TNA Catch-up. May 2011-March 2013 - 22 months of TNA TV crammed into 13 days!!


Dark Match Jobber
I've never really been a fan of TNA, tbh. I did watch it for a while in 2009, as I was intirigued as to why Mick Foley was being interviewed by some Borash bloke whilst flicking through the TV one night. So in a span of a days, I caught on TNA in a few months. This is when the Main Event Mafia were around, Mick Foley was a Champion, Beer Money were still a team and engaging in epic battles with the Dudleys (in fact the tag division back then was epic itself), Awesome Kong dominating the Knockouts, the Feat or Fired suitcase deal where Curry Man got sacked. After a while though, I must have lost interest or I just forgot to tune into the next show, once I was up-to-date.

So fast-forward a few years (I've watched WWE since I was a youngster and I still do, which would explain my usual viewing habits). I heard here and there about the changes in TNA - the real-life triangle of Angle, Jarrett & Karen and Hogan joining were the main ones I heard. But mostly talk of this Aces & Eights angle. In fact, the first I saw of it was on Botchamania, when Devon had a mask ripped off, which seemingly surprised Bubba (who had facepaint), Sting and Hogan - prompting "this is awkward chants" from the fans, which is probably why it was on Botchamania.

I glanced at a few comments in here over the months and other news sites, but it wasn't until Bubba winning the title at Lockdown and declaring himself the mastermind, that my interest was spiked. Of course, being the uneducated baffoon that I am, I barged on here and in the Bully Ray Becomes Champion thread, ran my mouth about how Bully being a main eventer was laughable, that it was obvious that he and Devon were in cahoots along, etc, etc. Thankfully (either because nobody cared or my post got lost in the shuffle), there was only one quoted response.

Having read a few articles on Wikipedia, it seemed that I had missed A LOT since 2009. Like the good sir (name already forgotten, apologies) pointed out in his reply to my foolish rant, I missed the ascension of Bully Ray and that I couldn't expect to jump into watching TNA again, after something like a 3 year gap.

So I decided two weeks ago to go back and catch-up on TNA from what I've missed. Having no clue where to start, I opted for the Impact Wrestling brand change - beginning May 2011. Where Beer Money were still the tag champs, Jeff was in rehab, Bubba was now called Bully Ray, Sabin was injured, Beer Money were in some group called Fortune, there was another stable called Immortal with Hogan & Bischoff, Crimson's undefeated record, etc, etc.

I found various websites that still have Impact videos online (via dailymotion & youtube) and watched all PPV highlights videos on youtube. Skipping through the matches until the winner (which was painful to do at first, as I often missed things happening in the middle of a match) and only watching interviews and segments and promos, I managed to get up to date with TNA in just under two weeks. Wednesday 13th March to earlier today. Any free time I had (which ticked my girlfriend off most of the time, I can tell you), I devoted to catching up with TNA.

So I see the ascension of Bully Ray, why Brooke Hogan was even in TNA to begin with, the break-up of Beer Money and the ascension of both Storm & Roode, the arrival and acension of Austin Aires, demise of Eric Bischoff (I knew his kid was in A&8's before he appeared at the "bent ref" Jackson James, having read about it somewhere before the start of the catch-up), the seeds planting Aces and Eights.

Whilst the thought of Bully being Champion is still hard to get my head round, it makes sense that he's in the group and it's leader. He is a fantastic heel. At first, he was just annoying but his "do you know who I am", the calvezilla and "twittah fire machine" schtick was just gold. The sucking-up to Hogan for all that time just didn't fit - although was that really the case that it was see-through or did I just let the fact that I knew he was the leader cloud my judgment? Either way, he's definately deserved Main Event status and I'm sure he'll be a worthy Champion in time. Bullies are heels, not suck-up faces.

Although at one point, having got to Bound for Glory 2011 and seeing Hogan v Sting - I thought about stopping and restarting from when Hogan joined TNA in January 2010, then I could see the slow takeover and screw-job of Hogan & Bischoff on Dixie. But then realising that the dual-factions angle were coming to an end and the fact that I missed when were together(!!!), I thought it was best to carry on.

