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Thru the cell


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night on Raw, I felt kind of disappointed. At first it was real exciting. I was watching the gauntlet match, and during Cena vs Orton, the cell started to lower down. I was like WTF!!! Then Cena got Orton outside, and he started to climb the cell in order to escape. I was pumped, I was like OMG somebody is going through the cell. So, they're both on top, and Cena picks up Orton for the 'Attitude Adjustment' (such a gay name). Anyway, I was just seeing in my mind, Orton going through the cell after Cena delivered the attitude Adjustment. But, he didn't.:suspic:

Why couldn't they have Orton go through the cell? Who could ever forget the hell in a cell matches that have seen someone go through the cell. Like HHH using the pedigree on top. Why don't they have anybody go through the cell anymore??? It can't be because of the PG rating, I mean come on. It's just as violent as wrestling match, no blood or anything.
Well, if you ask me, I'd say that maybe it had to do with the fact that it was on Raw. Maybe, if you're lucky, at the Hell in a Cell ppv, atleast one of the matches will have someone go through the cell. But, either way, I wouldn't want to see it as much. Because what if something goes wrong and they land on their head or something? I'd feel a bit guilty because I wanted to see them go through the cell. But that's a discussion for another time.
[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1410427]Well, if you ask me, I'd say that maybe it had to do with the fact that it was on Raw. Maybe, if you're lucky, at the Hell in a Cell ppv, atleast one of the matches will have someone go through the cell. But, either way, I wouldn't want to see it as much. Because what if something goes wrong and they land on their head or something? I'd feel a bit guilty because I wanted to see them go through the cell. But that's a discussion for another time.[/QUOTE]

agreed..remember mic foley? Im suprised he can still wrestle after stupid stunts like that..falling through the cell, falling on an announce table..makes me kinda glad we dont have that anymore..dont get me wrong, im gonna miss that sorta stuff..but now as an 18yr old..i realize that pulling offf these stunts is serious business..forget the wrestling career..its all about their life
Why couldn't they have Orton go through the cell? Who could ever forget the hell in a cell matches that have seen someone go through the cell. Like HHH using the pedigree on top. Why don't they have anybody go through the cell anymore??? It can't be because of the PG rating, I mean come on. It's just as violent as wrestling match, no blood or anything.
There's only one person that went through the cell: Mick Foley. Not once, but twice. One was an accident. Foley is the only man crazy enough to do this and there certainly isn't a guy on the roster who would be willing to take the plunge, nor would Vince let any said superstar attempt it. WWE has learned that this bump is deadly as Foley supposedly still hurts from it. While it would be quite memorable, the potential injury that could occur dampens any pro to the awfully risky bump.

Furthermore, if they did decide to ever do this spot again, i'd think it was on a major stage as opposed to RAW. Also, if a match needs to rely on a heavy bump like that, i'd wager that the match is poor and needed a simple trick to elisit a reaction.
I agree I was pumped he was going to go through the cell and I was so excited and then cena picked him up for the FU im not calling it the attitude adjustment and he didnt go through. I actually thought he was going to pick him upand try to put him through the cell then he didnt. I was like WTF:wtf: i was disappointed that i didnt see it and i just turned the tv off and just pouted
So, let me get this straight: You wanted to see Randy Orton, one of WWE's best villains right now, to be put through a Hell in a Cell, fall 30 feet, get right back up, act like nothing happened, and wrestle on Sunday? If anything, I DON'T want to see someone go through the Hell in a Cell. That's too much for anyone not named Mick Foley.... and even the first time, it was a botched move. It would make no sense for Orton to put his life on the line.

Why can't you be happy with the fact that they actually used the roof of the Hell in a Cell for the first time in 7 years last night? That was enough for me. Orton could have ran down the other side and ran to the locker room. That would have been enough. Cena hit a wrestling move on the top of the cell. Anytime someone does a move up on the top of a cage, it's a risk. Look at it like this. The build last night will probably mean that they will make their way up to the top of Hell in a Cell Sunday in one spot.

