TNA getting what they want

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Championship Contender
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Spike TV and TNA are currently negotiating the terms for a new two-hour TV show.

The day, start date, and airing time have not yet been decided. The only thing that is certain right now is that the show likely will not be airing on Mondays.

This is BIG news for TNA and all us TNA fans. This means we get to see more awsome X-Divison matches, more PPV-calbier matches, more seeing of your favorite stars that don't get as much TV time now like, Raven, Rhyno, Ron Killians (if that sell-out stays), Monty Brown (if that sell-out stays), etc and the fueds get to devlop more since they don't have enough time with 1 hour. Also Mike Tenay and Don West will stop advertizing PPVs and call matches cause now they have enough time to advertize.

This will definently help TNA in getting fans espically if they get a good timeslot. They should put the show on anywhere from Tuesday-Friday but the smartest move is to put it on Wednsday or Thursday. What are your thoughts?
Yeah, a smart move if done on Wendnsday or Thursday on a good time slot, it'll help them out and expand their fan base. This has to happen quick because..........i want to see more TNA!
i think they should do it friday and go head to head with smackdown, force wwe to put more wrestlers on smackdown or get run over in the ratings.
SD ratings are poor as it is, being on NETWORK TV!! people are just not home Friday.

Stick on Thursdays with the 2 hr is there piece of the pie...WWE has Mon & Fri...wrestling classics on Wed...PPV's on Sundays...Saturday is a poor TV day...IMO Thursday is where they should stay.
Saturday or Friday would be horrible choices...That, well and the fact that the show what is killing Smackdown.

Thursday is fine by me...YOu can still couple it with UFC. Move Ultimate Fighter to 9...UFC unleashed to 8. TNA from 10-12.
scalizi said:
Stick on Thursdays with the 2 hr is there piece of the pie...WWE has Mon & Fri...wrestling classics on Wed...PPV's on Sundays...Saturday is a poor TV day...IMO Thursday is where they should stay.

I'll go with Wednsday cause Thursdays is taken with UFC and nothing REALLY important is on wensday besides the classics which only show in New York. If I made a wrestling show I would love it on Wednsday.
gamehead said:
I'll go with Wednsday cause Thursdays is taken with UFC and nothing REALLY important is on wensday besides the classics which only show in New York. If I made a wrestling show I would love it on Wednsday.

good point about MSG being a metro only thing...Wednesday would be a good alternative...I still think that Thurs. with the Ultimate Fighter lead-in is the best choice.
If TNA can get a two hour show, that will be great. They can show off their entire roster (but for the love of God, no shark boy or Norman Smiley!!!!) and more people will watch it because it's a two hour show and because they would have saw their matches full potential. Also, Tenay and West can hopefully commentate now without mentioning Sting in every match just to hype the pay-per-view. Now they'll have more time for commercials for the pay-per-views. If Tenay wasn't hyping matches so much he would be one of the best commentators there are.
Wait so TNA is going to be 2 hours now or is it just for the one night thing? But if they do go 2 hours.... There gonna make it to the top... I may actually start watching it as much as I watch WWE..
PauLwaLL50 said:
Wait so TNA is going to be 2 hours now or is it just for the one night thing? But if they do go 2 hours.... There gonna make it to the top... I may actually start watching it as much as I watch WWE..

It's not a one night special
i think that i may be the only one who thinks mondays wouldnt be that bad of an idea. you see, to a lot of people monday night IS wrestling night (or football night), but my point is, unless you have no life or no girlfriend or wife, youre not going to be able to watch wrestling every night of the week. i have mondays, although i do get to watch tna because i dont work fridays and my wife is sleeping by the time it comes on, but my point is many people watch raw because they are used to catching wrestling on mondays. if tna went up against raw i bet you'd be in for a big surprise. WWE is so awful and ridiculous and for the most part pointless, i wish i could just flip the channel and see an x division match or watch samoa joe decimate somebody, just see something refreshing for a change. i think mondays could work more than people think
mr. krinkle said:
i think that i may be the only one who thinks mondays wouldnt be that bad of an idea. you see, to a lot of people monday night IS wrestling night (or football night), but my point is, unless you have no life or no girlfriend or wife, youre not going to be able to watch wrestling every night of the week. i have mondays, although i do get to watch tna because i dont work fridays and my wife is sleeping by the time it comes on, but my point is many people watch raw because they are used to catching wrestling on mondays. if tna went up against raw i bet you'd be in for a big surprise. WWE is so awful and ridiculous and for the most part pointless, i wish i could just flip the channel and see an x division match or watch samoa joe decimate somebody, just see something refreshing for a change. i think mondays could work more than people think

