What Does TNA Do Better Than WWE?

TNA does do a better job at at allowing wrestlers to wrestle unrestricted and more freedom in general which the complete opposite in the scripted and micro managed world of the WWE.
I would say currently, the thing TNA does better then WWE is their tag team division. It's no secret the WWE doesn't give two shits about the divison. They don't break up their tag teams when they lose the championship, they actually give their tag belts value. WWE is horrible at keeping the tag team championships relevant. There is no denying it, TNA's tag team divison is way better then WWE's.
TNA does do a better job at at allowing wrestlers to wrestle unrestricted and more freedom in general which the complete opposite in the scripted and micro managed world of the WWE.
Funny how that works. WWE's wrestlers are limited yet they put on better matches. Wrestling a good match isn't about how many moves you can do in the ring rather then telling a story. The WWE roster are great at doing this.
I would say currently, the thing TNA does better then WWE is their tag team division. It's no secret the WWE doesn't give two shits about the divison. They don't break up their tag teams when they lose the championship, they actually give their tag belts value. WWE is horrible at keeping the tag team championships relevant. There is no denying it, TNA's tag team divison is way better then WWE's.

Funny how that works. WWE's wrestlers are limited yet they put on better matches. Wrestling a good match isn't about how many moves you can do in the ring rather then telling a story. The WWE roster are great at doing this.

What if it's a boring story though? WWE can put on the better matches especially in ppv's and main events but overall I think Impacts matches are more exciting than most on RAW and Smackdown. A lot of WWE matches seem exactly the same in pace, formula and style and that is not entertaining.
A guy getting into a brutal fight and not bleeding is not realistic.
WRONG. It is your perception that a fight cannot be brutal without someone bleeding. There are dozens upon dozens of UFC fights in which neither fighter broke the skin, but both left in a dazed form of semi-consciousness. Professional wrestling has done a great job of selling to you that blood = brutality, and so now you mistakenly believe that a realistic fight has to have blood.

Some ass is certain to mention the dozens of UFC fights in which people have bled copiously, and to that, I say two things. One, a fight that looks brutal because someone cut their scalp is no more brutal than one where a man is out on his feet swinging at a target he's convincing the referee he can still see. Two, blood does not equate to damage. It looks ugly but is just fluid leaking out from the inside of your body. It takes quite a lot of it, in terms of how much gets smeared all over the place, before you start losing consciousness.

It's not about realism. I've never seen a guy with a giant hematoma in an (American) wrestling ring. It's about your expectations for what a professional wrestling match is, not realistic damage incurred within a fight.
Although I'm not a fan of TNA there is one thing they do that I like that is better than WWE. They have more variety of characters.

One of the thing that drives me nuts is that almost every face is the same and almost every heel is the same. All faces are smiling, waving to the fans whereas all heels are cocky and arrogant.

The only difference between Bourne and Kingston for example is their skin color, the only difference between McIntyre and Ziggler is an accent and their hair style, otherwise its like watching the same thing over and over again.

In TNA you have Sting (who has turned into the Joker), Crimson, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, ect. The one thing I like about this is that all characters are different. Joes a badass, Stings insane, Crimson's unstoppable, Kurt's an Olympic Gold Medalist and Anderson is an asshole, that's a good variety of characters.

Sure they often abandon storylines and sometimes its hard to figure out who is heel and who is face but at least everyone is different and not the same which makes it easier for them to stand out.
TNA does do a better job at at allowing wrestlers to wrestle unrestricted and more freedom in general which the complete opposite in the scripted and micro managed world of the WWE.

Which in turn means you have guys like Alex Shelley who still don't sell worth a fuck and don't slow things down for the audience to digest it and thus, he's not anymore over than he was 5 years ago because no one has forced him to change his style. I guess that could be considered a good thing from an artistic perspective.

Pro wrestling is no different than any other business. You don't just let you people go out there and do shit. You train them to do it the way your company has found has the most success.
Which in turn means you have guys like Alex Shelley who still don't sell worth a fuck and don't slow things down for the audience to digest it and thus, he's not anymore over than he was 5 years ago because no one has forced him to change his style. I guess that could be considered a good thing from an artistic perspective.

Pro wrestling is no different than any other business. You don't just let you people go out there and do shit. You train them to do it the way your company has found has the most success.

Well at least it's entertaining! Mr. Buisnness Mr. Buisnness Mr. Buisnness!

