TNA Does It Better

Maybe... at first. but the problem with that detailed of a backstory if they are easily painted into a corner. These backstories aren't based off the truth so with the internet, people are going to know the truth. It's harder to change a failed gimmick and make it believable when you have this detailed backstory about who they are and where they come from.

As you mentioned in WWE Edge and Christian stopped being brothers. This is because, Edge and Christian aren't brothers. Most people knew this so they stopped acting like they were to see more realistic. that was simply a way to add a bit more realism to the product.

It's also a way to make the company look fake, which has rarely worked for wrestling, even though they seem to think it does. Also, I doubt most fans care about what the real story is or if it's realistic or not. Again, I'd point you to Undertaker and Kane, where people like having fun instead of it being all serious and realistic.
It's also a way to make the company look fake, which has rarely worked for wrestling, even though they seem to think it does. Also, I doubt most fans care about what the real story is or if it's realistic or not. Again, I'd point you to Undertaker and Kane, where people like having fun instead of it being all serious and realistic.

The Undertaker Kane relationship was much more high profile than the Edge Christian Relationship. What big angles did Edge and Christian do that a pair of best friends wouldn't have done? I have a best friend that is practically my brother, some people even think we are brothers. Kane and Taker share a father. They have had multiple angles centered around that. To say they aren't brothers now would make their product look fake.

you seem to be the only one I have seen who have an issue with Edge and Christian not being brothers any more.
The Undertaker Kane relationship was much more high profile than the Edge Christian Relationship. What big angles did Edge and Christian do that a pair of best friends wouldn't have done? I have a best friend that is practically my brother, some people even think we are brothers. Kane and Taker share a father. They have had multiple angles centered around that. To say they aren't brothers now would make their product look fake.

you seem to be the only one I have seen who have an issue with Edge and Christian not being brothers any more.

They had the same grandmother. That's kind of hard to erase.

I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with WWE expecting fans to just go with it basically saying "yeah this is all fake. If you don't want it to be, we don't really care."
They had the same grandmother. That's kind of hard to erase.

I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with WWE expecting fans to just go with it basically saying "yeah this is all fake. If you don't want it to be, we don't really care."

Because they both called the same lady grandma, doesn't mean she was their biological grandma. I call that friend of mine's mom "mom" again... something best friends would do. the Grandma was no major angle, if you want to nitpick every character there will always be inconsistancies over the course of 20 years.
Because they both called the same lady grandma, doesn't mean she was their biological grandma. I call that friend of mine's mom "mom" again... something best friends would do. the Grandma was no major angle, if you want to nitpick every character there will always be inconsistancies over the course of 20 years.
Oh for Christs sake, they consistently refereed to the two as brothers from 1999 to 2002. Edge gets injured and is out for a year and when he comes back, he and Christian are single children. If "grandma" wasn't big enough for you explain this one:


There's more "brothers" in that video than a Hulk Hogan promo. That's in the WWE Network. That's not nitpicking, that's pretty freakin' glaring. Is it wrong of WWE to change things? No. But at least try to make sense of things.
The wwe and wrestling has been doing that forever with continuity . You just have to go with the fact they think were all rubes.
Also just to throwing in a a funny fake brothers continuity where is the anger for The Smoking Guns ! Billy and Bart .
I agree that it gets annoying when wwe changes directions and personalities when repackaging, but to say TNA does it better is not the way I would put it. Tna is relatively new compared to wwe. The wrestlers that you have refered to (Edge, Christian, Taker, Kane) have been/were in wwe for over a decade. When they have been personalities longer than TNA has been a company, things need to change direction. If wwe finds a way to get somebody over better, they bite the bullet for the sake of not losing a talent or keeping them held back. When tna has a wrestler that has the same gimmick for 15 years and doesnt change a single piece of continuity, then I will agree. However, currently I think it is more that wwe changes things to improve, not to lose continuity and insult the intelligence of the fans. And for the record, the poster that said Kane and Taker had the same father, that is incorrect. The story was they have the same mother, and paul bearer is kanes father.
I always thought Edge and Christian were just lying about being brothers so they could seem more interesting. When they firmly established themselves as a team, they no longer felt the need to lie about their relationship.

Like those phony lying Usos! ;)
Another thing TNA is better at is putting Black Superstars in the main event picture...

I always thought Edge and Christian were just lying about being brothers so they could seem more interesting. When they firmly established themselves as a team, they no longer felt the need to lie about their relationship.

Like those phony lying Usos! ;)

nah, when christian turned on Edge in their singles carerr he lured edge into a trap saying their mom was sick. I didn't realize they weren't brothers until Christian went to TNA the first time.
I agree with KB here, TNA has some good back story stuff and characters going into their wrestlers.

Some names I haven't seen mentioned yet, are ECIII, Spud (Be real, we ALL hated him at first till his character started showing), Bully Ray's solo character is different from his tag team persona, The BroMans (Robbie E more so) (yeah I went there), Lots of the KOs of the past had good stories too... the more I think about it, almost all the characters have a story of some type.

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