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this is something we've all done

TM Punk

Da bos o da bosless
Since the epic promo/encounter between cm punk and john cena (don't worry this isn't another omg jesus has returned and is calling himself cm punk thread) there has been a little spark in intrest in pro wrestling. Some people who do not watch or haven't watched in a while are curious as to what this is all about, or why people like this sport.

My question to you is this: if a non fan/casual fan asked you why you watch pro wrestling what match would you show them. What match could explain every aspect as to why one might watch wrestling? Emotionally, physically, and competitavely, what match would you show.

When I was a kid I used to show my friends the first tables match between the hardy boys and the dudley boys from RR 00. Not the best match, not even close. But I felt that my friends who didn't watch wrestling may enjoy it enough to tune in. Again, I'm not asking what your favorite match is. But what match would you show a non wrestling fan to maybe spark their intrest?
Dudley Boys v Hardy Boys v Edge & Christian in a TLC Match for the Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania 17. Has to be in the top 5 of my personal best matches. This match I think could get anyone interested into wrestling.
Easy Shelton Benjamin vs Shawn Michaels on the goldrush tournament on raw in 2005.

In a match worthy of any PPV both guys brought their A game and delivered my favourite raw match ever. Proof that Shelton could be a top player and after watching the match again its a shame he never became a world champion because when he was on form he was entertaining as hell to watch.

If that match doesnt get someone excited about wrestling nothing will.
I used to seduce people into watching Ring of Honor by showing them Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel NcGuinness' meeting in Manchester, and Joe vs. Punk II.

As for the WWE, I used to get people interested by showing them the interesting things. Any D-Generation X promo from the ninties works wonders, as does a lot of matches from said era. The confrontation between Stone Cold and Tyson, Stone Cold hosing The Rock with beer. There were many.

In recent times, I can think of a few. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, two recognizble names and a great match. You could even add Triple H vs. Undertaker from WrestleMania 27 in there.
I'd show a match based around a great storyline. It would be easier to explain why I watch this stuff and it also becomes more enjoyable to watch a match if there is a good story associated with it.

I'd probably either show Savage vs Warrior from WM 7 or Hart vs Austin from WM 13. Savage vs Warrior was a very emotional match and it's not that there is just one emotion on display. You've got the fear of retirement for Savage, the will of Warrior, the greed and the disgust of Sherri and all of that topped off and ultimately overpowered by the love story of Savage and Elizabeth.

Hart vs Austin is a lot simpler as compared to that but it is a great story as well about this brash, young and radically different superstar starting to get accepted by the fans and the babyface veteran snapping because of that. That story is brilliantly played out during the course of the match itself and the announcing for this match was probably the best piece of announcing that I have ever seen. Everything was perfect about this match.

If I had to choose between the two at the end of the day, I'd probably go with Hart/ Austin because Austin is a much bigger name than Warrior or Savage.
Well there are a load of matches which i would show to a non wrestling fan, but the one match that stands out to me is Undertaker v Shawn Micheals, Wrestlemania 25. Definitely would show this. Reasons are they are two well recognized people associated with wrestling, this match has everything you could wish for in a wrestling match, the crowd was amazing during the match, i mean you was either rooting for Taker or for HBK (in most matches you wouldn't give a shit who wins buh in this you did). If this wouldn't make you a wrestling fan then i dont know what would . . .
Sabu vs Terry Funk from born to be wired. that is one of the most brutal matches I've ever seen and the end of that match will make even the biggest wrestling is fake cynic say "holy shit". Even if they don't like the match, If you can't respect 2 men completely engulfing themselves in barbed wire for your entertainment, than your just kind of a dick.
any TLC Match involving the hardy's edge and christian and the dudleyz...

No offense to anyone that submitted damn good wrestling matches (savage steamboat, Taker v shawn, etc...) but those were all contextually good matches... They were good to people who have seen loads of wrestling matches and to someone who never had watched wrestling before, they would just see 2 guys fighting each other and kicking out without really seeing anything spectacular.... (Please don't hate me for saying that, I do think it's the truth.....) For that reason I chose the TLC matches (I could have potentially chosen the HIAC of Mankind v Taker at King of the ring, or most of the Money in the Bank Ladder matches...) As I feel that those matches (spotfests though they were) would appeal to someone who has never seen wrestling and only knows it as "that fake sport..." I think that if someone who had never been introduced to what wrestling is saw some of those stunts that the wrestlers actually perform would see things a little differently...

