TNA: BFG 2012 Onwards

Bone For Tuna

Registered Loser
Bound For Glory 2012


A video package details everything leading up to this point, TNA’s biggest PPV of the year and all time, where some epic shit should and hopefully will go down.

Backstage Daniels & Kazarian are standing by with Jeremy Borash. They talk shit about everyone and how Chavo and Hernandez haven’t done anything to deserve getting a shot at them and how they’ve already beaten Styles and Angle like a hundred times. Daniels says out of good faith though when he and Kaz beat Styles and Angle tonight for the one hundred and first time and they beat los burritos, they’re going for tacos and tequila!
TNA World Tag Team Championship
Daniels & Kaz © defeat Styles & Angle and Chavo & Hernandez

Just complete insanity to start off the show and get the crowd in to it. The finish comes with Angle and Hernadez brawling on the outside and Kazarian taking them both out with an epic and crazy dive that will be seen on highlight videos for years to come. Chavo then tries hitting a hurricanrana on Styles but he reverses it into a Styles Clash. Daniels comes from behind, throws Styles out of the ring and gets the cover on Chavo.

Al Snow is backstage watching the replay of what just went down when he gets asked if he has anything he would like to say before his match. Snow looks blown away at what he just witnessed and puts over the match and everyone involved before admitting that it’s going to be hard to top that, and he’s probably not the guy to do it, but this thing with Joey Ryan is personal.

Ryan defeats Snow

Ryan gets the pin after hitting a low blow on Snow, followed by his finisher the Moustache Ride. The ref never saw the low blow because he was removing the mannequin head Ryan had brought to ringside to mock Snow. This mannequin however was sporting a very impressive, yet incredibly sleazy moustache. Joey Ryan is officially in TNA, booyah bitches.

Borash is backstage with Samoa Joe and asks him what he thinks it will take to put somebody like Magnus down for the count tonight. Joe says he's going to beat the shit out of him and if he doesn't just stay down for his own good then he`s going to choke his ass out.

TNA Knockouts Championship
Tessmacher © defeats Tara

Tessmacher gets the win after some back and forth bullshit. Tara's Hollywood boyfriend turned out to be Pauly Shore who she brought to ringside prior to her match. After the match he dumped her ass because Pauly Shore doesn't date losers.

Hogan and Sting are backstage and Hogan asks Sting if he can trust Bully Ray tonight. Sting tells Hogan that Bully Ray is bad ass as shit and not to worry about it and to just let him do what he does best, take care of bidness.

TNA Television Championship
Joe © defeats Magnus

Joe gets the win after hitting the Muscle Buster. After the match Joe offers a handshake to Magnus who makes the stupid decision to flip Joe off instead. Joe then proceeds to choke Magnus’ punk ass out.

Backstage Bully Ray is working out…his calves and tweeting, at the same time! Borash walks in and asks him if he has any last words for Aces and Eights before their match tonight. Bully Ray says as if what he`s doing right now isn’t bad ass enough already just wait and see what him and Sting are going to do later tonight.

TNA X Division Championship
Ion © defeats RVD

The fans were going ape shit for RVD from the moment his music hit and they were all over Ion's glitter and perfume loving ass. At one point it looked like Ion had broken RVD's neck but luckily that's just how RVD sells DDTs. Ion reverses a monkey flip into a pin and grabs the ropes to get the cheap victory.

A video package shows the Roode/Storm feud, two men who were once closer than brothers, now wanting to tear one another's throats out, which would be cool and actually would be legal in our next match, because it’s no disqualification!

Borash tries to get a word in with Robert Roode but Roode doesn't want to hear it. He tells Borash we might all be bound for glory but he is destined for it and tonight he is going to do what he must and what he believes is right and that's take out Storm once and for good.

Storm defeats Roode

An absolute wild and bat shit crazy brawl that saw Storm get the win after hitting Roode with the third Last Call of the match. After seemingly having the match in the bag Roode put on Storm's cowboy hat in an effort to really rub in the beating he was giving him. However, Storm grabs a beer bottle and instead of just clocking Roode upside the head with it which he is known to do, he tosses it to his former friend who catches it and then eats a superkick finally putting him away.

Borash finds Austin Aries backstage doing push ups. He asks him what his thoughts are on the whole Aces and Eights thing and his match with Hardy. Aries tells Borash that he kind of just lumps them all together, in that he doesn't really care about either all that much and neither of them can hold a candle to the man who’s been holding it down for the past year now. Aries says Hardy's comeback special doesn't impress him and it's about to come to an end and that Aces and Eights might as well call themselves Go Fish because they're so unoriginal and biker gangs stopped being cool a long time ago.

Aces and Eights defeat Sting & Bully Ray

Aces and Eights controlled the majority of the match and isolated Bully Ray for the vast majority of it. Sting finally snapped and he and Bully Ray cleaned house. Bully Ray was about to hit the Bully Bomb on one of his opponents before another member of Aces and Eights hit the ring and jumped up on the apron. He proceeded to take off his mask and it was none other than James Mitchell! Bully Ray was dumbfounded and went to go attack Mitchell before Mitchell signaled for Bully Ray to turn around. He did and behind him was Abyss! Bully Ray and Abyss have a standoff before Sting pushes Bully Ray from behind into Abyss who hits a devastating Black Hole Slam and one of the masked Aces and Eights members pins Bully Ray. Hogan comes out, throwing his arms up in the air asking why. Sting asks Hogan if he can believe it, brother, and then hits Bully Ray with the Scorpion Death Drop.

Borash is in the back looking like he just shit himself, and he's standing next to Jeff Hardy. Borash is speechless for once and Hardy just kind of positions Borash into place to do this interview. Hardy says what we all just witnessed is really hard to believe, but what’s not hard to believe is by the end of tonight he will once again be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He tells Borash to imagine it as Borash still has the same I just shit my pants look as before. Hardy said some other shit too but this was the gist of it.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Aries © defeats Hardy

A very close match up that had the crowd on the edge of their seats the whole time and saw Aries score arguably the biggest upset of the year and one of if not the biggest wins of his career. It was everything a Bound For Glory main event should be and set the bar for years to come. After nearly thirty minutes of back and forth action the finish came when Hardy kicked out of a Brain Buster which finally sent Aries over the edge. After teasing it a few times but being hesitant, Aries went for a chair. It seemed like he was going to blast Hardy with it but he must have changed his mind or had a change of heart and changed his mind and through the chair out of the ring. Aries turns around and Hardy kicks him in the gut and hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy gets up and crawls to the top rope like only Hardy can do, meaning it takes forever. He jumps off and hits the Swanton Bomb and the crowd is losing their minds. However, Aries being the greatest man that ever lived hooks both of Hardy's arm, rolls him over and gets the 1,2,3!​

I wrote this up after I read the results from BFG this year and thought I could do a better job of booking the show myself. I'm not sure if I will keep going with this or not but I wanted to post this at least. I know it's not super in depth, I just kind of wanted to get the finishes down. I don't expect anyone to comment on this but if you would like to that would be rad.