We shouldn't expect the wrestlers to take falls through cages as if it was a hazardless, careless thing to do. They are HUMAN BEINGS after all. They have families at home. There's no guarantee once that wrestler hits the mat or goes through it that they'll be able to shrug it off... despite what some people believe about the bumps wrestlers take. Yes, we should expect more from our favorite organizations and wrestlers as fans, but we need to be REASONABLE! I don't want someone trying to impress the fans followed by a 10 bell salute on the next Raw.
i knew he wasn't going thru the cell, the cell looked real sturdy as opposed 2 other times, like it was more reinforced. & the stunt is dangerous, it's like that "Don't Try this @ Home" commercial say, yes they are superstars but the injuries are real. These are other human being's lives put @ stake 4 our entertainment, can you honestly blame them or oppose as 2 them not being willing to do so? I know I don't
I'm sorry guys, but this doesn't even seem worth the discussion.

Have you seen the new cell yet? It's 4 feet taller than the old one, and it didn't even bend when they were on top of it. It was also Monday Night Raw, NOT the PPV, and an insanely risky spot that likely wouldn't even be seen if this was Wrestlemania. If you take two seconds to think about it, there was no reason to ever believe that Orton would go through the cell. It didn't make sense, and it would have been stupid and completely killed any reason to even buy the PPV this weekend. It raises expectations too high.

Not to mention that Orton and Cena are both young guys with a very big investment within them from the WWE. Allowing them to do such a stunt would be a stupid move by WWE that would have them answering to shareholders for a long time.
From what I hear the new HIAC is reinforced and also higher than the original cell. That right there makes two statements; 1) It wasn't going to happen and 2) If it did, Orton (and possibly Cena) would've gotten hella futched up. Maybe Cena putting Orton through the side of the cell via a shoulder block would've been cool, but maybe they're saving that for the actual match.
hi all this is my first post, someone mentioned about mick foley being the only one to go thru the cell, however has the fact that shawn michaels and rikishi have taken huge bumps from the cell slipped anyones mind? rikishi ending in a ruptured splean, if there were any bumps like that taken it would definately be saved for a ppv. currently although i'd like to see it happen for the holy s*** moment i don't see any of the roster willing to do it.
oh yeah cena sucks!
yeah there was no way either of them was going thru the cage last night. to be honest, i was really nervous watching cause in the back of my mind i had that vision of someone accidentally going through and severely getting injured or possibly die. but as someone said earlier, the cage looks a lot more sturdier than it used to be and hopefully theyll throw someone off the cage through the announce table as an alternative this sunday!
As some others have stated, this isn't the same 'Cell' as before, this one is taller by several feet. One look at the height above the ring and you can tell without too much common sense that no one is ever going through the top of it as long as it remains that tall. I would even doubt Mick in his prime would have willingly fallen through. Just be glad that they even made the attempt to get on top, I was nervous that one would fall off just climbing up. I never knew Cena was so limber.
Let's see...risking the careers of two of the top guys in the business with a sixteen foot drop to the ring...really? Anyone who wants to see this anymore is edging towards a little too sadistic for me. I shudder at some of the bumps taken in ladder matches or _____ count anywhere matches now. At least with those you're in full control of your body because you're going through the air. With going through something like the cell, you're kind of at the mercy of how the panel fails. Yes, it can be rigged to fail in one spot first, but most likely your head or feet are gonna start dropping first. So your main choices are do I blow out my knees or do I risk paralysis?

It was insanely stupid when Mick Foley did it. It almost ended his career then and there. Why risk anyone else with a spot that is NOT necessary?
hi all this is my first post, someone mentioned about mick foley being the only one to go thru the cell, however has the fact that shawn michaels and rikishi have taken huge bumps from the cell slipped anyones mind? rikishi ending in a ruptured splean, if there were any bumps like that taken it would definately be saved for a ppv. currently although i'd like to see it happen for the holy s*** moment i don't see any of the roster willing to do it.
oh yeah cena sucks!

