TNA Charlotte, Round 1, Match 4: #18 Matt Hardy vs. #47 Antonino Rocca

Hardy vs. Rocca

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  • Rocca

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region in the Six Sided Ring, from Charlotte, NC.

#18. Matt Hardy


Antonino Rocca
Everything that I've read on Rocca, tells of him being an old school technical guy, a la Sammartino. He's just not nearly as popular, and not nearly as decorated. He probably should beat Hardy, but he doesn't have nearly enough fan support. This will be ignorant fans against old school know-alls. Hopefully the old school guys can bring some justice to this match-up.

Hardy wouldn't stand a chance against Bundy in Round 2, but maybe if Rocca can pull off the "upset", he can use his strength against a guy of Bundy's size.
While I think Rocca is very good, he's just not going to have the support to beat Hardy as probably 90% of the people have never heard of Rocca. Hardy will win this but he won't survive Bundy or Malenko in Round 2
Rocca is largely unknown and that's going to kill him here. He was a solid worker, but Matt Hardy is apparently god's gift to wrestling. While overrated, most people here don't know who Rocca is. Hardy has a better resume, and while that doesn't make him a better worker, he gets the win here.
Rocca was a fucking talent. Hard working, and good he would beat Matt Hardy, but not in this tourny. Most do not know Rocca, and everybody is in love with Matt for reasons unknown to me, and that's who everybody will vote for.

I'm voting that Rocca will win, and hopefully people do some research on Rocca before voting here.
I'm going Rocca here. Matt Hardy has always played second fiddle to somebody, and right now in the best year of his career to date he has only managed to overcome Mark Henry and losing streak bound MVP. Matt Hardy is solid, but he just hasn't made the grade as a singles wrestler.

Rocca is not the most decorated of 1960s wrestlers, but he was certainly a big deal. He sold out arenas wrestling the biggest names of the era, and winning some of these bouts.

There's really nothing compelling enough about Matt Hardy to make me want to vote for him against anybody, especially not a legend like this.
As much as Rocca was talented he is not going to win this because new school fans would not no who he is as been stated above and might treat him as a jobber or a heel. Also with the hardy fanbase being big i dont see rocca winning.

Even though Rocc is really talented and really strong .
A hard one for me to pick. Matt Hardy has done fuck all to impress me throughout his career. Both the Hardy's suck ass in my opinion but I feel Matt is the better in the ring. However, without him being in an environment like ECW severly hurts him. Then we get to Antonino Rocca, and I honestly can't make a great opinion of the man.

Now I will say, Matt Hardy has an advantage in a six sided ring, and this match is in North Carolina, so I'm leaning with the Hardy Boy in this situation, but I'm certainly on the fence.

How the hell would Matt Hardy compete against that? Rocca is fucking amazing move, and would lock Hardy down, and hog time him with his own legs.

Rocca is faster, stronger, and smarter in the ring then Hardy.

Hardy couldn't stand a chance against these flying drop kicks, that would hit him continuously. Rocco would finally lock in the back breaker and this shit would be over.

I voted for Rocca. First off, Matt Hardy is a fat-fuck. And he wouldn't know what hit him with some of Rocca's moves.
I'm voting for Matt Hardy here. Not necessarily because I believe he's better, but because I believe that Hardy is much better suited in this tournament than a guy that no one knows and very few have heard of. Neither man will win it all, but at least people can have an opinion on Hardy.

I go Hardy here, for the good of the tournament.
I'm going with Hardy here precisely for the reasons Shockmaster listed earlier. As this is in North Carolina and it is in TNA, I think Hardy would be much more comfortable than Rocca, who would probably wonder where the hell he was at.
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