Tazz and Mike Tenay welcome us to the show and give a rundown of what happened at Bound For Glory. Tenay says first and foremost Austin Aries is still your TNA World Heavyweight Champion having retained over Jeff Hardy in what some would call an upset. Tazz says Robert Roode and James Storm had a match you had to see to believe. He says they wrestled throughout the entire arena and used everything you could imagine to beat the hell out of each other. Tenay says Storm got the hard fought win but at what cost as neither man has been medically cleared to wrestle tonight. Lastly Tazz says that something happened at the PPV nobody saw coming, Sting turning his back on Bully Ray, Hulk Hogan and the rest of the TNA roster when he pushed Bully Ray into a Black Hole Slam after a distraction from James Mitchell. As a result of this, Aces and Eights ended up pinning Bully Ray and getting full access to the Impact Zone. Tenay questions what this relationship is all about, if Sting is the one on top of the ladder, who the other masked members are and what this means for the future of TNA.

Austin Aries’ music hits and he comes out holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in one hand a cookie in the other. He takes his time getting in the ring and eating said cookie before he asks for a microphone. He looks as though he’s going to speak, but then just holds the title back up in the air. Then he runs to the corner, climbs the turnbuckles and raises the championship above his head. The crowd give a somewhat confused but mostly positive reaction. Aries says nobody expected him to defeat Hardy at BFG but he did and even though everybody doubted him, he didn’t let that faze him for second. He says nobody even expected him to win the damn championship but he did that too and he did everything looking good! He says all the doubters, haters and wannabes better get used to him because he isn’t going anywhere soon and because he’s the greatest man who ever lived.

Jeff Hardy’s music hits and the fans are going bananas; Aries however is not as amused. Hardy gets in the ring but before he can say anything Aries cuts him off and tells him sorry, but he already beat him at BFG and now this is his time. He tells Hardy his retribution story was cute, but in the end it was a failure. He tells Hardy to go back to the drawing board, work hard and maybe with a little luck he might be one eighth the man Aries is. Hardy says he has no excuses and that at BFG Aries was the better man. Hardy says he can respect that, but he tells Aries not to let it go to his head. Aries says he beat Hardy at TNA’ biggest show of the year and therefor he is still the champion and he can say or do whatever he wants. Hardy reminds Aries that although he’s the champion he is not bigger than the company itself and without it and its fans he wouldn’t be in the position he is in. He tells Aries to take it from him personally, when you start thinking you’re bigger than the company itself is when things start going downhill. Aries tells Hardy not to worry about him because they are nothing alike and he won’t drop the ball, Jeff Hardy style. Aries leaves the ring as Hardy is left shaking his head and we go to commercial.


Jeremy Borash is standing backstage with Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. Borash reminds us that Daniels and Kaz are still the TNA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions having won their triple threat match at BFG and because the match tore the roof down, Hulk Hogan has given both men a chance at addition singles gold. Borash says tonight one of them will wrestle a mystery opponent for a number one contenders spot at the TNA X Division Championship in a match at Turning Point, and one of them will wrestle Samoa Joe for the TNA Television Championship tonight live on Impact. Borash then says the person, who gets to choose who does what, will be the person who wins in a good old fashioned coin toss. He asks Kaz to choose heads or tails and Kaz chooses tails. It`s tails. Borash asks Kaz what he wants to do and Kaz says even though he is at a huge disadvantage not knowing who his opponent is, he knows how much Daniels loves wrestling Samoa Joe so he will let him have fun with that.

We go back to ringside and Al Snow has joined Tazz and Tenay on commentary. Tazz reminds us that Aces and Eights have complete access to the Impact Zone and that he is surprised we haven’t seen or heard from them yet. Joey Ryan’s music hits and he comes out with the same mannequin head he used to distract the referee at BFG. He waves to Snow as Tazz mentions because of Ryan beating Snow at BFG, Ryan is now an official member of the TNA roster.

Joey Ryan defeats Chavo Guerrero via pinfall

The match starts off with some good chain wrestling until Ryan starts doing all kinds of sleazy shenanigans and Guerrero takes offense. Things soon get heated and all the chain wrestling gets thrown out the window. They go back and forth and at one point Guerrero hit a topé con hilo only to see Ryan go on to top it with a topé con giro! Ryan ends up taking off the middle turnbuckle pad and as the referee notices and goes to fix it, Ryan blasts Guerrero with the mannequin head. Ryan then goes up top, points to Snow, and hits a perfectly executed moonsault. The referee turns around Ryan gets the pin fall after an exciting match. Snow gets pissed and storms off as we go to commercial.

Borash is backstage with Tara and he asks her how it felt to be dumped by Pauly Shore at BFG. Tara doesn’t say anything and just stares a hole through Borash.

Mickie James defeats Tara via DQ

James gets a pretty nice reaction after not being seen on TV for a while and they put on a pretty entertaining back and forth competitive match until Tara starts going berserk when the referee tells her to back off of Mickie in the corner. She gets right up in his face then goes back to Mickie and starts beating on her again. As Tara beats Mickie she repeatedly asks the referee ``is this better Pauly?” The referee has no choice but to disqualify her which just makes her freak out even more. Mickie and the referee both scurry out of the ring as Tara throws a fit, pulling her hair and punching the turnbuckle.

Masked members of Aces and Eights are shown arriving backstage on motorcycles as we go to commercial.


Borash is standing backstage with Samoa Joe and reminds us that Samoa Joe is still the TNA Television Champion having beat Magnus at BFG. He asks Joe how he is feeling after the match and if he’s a hundred percent tonight. Joe says he feels like he’s about ready to whoop some ass.

Zema Ion makes his way out to join Tazz and Tenay on commentary for the next match. Kazarian comes out followed by his opponent, the returning Chris Sabin!

Chris Sabin defeats Kazarian via pinfall

The fans love Sabin the whole way through this as these two put on a classic matchup and really demonstrate what TNA is all about. They have a lot of history together and they have really good chemistry as this one just flows together. Surprisingly Kaz doesn’t try any underhanded tactics and Sabin doesn’t show any signs of ring rust. Sabin ends up scoring the pin fall after hitting the Cradle Shock. After the match Ion attacks Sabin from behind and Kaz joins in pissed that he lost. RVD comes running down to the ring with a chair and the bad guys split.