Michaels and Rikishi may have taken bumps from the top of the cell, but only foley has gone THRU the top of the cell to the mat. Not trying to beat a dead horse but the cell last night looked unbreakable, like WWE learned what not to do in the past. I think having anyone go thru the top of the cell at this point would be trying to relive past PPV glory. its better to create new Cell memories than to try to recreate the old ones.
I was just mad that Cena NO SOLD that beating from Jerishow. I hate when WWE allows top guys to no sell. Anyways the new cell is hella tall. Only Sabu, Foley or Jeff Hardy are crazy enough to do that.
I was just mad that Cena NO SOLD that beating from Jerishow. I hate when WWE allows top guys to no sell. Anyways the new cell is hella tall. Only Sabu, Foley or Jeff Hardy are crazy enough to do that.

Not true being that if you watch steel cage matches like the one with Rikishi vs Val Venus which happens to be one of the best matches in WWE history. Riskishi jumps from the top of the 12 foot, i think JR was saying, cage and landed on venis. I think that this proves that the fall has been attempted just in other types of matches. Also like 4 others jumped from the top of the cage. The fact kishi was over 400 pounds and jumped proves that regardless of size or star power someone will jump or fall
[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1410427]Well, if you ask me, I'd say that maybe it had to do with the fact that it was on Raw. Maybe, if you're lucky, at the Hell in a Cell ppv, atleast one of the matches will have someone go through the cell. But, either way, I wouldn't want to see it as much. Because what if something goes wrong and they land on their head or something? I'd feel a bit guilty because I wanted to see them go through the cell. But that's a discussion for another time.[/QUOTE]

You shouldn't feel guilty. They get payed for this and they sign a contract that if they get injured, the WWE isn't fully responsible blah blah blah... they can't sue, etc...

You shouldn't feel guilty.

I imagine the main main event will have the cell brake from the top (Taker chokeslam to Punk) and Punk goes through or a Chokeslam through one of the announce tables from the top of the Cell ala Taker vs. Mankind.
I think it is hilarious that a small percentage of the IWC really wanted to see a life-threatening, super-dangerous stunt performed on Monday Night Raw in the middle of a brawl? It wasn't even a match. Here's my problem with this thread itself: the initial poster of this thread seemingly does not understand the reason for having a Hell in a Cell match in the first place: it is not for the performance of death-defying stunts. Its' sole purpose is to put an exclamation mark on a great rivalry in the most brutal, inescapable way possible.

You can't seriously watch wrestling to see guys almost kill themselves. You watch wrestling for the stories and at least 2 great stories will be told on Sunday (I think Punk-Taker will be great, but their story is long from over. The other two stories need to come to a halt, and you will see that happen I believe). It would have been cool in theory to see a big spot like that, but Orton doesn't do the high-flying stuff, nor would he be cool with going through the roof a the new HIAC.
they already stated how the writers have been having a problem booking the PPV, with no blood or any super violent stuff. I think this PPV might be a let down, but what else would be new from the WWE? They have the talent, they've built up a few good story lines, but without that extra edge its been pretty boring.

The only thing to be excited about is the fact that Orton/Cena is going to continue, and the end of Raw made Orton out to be a chump, we'll most likely see the WWE Title back on Orton next Monday.
Reinforced Cell? I'm sorry but i really have to point something out. Back in the day, the WWE used two different cells. One cell was sturdy and unbreakable, at least not by a simple chokeslam. The other cell they used was rigged so when the right section was slammed upon, it would easily break. No pain would be caused in the act of being put through the cell and if the stunt were performed again (which I see no reason why it shouldn't be) that fall would be trained for. Wrestlers are very close to being stunt men. An extra 4 ft isn't going to make too much difference. As for Mick Foley still hurting from the Cell match in 98, there is no way of telling where he got those injuries... he's had an insane career, any match could have given him those injuries. Jumping off the roof of his own house could have caused them injuries. Shane McMahon dropped much higher than Foley ever did with that elbow on the Big Show... he doesn't look like he's in too much pain.

They aren't going to do this stunt in Cena Vs Orton... I am pretty certain of that. I can't really see Taker going up top anymore. The DX match however could easily pull it off... If not through the cage, then off it. As I said, the act of going through the cage causes no pain at all. It just looks pretty cool. It's no more career threatening that tossing someone off the cage to the announce table or the Rikishi bump was.