I have to add before I forget, that I absolutely LOVED the Isane Icon gimmick and Sting pulled it off brilliantly. Definately gave the character a much-needed change at the time. :)

Oh and one thing has remained the same (if not gotten worse) is Taz on commentary. He's gotten progressively worse and now that he's a member of Aces and Eights (his reveal at the wedding being a "what the bloody hell?!" moment), he's unbearable - especially the "heh heh" grunts whenever A&8's appear on screen. :banghead:

Last question(s): what the hell has happened to the tag division and X division? In fact when I first started this catch-up, it was those two that made TNA great!!

Soooo, I am now up to date with TNA and I thought it'd be interesting to let you guys know, see what your opinions are (although I am expecting either the usual flaming or a tumbleweed to drift across anytime soon). Whether or not I'll remember to watch Impact on a Friday morning and keep up, remains to be seen. But then what the hell was the point of the last two weeks if I'm not going to do that?! :lmao:
I've read that sentence three times now and, apart from that you & I have different views on the Joker gimmick, I still don't quite get what you're on about :confused:
This is what's wrong with wrestling fans today. You don't watch the product and assume you have a leg to stand on and an opinion that matters. You can't read articles on Wikipedia and form an opinion on how it translated to TV.
I agree. Hence why I felt foolish about the original comments I made and started the catch-up in the first place.
You also missed one of the greatest heel title reigns in TNA history - Bobby Roode's title reign and Austin Aries winning the Heavyweight Championship at Destination-X and James Storm vs Bobby Roode at Bound for Glory 2012 etc.
My best advice is to stay away from commenting on the time in TNA you didn't experience as it went by. That is, if you want to have some validity to your posts. If you just want to troll and join the masses of people who just missed it and speak on autopilot, based on the comments they read from other people who don't know squat, then be my guest.

Fact is, you did miss a lot. You missed a lot of great television, many entertaining promos, plenty of awesome matches. You also missed out on some grade A bullshit but I'm assuming you're more of a WWE fan so you should be VERY used to that kind of television by now.

And why exactly? Why do you and other fans miss out on this? Prejudice. Too much of a WWE fan. You name it.

That's what bothers me. So many fans miss out on some plain good wrestling because of bullshit reasons. Just because it's TNA doesn't mean it can't top the WWE. A lot of people will agree that it has for quite a while. Fuck the numbers, I'm talking content. That's what matters to me.

But hey, at least you made an effort and you saw for yourself that it's not as bad as people say. In fact, it's much much better. Keep watching and I do mean WATCHING. Not reading.

Try reading a synopsis of The Godfather and tell me it was the same as watching the whole movie.

You can't experience it properly unless you see it. Through watching you get attatched to some characters, form some bonds (positive or negative). Otherwise you're detatched from the whole experience. It's a TV show, not one of Mark Madden's platitudes.
Wow, I must say I'm impressed that you did this, not many fans would. I'm glad you decided to take a look back and see how Bully has gotten to where he is. When 3D were supposed to retire, and then Bubba turned on Devon, and then became Bully Ray I thought TNA had hit a new low (this was right off the back of the EV2 angle). But Ray DID prove me wrong. He is now one of my favourites. Devon proved me wrong too, although to a much lesser extent obviously.

The sucking-up to Hogan for all that time just didn't fit - although was that really the case that it was see-through or did I just let the fact that I knew he was the leader cloud my judgment?

The latter I suppose? If you know he's the leader it changes your perspective on many of the things. When the angle started out and Bully was pointing fingers at Storm and others it naturally made him suspicious...too suspicious even. At that time everybody was expecting Jeff Jarrett or Eric Bischoff to be leader. After the Devon reveal and this promo Bully being the President was completely out of my mind:

All the stuff Bully brought up, about the breakup of 3D in 2010, that DEVON was actually the heel in that scenario, convinced me that Bully was sure as hell not involved. There was also the issue that Bully got into many fights with the Aces so that took suspicion off of him for me as well.