The masked Aces and Eights members are walking backstage harassing workers. They throw some woman’s notes on the ground and splash a guy’s coffee on himself as we go to commercial.


Tazz and Tenay remind us of why Aces and Eights are even here tonight, because Sting made it possible when he turned his back on everybody he cared about. Tenay says he has no idea why Sting would do such a thing and Tazz says that makes two of them. Tazz says what he does know are neither James Storm nor Robert Roode here tonight because they are both still nursing their injuries from BFG. Tazz says we are going to see some clips from the match but he’s cut off by Hulk Hogan who makes his way down to ringside.

Hogan looks depressed and isn’t as loud and obnoxious as usual. He says it’s a pretty terrible situation when you can’t trust your very best friends. He says he even told Brooke to stay away from the Impact Zone for a while because he fears for her safety. He says we all know by now what Sting did at BFG but he wants to know why. Hogan waits for some kind response but no music hits and nobody comes out of the tunnel. Sting appears on the big screen though; to his side are Abyss and the sinister James Mitchell. Sting says he’s always said when it comes to Sting the only thing for sure is nothing’s for sure. He says Hogan now knows who three out of maybe ten or twenty guys are who want a piece of Hogan and that Hogan should think long and hard about all the people he’s ever mistreated or held down or that would have any sort of bone to pick with him. Sting says it’s probably going to take a while so maybe when Hogan gets back to him on it, he will get back to Hogan on why Sting did what he did. Sting then says he, Abyss and Mitchell aren’t there and that Hogan not need to worry about their friends, they`re just getting a feel for the place.


The masked Aces and Eights members are still backstage and they run into Robbie E and Robbie T. The Jersey douchebags say they want no trouble and ask Aces and Eights if maybe they want to go for some GTL after the show. Aces and Eights just laugh at them and the douchebags then ask if maybe they can just join the gang. They say they’re tired off old dudes like Hogan cramping their style at the gym. Aces and Eights then proceed to just beat the douchebags up unmercifully.

TNA Television Championship
Samoa Joe © defeats Christopher Daniels via DQ

As the match was about to begin, the Aces and Eights members that were tormenting people backstage came down to ringside with chairs and decided to take a front row seat. The match was everything you would expect with both men putting everything on the line and really taking advantage of getting the main event spot on the card. They showed they could go just as hard as back in the day. Unlike Kaz earlier, Daniels tries every underhanded trick in the book but to no avail. At one point Daniels hits Joe with an unbelievably impressive Angels Wings but Joe kicks out at two. The end of the match saw Joe lock in the Coquina Clutch and Daniels refusing to tap as he tried to make it to the ropes. It looked like Daniels was fading but as the referee went to raise his arm; Aces and Eights jumped in the ring and pounced on Joe. The referee calls for the DQ and then gets blasted by an Aces and Eights member. Joe tries to fight back but there are too many of them.

AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and RVD run out to try and help Joe but they are still outnumbered. The two teams continue to brawl as Bully Ray is shown up on the big screen. He’s got a baseball bat and a few buckets of paint and he’s standing next to Aces and Eights motorcycles. He says if they want to fight they know where to find him. He then throws the paint all over their bikes and starts smashing them with the baseball bat. Aces and Eights run backstage, followed by the TNA roster. When Aces and Eights get backstage, Bully Ray and some more of the roster are waiting for them. Chaos ensues to end the show.

TNA Turning Point 2012

TNA X Division Championship
Zema Ion © vs. Chris Sabin

Crimson’s music hits and he begins to make his way down the aisle before Samoa Joe blows past him and gets in the ring. Joe demands a microphone and immediately calls out Aces and Eights for their attack last week. Nobody comes out so Joe challenges Sting or Abyss and still, nothing. Joe begins to go off and says if Aces and Eights won’t come to him go will come to them. Hulk Hogan’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring. Hogan says he’s just as pissed as Joe and won’t let TNA be held hostage by a group of thugs. He says he has no idea what or who has gotten into Sting’s head but until Sting fills him in and as long as he and Abyss are the only two on the roster he can put a face to in all this, he’s thought of a plan; at Turning Point the two of them will team up to face Samoa Joe and a man who is dying to get his hands on them, Bully Ray. Hogan asks Joe if he’s cool with that and Joe agrees. Just then James Mitchell comes out. He asks Hogan if they are supposed to be afraid. He says Hogan should be the one who’s afraid; he has no idea where they’re coming from, what we’re going to do next or even why they’re doing it. Hogan says up to a week ago he didn’t even know who Mitchell was. Mitchell sarcastically laughs at this but doesn’t really look at impressed. He tells Hogan that’s funny because he is one of the people who are going to be responsible for finally putting an end to Hulk Hogan and whatever the hell else they want. Hogan asks where Sting’s at and if he’s in the Impact Zone. Mitchell answers with a sarcastic maybe. Joe tells him he doesn’t care who he is or why he’s here, he’s dead. Joe drops the mic, runs out of the ring, blows past Crimson again and goes after Mitchell who darts backstage.


Samoa Joe is looking for James Mitchell backstage but can’t seem find him.
Crimson is in the ring awaiting his opponent Robbie T but nobody comes out. We go backstage and we see Jeremy Borash with the Jersey douchebags. They are making him load the trunk of their car while he tries to get a word with them. Robbie E say that they just informed Hogan that while Aces and Eights are around they won’t be kicking it in Orlando. He says Hogan even offered them title shots and bonuses but all this craziness is already starting to make him lose his tan. He says he never thought he would ever say this but he might just have to go back to his old job, shoveling snow. The douchebags get in the car as Crimson is left in the ring without an opponent.

We go to Tazz and Tenay who fill us in on what happened last week and what to expect on tonight’s show. Tazz mentions that last week Kazarian lost a match to determine the number one contender for the TNA X Division Championship to the returning Chris Sabin. He says his partner Christopher Daniels also lost to Samoa Joe in a match for the TNA Television Championship after Joe was jumped by Aces and Eights. Tazz mentions how Joey Ryan picked up his first win as an official member of the TNA roster, much to the dislike of Al Snow and Tara started pulling her hair out when she lost a match by DQ to Mickie James. Tenay then says on top of all that we saw Jeff Hardy tell Austin Aries not to let being the TNA World Heavyweight Champion go to his head, which Aries didn`t take kindly too. He says too end the show we saw Bully Ray destroy Aces and Eights motorcycles with paint followed by an enormous brawl.