Tna puts on more exciting matches than WWE. In terms of pure in ring wrestling especially the x division they are more skilled at performing moves better and showing in ring diversity. Just goes to show what in ring stuff can do.
I'm typing this from a phone so I apologize in advance for the sloppy wordsmithing that will ensue.
For me tna is doing everything better. I started watching wrestling with wwe during the edge hardy fight and enjoyed it and have watched religiously until about this summer. Wrestlemania was terrible this year. And I heard gigantic and bischoff were helping on tna so I bought lockdown. Loved it. Angle jarrett was amazing and alone blew wrestlemania out of the water. As wwe kept getting worse tna keeps improving
Tna has characters developing (bully ray etc.)
Tna knockout matches are actually awesome compared to dives. It's a whole different level.
Sting is THE best wrestler I've ever watched (I never watched wcw when it was on by the way).
Backstage segments are actually interesting.
I love the stables as well.
Wwe manages to do nothing with 2 hours of tv time. They start out with boring talk about being the best, send out Victoria guerero who is so annoying to watch for 10 mins, then down 20 mins showing you what happened last week and then diva match and main. Event. It's just so.... boring.

- a casual fan (90%er)
Well at least it's entertaining! Mr. Buisnness Mr. Buisnness Mr. Buisnness!

Tna puts on more exciting matches than WWE. In terms of pure in ring wrestling especially the x division they are more skilled at performing moves better and showing in ring diversity. Just goes to show what in ring stuff can do.
lol uh, I've heard Harley Race, the head trainer of his academy, and Trevor Murdoch rip into the X division for "not selling, not taking it slower, not allowing the audience to digest the match, and not telling a story".

So unless you think you know more than Harley Race, Trevor Murdoch, and the head trainer at the Race Wrestling academy, no, it's not fucking more "pure wrestling".

Where the fuck did this idea of "more moves=better match" come from? Was it Meltzer?

Think about this, in 1978 Harley Race and Jerry Lawler went broadway in Memphis and used maybe 15 different moves total. The crowd ate it up and it told a brilliant story in the ring.

When you do a bunch of spots, but then don't sell a fucking thing. For example, Alex Shelley puts Aries in a leg submission, as soon as Aries gets out, he fucking runs, RUNS to the top rope, does a dive, and never sells the leg the rest of the match. The crowd doesnt' like that. It makes it look super fake. It's like watching a video game. It doesn't show diversity, it's shit. It only gets over with the dumber members of the IWC.

Pro wrestling isn't about moves, "pure wrestling" isn't about moves. It's simply working your audience. "Pure wrestling" is knowing that if you're a big guy, to clothesline guys in a high-low motion to sell the height difference. "Pure wrestling" is knowing to space yourself far enough from your opponent when moving in to hit him so even the old lady in the nosebleeds can tell what's happening. It's not doing a million moves in a match.

If the X division was "entertaining" then they'd get higher ratings. It doesn't though. It's never drawn, and never will. Even in Japan and Mexico, it's not the matches with the most spots, it's ones that stir an emotion. Kawada/Misawa ALWAYS told a story. Marufuji just did a million superkicks. It's why Misawa/Kawada was a HUUUGE fucking draw.

The X division is entertaining to YOU. Congratulations, but it's not to the rest of the American audience. If it was, AJ Styles would be the biggest star in the world.

One last thing, "peforming moves". Do you know HOW to do any moves? No, you really don't, so how the fuck do you know that they're better at it? Because they do a bunch of fast shit that looks complex? There's no art to that, that's a gymnatics routine. Think about how Bryan Danielson would do his chain wrestling in ROH. He'd slow it down and make it look like a struggle. Thus, the crowd got waaaay more into it. He even got the ROH crowd to pop for an arm wringer once because he made it seem like McGuinness' arm was stretched more than it really was. When Alex Shelley does a million complex little things all super fast and perfectly, it looks fake and at best, he gets a courtesy applause. There is no art to doing a bunch of moves really fast and perfectly. If you slow it down, it looks more like a struggle and the audience can digest it. Doesn't mean you aren't just as good at "technique" as another. Which again, it's fucking stupid for anyone on here to even suggest they know which wrestlers' have better technique. Bret Hart says Orton has great technique, I bet you disagree with Bret too though huh.
lol uh, I've heard Harley Race, the head trainer of his academy, and Trevor Murdoch rip into the X division for "not selling, not taking it slower, not allowing the audience to digest the match, and not telling a story".

So unless you think you know more than Harley Race, Trevor Murdoch, and the head trainer at the Race Wrestling academy, no, it's not fucking more "pure wrestling".

Where the fuck did this idea of "more moves=better match" come from? Was it Meltzer?

Think about this, in 1978 Harley Race and Jerry Lawler went broadway in Memphis and used maybe 15 different moves total. The crowd ate it up and it told a brilliant story in the ring.

