can make it in the big time. A few others have gone from TNA to WWE and have not succeeded. Apart from not creating any new stars, TNA has taken guys that were huge stars and made them irrelevant in the professional wrestling world. The only positive thing I can think of for this company is that it keeps some wrestlers paid. What do you think?
Profitable company...

Still alive...

Doing better than Ring of Honor...

The Wrestling business is just in the slumps, has been for a while. The only reason WWE still has viewers is just probably because its their habit.. maybe every now and then a kid will get hooked on Cena.. but yep.. that's it.

TNA hasn't done anything wrong.. their just a victim of circumstance.. and all the hate against them is really out of line.

Why don't ya'll quite being a bunch of jerkwads and start appreciating the performers in the ring and not worry about the damn backstage politics..

They failed you. You are not the world, ergo TNA has not failed.

1. They are operating in the black, otherwise known as making a profit. Profit, in case you are curious, is an indicator of success.

2. They are the second largest wrestling company in the United States and have the second largest television following with steady ratings. Another indicator of success.

3. They struck a television deal they've maintained or bettered since 2005 with SpikeTV, who for a very long period of time were in the top-20 among networks in viewership in the US. Another indicator of success.

How many more of these do you need?
They haven't built and/or established anyone for a decade. Most of the superstar's that go there are either released WWE superstar's or indie star's who leave within a few year's. Ask somebody on the street who AJ Styles is, 8 out of 10 would be "who?"

They consistantly still have established guy's win the TNA Championship (Sitng) and he's also fueding with a established talent in Anderson. Sting's last fued was with RVD. Their actaully teasing Sting/Hogan!

They don't have awareness or a good marketing scheme. Posting billborad's in Stanford where probably only 50 people watch wrestling is idiotic in itself.

Hogan has proved to be a failure for TNA seeing as though he really has'nt done much since going there except losing all of my respect.

TNA is like making a new carriable phone and calling it cutting edge. Or being in your backyard and putting on logo on soda can and saying your competition for Coca-Cola. With their top priority in getting Vince McMahon's attention, they failed at that as well.
Is crack free now? Otherwise I do not know how someone can get so drain bamaged that they cannot see a pretty sizable difference between the position TNA was in during 2002 vs 2011. The only thing that has failed in this thread is your pathetic attempt at making a sense.

They failed you. You are not the world, ergo TNA has not failed.

1. They are operating in the black, otherwise known as making a profit. Profit, in case you are curious, is an indicator of success.

2. They are the second largest wrestling company in the United States and have the second largest television following with steady ratings. Another indicator of success.

3. They struck a television deal they've maintained or bettered since 2005 with SpikeTV, who for a very long period of time were in the top-20 among networks in viewership in the US. Another indicator of success.

How many more of these do you need?

No disrespect intended here, but do you have any verifiable proof of your statements?
The only one who failed here , was YOU (Op) at trying to make a good arguement/point/post. :banghead:
You couldn't find a thread about this? Did you look? There's one stickied at the top of the page, and if you scroll through previous threads, a new one gets started every week or so.

Short version of the stock response: TNA isn't failing. They are performing under the expectations set for them a year and a half ago after a large scale investment. If my business could improve as much in eight years as much as TNA's has since its inception, I'd be jumping off the walls. (Mostly because then I wouldn't need to work another job to pay for health insurance. Single coverage ain't cheap!)

Nine years ago, NWA:TNA was putting on weekly pay per views in an effort to convince people that they could be a viable wrestling company. Wrestling companies start and go out of business all the time. People loved to talk about IWA-MS, and they lasted five years. If you want to see a CZW show, you should have seen it a few years ago, but you'd better go quick because I don't think you'll have many more opportunities. XPW, remembered not quite so fondly, lasted four years. In the meantime, NWA:TNA has built themselves up into an international promotion in that time, and while I'm very interested in knowing the specifics behind TNA/IW's declaration of profit (I suspect it involves loan deferments, as they spent a hefty chunk of money last year; to boot, profit is only meaningful if you are making enough profit to be comparable to other investments), I'm quite sure they aren't bleeding money.

I definitely think TNA/IW could be performing much, much better than they are, but they aren't failing by any stretch of the imagination.
You can't find any posts related to the state of TNA? There is a whole TNA Complaints Sticky? Were you possibly looking on The Jonas Brothers Fan Club website?

I pick apart TNA quite a bit. I even stopped watching the show but I have no what value this thread has. I am with marks on this one. Shut this thread down.
Lol TNA has failed. And so has this thread.