Tazz says later to come we get RVD teaming up with Chris Sabin to take on Kazarian and Zema Ion, Joey Ryan takes on Kenny King and Kurt Angle takes on Jeff Hardy to see who will wrestle Austin Aries for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Turning Point. Tenay says lastly neither James Storm nor Robert Roode will be on tonight’s programming as they are both still recovering from their unbelievable battle at BFG and there is no telling right now when either man will be fully cleared to return.

TNA Knockouts Championship #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne vs. ODB

Last week Mickie won a match against Tara but by DQ after Tara beat her unmercifully still suffering from the embarrassment of being dumped by Pauly Shore on PPV. As a result of her strange behaviour Tara is currently being looked at by mental health professionals. This turned out to be a solid woman’s match that saw Gail get the cheap victory over Mickie by scoring a roll up and grabbing the bottom rope.

Winner and new #1 contender for the TNA Knockouts Championship via pin fall: Gail Kim

Backstage Austin Aries walks into Hogan’s office and tells him to get off the phone and that he has to talk to him. He asks him what the big deal is giving Jeff Hardy a number one contender’s match tonight is, when he just beat him at BFG. Hogan asks him if he would just like to wrestle Hardy and Angle both at Turning Point. Aries says that isn’t the point and the point is that it isn’t fair to all the boys in the back that bust their asses and get overlooked, while has-beens like Jeff Hardy get awarded countless golden opportunities based on their name and not their talent and they just end up dropping the ball over and over again. He says that goes for Angle too, who also lost his match at BFG. Aries questions why Hogan wouldn’t just have a battle royal or something. Hogan says Angle vs. Hardy was a match he thought would deliver and that he wanted to see and he didn’t think anyone else would mind. Right at that moment Angle walks in and says he couldn’t help but overhearing his name. Hogan informs him that Aries was just calling him a has-been before he walked in. Angle says he’s already pissed enough about Aces and Eights running amuck in the Impact Zone and that he dares Aries to call him that to his face. Aries smiles and calls Angle a has-been and which causes Angle to snap and shove Aries up against the wall. Hogan gets in between the two of them before things really start to escalate. Angle tells Aries he better hope he doesn’t win tonight or Angle will beat the glitter off his ass at Turning Point. All three men stare at each other as Angle tells Aries that didn’t come out right but he knows what Angle’s talking about. Angle exits the room as Aries gives Hogan a dirty look.


Kenny King vs. Joey Ryan

Al Snow joins the commentators’ booth yet again and Joey Ryan is still coming out with that sleazy looking mannequins head. We see a pretty good back and forth contest with Joey Ryan trying to cheat the whole way throughout and a few times where he probably could have finished King but got cocky and it ended up costing him. The end saw Ryan do the Guerrero shuffle and try his second frog splash of the match, but as he ascended to the top rope Chavo Guerrero ran down to ringside and distracted him. This led to King hitting a top rope T-bone suplex on Ryan and pinning him for the win. After the match Chavo taunted Ryan and left with the mannequin head as Snow says it’s nice to see Ryan get a piece of his own medicine.

Winner via pin fall: Kenny King

Backstage Jeff Hardy is doing some half-assed crazy ninja yoga bullshit as he prepares for his match tonight. He’s interrupted by Samoa Joe who asks him if he’s seen James Mitchell around. Hardy says no and Joe tells him if he does just to throw him some kind of mind signal or something.


We come back and it’s time for our tag team X division showcase. First out is the TNA X Division Champion himself, Zema Ion. Kazarian then comes out accompanied by Christopher Daniels who is drinking a martini. Next is Chris Sabin and then RVD and the crowd is pumped for this one.

Chris Sabin and RVD vs. Zema Ion and Kazarian

Probably match of the night as far as in ring work is concerned. RVD showed he was still able to hang with the young guys and Ion didn’t come off as a complete pussy. Daniels definitely went out of his way to be noticed at ringside, harassing fans and arguing with the referee over almost every call he made. At one point Daniels tried to trip up RVD, but instead RVD kicked a martini out of his hand. Everyone had a good laugh because it went all over some chick in the front row. RVD then hit Ion with a huge rolling thunder! After the match began to break down Kaz was eventually thrown from the ring and decided to retreat up the ramp with Daniels, leaving Ion to fight RVD and Sabin on his own. It didn’t take long before Ion got hit with Cradle Shock AND the Froglash! Sabin ended up pinning Ion with one foot as RVD taunted Daniels and Kazarian.

Winners via pin fall: Chris Sabin and RVD

We go to the booth and Tenay says he is surprised that for the second week in a row, we are already well past half way into the show and no sign of any bikers yet. Tazz cracks a joke that maybe their bikes are still in the shop after Bully Ray muffed them up. Tazz notes though he has known a few bikers in his lifetime and they were never really punctual dudes.

Backstage Samoa Joe walks into Hogan’s office and tells him he couldn’t find Mitchell anywhere. Joey Ryan then walks in and tells them they got bigger things to worry about then bikers sneaking around. He asks Hogan if he’s aware one of the gardeners just snuck in and cost him his match against Kenny King. Hogan looks confused and Ryan tells him he’s got a serious Mexican problem on his hands.


We come back and Tazz informs us it’s time for our main event, a match to determine the number one contender for Austin Aries’ TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Out first is Angle, followed by Hardy and both of them are looking focused and ready to go.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle

Right before the two of them are about to lock up, Austin Aries’ music hits and he comes out to join in on calling the match. Hardy and Angle go to lock up again but then Bully Ray’s music hits and he comes out with Joe, Hernandez and AJ Styles. Bully says they’re out here to make sure this match actually has a decisive winner and nobody else gets involved. Hardy and Angle had a really good showing in a match that could have easily been a PPV main event. It started out with Angle just straight up embarrassing Hardy with mat wrestling in the early going but after some half-assed kind of creative kind of sloppy comeback Hardy had things in control. Finally Aces and Eights would show up with four masked bikers making their way through different spots in the crowd. The TNA faithful did a good job of keeping the bikers out of the ring as Hardy and Angle continued to wrestle, each of them couldn’t help but notice the carnage at ringside. Aries eventually left the commentators booth and started walking to the ring, calming avoiding the carnage as his fellow superstars try to fight off the bad guys. James Mitchell would show up on the top of the ramp just as it seemed the TNA boys had sent the bikers packing. Samoa Joe would again take off after Mitchell with Styles, Bully Ray and Hernandez going after the fleeing Aces and Eights. Angle and Hardy continue to go at it exchanging punches in the middle of the ring, both men tired at this point. Hardy ducks one of Angle’s punches, kicks him in the gut and hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the top rope AND…he’s thrown to the floor by Austin Aries! Aries then gets in the ring and starts giving the boots to Angle. Aries picks Angle up and drops him on his head with a brainbuster!