When you do a bunch of spots, but then don't sell a fucking thing. For example, Alex Shelley puts Aries in a leg submission, as soon as Aries gets out, he fucking runs, RUNS to the top rope, does a dive, and never sells the leg the rest of the match. The crowd doesnt' like that. It makes it look super fake. It's like watching a video game. It doesn't show diversity, it's shit. It only gets over with the dumber members of the IWC.

Pro wrestling isn't about moves, "pure wrestling" isn't about moves. It's simply working your audience. "Pure wrestling" is knowing that if you're a big guy, to clothesline guys in a high-low motion to sell the height difference. "Pure wrestling" is knowing to space yourself far enough from your opponent when moving in to hit him so even the old lady in the nosebleeds can tell what's happening. It's not doing a million moves in a match.

If the X division was "entertaining" then they'd get higher ratings. It doesn't though. It's never drawn, and never will. Even in Japan and Mexico, it's not the matches with the most spots, it's ones that stir an emotion. Kawada/Misawa ALWAYS told a story. Marufuji just did a million superkicks. It's why Misawa/Kawada was a HUUUGE fucking draw.

The X division is entertaining to YOU. Congratulations, but it's not to the rest of the American audience. If it was, AJ Styles would be the biggest star in the world.

One last thing, "peforming moves". Do you know HOW to do any moves? No, you really don't, so how the fuck do you know that they're better at it? Because they do a bunch of fast shit that looks complex? There's no art to that, that's a gymnatics routine. Think about how Bryan Danielson would do his chain wrestling in ROH. He'd slow it down and make it look like a struggle. Thus, the crowd got waaaay more into it. He even got the ROH crowd to pop for an arm wringer once because he made it seem like McGuinness' arm was stretched more than it really was. When Alex Shelley does a million complex little things all super fast and perfectly, it looks fake and at best, he gets a courtesy applause. There is no art to doing a bunch of moves really fast and perfectly. If you slow it down, it looks more like a struggle and the audience can digest it. Doesn't mean you aren't just as good at "technique" as another. Which again, it's fucking stupid for anyone on here to even suggest they know which wrestlers' have better technique. Bret Hart says Orton has great technique, I bet you disagree with Bret too though huh.

You do know I just posted that to that see if you would have an over reaction. You should already know that I agree with your opinion about spot monkeys. Looks like what you said on on the DGUSA thread you do over react.

There is one thing I disagree on. If you were trained by Harley race then Hogan shows up to my house tells me to eat my vitamins then shoves them up my ass and follows me around yelling BROTHER BROTHER over and over until I super kick him.
When you do a bunch of spots, but then don't sell a fucking thing. For example, Alex Shelley puts Aries in a leg submission, as soon as Aries gets out, he fucking runs, RUNS to the top rope, does a dive, and never sells the leg the rest of the match. The crowd doesnt' like that. It makes it look super fake. It's like watching a video game. It doesn't show diversity, it's shit. It only gets over with the dumber members of the IWC.

Your points a fair and have good arguments apart from this one. How can you say the crowd doesn't like these guys. They obviously do and these two have lots of fans. You can't speak for everyone and say the crowd doesn't like it when obviously some people do. These guys have to work a faster pace because that's what they're there for and they need to stand out and be different from the rest. These guys aren't in huge storylines and aren't main eventing so does it matter if they're matches are faster and they do more moves and it's not slowed down as much as others. This style of wrestling obviously has a fan base and the X-division was one of the reasons people were drawn to TNA when it first came about.
i dont think it has much better going for it but theres a few

kurt angle: i would love to see him back in the wwe (ino it wont happen) he has got to be 1 of the best wrestlers of the past 10 - 15 years and i think wwe has missed him big time.. maybe with him still on, cena would'nt have so many wwe championships to his name.

1 main heavyweight championship: is so much better than wwe's two.. on wwe its just not the same with two.. cena, orton, sheamus, christian, cm punk, kane, henry etc etc should all be goin for one belt.. that way we would getter better matches an maybe a few trple threats or fatal 4 ways that you never see anymore.

backstage fights: you never see them on wwe.. its crazy. i used to love when it went backstage it made it feel like you were watching a realy good fight.. i miss it... theres a few other things but on a whole wwe is better but tna does have some plusses
Your points a fair and have good arguments apart from this one. How can you say the crowd doesn't like these guys. They obviously do and these two have lots of fans. You can't speak for everyone and say the crowd doesn't like it when obviously some people do. These guys have to work a faster pace because that's what they're there for and they need to stand out and be different from the rest. These guys aren't in huge storylines and aren't main eventing so does it matter if they're matches are faster and they do more moves and it's not slowed down as much as others. This style of wrestling obviously has a fan base and the X-division was one of the reasons people were drawn to TNA when it first came about.
Yea, a small segment of the crowd LOVES this shit. However, that segment isn't very big and is pretty much topped out right now. The X division isn't a DRAW. It draws a small segment.

