Thoughts on the new "Recap" openings for RAW?


Dark Match Winner
Over the last few weeks, they have started to utilize these new recap segments to begin the show. In my opinion, it has too much of a TMZ or EW type feel to it, especially now that they have the Cena/AJ storyline.

I don't really care for it and it just feels kind of cheesy with the serious voiceover telling everyone what has happened in the last week. Then they try to set the tone for the show and it just doesnt work for me. I already know what has happened and don't need the recap but then again I read news on this site and learn about the things I miss here. Is it an attempt to reach the younger generation who doesn't see all the shows?

Does anyone else care for this new part of the show? Surely I'm not the only person who wishes they would just start the show
I hate it. I think they stole it from TNA, and I don't like it there either. It's very cheesy and I don't think it should be utilized on a wrestling program. Besides, after Raw went to 3 hours, do we really need another way to recap what has already happened.
Love it! I think it adds to the whole episodic aspect of the show from week to week. It's more for casual fans that watch here and there or maybe someone that missed an episode and doesn't read recaps online.
I could care less for WWE's version of it because its an obvious attempt at copying TNA's original version. Even the voice itself is similar! I mean they could have made the voice different at least! Or have one of the commentators recap. If WWE continues using it, I hope they find more ways to make it their own. Its a great concept but I feel a little annoyed watching Raw's version of it. I don't blame them though, imitation is the best form of flattering.

As for the TNA version, I loved when they started doing this a few months ago, a lot of my friends can't always catch impact. When they come over to watch the show, they are able to catch up and have an idea of whats going on, without me trying to remember everything and recap it quickly for them. It also gives you a good idea of the direction they are going in based off what he is saying. Not to mention the fact that all the clips are edited perfectly, hence why WWE liked the idea in the first place, its fresh and pops.

As for its place in a wrestling company, there is NO rulebook on how to present or run a wrestling company! Limiting your mind to the basic framworks, or the way things "traditional" go, only hurt this business. If everyone had a clown as a manager between 1980-2012, people would go fucking nuts and boycott WWE if they decided to have someone with a mime as a manager in 2013. I personally like new things that are outside the box, especially if they add to the show. A new fan could tune in and instantly wonder about all these stories and characters, and look forward to when they appear on screen and reveal more about the angle. At least that's how some of my friends see it as well, the casual fans. It also helps everyone remember everything that has been happening, and add to its importance!
I hate it, too. Honestly, it just makes the entire thing feel formulaic and tired, and that nothing "big" is going to happen. I really feel like it's the last thing they needed to do for the show.

Remember when Raw would open with an story angle backstage or something and then the opening music would hit? Remember when Raw developed stories?
Its stupid. We don't need a five minute recap at the start of the show followed by 40 minutes of recaps of exact same shit through the rest of the three hours. WWE we do not need to be reminded about the same thing three times in three hour period. Cut far back on the recaps and do something more worth while such as you know wrestling. There is a distinctive lack of wrestling in favour of more recaps!
The whole thing is not organic rather feel scripted. Prefer the wrestler's promo do the actual story telling/narrating as it present dramatic/intense feel into it.
Its ok think it be less distacting if the commentators do the recap, followed the very fitting music, those guys that work on this type of stuff are ace man cant fault them!
I'm not a fan of it. To me, it seems stupid and just pointless. It's not like they don't show enough clips on Raw from the past few weeks to not be able to keep up with the storylines.

However, I highly doubt they stole it from TNA. WWE knows TNA isn't on their level, so they have no reason to steal a TNA idea.
They started doing it on Smackdown too. I'm kind of indifferent to it.

I think it would work better if they didn't waste time during Raw and Smackdown replaying and recaping segments. If your going to recap what happened last week during the opening their is no need to then do it during the show too.
Hate it. Trying to make the show seem more scripted than it already is.

I'm not kidding when I say that last night I changed the channel during it because it made me not wanna watch raw. The voice they use also is annoying.
It's terrible considering that maybe 50% of RAW is essentially a recap show. They show clips and packages over and over and over again. There's only so much recapping you need.
I love it. They have done this before just with out the person talking. The show is fake anyway so i dont see the problem with have a recap. I do agree that they should do it only once during the show and no more because its just a waste of time.
This is how I think it should be done
They really don't need a recap at the beginning especially since they still show numerous replays of what happened last week throughout the show. IMO they totally ripped this off from TNA, but hey that's the wrestling business for you.
It reminds me of TNA.They need to stop. It is getting kind of annoying. They do enough recapping during Raw and Smackdown during the regular showing.
I just feel like this is one of things that is useless to get worked up over. It's not ruining anyone's viewing experience. Out of the many things to nitpick, why a one minute recap that you can take advantage of by refreshing your drink or taking a piss if you're that opposed to seeing it.
As soon as the voice starts i feel as if i'm watching CSI, i hate it and immediately dont feel like watching the rest of RAW anymore, and it puts me off everything on RAW for almost an hour... please get rid of it!
The recap was what finally pushed me away. No more RAW for me until The Rock is back. It's absurd and childish and belongs on a Jerry Springer marathon.
I don't think we need anymore recaps to tell you the truth. Smackdown has the Raw recap, and the big things on Raw are played again during the show anyway. I am more indifferent to it though, and I suppose maybe the casual fan would appreciate it incase he missed a show. The seriousness of it makes me laugh though. It gives of the impression we are watching a murder mystery or something. All in all though it doesn't make that much of a difference to me.
I prefer the 1997 openings where it was either Cole or JR explaing the situation as an investigative journalist and really painting a picture of what was going on in the current feud.
I don't really like or dislike it. It's just something that's there. I don't think it adds anything but it doesn't take anything away either.

As far as them stealing the idea from TNA, so what? TNA built itself for the past 5 years around ideas, concepts and storylines with wrestlers that were made in other companies & stayed almost entirely with their original character/gimmick.
Its stupid. We don't need a five minute recap at the start of the show followed by 40 minutes of recaps of exact same shit through the rest of the three hours. WWE we do not need to be reminded about the same thing three times in three hour period. Cut far back on the recaps and do something more worth while such as you know wrestling. There is a distinctive lack of wrestling in favour of more recaps!

Great points here. I think all the recaps in general need to be cut down. Or, they need a weekly show like they used to have on Saturdays that is strictly for recaps of the week's action.

I feel like they're showing me the same thing, over and over again throughout the live broadcast of RAW. They show a match or promo then show us the same highlights of that match or promo over and over again. Sometimes if there's a game on or something, I'll flip to the game and when I flip back to RAW, I haven't missed anything since they're showing the same highlights again.
However, I highly doubt they stole it from TNA. WWE knows TNA isn't on their level, so they have no reason to steal a TNA idea.

They absolutely stole it from TNA..Regardless of whether TNA is on the same level as the WWE, it's so eerily similar to the TNA openings to not have been swiped...

I'm sure the WWE watches TNA and vise versa...

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