Draw as a result of interference.

Hulk Hogan comes out and says last week Aces and Eights ruined his main event and tonight they tried to do the same thing but they weren’t able to. Only to have Aries do just that. Hogan says he hopes Aries is proud of himself because now he is facing Angle and Hardy at Turning Point.

We go backstage to chaos with production and medical personal running around. The camera tries to keep up and then we see a heard of people around Samoa Joe who is down and unresponsive.

TNA Turning Point 2012

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Austin Aries © vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle

Bully Ray and Samoa Joe vs. Sting and Abyss

TNA X Division Championship
Zema Ion © vs. Chris Sabin

TNA Knockout Championship
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher
Bound For Glory…

“What the hell! I can’t believe my eyes Mike.”

After being distracted by the evil James Mitchell, Bully Ray turns around and is face to face with the monster Abyss! Then in a moment nobody saw coming, Sting pushes Bully Ray into Abyss who destroys Bully Ray with an absolutely devastating Black Hole Slam. Hulk Hogan comes out and he and Sting exchange words before Sting plants Bully Ray with the Scorpion Death Drop. He, Abyss, Mitchell and the two Aces and Eights guys then embrace.

Two weeks ago…

“Well they’re here. You knew it was only a matter of time.”

Aces and Eights arrive at the Impact Zone for the first time since being allowed complete access to the building. Immediately upon their arrival they harass people backstage and look to make their presence well known. When it comes time for our main event between Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels, they’re sure to get front row seats.

“Daniels is gonna tap Mike! Either that or Joe is gonna put him to sleep!”

Joe’s got Daniels locked in the Coquina Clutch and Daniels is fading. Just as the referee goes to drop the arm of Daniels, Aces and Eights pounce all over Joe. Before the rest of the TNA roster runs down to make the save, Aces and Eights give Joe a good beating. Daniels luckily avoids the assault be rolling out of the ring. He also chooses not to help the rest of the TNA roster fight off the attackers.

Last week…

“Aces and Eights! Sting! Abyss!”

Samoa Joe is in the ring and looking to seek revenge and put the boots to somebody after Aces and Eights interfered in his match and beat him down the week prior.

“Well, I guess if none of you are going to come to me, I’ll just have to come to you.”

Just as Joe is about to leave, Hulk Hogan comes out.

“Joe, I’m just as pissed as you, brother! I consider Sting like a brother and I don’t know what or who has gotten into his head, but until I find out more I won’t let TNA be held hostage. So at Turning Point Sting and Abyss will take on Samoa Joe and a man who is dying to get his hands on them, Bully Ray.”

Hogan’s cut off by the mad chuckle of James Mitchell who slowly makes his way out to the stage.

“Is that supposed to make us scared Hogan?”

“Where’s Sting? I want to talk to Sting. I don’t even know who you are!”

“I don’t care who you are, or why you’re here. You’re dead!”

Joe is pissed and not having any of Mitchell’s mind games. He bolts after Mitchell who slithers backstage.

“I can’t find him anywhere but if you see or hear anything let me know.”

After looking all over the place for Mitchell and asking other wrestlers if they had seen him, Joe gives up his hunt. He tells Hogan to keep him in the loop and then Joey Ryan walks into the room.

“Hogan, are you even aware a gardener just snuck in and cost me my match against Kenny King?”

In our main event Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy put on a classic, all the while the TNA roster does their best to keep Aces and Eights out of the match. During the brawl James Mitchell once again appears at the top of the ramp. When Joe sees him, he again takes off after him.

“Would somebody please call an ambulance!”

Seconds before the show goes off the air, Samoa Joe is found beaten down and unresponsive.

Tazz and Tenay welcome us to tonight’s show and mention that you may have noticed all the security guards that are surrounding the ring. Tazz says Hulk Hogan has beefed up the security for tonight’s show to make sure every match has a clear and decisive winner, without any outside interference. Tenay says it is kind of sad it has come to this but Hogan felt it might be necessary and with the way things have been going lately, Hogan might be right. Tazz says having said all that, Hogan has a lot lined up for tonight including an absolutely huge eight man tag team main event. Tonight we will see Joey Ryan once again take on Chavo Guerrero; the two of them have taken turns embarrassing each other in back to back episodes of Impact. In our Knockouts division Gail Kim will take on Mickie James, having pinned Mickie thanks to a little extra leverage from the bottom rope, last week in a fatal four way to determine the number one contender for Miss Tessmacher’s TNA Knockouts Championship. Lastly in our main event, Jeff Hardy will team up with Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam and Chris Sabin to take on Austin Aries, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian and Zema Ion! Tazz says Hogan will also give us an update on Samoa Joe and fill us in on the ongoing investigation into who might have attacked him.

In the ring, Al Snow is standing by with a microphone in hand. Snow says tonight’s first match will be a Gut Check Challenge but there have been some changes made with the format. He says he was told by Hulk Hogan that Snow will now be the person in charge of scouting and bringing in talent that are going to take TNA into future. Snow says Hogan told him the reason for this is because Hogan is so busy dealing with Sting and Aces and Eights and the rest of the carnage that’s been going on lately, he simply does not have the time to watch tape and find out who the next up and comers are and which wrestlers are starting to really make a name for themselves and could be a valuable asset to TNA. Snow says with this change he has decided to completely revamp the Gut Check Challenge. He says judges will no longer be deciding who does and does not get a TNA contract. That will now be up to the wrestlers themselves. Now wrestlers hoping to get a spot on the roster will wrestle a current TNA wrestler and if they can defeat that TNA wrestler in under fifteen minutes, they will be awarded a TNA contract on the spot.

Snow says without further ado prepare to be amazed by the wrestler competing in tonight’s Gut Check Challenge, a very impressive young man by the name of Jack Evans! His opponent is the high flying and equally charismatic Kenny King!

If you are unfamiliar with Jack Evans, watch this:

Gut Check Challenge

Jack Evans vs. Kenny King

King offers a handshake to Evans but Evans blows it off and instead starts busting out the moves right away. The crowd eats it up as King takes a step back and then shakes his head no when Evans tells him to step up. The crowd urges King on who eventually gives in. King doesn’t spin on his head or anything but he does pull of some pretty fancy footwork. Evans tells King to back up and then Evans really busts out some crazy shit which sends the audience into frenzy. King, not wanting to be shown up by this white boy tells Evans and the referee to back way up. King then does a cartwheel into a jumping spinning crescent kick into the corner which catches Evans off guard and nearly takes his head off.