Most of the actual good clean "wrestling" matches presented (again don't hate me for what I'm about to say) are similar to MMA matches in that its punches kicks and other moves that may or may not lead to victory.... If someone has never watched wrestling, how are they to know what a "finishing move" is or why it's cool for someone to kick out of a tombstone piledriver (wrestlemania 25 etc...)... However if you show someone doing a swanton bomb from the top of a 15 foot ladder through 2 people perched on top of tables, they will go OMG!!!!!! (vice versa thrown off the top of a 15 foot cell through an announce table or any of the spots on the money in the bank matches....) That could and probably would give them the hook to start getting more involved in pro wrestiling....

Eventually I'd hope that they'd welcome the art of a good wrestling match, and learn to love the matches that have been mentioned previously, but I think the spot fest matches would be/are a great hook to bring in non wrestling fans.
I've done this on three occasions, using three different matches as examples. I don't try and show people how well choreographed it is; but rather, how brutal some matches can be, and how you can't "fake" some of the stuff they pull off.

Match 1: Undertaker vs. Mankind HIAC KOTR'98: The persons response when showing the 20 foot fall? "Pft, what an idiot. It wouldn't have hurt anyway he's so fat"

Match 2: Edge vs Mick Foley Hardcore Match WM22: The persons reaction after both men go through the flaming table? "Yeah right, that's not real fire."

Match 3: Randy Orton vs Cactus Jack Hardcore Match Backlash 2004: The persons reaction after Orton landed on tacks? "lol."

I guess some people don't understand. If it's not "fake", then it's just smoke & mirrors. I hate when watching Smackdown and my dad suddenly decideds to sit down and watch it; he'll make snide remarks like "Uh oh, that wrestler better make sure he picks up the plastic chair with the marking on it" or "Like that would hurt - going through a cardboard table" or "Watch out for the steps made of aluminium foil."

I don't bother to try and tell/show people anymore - you either love it or you don't; but I just wanted to post my stories :)
Depends, if I want to turn people onto wrestling, I show them a Shawn Michaels match. Spotfests look super fake to people, overly hardcore matches people think is just gory, and technical matches and long matches bore people. Shawn has that perfect mix of athleticism and realism.

If someone asks me "why do YOU love wrestling?" and my goal isn't to convert them but just to show them why. I take them to a WWE or ROH show and let them feel it.

When you're at a live show and the crowd is going absolutely batshit for an entrance or a promo or a match there is nothing like it. Ever wonder why Rock used to close his eyes and kinda smell the air? It's because it "feels" so good. You close your eyes so your brain can focus on your other senses. The noise, the feeling of a ton of people all emotionally invested in the same thing. It's like a religious experience. It's better than any roller coaster or movie or play or sporting event. My girlfriend was trying to get into wrestling because of how much I love it. She appreciated it from watching it and I'd explain stuff to her and she was willing to learn. I took her to a WWE house show. After seeing the physicality of the matches, the skill of the performers, and most importantly, letting her feel the power of 8,000 fans roaring for Miz's promo and Cena's entrance (and keep in mind we were in the pits so we felt it) she REALLY understands now.

As far as skeptical people. Just take them to your local wrestling academy and have them take a bump. Bumps fucking suck, especially at first.
Personally I would show them Rock vs. Hogan as they would know who each of these guys are and the crowd was off the charts.

Then I would move inot other matches but this is the one I would first use to draw them in. If they would would then say that it was awesome but still "fake" I would show them Mike Awesome vs. Spike Dudley at Anarchy Rulz 98... that'll shut their mouths...
Personally I would show them Rock vs. Hogan as they would know who each of these guys are and the crowd was off the charts.