Too many people are just looking to wrap these guys in cotton wool. Then they all complain that the product is boring. Danger is exciting. They know, I know it... let it happen! Even if it's fake!
First off, why would they give you one of the most memorable Cell bumps days before they have to do three original Cell matches?

After that, the Cell is now 20 feet tall. It is way too dangerous to fall from that height onto the ring. Apparantly before Edge/'Taker Edge pleaded with McMahon to find some way of him being thrown off the Cell but Vince was having none of it. You won't be seeing Cell falls anymore unless a big bouncy castle happens to place itself at the side of the ring.
Last night on Raw, I felt kind of disappointed. At first it was real exciting. I was watching the gauntlet match, and during Cena vs Orton, the cell started to lower down. I was like WTF!!! Then Cena got Orton outside, and he started to climb the cell in order to escape. I was pumped, I was like OMG somebody is going through the cell. So, they're both on top, and Cena picks up Orton for the 'Attitude Adjustment' (such a gay name). Anyway, I was just seeing in my mind, Orton going through the cell after Cena delivered the attitude Adjustment. But, he didn't.:suspic:

Why couldn't they have Orton go through the cell? Who could ever forget the hell in a cell matches that have seen someone go through the cell. Like HHH using the pedigree on top. Why don't they have anybody go through the cell anymore??? It can't be because of the PG rating, I mean come on. It's just as violent as wrestling match, no blood or anything.

See this is one of the problems with the Hell in a Cell classics of old. Guys like Taker, Mick Foley and HHH set the bar so high with all the crazy falls they included in their matches that when some see these matches now they are not satisfied because they didn't see a crazy bump off the top of the cage.

To be honest, I didn't need to see Orton go through the cage on Monday...I was just really happy to see the Cell on RAW (it's been a long time since that happened) and the brawl on top of it was more than enough for me. If a crazy 'Foley bump' is ever going to happen again, it will be at the PPV not RAW. Personally, I don't think we need people going off the top of the cage or through the roof in order to have a great Cell match (although, yes it could create a holy shit moment if we were to see something like that again) and we should remember that not everyone is like Mick Foley and not everyone is willing to hurl themselves off the Cell. Crazy stunts are not necessary in order to have a good match....especially when these matches tend to involve the top stars in the company.

However, with all that being said it is possible that some one is going to have to take a big fall on Sunday in order to avoid major repeatition in these 3 Cell matches...although that's one hell of a high cage to be falling from.
To be honest the whole thing bothered me. (Takerfan if your here get ready to shit yourself) I don't for the life of me get why they had Cena get the crap beat out of him, to then have him dominate Orton like he did. I honestly am at a lost. Cena had just received a beating from Jericho, and Show, where both men put their submissions on. Then he just comes back? I understand it was great, moment when the cell lowered, but, for Orton to be afraid of him. It was pretty bad. If they were going to go that route they should have had Cena in some type of match, and after he wins Orton comes out, then the cell lowers. It really didn't look good in my opinion....

Back on topic.

I about pissed myself when I saw the cell being lowered. It was a great, the whole thing just was great. It's been so long since we've seen the cell on Raw. I didn't need Orton to go falling through the cell. Just the fact that we saw men on top of the cell was epic. I don't remember the last time we actually saw that. Jericho vs Triple h maybe? Like everyone has said here, their not going to have that big of a bump on Raw, it's going to be on a ppv. I honestly hope that we get something like that. Someone going off the cell would make a lot of people happy. Realistically I'm hoping that we get a match that rivals the original match. I'd be happy then, but I doubt it.
Anyone here watch the HIAC match where Foley wen off then through? I mean watch the entire match, not just those bumps.......
The match was poor aside from those 2 moments. Big bumps don't make a match. They're exciting, no doubt about that, but overall not so great for the show. Injured wrestlers do not generate more money, big bumps come with big risk. I think wrestlers taking some time off is a good thing here and there, but not if it's due to injury.
The only reason to go off or through the cell would be that the 2 guys in it can't work a decent match.
when i was watching it i was like no way this cant be dont let them do this i was so scared tht what if som1 slips even though this isnt the first time i saw people on top of a cell

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