“I’m not getting paid to dance.”

King confidently tells the camera he’s all business as he waits for Evans to get to his feet and then runs all the way across the ring to hit Evans with a knee strike into the corner. Evans should have just shook King’s hand when he had the chance. The knee strike into the corner almost gets King the win but it’s not quite enough to put Evans away. The match goes on for a little while longer with King having the upper hand the majority of the time but Evans managing to stay in it. Evans eventually makes somewhat of a comeback, hitting a lot of impressive and innovating moves that really seem to impress and rile up the crowd. In the end however, Evans high risk offense eventually ends up costing him. After climbing up top and missing a huge corkscrew 630 splash on King, King picks Evans up and drops him, putting him away with the Easy Money.

Winner via pin fall: Kenny King


We come back from commercial and Bully Ray is having a conversation with Hulk Hogan in his office. Before we are able to catch any of what they are saying, Austin Aries barges in and cuts the both of them off. Aries says Hogan is up to it again and once again Aries is being forced into wrestling losers tonight. Aries says neither Jeff Hardy nor Kurt Angle came out victorious in their number one contenders match last week, but not only did Hogan award them both a title shot at Turning point, they’re all competing in the main event tonight. Bully Ray tells Aries that that he ought to start giving credit where credit is due and that Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle have both achieved success Aries can only dream about. Aries says he is not going to start another endless tirade of a heavyweight champion demanding respect but that since Bully Ray brought it up, if anyone should be shown some respect it should be the most exciting wrestler and entertaining TNA World Heavyweight Champion of all time, Austin Aries! Aries then tells Bully Ray that although Bully Ray may have been wrestling longer than he has; Aries has already achieved more in this business than Bully Ray ever will. Aries asks who Bully Ray thinks he is telling him how to act anyway. One month Bully Ray is a chain wielding bad ass, and the next he’s softer than a vegan cupcake. Aries tells Bully Ray maybe he is the one who should look himself in the mirror and realize he’s got some shaping up to do. Aries says he doesn’t see a bully, he says a kid who was the last one picked for dodge ball. A kid never expected to amount to anything and destined to forever be a disappointment. Bully Ray gets up in Aries’s face and once again Hogan finds himself trying to keep a brawl from happening in his office. Hogan asks Aries what the point of him even coming into his office in the first place was.

“Get your shit together Hogan.”

Jeremy Borash is standing by with Gail Kim. Borash notes how Gail Kim picked up a win in what some would call devious fashion, last week in a fatal four way match to determine the number one contender for the TNA Knockouts Championship. A title she lost to the current champion, Miss Tessmacher. Gail says a winner finds ways to win and it’s not her fault the referee is stupid and Mickie is a sore loser. Gail says not only did she become the number one contender; she beat three other Knockouts to do it, so she doesn’t appreciate the fact that people like Borash and Mickie have been talking shit about her all week. Gail says she is not sure why Mickie would ask to have a match with her tonight but maybe it is because she isn’t right in the head since Tara beat her ass. Gail notes that’s ironic it went down like that, considering the first time Gail had ever heard of Mickie, Mickie was out of her mind and doing crazy shit too. Gail says either way she is going to embarrass Mickie tonight and come Turning Point, she is going to do the same thing to Miss Tessmacher and win back the TNA Knockouts Championship.

Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

A good solid back and forth effort by arguably two of the best female wrestlers on the planet and Knockouts TNA has to offer. The veterans show that with enough time to show their stuff, the Knockouts are totally capable of putting on a good competitive match. Tazz mentions that Tara is still being looked at by medical health professionals but he has been told they are starting to make some progress. Mickie ends up getting some revenge for last week as she catches Gail with a Chick Kick completely out of nowhere that puts Gail away for the three count. Gail rolls out of the ring and Mickie celebrates getting the win. The two of them continue bickering back and forth as we go to commercial.

Winner via pin fall: Mickie James


Jeremy Borash is standing by with Chavo Guerrero. Borash says tonight Chavo will go one on one with Joey Ryan for the second time, having lost a match to Ryan two weeks ago on Impact. Borash asks Chavo what he thinks he has to do to see a different outcome tonight. Chavo says he already did what he needed to do to be able to defeat Ryan; he stole Ryan’s stupid, greasy looking mannequin head which was the only reason Ryan won the first time around.

“It’s not greasy. It’s sleazy. There’s a difference.”

Ryan walks up and tells Chavo he doesn’t appreciate Chavo costing him his match last week against Kenny King. Ryan says he also doesn’t appreciate Chavo stealing his things and that he wants the head back. Ryan says having grown up in California he has had to put up with a lot of crap from Mexicans but he will not be taken advantage of by the runt of the Guerrero litter. He says he has mad respect for everything Eddie accomplished but that Chavo has been riding his uncles coat tails for years and everybody knows it. Chavo says it looks like they have a situation then because he won’t be harassed by somebody that kind of looks like the flamboyant offspring of Ron Jeremy. Ryan tells Chavo to just give him back the head and nobody gets hurt. Just then Hernandez walks up behind Chavo and Chavo tells Ryan he doesn’t have the head, Hernandez does. Chavo says if he wants it back he has to talk to Hernandez and Chavo promises more than likely somebody will get hurt.

We go back to the ring where Crimson is making his entrance. Tazz notes how last week Crimson stood in the ring for probably a half hour waiting for his match with Robbie T. First the match was held up due to Samoa Joe coming out and calling out Sting and Aces and Eights. Then Hogan came out, followed by James Mitchell. After waiting on everybody else it seemed like the match was finally going to happen. Then after standing in the ring for another couple of minutes, Crimson’s opponent Robbie T never came out. Backstage the Jersey douchebags Robbie T and Robbie E were seen getting into a car and leaving, telling Jeremy Borash as long as Aces and Eights were allowed full access to the Impact Zone, they wouldn’t be here. The douchebags were informed they would not be paid if they refused to show up and they were alright with that; apparently the two of them have since been going door to door making a little extra cash shoveling snow, because two grown ass men shoveling snow is less ridiculous then two broke ass men fist pumping in gloves.

Anyways, Crimson has a microphone in his hand and says last week he was shown complete disrespect by Samoa Joe and he isn’t happy about it. Crimson says he stood by for what seemed like eternity as Joe did his best to sound tough and pick fights all the while wasting Crimson’s time. Crimson says as a result of this, Joe now owes him one. Crimson says that one he is referring to is Joe’s spot at Turning Point. Crimson says it would be in TNA’s best interest to make him Bully Ray’s partner and that Aces and Eights probably wouldn’t even show up if they had to face him.