The company isn't established enough to go head to head with WWE on any night, let alone RAW. Impact as a 1 hr program can't even pull in decent ratings unless it has the Ultimate Fighter lead-in. A head to head showdown with Raw at this point would be death for them becuase they have little to no-star power, and still have yet to establish brand identity on a national scale. WWE is an international ratings powerhouse that still gets ratings even in it's worst conditions because they have built so much brand recognition over the years. Its going to take a lot more money,stars, and exposure to get TNA to a competitive level w/ WWE.
yeah thats the easy answer/excuse, but you dont know unless you try. every one is so scared to go up against wwe, but man ive been a wrestling fan since like 1986, and what wwe has been doing for years now just gets worse and worse and more and more desperate. i dont give a shit about DX 9 years later, i dont give a shit about guys like john cena or batista, vince mcmahon 5, 6 years ago WAS entertaining and had a purpose, now its pathetic, jerry lawler should be put to rest years ago, same goes for mick foley, the way they ****e the name of eddie guerrero, shit, they ruined the good name of ECW.

big budgeted, established talent, international exposure, higher ratings?who cares? if tna was on mondays i would watch. i know i can't be the only one
Don't worry, I would too. I would be watching it every week.

And what do you mean it doesn't have the star power? Sting? Jarrett? Steiner? Christian? Rhyno? These people are very well known and respected by most WWE fans
mr. krinkle said:
yeah thats the easy answer/excuse, but you dont know unless you try. every one is so scared to go up against wwe, but man ive been a wrestling fan since like 1986, and what wwe has been doing for years now just gets worse and worse and more and more desperate. i dont give a shit about DX 9 years later, i dont give a shit about guys like john cena or batista, vince mcmahon 5, 6 years ago WAS entertaining and had a purpose, now its pathetic, jerry lawler should be put to rest years ago, same goes for mick foley, the way they ****e the name of eddie guerrero, shit, they ruined the good name of ECW.

big budgeted, established talent, international exposure, higher ratings?who cares? if tna was on mondays i would watch. i know i can't be the only one

who cares???Anybody with a sense of business acumen. WWE may not be putting forth the best product right now, but their revenue and ratings have not slipped significantly from it. Just because there is a small cross-section of fans that prefer TNA's product doesn't mean they have the resources to do so in the grand scale of business. Its not economically feesible for them at this point.
sevastra said:
Don't worry, I would too. I would be watching it every week.

And what do you mean it doesn't have the star power? Sting? Jarrett? Steiner? Christian? Rhyno? These people are very well known and respected by most WWE fans

All talented guys...but none can carry a company.
Sting carried a company. He carried WCW for quite some time, and would have continued had hogan never shown up. Jarrett has carried TNA since its inception. And Rhyno carried ECW for a time as well.
sevastra said:
Sting carried a company. He carried WCW for quite some time, and would have continued had hogan never shown up. Jarrett has carried TNA since its inception. And Rhyno carried ECW for a time as well.

when I say "carry a company" that means that there is a level of success involved in them being in the top slot. None of those guys fit the bill...I'll give you Sting, but that was a long time ago-he doesn't have drawing power anymore. TNA would need to have a Goldberg or Rock to even get started on a competitive level.
PauLwaLL50 said:
Wait so TNA is going to be 2 hours now or is it just for the one night thing? But if they do go 2 hours.... There gonna make it to the top... I may actually start watching it as much as I watch WWE..

