TNA Announces 4 Impact Road Shows


Lord And Master
Staff member
From Dixie Carter's Twitter Account said:
HUGE IMPACT NEWS: The Manchester and Wembley events in January will now BOTH be double TV tapings! Details coming!

Given the amazing, record breaking attendance last years singular dual taping got, this will be great news from a televised perspective. However, these shows will be taped under a very small timeframe, I'd assume since the two scheduled shows are a part of the UK tour. Meaning 4 episodes would be taped in less than a week with probably 4 weeks of time before the next PPV at that time. That's proven to be a small gamble. Last year prior to Victory Road, TNA had of course taped 2 episodes in advance to the PPV. In that gap, James Storm required foot surgery and with the small timetable, his match with Bully Ray was a simple half minute squash with a promo. I know chances for injury are slim, but it's still worth discussing alongside the potential massive crowds.
Yup, this is gonna be a big money-maker for the company. Their UK presence/appreciation is unlike any other IMO, including their own stationed presence in the US. I know there's a bit of an issue in terms of what channels TNA is viewed on v. what channels WWE is there, but all I know for certain is that the UK crowds go absolutely ape-shit for TNA live events, and the fact that these events are now IMPACT tapings is just going to increase that level more.

My bet is these end up being two/four of the best episodes of IMPACT this year, if at the very least from a fan reaction perspective. There'll be no one sitting on their hands there, that's for sure.
Wow so there's gonna be 4 weeks worth of UK shows? As a UK fan I'm glad to hear that! Also didn't they promise every UK show was gonna have a cage match on the card to promote Lockdown 2013? I swear that's what Roode and Borash said back when the tickets first went out.

While that's obviously exciting to see a cage match for the fans, will 4 weeks straight of cage matches translate well to TV? Hmm well I guess it only has to be every 2 weeks since the same fans will be there for two tapings.
Episodes of Impact! taped outside of the god-awful Impact Zone are always far better than ones taped inside. It's amazing what a crowd that doesn't suck can do to make your product appear better.
Episodes of Impact! taped outside of the god-awful Impact Zone are always far better than ones taped inside. It's amazing what a crowd that doesn't suck can do to make your product appear better.

And beyond just that, the size alone makes for all the difference. When you're in the IZ and can hear what one idiotic fan is screaming from the top of the bleachers, it just cheapens the look and feel of the product completely, whereas in the much larger arenas they're likely to be performing in in the UK, there'll be no need for canned crowd noise or anything like that.
It's always great news when we hear that Impact will travel, no matter where they're going. Like others have already said, the fans in the UK are really into TNA - so the live crowd should be red hot for the whole program (not only the entire show, but for all four shows they tape there as well).

I understand why Impact can't be shown live in the US when it's taped in the UK (the WWE does the same thing, even if it's just a few hours of a tape delay), but four consecutive weeks of taped programming to be shown in the US might hurt TNA's already dwindling ratings...don't you think? I prefer to watch live wrestling shows, and I was so happy when it was announced this year that TNA would be live all summer. I was even happier when I heard that Impact would remain live, as opposed to going back to being taped every week.

I suppose this is also great news for the Impact roster, since they'll get even more time off (if they tape four weeks worth of shows in such a short time period, the entire roster will get sort of a mini-vacation). The potential for a worker to get hurt (like what happened to Storm, as the OP mentioned) is something to think about, and I hope nothing like that happens again (knock-on-wood). Most likely everything will go off without a hitch, and I'll still watch every week no matter what. I'm not the type that reads TNA spoilers in advance, and I probably won't for these four shows either (although a lot of others might).
I always like to hear that Impact is traveling. The shows in England were great this past year just for the size and the crowd participation alone. I am sure this will be a huge money maker for them, and as always I hope the take Impact on the road a little more often.
When the OP said Wembley, i thought for 1 minute no way it can't be Wembley Stadium (90000 capacity and home of England's Football Team)
I guess i was dreaming, or the booze is taking it's toll on the old brain.

Seems like it's Wembley Arena which holds 12500, which i think is great for TNA. I hope they break some attendance records on this tour. It's the 2nd biggest Arena in London behind the O2 Arena. I'm not really a TNA fan but i know about most of their roster, and the talent that they have to offer.

As a British Wrestling Fan i would love to see the likes of Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Sting, Bobby Roode, James Storm, and Austin Aries in action. I'll definatly consider a trip down to London or Manchester to catch this tour. I hope other Brits on here think the same.

I think for these events they need a British Wrestler for the home fans to cheer, last time (when TNA broke thier Attendance record) I remember it being Mark Haskins vs Austin Aries, Haskins was a Brit, then all of a sudden he vanished. Cracking little wrestler reminded me of Shawn Michaels.

Will definatly be considering attending one of these events in January. TNA surely has some good content going on, especially the Aces & 8s angle, drag it out i say, keep the fans guessing:)

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