As Crimson makes it about half way down the ramp; he is jumped and shit pumped by Magnus of all people. Tenay pleads that security should stop the beat down but Tazz says they are only here to make sure nobody is interfering in matches and to keep Aces and Eights away from ringside. Magnus throws Crimson into the ring, grabs a chair and then proceeds to beat the life out of Crimson with said chair. Magnus opens the chair up, grabs a microphone and takes a seat.

“You want to know who took out Samoa Joe?! I did it!”

Magnus says he took out Samoa Joe last week, the same way he took out Crimson tonight. He says neither of them saw it coming, and now neither of them will even be able to turn their heads if they’d like to. Magnus stomps at head and neck area of Crimson a few more times before finally just tossing his limp body out of the ring. Medical staff runs out to check on Crimson as Magnus continues his rant. Magnus says that he is a force to be reckoned with and the hottest thing to ever come out of England but ever since he has come to America and TNA he has to take a backseat to inferior athletes like Samoa Joe because Americans don’t appreciate somebody with Magnus’ skill. Either that or they are just jealous. Either way Magnus says Joe made the wrong decision when he decided to choke Magnus out at BFG. Magnus says that was the tipping point and what set him over the edge. Magnus says from now on he will be kicking ass and taking names regardless of the consequences and he dares anyone to stop him, especially Samoa Joe. Magnus drops the microphone and leaves, but not after giving a couple more boots to Crimson. Tenay says Magnus is insane, Tazz says either that or he is an idiot and he would not want to be in Magnus’ shoes when Joe returns.


Jeremy Borash is standing backstage with Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. Borash tries to get their thoughts on the big eight man tag match still to come later tonight but Daniels and Kaz seem more interested in what just happened with Magnus. Kaz says he figured Aces and Eights or Sting or Abyss must have been behind it but Magnus kind of makes sense. Daniels says if Magnus really is the one who did it then he must be completely out of his mind because you would have to be to intentionally try and piss Joe off as much as possible.

We go to the ring where Joey Ryan is making his way down to the ring, without the mannequin head so it doesn’t look like he and Hernandez worked anything out. Chavo Guerrero comes out next, with Hernandez who has got the mannequin head with him. The security guards at ringside tell Hernandez he can’t be at ringside for the match and at first Hernandez just eyes them up but eventually he leaves. Tenay says this is the worst group of security he has ever seen. They stand by as one man gets beat unmercifully in front of them, but then tell another he can’t even be at ringside for his partner’s match. Tazz says it is a little weird but hey, at least nobody has interfered in any matches tonight.

Chavo Guerrero vs. Joey Ryan

Tazz notes Al Snow won’t be helping call the match because doctors have informed Snow that watching Ryan’s matches could be bad for his heart. Ryan seems a lot more serious and vicious than usual, taking less time to showboat to the crowd and more time just trying to keep Chavo down and grounded. Ryan really works over knee and legs of Chavo who sells like a champ. The match starts off quick but every time Chavo starts to get any kind of advantage, Ryan just goes back to Chavo’s legs and after a while it really starts to take its toll on Chavito. After Chavo gets caught up the top rope, Ryan fails to put him away with an absolutely huge avalanche wheelbarrow suplex. Ryan can’t believe it and decides he has had enough; he rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. Ryan rolls back in and begins to stalk Chavo as the referee tries to take the chair away. Chavo gets to his feet and Ryan goes to take a swing at him but the referee manages to grab the chair from him just in time. Ryan argues with the referee, then turns around and eats a dropkick from Chavo that sends Ryan reeling back into the corner. Chavo sets Ryan up and then hits an awesome looking frankensteiner out of the corner. Ryan looks dazed and is holding his lower back as Chavo trips him up and locks him in the Lasso From El Passo. Unable to reach the ropes Ryan taps out. Chavo celebrates as Ryan argues with the referee.

Winner via submission: Chavo Guerrero

Backstage Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy are getting ready for their match. Angle tells Hardy that even though they beat the hell out of each other last week, they have a common enemy in Austin Aries and he has Hardy’s back out there tonight in the eight man tag. Hardy says likewise. Angle says come Turning Point though it’s a different story.


Tazz and Tenay welcome us back from the break and Tazz says on top of the added security, fans may have noticed something else strange tonight. Tazz says despite James Storm and Robert Roode both being key figures in TNA, both yet again will not be seen on tonight’s programming. Tazz says he is starting to sound like a broken record but you guessed it, they’re both still recovering from their match at BFG. Tenay says it was an all-out war to settle the score and if you saw it you would have an easier time understanding why neither man has yet to be medically cleared to compete.

Hulk Hogan’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Bully Ray and AJ Styles. Hogan waits for the crowd to die down and then thanks them but says he does not deserve an applause like that. Hogan says he is the one who is supposed to be running this show and he will admit he has been doing a pretty poor job of that as of late. He says he has people interfering in matches left, right and center, he has staff and wrestlers that are refusing to come to work and just last week, the TNA Television Champion was found beaten down and unresponsive. Hogan says now as far as Joe goes, an investigation is going on right at this very moment into the attack on him during last week’s episode of Impact. As far as Joe’s health is concerned, he is recovering but still in a lot of pain. Doctors haven’t given an estimate on how long he might be out of action for and if he will miss the Turning Point PPV. Hogan says Magnus’ confession caught him off guard tonight because although Joe didn’t actually get a glimpse of his attacker, Joe believed he was attacked by more than one individual. Never the less, until we find out more if Magnus wants to take the blame for it, and considering what he did to Crimson tonight, Magnus has been indefinitely suspended without pay. Hogan says that takes care of that for the time being but things cannot continue like this. He also says the extra security has shown to be effective tonight but to have to go on like this every night would be ridiculous and costly and at the end of the day TNA is a business that wants to make smart decisions and keep moving forward. Hogan says he now wants to address Sting, Aces and Eights and Turning Point. He says the tag match at Turning Point between Bully Ray and Samoa Joe taking on Sting and Abyss will still happen regardless if Joe is good to go or not. If not, Hogan has already asked somebody to step in and take Joe’s spot, Mr. TNA himself, AJ Styles! Hogan says he still hasn’t heard from Sting but that he won’t let TNA be held hostage until he does. Just at that very moment, Sting, Abyss and James Mitchell appear on the big screen. Mitchell tells Hogan to quit while he is ahead and before his lies start to catch up with him. Hogan tries to talk to Sting but Mitchell keeps going on. Mitchell brings up that Hogan mentioned the added security was effective tonight but would be ridiculous on a full time basis and Mitchell says it is pretty ridiculous indeed. It’s pretty ridiculous that the three of them have just scratched the surface of what they are going to do but already they are inside Hogan’s head to the point where he can’t sleep and is starting to crack under the pressure. Mitchell tells Hogan Aces and Eights are not even in the Impact Zone and Hogan just flushed money down the toilet for nothing.

