Three Indie Wrestlers That WWE Needs To Hire


Brilliant Idiot
What would your list look like?

Personally, my list goes as follows.

1. Delirious: There's a good and a bad with this guy. For one, they are hardly going to use this gimmick as it would be too different from their normal signings. Also, he'd have a hard time fitting in. Unless, of course, they begin to give a damn about a new Lightweight title at any point. The problem WWE seems to have is that when it has high-flyers, they struggle to keep them differentiated. With Delirious, they certainly wouldn't have this problem.

Storyline could be build around the fact that different colors means different attitudes for the guy. He's a good worker in the ring. Safe for how innovative he is and dudes got charisma. Plus, with Evan Bourne, Yoshi, Delirious, Daniel Bryan, Tyson Kidd and even Rey Mysterio, they'd have a VERY talent-rich Lightweight division.

2. Colt Cabana: I think that Colt is big enough and charismatic enough to actually have some decent to really good success in WWE. I think he can work the mic well and really get it done in the ring. Having him face off against someone like The Miz would be fun to watch.

3. Christopher Daniels: He'd be another smaller guy, but I could easily see him being able to work with just about anyone on the card successfully. He's got the ability to work several gimmicks and he can get it done in the ring and on the mic.

These are the three guys that come to mind. What do you guys think?
As per the definition of the word 'need' I honestly don't think WWE needs any of them. At least not now and not in their current states. None of them are legit draws in a number that WWE would ever even take notice of. All of them, on the other hand, could definitely be benefited by some of WWE's big machine marketing and promotion. Is potential there? Possibly. FCW would be a great benefit to them all, but then again they tried with Colt aka Scotty Goldman for a while back there and he never really clicked. :shrug:
im kind of going to get big picture here

STEVE CORINO: not for his wrestling, he's way way over his prime - let's face facts Lawler is way out of it these days, his fingers aren't on the pulse anymore....they need to bring a crude jokster to the booth to play off cole, i think corino is that perfect fit - or a road agent

LARRY SWEENEY: the only man that i know of that could rival bobby heenan, this man could single handedly bring back the art of a manager, seriously check out his stuff some time

CHRIS HERO: it was between him or claudio but hero is a god on the mic, he could definently bring some fresh edge and a unique style to the ring/mic
Well let's be realistic I can say more than 3 but none are really needed except one;

1. Christopher Daniels- He may be up in age but he is the only person actively wrestling who has the in-ring talent, mic skills, and look to actually be a plausible torch taker to the Undertaker. With the right billing and smart logistical placement he could become the next conscience of the WWE. Unlike many others who failed i.e. Mordecai aka Kevin Thorn, Daniels already has the gimmick all he needs is just the right promotional machine and that is what WWE has.

2. Claudio Castagnoli- The man is European and lives the life and gimmick, WWE wants more international stars he is it hands down. He is a great in-ring worker and has exceptional mic skills. Claudio would be an awesome addition to the midcard scene and in due time this man can be a main event draw.

3. Davey Richards- Why you ask well look him up.....PERIOD!
This thread was done a few months ago, but I'll repeat my earlier assertion: Claudio Castagnoli is the only guy in ROH worth bringing to the WWE. He's a good worker with a unique moveset and a cool gimmick. To top it off, he's got a monster physique.

The rest of their roster is either too old, too small, or poorly suited for the world of "sports entertainment." I'm actually really not looking forward to seeing Tyler Black in the WWE; my guess is he'll be turned into a spot monkey who gets milked because he can nail a phoenix splash, which puts him ahead of both Gabriel and Bourne on the spot-monkey ladder. The guy is garbage on the mic, and don't expect to see him working the kind of matches we loved him for in ROH.
Teddy Hart- I know he's had his chances with WWE but maybe they can go for it one more time. With the potential split of DH Smith and Tyson Kidd in the works we could see DH destroy Kidd and reveal Teddy as his new partner just like when they were both known as "The Next Generation Hart Foundation".
Christopher Daniels-He could have some big matches with Bryan, Kaval, Bourne, Morrison, Kofi, etc. He could even reteam with Kaval (They had a stable called Triple X in TNA).
Petey Williams-He's an amazing athlete and TNA really dropped the ball by letting him go. He could have amazing matches with numerous superstars. I'd maybe start him out on NXT or something.
Prince Nana: If only so they could do something useful with Kofi Kingston, maybe bring a WWE version of the Embassy.