I knew that Bully was going to turn heel again obviously since that's his character, but actually in Aces & Eights, and the President at that? "No way!" well Bully, ya fooled me :lmao:
You also missed one of the greatest heel title reigns in TNA history - Bobby Roode's title reign (who started counting the number of days he has been TNA Champion before CM Punk started doing it) and Austin Aries winning the Heavyweight Championship at Destination-X and James Storm vs Bobby Roode at Bound for Glory 2012 etc.

Of course. All three points I covered vaguely with "ascension of...", but yes they all deserved their own mention in their own right. The Roode/Storm rivalry will go down as one of the most epic in TNA history and I'm sure their paths will cross again soon.

My best advice is to stay away from commenting on the time in TNA you didn't experience as it went by. That is, if you want to have some validity to your posts. If you just want to troll and join the masses of people who just missed it and speak on autopilot, based on the comments they read from other people who don't know squat, then be my guest.

Fact is, you did miss a lot. You missed a lot of great television, many entertaining promos, plenty of awesome matches. You also missed out on some grade A bullshit but I'm assuming you're more of a WWE fan so you should be VERY used to that kind of television by now.

And why exactly? Why do you and other fans miss out on this? Prejudice. Too much of a WWE fan. You name it.

That's what bothers me. So many fans miss out on some plain good wrestling because of bullshit reasons. Just because it's TNA doesn't mean it can't top the WWE. A lot of people will agree that it has for quite a while. Fuck the numbers, I'm talking content. That's what matters to me.

But hey, at least you made an effort and you saw for yourself that it's not as bad as people say. In fact, it's much much better. Keep watching and I do mean WATCHING. Not reading.

Try reading a synopsis of The Godfather and tell me it was the same as watching the whole movie.

You can't experience it properly unless you see it. Through watching you get attatched to some characters, form some bonds (positive or negative). Otherwise you're detatched from the whole experience. It's a TV show, not one of Mark Madden's platitudes.

Thanks for the comments, feedback & advice. I appreciate it :)

But I wouldn't say that prior to this I was against TNA or anti-TNA or thought any negativity towards them - otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with the time and effort of this catch-up in the first place. As it happens, I am glad I did it and TNA is actually pretty entertaining. Of course there are BS TV (which I'm used to, as you said), but I'm happy enough, more or less :)
Trust someone who bad mouth's stuff before actually knowing what it is to love that AWFUL Joker/Sting Gimmick.

I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not but I for one love the Insane Icon Sting. The story being told led to that point and character and no one can do it better than Steve!

This is what's wrong with wrestling fans today. You don't watch the product and assume you have a leg to stand on and an opinion that matters. You can't read articles on Wikipedia and form an opinion on how it translated to TV.

I agree with what you are saying. Not sure if your directing some of that towards Matt the poster but he is definitely taking the step in the right direction! I hate people that bash everything and call themselves wrestling fans but don't tune in at all, let alone with an open mind when they do. Most live by what they believe is the way to rate a product and not the way a product should be rated. Most contradict their so called logic all the time without even realizing it.

Either way Matt great for you! I really hope you put the effort to watch every thursday or catch up friday the latest while avoiding all spoilers! It keeps everything so fresh and up to date. I faithfully ran to my TV every thursday (or Monday) between December 2006 & December 2010. Then I lost internet & cable. I was so pissed off and it was so difficult trying to keep up different ways. A lot can happen in two weeks of Television, something is always being built towards and the best way to soak all of it in is to keep up weekly instead of catching up.

Long live Impact Wrestling! Long live all wrestling! WWE, Indies, even Backyard!
some humble opinions.

Bobby Roodes title reign was overrated. He cut the same promo every week trying to sell the same ppv match every month (thank god for 4 ppvs a year)

In those years the X-divison sucked before Austin Aries joined. Bully vs Aries was such an highlight it was unbelievable at the time and Arie's rise to the top was awesome to watch. They definitely screwed that up later.

I thought it was brilliant how Vince Russo turned the real life drama between Angle and Jarrett into a 6 month wrestling angle.

Some of the other Vince Russo stuff sucked. Like Main event mafia and Joker Sting

If I had the chance to watch it all back to back again I would really try to pay attention to Jeff Hardy's role. Returning in 09, being overshadowed by Hogan and Bischoff having the meltdown of the century. I never grasped the significance of this time period in Hardy's career :(

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