TNA Developing Stars

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Why in the fuck would I want to sit and watch a boring ass 30 minute match with no build to it. The storylines are the most important part of wrestling you douche-bag. With out storylines or drama wrestling is just lousy fake fighting. Who in the fuck wants to watch that. Storylines and drama make wrestling good.

No I did not watch the ROH premier because I heard there was absolutely NO STORY, just a bunch of taped matches. Why would I want to watch sunday night heat with a bunch of indy guys?
1. Wrestling=Wrestling

2. The whole thing was storyline to build up the main event that has been part of a storyline going back 4-5 ppvs.

3. If you don't like the wrestling then your not a wrestling fan but a soap opera fan.
That shit you said is ass backwards. Wrestling is all about storylines. It is one big soap opera. Its like someone admiring how Samuel Jackson delivers his lines but ignoring the story. Wrestling without story is just fake fighting. IDK, maybe thats ur thing but i guarantee there aren't many people who like to watch people they don't care about fake fight. And ROH sucks balls. lol. Stupid 150 pound guys that never ever sell moves and jump around for 20 minutes.
The big companys that I reported earlier "jumps" as much as TNA or WWE does. So what if their 150 pounds its better than some huge steriod guy or a fatty like Henry. If there wasn't many people that liked Indies then we wouldn't have any to watch would we? Plus ROH has storlines, ex: Age of the fall story. They just build them up over ppvs until they came on TV.
Why don't you go jerk off yo ur shitty ROH matches you fucking tool. I win this argument! lol! You lose! You fucking noob! lol!
You still here? I said I won the damn argument. You lose with ur shitty ROH and that fucking tool Bryan "I can only entertain 12 people in a rotting high school gym" Danielson and that ****** Kenta "me just boring rip-off of AJ Styles". lol. Go on somewhere you stupid ass smark wannabe. All those ROH *****s ain't shit. Thats why Scotty Goldman is gonna win their belt. lol. No one watched ROH. lol. Aint nobody ever tell you Indy smarks aint in style no more?
TNA is in a real bad spot right now, the 45-50 year old guys on top are clearly on their last legs, but there is no one to adequately replace them right now.

Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Jay Lethal and the rest of the x division guys are good wrestlers but they can't carry a company, TNA would go bankrupt with these guys on top, they have no charisma, I mean TNA always do these promos to hype up matches with these guys almost talking out of character, I think it's supposed to make you relate to them more and get them more over but I think it has the opposite effect, they all sound so boring, they have no personality at all.

Who is there to carry the company? TNA really has no one ready to replace the Angle's and Sting's. Samoe Joe went from unbeatable monster to a joke in the space of a year, he might never get back his aura from 05/06, but even then he wasn't drawing ratings. AJ Styles is a great wrestler, but again it takes more than that. Christopher Daniels is almost 40. Matt Morgan is horrible, he hasn't improved at all since he debuted in WWE 5 years ago. Robert Roode has been suggested as a possible future main event talent, but I don't see it, he's boring as hell, when Beer Money splits up and he gets a singles push I don't see him getting over.

I think TNA made a big mistake letting Christian, Gail Kim & Tomko leave, this was 3 real good talents who are in their prime who could really have helped them.

I fear for TNA in the next 2 years if they don't really start pushing more younger wrestlers, because the Main Event Mafia can't last much longer and outside of Jeff Hardy failing another drug test and getting fired, there's not really anymore big name WWE guys they can sign to get attention.
Talent exists in TNA to push – it's just hard to see because they're buried in bullshit gimmicks right now. Matt Morgan has everything to be a main event guy in TNA. Everything. He has mic work, a great body, good in-ring psychology, and a great work ethic. If DiBiase Jr or Cody Rhodes can work even near the glass ceiling in WWE, Morgan can work near the ceiling in TNA without a doubt.

Outside of Morgan, AJ Styles is the future of the company. He's their face – much like Orton is the face of WWE. He's young, charismatic, and one of the best technical wrestlers (if not the best) in their company. He's never gonna be great on a mic, but you know what? Neither is Jeff Hardy and he's over like there's no tomorrow.

Christopher Daniels despite his age is in incredible shape and if/when he returns would be a great guy to use to propel forward in carrying the company.

Joe was way over with Angle last week regardless of how ridiculous his actual in-ring attire is. I don't care what any of you WWE marks think about him because you're the same people who fell in love with guys like Kane, Mark Henry, and Vader. Pot calling the kettle black, much?

Pushing Kazarian, Shelly, Sabin, and Lethal would promote the X-Divison as well.

I don't really give a shit what any of you pessimists think about TNA – the company is growing. The ratings are rising. Progress is there, no matter how miopic or miniscule the jumps per week may be.
The Mafia is where the money is at right now. They've got it all; charisma, looks, decent wrestling ability and most importantly PRESENCE.

After they're done, I can see A.J Styles being the top guy (but hes gonna have to step it up charisma wise). Matt Morgan can also be worked into something big. Samoa Joe just looks like a slob.
Tna is in my eyes where Wcw was back in 2000.
Youve got the top guys that are in their 40s and 50s on top. But youve got the younger guys that are in their 20s that can deliver.
Hopefully Jarrett can remember what its like to be a young guy being held down, and give some of the youngsters a chance.
To do this you cant have a group of youngsters fighting a group of vets.
Its gotta be singles and 2 on 2 tags. 6 man tags outside of Lucha are useless.
Beer Money destroys Steiner and Booker T. That will get peoples attention.
Sting gets crushed by AJ will make you look at him differently.
TNA has to use the older guys to get the younger guys over now.
Sting has maybe 2 more years left.
Steiner could self destruct at anytime. Tna needs to turn these short term investments into long term profits before its too late
Can everyone remember that WWE has loads of guys who are old too, just need to look at 'mania taker vs HBK was best match by a mile, main event had Triple H winning for like 50th time.

Even younger guys like Cena are "TV old" by which I mean he's on for 2 hours every week plus PPVs, with same gimmick he's had for nearly 7 years now. It's like how eventually everyone had seen Goldberg beat a guy in 20 seconds enough times or eventually everyone got sick of red and yellow Hogan from around 1992-96 till he reinvented himself in the nWo.

Kurt Angle is an example of a guy who reinvented himself, he was a clean cut geek who talked about his 3 I's and had a crew cut in his early WWE run. Now he's bald, leading the MEM and threatening to bring TNA to it's knees.

WWE has to develop stars better too, they've also got to capitalise when they do develop them. Not just feed them to Triple H for a PPV defeat.
I agree. TNA needs to develop their own talent and can't always rely on getting former WWE employees.

TNA needs to do this for its future. TNA needs to have guys like the Undertaker, HHH, Shawn Micheals etc. Guys who started young and are still are a recongizable face of the company.

I understand why its important to have names like Sting, Kurt Angle etc. But they should also shine the light on the younger talent.

I was hopeful of the whole MEM/Frontline angle. I thought it would allow TNA to showcase its talent on the mainstream. But now I realize the focus is still on Kurt Angle and Sting and the rest of the MEM.
i'm sure JJ can't carry the company by himself :P

but again, once TNA reach their peak revenue, it will start to fail
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