Claudio Castagnoli: Everyone above me pretty much hit this one to a T

L.A. Park: Known by most as La Parka in WCW, he was a bigger guy who could wrestle like a luchadore, not to mention provide a bit of a lighter atmosphere. Would be great to come in and feud with Alberto Del Rio.
In order of who I would hire:

1. Davey Richards- I know Bryan Danielson went by the moniker best in the world, but this guy truly is to me.The Ring of Honor veteran can pull off a 5 star match anytime it goes longer then 15 minutes. Hes somewhat short, but compact and extremely stong. Despite being built like a truck, he's is one of the quickest wrestlers ive ever seen. He does a gorgeous SSP that rivals Bourne's. Tag team of the year in 2009, the American Wolves with Eddie Edwards. He's a submissions specialist, and can go aeriel. Theres no wrestler in the world Id rather watch perform.

2. Homicide- The guy really carried the LAX tag team in TNA, as evidenced by Hernandez' utter just a few months later. If the guy can keep his personal issues in check, he'ld be a great hire. His back to back underhook piledriver(da cop killer) and his gringo killer(also known as the ace cutter, a combination diamond cutter and stunner) are fun to watch. The guy really knows how to tell a story in the ring, which is rare for a cruiserweight style wrestler. ROH really understands how great this guy is by immediately granting him a title shot upon his return.

3. Dragon Kid- The Dragon Gate wrestler may be the flashiest wrestler out there, IMO. Hes a smaller, better version of Rey Mysterio, and thats a high compliment. Not alot of ring psychology involved so I doubt WWE would ever see that much in him, but boy is he fun to watch when he gets on a roll. Check the video out and you'll see what I mean.

As for the original 3, Delirious is pretty tied up to ROH in that with he serves as head booker and trainer there. Colt Cabana had a run with WWE, as Scotty Goldman, but they did little with him, and he's nothing more then a mid-carder even in ROH. Daniels would be a great fit on any roster, which is why it was shocking he was jobbed out and released when Hogan and Co. took over.
Rene Dupree would be a pick for me. IMO he could fit perfectly on the SD! roster as a mid card but could also be used as an effective mid card
Prince Nana - Pretty much any superstar today could use a good manager by their side to help them get over. WWE should start going back to the days of managers.

Claudio Castagnoli - Originally my pick was gonna Christopher Daniels but then one guy above pointed out that WWE could benefit from more since he's international and would get mad props for WWE when they go on international tours. I would've picked Daniels if the Cruiserweight Title were still around, so he can get the division over but other than that I dont see WWE do anything else with him except maybe put him on Superstars and job to the big stars.

The Briscoes - The Tag division in WWE could use another proper tag team.
STEVE CORINO: not for his wrestling, he's way way over his prime - let's face facts Lawler is way out of it these days, his fingers aren't on the pulse anymore....they need to bring a crude jokster to the booth to play off cole, i think corino is that perfect fit - or a road agent

Hell yeah! Corino as colour commentator would be awesome. Plus he could occasionally step in the ring, like Lawler used to.

But...I bet WWE would not be too fond of Corinos badly scarred forehead lol, in PG era WWE, he looks a bit too gruesome!

I would go for someone like Claudio Castagnoli orChris Hero. They could bring them in together as a tag team, we all know the WWE tag team division needs more legitimate teams, it sucks right now.

Or, they are both very good singles wrestlers, who I would be more than happy to see on the roster.
Once again, Liger is right. The WWE doesnt need any of them. Not only for the reason that Liger said, but also because there is already too much talent. There are so many guys on the current rosters that get seen maybe once a month. Adding to them would only cause more problems.

If there was one person I would like to see in the WWE, it would probably be Castagnoli. He has basically everything the WWE looks for in a superstar, especially the look. If he were to ever get a shot, I think he would have a very bright future.

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