It's stupid to even suggest that. Let's say you're selling ice cream and you do a study that shows 40% of people like vanilla, 40% like chocolate, and 20% likes strawberry. Then you market the fuck out of strawberry and sell it. Sure you draw people in with strawberry, but it's not really making you any money and it's a shitty plan. The X Division is the equivalent of strawberry ice cream in my analogy.

Also, it's not the style that I'm ripping. I like spots. It's HOW they do it. Above I showed an example of how shitty their storytelling and ring psychology is with Shelley and Aries. In fact, if you ever want to know how NOT to have any ring psychology, watch Shelley. Everything he does looks fake as fuck. Most people don't like that. It's like watching a movie and seeing the wires holding up Superman.
You do know I just posted that to that see if you would have an over reaction. You should already know that I agree with your opinion about spot monkeys. Looks like what you said on on the DGUSA thread you do over react.

There is one thing I disagree on. If you were trained by Harley race then Hogan shows up to my house tells me to eat my vitamins then shoves them up my ass and follows me around yelling BROTHER BROTHER over and over until I super kick him.
I wasnt' trained by Race. I went to his academy, then almost died. I did go to a shitload of his shows and talk to him and whatever guests (Luger, Funk, Noah commentator, Masters, etc) a lot though.

My theories come from a variety of sources. Hogan probably has very good insight on how to get over though. I love how often he would look at the crowd. They're looking at him, when he looks back, it gives them more of a connection and they feel like they're a bigger part of the match. Hogan also did an amazing job at selling size/strength. Watch him vs Andre, he makes a point to really lean back when throwing his punches and go in a very upward motion. This really gets over how tall Andre is, it's like Hogan is fighting a mountain. It's these sorts of things that nobody on here talks about. Instead they would say "the workrate sucked in that match, 2 stars" which is fucking ******ed.
I wasnt' trained by Race. I went to his academy, then almost died. I did go to a shitload of his shows and talk to him and whatever guests (Luger, Funk, Noah commentator, Masters, etc) a lot though.

My theories come from a variety of sources. Hogan probably has very good insight on how to get over though. I love how often he would look at the crowd. They're looking at him, when he looks back, it gives them more of a connection and they feel like they're a bigger part of the match. Hogan also did an amazing job at selling size/strength. Watch him vs Andre, he makes a point to really lean back when throwing his punches and go in a very upward motion. This really gets over how tall Andre is, it's like Hogan is fighting a mountain. It's these sorts of things that nobody on here talks about. Instead they would say "the workrate sucked in that match, 2 stars" which is fucking ******ed.

Ha ha you got got by little Jimmy! I am so awesome! I used psychology on you:worship:

But back on topic wrestlers working the crowd is indeed what gets them over. It's kinda weird that you always making long and thought out post yet only have a rep power of 2. Goes to show that you are right when you say "most posters don't agree with me".

Looks like hogan won't be showing up at my doorstep anytime soon.:icon_neutral:

Just kidding, but TNA in 2008 was great. Sure, some of it was total crap, but it was the kind of crap you laughed at & enjoyed anyway. Now, it's horse manure that you want to completely get rid of. If I had to say one thing TNA does better than WWE is........ sorry, I honestly can't think of anything. But back to 2008, AJ leading the pack was great. Even the TNA game was so bad it was fun. Now it's just a crappy WWE. They need to bring back 6-sided ring TNA. Then I'll give it a chance.

Wait, did I say WWE? I meant WCW. And by WCW, I mean 1999-2001 WCW.
Definitely it has to be the knockouts and X-Division.

WWE makes womens wrestling a joke and the divas don't get any decent air time.

WWE need to bring back the cruiserweight division and the cruiserweight title. WWE have so much talent in that division eg evan bourne, sin cara, justin gabriel, tyson kidd etc that could revive it.
The one thing I can say that TNA does that WWE doesn't is take risks which sometimes work out or other times turn into a god damned train wreck. TNA is the one company that bring talent who for whatever reason just wore out their welcome with WWE (Hardys, Anderson for whatever reason), just didn't get anywhere with WWE (Morgan), or pretty much got as far as they could with WWE and just decided it was time to go elsewhere to start over (Angle, Dudleys, etc.)