They want it permanent...BTW nice sig...but now to come back to the topic....Tna getting two hours will bring in more ratings....Its awesome...I love the wrestling...Its been doing better than rAW wrestling wise but i dont think its doing better than RAW due to the fact that SD! has been putting on tremendous wrestling...I do think TNA can beat RAW at some point but now is not the time...They need better soon as they get a 2.5...i say go compete...right now i would watch RAW only when EDGE is on due to the fact he is my favorite wrestler but other wise i would choose tna...if it was on at the same time because it has better would shut down raw so the near future...but u never know RAW was good during the monday night wars....they do their best when it comes to competition...Its like a friend told me the only true winners if they go to war is the fans...because u have two companies going head to head doinbg their best..making the best matches ever...With SD! going head to head with SD! IDK i will be flipping the channel like crazy because they both put up great wrestling...anyway i think they should stay on Thursday btu come on at 8 until 10..becuz i watch raw on monday..ECW on tuesday ...MSG classic on wednesday TNA on thursday...and SD! on friday or saturday...It should compete with WWE in the future tho when it gets better ratings...
sevastra said:
Sting carried a company. He carried WCW for quite some time, and would have continued had hogan never shown up. Jarrett has carried TNA since its inception. And Rhyno carried ECW for a time as well.

Actually when WCW went to war with WWE imo they focused mostly on NWO and i think NWO carried the company until it got boring...I mean NWO had great fueds...Sting vs.. Hogan, War games and etc...Though i do think sting helped to with his feud with the nwo...
scalizi said:
All talented guys...but none can carry a company.

Are you joking? Sting carried NWA at one point. He was champ in WCW at certain points so at those times he carried them. Same thing goes for Jarrett with WCW. Christian as a heel, he can definitely carry a company. As a matter of fact I don't think that there is anyone else in wrestling today that could do it better than him. And Rhino carried ECW for the most part until going to WWE.
iamwrestling said:
Are you joking? Sting carried NWA at one point. He was champ in WCW at certain points so at those times he carried them. Same thing goes for Jarrett with WCW. Christian as a heel, he can definitely carry a company. As a matter of fact I don't think that there is anyone else in wrestling today that could do it better than him. And Rhino carried ECW for the most part until going to WWE.

No I am not joking. For me to evaluate somebody carrying a company
1) They have to make the company money.
2) They have to make the company money.

Sting-debateable...Flair was mostly the real star there when he mattered.
Christian-midcarder who's getting a deserved push, but carry a company into competing with WWE? Please.
Rhyno & Jarrett-carried companies to their graves. If they were so great for business they could have made a difference.

Bottom line is TNA is a long way away from even thinking about a face off with WWE. Viacom bailed on WWE because the ratings breifly dropped below 4's. Do you think they're willing to knock heads when TNA is doing less than 2's with a 1 hr program. That would be suicide.
scalizi said:
when I say "carry a company" that means that there is a level of success involved in them being in the top slot. None of those guys fit the bill...I'll give you Sting, but that was a long time ago-he doesn't have drawing power anymore. TNA would need to have a Goldberg or Rock to even get started on a competitive level.

WHOOOAAAA!! Sting can easily carry a company and Jeff Jarrett is kinds still doing it!! ALL 3 of these guys in TNA are HUGE and can surely do better than Rock or Goldberg! If Jarrett could not pull a crowd TNA would not have made it 4 years!!! Sting is holding the crowd and so is Rhino!

NOW. 2 people that held WWF together from 95-99 are HBK and Taker. Ill tell you now NEITHER one of them could hold it anymore, unlike Sting or Jarrett could now.

Jarrett did not run that into the ground the writers did!! Some of the same angles are being used in WWE today. SS=3count DX=NWO, Umaga=Goldberg
Cena=Austin, and well Booker T and Finley SCREAM poor wcw!\

Nobody watched ECW anyway.. once wcwwf got a hardcore title whats the point of ECw??
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