“Money, power and respect. That’s what it’s all about, right?”

Hogan tries to say something but he is cut off by Sting who finally decides to pipe in. Sting says that the first two things he just mentioned never really meant that much to him but that the third was the reason he decided to stick it out in this business for as long as he has. Sting says anyone who thinks he is just in this for the money is a fool and if that was the case he probably would have been in Miami this past April wrestling a guy who has died and came back to life more times than the NWO. Sting says having power never really interested him either because he always knew he could rely on his in ring abilities and his relationship with the fans to get him through any jams he might face. Sting says Hogan sure liked to have power though, and he liked to abuse the hell out of it too. Sting says lastly there is respect; something Sting has worked his entire career to achieve not only for himself but professional wrestling as a whole. Sting says it is also a word Hogan has either never known the definition of or simply doesn’t care about. Sting says he told Hogan two weeks to think long and hard about all the people he has screwed over in his day. Sting says what is going to happen to Hogan and TNA is not because of something they have done to him but rather because of the way they have treated everyone else. Every hardworking, honest wrestler that has busted their ass because they love wrestling or it’s the only thing they have ever known, only to be screwed by the giant that is Hulk Hogan or the empire that is TNA. Sting said this all started back some fifteen years ago in Atlanta but it is still something he sees every time he steps for in TNA. Sting says just like another company he held a lot of pride in, he has been in TNA from the very beginning. As have Abyss and James Mitchell. Before Orlando, PPV or even Dixie Carter, the three of them were there busting their asses, entertaining people and putting asses in seats all the while hoping to give the fans an alternative to the norm. Hoping to give the fans something they could be proud of, a place where fans could see the most entertaining and exciting wrestling on the planet. A melting pot, a place where the best wrestlers of today could teach the young guys of tomorrow the tricks of the trade and give them the skills needed to keep wrestling alive for years to come. Wrestling; something I hold very near and dear to my heart. So here we are nearing the end of another year and instead of looking at the future and what it may hold, we’re looking at Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy. Three people who have done a lot for this business yes, but quite frankly are past their prime and didn’t do any of that here. Sting says he has busted his ass the last ten years in TNA to try and help promote the guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Robert Roode, etc. but no matter how hard he tries TNA is only interested in promoting talent that have made their names elsewhere and he just does not see the point in that. Sting says he tried to do the same thing with the other company, but they too would rather promote the past and guys like Hogan and look what happened to them. Sting says each year around this time he has high hopes for TNA but each year it’s one step forward and two steps back and now they’re inching their way and just a few steps from the grave. Sting says he is nearing the end of his run but he will not let TNA fade away due to incompetent management before he is finished. He says while Hogan is only here for his own financial gain and to stroke his own ego with no real regard for the future of TNA, he, Abyss and Mitchell and a few of their friends have other plans. He says although the three of them and Aces and Eights worked together, they are not one in the same and he doesn’t know when Aces and Eights will decide to pop into the Impact Zone. Sting says they do however share very similar ideas for the future of TNA and had to work together to put these plans into motion. Sting says all he will say about Aces and Eights is that people should be excited because they are the future of the business and they aren’t going to be held down any longer by giants like Hulk Hogan or ignorant management like the people that run TNA. They know what they want and they aren’t afraid to take it. Sting says with him and Abyss and Mitchell helping them, it’s only a matter of time before they get what they rightfully deserve. Sting says he has a vision and that vision is burning TNA down to the ground and then rising through the ashes and building it back up again, but this time it’s going to be their way. Sting says he isn’t going to kill TNA, he just isn’t going to let it continue to go on the way it has. Sting says either join them or get out of their way because whoever decides to step in front of them will end up in the same boat as Hogan. Sting says lastly, he nor his crew no Aces and Eights had anything to do with the attack on Samoa Joe, although it sure was convenient.

“Sting, you chicken shit coward!”

Bully Ray tries to call out Sting and his crew as they disappear from the big screen. Hulk Hogan looks like he just found out his best friend taped him plowing his wife and is about to release the footage on the internet as we go to commercial.


Hardy, Angle, RVD and Sabin vs. Aries, Daniels, Kazarian and Ion

Here we are at our main event and no sign of Aces and Eights all night. As much as they try to concentrate on the match, Tazz and Tenay can’t help but bring up what we just witnessed and heard from Sting. Tenay wonders what this means for the entire landscape of TNA moving forward. This match is fast paced and crazy from bell to bell. It starts off with RVD and Ion but it isn’t too long before things start to break down and the referee has trouble maintaining order. Lots of things going on in TNA right now are entangled within this match. In the X division you have Ion who retained the TNA X Division Championship against RVD at BFG by cheating and will defend it against Chris Sabin at Turning Point. Chris Sabin became the number one contender for the title having beat Kazarian in his first match back since recovering from an injury. Daniels has been alongside Kazarian through all of this, and somehow has tried his best to be the focal point in all this. Austin Aries of course beat Jeff Hardy at BFG to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in a classic title bout but because he interfered in a number one contenders match between Hardy and Kurt Angle to see who would face Aries at Turning Point, Aries will now face the two of them in a triple threat. In classic big tag match fashion, the end sees everyone hit their finishers one after another with Ion taking the loss for his team after getting hit with the Cradle Shock by Sabin.

Winners via pin fall: Hardy, Angle, RVD and Sabin

The bad guys retreat up the ramp as the good guys embrace in the ring. That is everyone except for Hardy and Angle who stare each other down as the show goes off the air.


TNA Turning Point 2012

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Austin Aries © vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle

Bully Ray and Samoa Joe or AJ Styles vs. Sting and Abyss

TNA X Division Championship
Zema Ion © vs. Chris Sabin

TNA Knockout Championship
Miss Tessmacher © vs. Gail Kim

I spent a lot of time on this one so I hope whoever reads it enjoys it. Hopefully you can see I'm trying to put my own spin on things without completely disregarding everything TNA has done up to this point. It's kind of a difficult thing to do but I'm enjoying doing it so far. Also, I plan on posting an updated roster and all that good stuff after Turning Point. I see too many of these things where all someone gets down is their roster and maybe one show and then it just fizzles out, I wanted to get a couple shows out first.

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