Look at it this way, back when they had WCW and ECW to contend with they would constantly evolve to suit the rival audiences. I am one who agrees with they fact that the Attitude era with the increased violence, sexual content, vulgarity etc. was a direct result of ECW no question. And at the time WWE was trying to grab as much of the WCW and ECW talent as they could and the same went for WCW stealing talent from the other two. I mean it was what made everything exciting and shocking.

Now it just seems that WWE has little use for TNA talent because again most of them came from WWE anyways and are virtually useless there and on the other hand the home grown talents like AJ, Beer Money, etc just dont seem to fit the WWE mold. Or the reverse side of that is any talent they do get from TNA end up looking like idiots such as Monty Brown, Chris Harris, Vance Archer or whatever he used to be called, the guy who would become Kizarny, I think Kazarian was there for all of about 10 minutes, I am sure I forgot some but. And I know the majority will say CM Punk was in TNA but it goes without saying.

But my god look at what they did with Bully Ray! He is by far the most impressive turn around I have seen in a very long time. THAT is one thing TNA did that WWE couldn't do. They took someone who had a variation of the same gimmick for around 15 or so years and made him a believable main event star. Thats saying something I think.

But then again Sting becoming the Joker....not so much..

Another I like about TNA over WWE is the fact that you just never know who the hell is going to show up there from week to week. Its like a revolving door for indy talent and old school talent. So that much I can say is refreshing. And its always been like that. It reminds me of how ECW used to be where guys like Rick Rude, Ron Simmons, Scotty Riggs, The Bushwhackers, The Steiners, would be there for whatever reason and then gone again.

I only wish they would slow the hell down and stop zipping back and forth with the storylines swerves and heel/face turns. I'll admit I miss Impact shows due to dvr'ing it and never watching it here and there. But if I skip a week, alot of the time when I do watch one I think what the fuck happened?

WWE doesn't do these things at all which is sometimes a good thing because with WWE you know where you stand. With TNA you never whats going to happen next because they seemingly dont either. But WWE is very predictable a lot of the time because not much ever changes with the talent pool or else the storylines are similar from ones before. But I will say I like WWE a hell of a lot better but probably because its been around my entire life and I grew up glued to it whereas TNA just fluctuates too much and I am fucking sick of Hogan and Flair to the point where I cant take watching them anymore. Bischoff for some reason always has a place because he took it to Vinny Mac like no one before or ever again will and he just has that I'm in charge and I could either fuck you over or be your best friend depending on the week vibe. But Hogan and Flair are just embarassing themselves because Flair is borderline insane and Hogan still sounds like one of the fucking Ninja Turtles and he's got to be at least 60!

Both companies have their share of faults and up sides
Ok hey everyone this is my first ever time posting here i read on here alot but never posted just wanted to give my thoughts its gonna be a real long post though and lots of grammer mistakes but i think that the thing tna does right is first of all they do the womens division right i usually dont watch the womens matches but i rather watch a tna womens match then a wwe divas match unless awesome kong is in it i think they do the bound for glory matches well to but tna has alot to do they should take note of things wwe does but not the storylines some other things like for instance how to build someone up tna has started going on the road alot more so i think thats wat gonna get them into big time but the wwe knows how to build someone look wat they did for the miz took him from mid card to main event i think that tna should work on telling us more about the lives and history of there athletes like tell me more bout eric youngs life before tna like a sit down interview or someone else they should also have video packages for the feuds another thing that irks me is that tna doesnt use gimmicks enough like a ladder match or a cage match for a ppv or last man standing or a street fight and how can u take them serious wtih there music i mean fortune four repeated millions of times over again come on so heres the things that i think they need to improve new music another show better advertising more gimmick matches and better storylines also theres a few ppl need to leave tna and some i like to see in tna then i promise im done ranting lol who needs to leave tna only a few ppl i think unless they do something with him i think brian kendrick needs to get out of there he wont have much for him after he drops the title could be wrong though and the other person is eric young he has never been taken serious and prob never will he just making a joke of himself and the title and before i say who needs to come to tna i forgot they need a real mid card title the tv title should be made into a us title type so they can move from that mid card title to world title bc thats how it should be start tag team then mid card then world title thats how its done best and who i dlike to see in tna would be mark henry hes coming to the end of his career and i think he would be booked right as a monster in tna against abyss and morgan steiner and super mex great feuds there some other ppl i think would be great would be tyler reks he really is doing nothing in wwe and would be booked correctly in tna i think and let loose and the other two are rey mysterio and tyson kidd rey is winding his career down and i think the schedule would help him out he cuold rest his knees and have some great fueds like with abyss morgan austin aries and let loose his whole arsenal and tyson kidd would prob be booked as a badass or more like daniel bryan in wwe submission artist thanks for listening to my mistake filled rambling post

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