I understand this is your opinion but that's pretty ignorant. Let's take some look at facts about TNA.

-2nd largest promotion in America.

-Highest rated show on Spike TV.

-Larger in International markets such as UK, Germany, Australia, etc.

-Sponsorships and merchandise deals that they create profits EVERY YEAR.

-Making profits from their On Demand website and upcoming TV deal.

-Drawing 10,000 fans in the UK every single year.

-Created the best Tag Teams this Decade. Motor City, AMW, Beer Money, Beautiful People. All created stars that are not "irrelevant"

The problem with TNA is. WWE fans know they exist. Atleast 40% of them know about TNA but they are simply not interested in general. If It's not WWE, they are gonna shit on it. That simple.

TNA has not failed. Tell me any company that was successful within 10 years and actually was bigger than WWE? Or anything like that.
You think eventually these people will get tired of repeating themselves. OP what else you got? Another baseless "TNA will be out of business by next year" prediction? Maybe Spike TV's gonna cancel Impact even though it's the highest rated show on the network? Maybe TNA will die the same way WCW did, however that is? I notice you didn't mention Hogan, Bischoff, or Russo in your post, what's the matter with you?
People see TNA as failing but honestly they are the little guy with less to work with. Honestly that can lead to greatness like with ECW, no funds and no venues didn't stop them! they made up for it buy lighting stuff on fire and sending people through tables! Good sir to say TNA is failing is to say it is impossible to be anything but WWE and as a DIEHARD ECW fan who now looking back on what I am typing I think I may need help but regardless is to deny competition and this is not a Communist based IWC! YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE!
Lol TNA has failed. And so has this thread.

I understand this is your opinion but that's pretty ignorant. Let's take some look at facts about TNA.

-2nd largest promotion in America.

-Highest rated show on Spike TV.

-Larger in International markets such as UK, Germany, Australia, etc.

-Sponsorships and merchandise deals that they create profits EVERY YEAR.

-Making profits from their On Demand website and upcoming TV deal.

-Drawing 10,000 fans in the UK every single year.

-Created the best Tag Teams this Decade. Motor City, AMW, Beer Money, Beautiful People. All created stars that are not "irrelevant"

The problem with TNA is. WWE fans know they exist. Atleast 40% of them know about TNA but they are simply not interested in general. If It's not WWE, they are gonna shit on it. That simple.

TNA has not failed. Tell me any company that was successful within 10 years and actually was bigger than WWE? Or anything like that.

Who gets higher ratings? WWE Raw or Impact?
The only one who failed here , was YOU (Op) at trying to make a good arguement/point/post. :banghead:
Well agreed!

The only way if TNA/Impact failed will be the day that the company folds. Didn't you learn ANYTHING from "the rise & fall of WCW" Rayne? TNA/Impact wrestling may be on it's last legs but atlease the "company" is still alive & active. Unlike your brain.
Well agreed!

The only way if TNA/Impact failed will be the day that the company folds. Didn't you learn ANYTHING from "the rise & fall of WCW" Rayne? TNA/Impact wrestling may be on it's last legs but atlease the "company" is still alive & active. Unlike your brain.
Grats on not reading at all what I wrote. Good to see you don't hold any hard feelings over that DDT thing!

One more time, for the comprehension impaired:
Rayne said:
Short version of the stock response: TNA isn't failing. They are performing under the expectations set for them a year and a half ago after a large scale investment. If my business could improve as much in eight years as much as TNA's has since its inception, I'd be jumping off the walls. (Mostly because then I wouldn't need to work another job to pay for health insurance. Single coverage ain't cheap!)

Nine years ago, NWA:TNA was putting on weekly pay per views in an effort to convince people that they could be a viable wrestling company. Wrestling companies start and go out of business all the time. People loved to talk about IWA-MS, and they lasted five years. If you want to see a CZW show, you should have seen it a few years ago, but you'd better go quick because I don't think you'll have many more opportunities. XPW, remembered not quite so fondly, lasted four years. In the meantime, NWA:TNA has built themselves up into an international promotion in that time, and while I'm very interested in knowing the specifics behind TNA/IW's declaration of profit (I suspect it involves loan deferments, as they spent a hefty chunk of money last year; to boot, profit is only meaningful if you are making enough profit to be comparable to other investments), I'm quite sure they aren't bleeding money.

I definitely think TNA/IW could be performing much, much better than they are, but they aren't failing by any stretch of the imagination.
Who gets higher ratings? WWE Raw or Impact?

