TLC Match Edge vs. (c)Christian Career vs. Title


OK So I was thinking of a way to push Christian to the ME. While I was thinking I remember Edge saying he wants to retire soon, So I thought of a way to push Christian and Retire Edge. So here we go, Edge gets moved back to SD! and him and Christian have few interactions like a few promos and maybe a match or 2. Now Were at the Royal Rumble were down to the final 2 Edge and Christian, Edge goes for the Spear Christian side steps him and throws him over the top rope to Win the Royal Rumble. Edge is on the out side Pissed goes back to the ring Spears Christian, Thus officially kick off their feud. Edge on SD! that week challenges Christian to a match with the WM match on the line, Christian agrees but Teddy has other plans. Edge wins a spot in the Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship, thus he ends up wining it.

Edge comes out that week on SD! and talks about how much better he is than Christian and that he mad when Christian won the Rumble instead of him but he's not anymore because he's the WHC. Christian comes out and announces that he will face Edge at Wm for the WHC. They have a great build up then at WM they have a GREAT One on One match which Christian finally winning the big one. They have a On an Off feud till Tables, Ladders, and Chairs I'm December(I think) Edge comes out and says that its time him and Christian finally prove who's better and he wants Christian at TLC in a TLC match for the WHC. Christian comes out and agrees under 1 condition if Edge losses HE MUST RETIRE.So at TLC We have (c)Christian vs. Edge TLC match for the WHC. After a Long and Hard battle Christian wins and retires Edge. Then that Week on Raw or SD! Christian comes out and says he asked Edge to be here tonight and him Christian remember some old times blah blah.

So hers my Question's Would my Wrestlezone peeps like to see this? Why or Why not? and Do you think it would be a good way to push Christian and Retire Edge? Why or Why Not
I think it would be great It would be great way to retire Edge by having him put over his Long -Time Buddie and it could leave the door open for a possible return?
I think it would be good but, Edge doesn't want to retire THAT soon, so this is unlikely, and by the time Edge does retire, Christian will be WAY passed his prime. :shrug:
I think it would be good but, Edge doesn't want to retire THAT soon, so this is unlikely, and by the time Edge does retire, Christian will be WAY passed his prime. :shrug:

its carrer vs title it would be christians carrer and edges title so if edge loses his carrer doesn't end he just loses his title but if christian loses then his carrer is over. I think this is a great idea.
It's a good idea but there's too long between WrestleMania and TLC. Maybe if Christian won the title at Summerslam or Survivor Series and then they feuded until TLC. Otherwise, it would just loose everyone's attention.
its carrer vs title it would be christians carrer and edges title so if edge loses his carrer doesn't end he just loses his title but if christian loses then his carrer is over. I think this is a great idea.

It obviously has the (C) sign for champion in Christians side.

Which makes me wonder, how are you planning on pushing Christian into the main event with this match, if Christian is already the champion?

Besides, even if Christian was, or was not champion. It really wouldn't work. It's one simple match, and one simple title reign has hardly ever pushed anybody directly into the main event. The majority of people get their first title reign and then they loose it quickly again, at least as of late.

John Cena as of late has really been the only one who was firmly thrown into the main event when he got his first championship. So Christian defeating Edge with, or for the title in a TLC will hardly do shit for Christian.

Besides, I'm still thoroughly convinced Christian is a career stuck mid-carder.

While I would love to see Christian eventually holding the championship, I thoroughly believe it will never happen.

Christian has that kind of mid-card like career. He is most likely bound to be stuck there, and there's quite a bunch of reasons why I believe that.

He moved to TNA, certainly he thrived there, but he didn't truly thrive in a main event position in WWE, and most likely never will due to his TNA tenure.

He also never truly seemed to capitalize on his singles career. Edge was always the front runner in the whole thing between the two of them. And it's mostly because Edge is just better than Christian. So to compare the two, is hardly warranted for Edge, Christian is not on Edge's level to put it simple.

Christian is getting a little bit too old, and sure he's only 36. But that's more than enough to warrant him staying down in the mid-card considering he has been in the business for 15 years. He is most likely not gonna stick around for many years more.

Also, Christian has really gone the safe way. Certainly he still gets the joy of wrestling a hardcore match. However Edge is certainly the guy that continued to be a risky wrestler. He has the great gimmick to live with that was very controversial and borderline, alongside with the fact that he still wrestles an occasional hard-core match more than Christian has to brag about I believe.

