Time for another title.

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Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Ok we all know that there are two titles for the WWE divas. So why not make one for the ECW divas. I know what you guys are going to say but let me finish.

How about we put the divas that need help steeping up the ladder to bigger championships be on ECW. Like the Bellas, Rosa Mendes{who is already there}, Layla, Alicia and maybe Kelly Kelly. The divas all need that push and they could get it earning the ECW womans championship. Think of these title like the IC or US title designed to help you up to bigger and better things. So what do you guys think of these idea?

There are talks of getting rid of the ECW brand altogether. So, how on earth would this be a good idea? Divas that are on ECW will get moved to the other shows when they get over.

Especially with the talk of TNA moving into direct competition with WWE, expect a greater blurring of "brand-lines."
Horrible ****rible ****eable! Possibly the worst idea I've heard yet in these forums. There's not enough talent in the divas division in WWE to justify 2 titles much less 3. Quick, think of all the divas who can actually put on a good match. See that? Couldn't make it to your second hand could you? Giving each one of them a championship would be overkill
Sorry but I don't think that's a good idea because the only diva on ECW is Rosa. I guess she would win by default and then challenge herself for her own title? Then she could go on the Abraham Washington show to talk about how she retained her title against herself, only for Abe to accuse her of having lost her mind, then Tony will do his weird laugh, and then all sorts of people will post rants on here about how the writers who came up with this did an awful job, or something.

NO WAY, like Best said, there's no reason to even have 2 titles, let alone three. If anything they should drop the Divas title and let Melina(wow she's the champ? I hate the Women's didvision right now)defend the title on all three shows. Maybe once Jerishow loses the titles they should let the titles be defended on ECW as well. There is a lot of pointless stuff going on in ECW it is gradually turning more and more into what shows like Heat/Shotgun Saturday/Livewire eventually became, jobber shows.
I'm sorry it was just an idea. I didn't know that they were thinking of getting rid of ECW. Now that I know they are thinking of getting rid of ECW it does seem pointless. I mean whats the point of having an ECW title if there isn't a show called ECW.
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