^Nothing pisses me off more than ignorant comments like this. OF COURSE the WWE has higher ratings than TNA. WHY SHOULDNT THEY? They're an international company that has beeen around for over half a century. TNA has been around what? 9 Years. The growth they've made in that amount of time is unreal, honestly. Especially considering how the wrestling business is doing in general these days. TNA is not going to conquer the giant that is WWE this quickly. Stuff like that takes YEARS. Anyways, I'm done complaining. But that comment was absolutely ridiculous. And stupid.
If that's so, I think it's great. But I need to ask: How do you guys know that? I thought they didn't publish their financial performance.

Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarret, Eric Bischoff and even some certain reports (believe them at your will) have reported they make profit.

If they didn't, they wouldn't even be around with the contracts and expenses they use up each year.

The last batch of PPVs drew about 15,000 buys and about 8,000 via TNA Internet stream those PPVs were the lower ones such as Genesis, Victory Road, Sacrifice.

The higher end PPVs drew about 30,000 bus and 40,000 buys which range from Hardcore Justice, Bound For Glory, LockDown and Slammivsary.

Merchandise profit is unlimited but considering TNA sells out their action figures and other toy replicas, It's safe to say they sell very well within that area. Including t-shirts, and DVD sales.

They draw about 1,300 people per house show. Certain house shows draw more than that. Their Basebrawl summer house shows (which are outdoor baseball field shows) usually draw over 3,000 people.
why do we keep calling it TNA dammit lol

But yeah take away wwe's money and fame and they would be in the same position as impact wrestling. This time around wrestling just isn't that popular and the only reason wwe is so established is because of history and loyal fans. Everybody knows what wwe is even if they don't watch(women). The thing most of you should understand is that building any business period takes years and years to draw big money.
failed? they have been running pretty steady for 9 years now. Just dont compare them to WWE which is in whole other league of its own.
AJ Styles, Matt Morgan (WWE Failed so hard with him), Robert Roode, Christopher Daniels, James Storm. TNA HAS made it's own stars, most of their careers however these guys weren't known because before 2006 TNA wasnt national.

James Storm is one of the best Tag Team wrestlers in the last decade and a good mid carder to boot.

Daniels is a great Mid Card performer and excellent Tag Team Wrestler.

Matt Morgan was used as a stupid gimmick guy in WWE and buried. He came to TNA, they paired him with Jim Cornette then had him work with Ric Flair on his promo skills, and gave him the platform to show off his extensive athleticism and budding in ring ability. They made a star where the WWE Screwed up.

Robert Roode could be WWE Champion if he ever made the jump. Roode is a mixture of Curt Hennig's wrestling ability and Arn Anderson's power, aggression, and Mic skills. Now he is about to be given a push as a singles competitor and he will most likely be the champ within the year.

Then we have AJ Styles, the best in ring talent in the world. Styles is just as his nickname states, phemominel. And over the last four years Styles has also worked with the likes of Christian, Kurt Angle, and Ric Flair to improve his skills on the stick and he has gotten so much better it's like night and day.

Anyone who says TNA cant make stars has no clue what they are talking about. They dont have a never ending flow of young talent to choose from like the WWE does. WWE cycles through young talent like it's water. They release some 15-20 developmental performers a year, that's half TNA's roster. If your going to talk about TNA's inability to create stars do the same with the WWE by comparing the success ratio of those brought in. I bet you TNA has a much higher success ratio when it comes to young talent than the WWE does.
I wouldn't say that TNA has failed. WWE fans see it as a failure because it isn't as big as WWE. It is still a new company and the reason they are saying that they haven't created stars is that no one has made the jump from TNA to WWE successfully. That has more to do with Vince's unwillingness to admit that stars can be made elsewhere. I try to watch Impact every week and disagree with the way alot of talent is used, but i do the same thing when i'm watching Raw too. I hope TNA succeeds because it makes the business that much better!
hahahahaha!!! what a stupid post! so creating a star only matters if they jump to wwe and make it there? vince squashes them because they are from tna!!! wwe is for kids anyway! my belief is you have made it if you can be big in tna! look at pope! he was nothing running around on the kids show and now he is relevant in tna! hes made it! they are far from a failure! and in australia and england and almost every county that tna is shown it gets better ratings than wwe! its just america that tna is #2! because americans dont like change!
Cant argue that. I saw most ratings in the UK for TNA are higher than that for WWE, and TNA is huge in Australia and most of Europe. TNA is also very big in Mexico.

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