Christian is most likely stuck in the mid-card. But really, is that such a bad thing? The guy is a surefire Hall of Famer, with or without world titles.

That's why.
Edge said he want's to retire soon, but not that soon (he said that he will wrestle for 2-3 years more). Besides, as Ferbian said, Christian unfortunately won't be a main eventer in his career. With this said, only person i see retiring Edge is... Superman.. i mean John Cena
Its a good idea but I don't think it would sell at WM. Like many fans of both Edge and Christian I don't want to see this fued happen. I t could be a good fued but it would ruin their history as multi time tag champs and the men who made the TLC and Ladder match.
End Edges career at such a small PPV as TLC .... C'mon.... Then have a TLC match at Mania instead. But anyway... Edge doesn't wanna retire that soon. When Edge retire Christian will probably be 40, and by then, WWE will not push because ... well ... he is old. Christian could be the one to end Edges career, but i dont think it will be for the title as well.
yeah this idea sucks , Christian will never main event in a ppv .. edge rarely main event .. I don't see edge taking a title away from Rey mysterio , Kane , or undertaker and I hear Jericho is going back to smackdown so no , edge won't be anything neither .
but maybe Christian should turn heel , team with edge and take out hart dynasty for their titles and they would have a long title run .. then maybe they both can main event a match at TLC defending the tag titles against .. let's say 2 of the nexus members .
I would say a TLC match between Edge and Christian would be good but i should happen at Royal Rumble 2011 and instead of being TITLE Vs Career, it should be WWE Title (Held by Edge) vs World Title (Held by Christian) in a title unification match.
I would love to see Christian get his shot as being top dog, but I just don't see it happening. I just don't get the feeling that the WWE is going to put the belt on him. It's sad, but with the youth movement going on, I see the WWE keeping him in at the same "TOP" mid-card level. Involved in group PPV like the Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank, to keep his name out there, but I just don't see him going beyond that. At least Christian is in that spot...he could be Matt "The brooklyn brawler" Hardy and be the main jobber on the roster.
I'm sorry, but at the moment, I can't see Christian even coming close to being anywhere near the main event. I see him more likely falling down into the "Future Endeavoured" pile in the not-so-distant future.
Ok so evidently hardly anyone actually read it.I would push Christian into the ME at the Rumble by LETTING HIM WIN IT then he would face Edge at WM to win the title. I never said he had to keep till December but have it around that time so quit being Jackasses and ACUALLY READ IT
I would say a TLC match between Edge and Christian would be good but i should happen at Royal Rumble 2011 and instead of being TITLE Vs Career, it should be WWE Title (Held by Edge) vs World Title (Held by Christian) in a title unification match.

Christian isn't built up enough for a title unification match. Maybe the World Title on SMACKDOWN! but not both. Besides, title unification match at Royal Rumble? That's got bad creative written all over it.

As for Edge vs Christian in TLC, yes. But Edge vs Christian title vs. Neither one of these guys are ready to retire. Edge may look old, but he's got maybe 5 or so years left in the tank. Christain, believe me, he won't retire until he gets that World Championship. A Christain and Edge fued needs to happen I know but these guys aren't ready to retire. Christian is NOT ready to MAin Event Wrestlemania this year. He may be a vertern, but he's a midcarder. That would be like throwing John Morrison in the main event at Wrestlemania. A build up to a superstar takes time. Maybe a year or so. You can't build Christain up that quick and have him as a stable Main Eventer.
As much as I like that idea, I don't think it'll happen. I'm a huge Christian fan, but what's sad is that the E doesn't have enough faith in him to even put him in a main event match on PPV. Sure, he may have been THE guy on ECW, but we all know that place was the "C" show, it meant nothing to me. I didn't even watch the final episode, but they had Christian drop the title to EZEKIEL JACKSON?? Yea that made sense...

Anyway, back on topic. I'm sure we'll see Edge vs. Christian a few more times in the next couple of years, but I seriously doubt any of their matches will be a huge main event match where it's Career vs. title. I just don't think the E has enough faith in Christian to put him in the main event, and it's sad because he's extremely talented. And I hear Edge is wanting to retire in a couple of years, and Christian will be past his prime in a few years probably, so sadly, a TLC match between these two won't happen.

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