Then I would move inot other matches but this is the one I would first use to draw them in. If they would would then say that it was awesome but still "fake" I would show them Mike Awesome vs. Spike Dudley at Anarchy Rulz 98... that'll shut their mouths...
Don't show them hardcore matches to show them it hurts. Most people think hardcore shit is stupid. Plus those matches don't happen very often. Just have them take a bump or even hit the ropes. Hitting the ropes hurts, bumping hurts, it's stuff that doesn't look at that bad that hurts. Pro wrestling isn't designed to not hurt, it's designed to not injure.
I show people the steamboat savage match cause that's imo the end all be all match to show in ring work. Now promo wise austin 316 hands down for me.
The matches that I would show someone who isn't a fan in order to help spark interest are none other than the two Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker matches at Wrestlemania. Why these matches? I would show them these matches because they showcase what two legends are capable of in the ring with an amazing build up. Those matches show everything that is great about wrestling, no matter what era we are talking about, and both do it in different ways. I would show the Wrestlemania 25 match first and then ask if they want to see the sequel. If they see both and like it, then I invite them to watch Raw or come to one of my PPV parties, suddenly a new fan has been brought into the world of wrestling.
If I needed to show someone a match to explain why I watch, I would need video of the storyline leading up to the match as well. I'd use Hart vs. Austin from Wrestlemania 13. CM Punk vs John Cena from Money in the Bank would do as well. If I'm using just a match, I would use Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels from Unbreakable 2005. That match actually impressed a non-fan friend of mine when he saw it on demand a while back.
I would show them one of the TLC matches between E&C, The Dudleyz and The Hardyz. I would show them one of them matches because both matches were fast paced, exciting and in my experiences a person who doesn't like wrestling doesn't really care about a good wrestling match but instead wants to see a wrestling match with a lot of insane moves which both TLC matches had.
For me I would have to show them a match with either Kenta Kobashi, Go Shiozaki, KENTA or my new favorite Kotaro Suzuki. Any matches with these men in it turns out to be great matches.
Interesting thread.

I got Jericho's DVD set last year and when my friend came round the ladder match with HBK at No Mercy had just come on. As it went on I could tell my friend was getting more and more into it, eventually blurting out a, "HOLY FUCK!" when Jericho lands hard on his knee on the outside.

Rock V HHH at Backlash 2000 would be the next match as it has Rock winning, Stone Cold assisting and the McMahons getting their come-uppence. It was close between this match and Rock/Hogan in all honesty!

Finally, AJ/Daniels/Joe from Unbreakable to show what the guys in 'the other company' were doing at one stage.
this is easy. i would show em 3 things. ric flair vs shawn michaels at WM 24, the HIAC match between taker/foley, and the CM Punk promo from earlier this month.
I would show them Stone Cold vs. The Rock for the crowd reactions. Listening to that many people go insane has an effect on people. From a technical side I would show them RVD vs. Jerry Lynn.
My choice would be Shawn Michaels vs HHH in an unsanctioned street fight.
This was HBK's first match after returning from a broken back, and you really got the feeling that this was a legit fight.
Seeing Shawn win was an amazing moment that made you believe that anything was possible. Right up until HHH smashed HBK in the back with a sledge hammer........
Dudley Boys v Hardy Boys v Edge & Christian in a TLC Match for the Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania 17. Has to be in the top 5 of my personal best matches. This match I think could get anyone interested into wrestling.

Good pick, and my choice also. I think alot of people have a negative view of pro-wrestling due to the fact that it is "Fake", and the interviews and in-ring confrontations are often cheesy and cringeworthy. Also, they know that the punches dont connect and that sometimes the gimmicks are ridiculous.

However, showing them a match like this can introduce them to the incredible athleticism of the business, and the spectacular risks that some of these guys take for our entertainment. Seeing someone get speared while hanging from the belt above the ring, the Swantom bombs through tables from on top of the ladder and the huge number of crazy spots in this match are always likely to make the non-fan go "HOLY SHIT!" and want to see more.

This is a perfect match to get someone into wrestling.

Another choice would be the Mankind v Undertaker HIAC match, just for the sheer brutality. Seeing Foley fall through the table, dislocate his shoulder and then continue the match only to fall through the top of the cell and STILL get up is so shocking that it can impress even a person who has never watched wrestling.

Rock v Mankind in the I Quit match at the Rumble, where Foley takes chairshot after chairshot with his wrists handcuffed behind his back would be up there too. That match is insane, he takes a ridiculous beating

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