The Match You Would Show A Non Fan

Hulk Hogan vs. Vince WM 19
If you have never watched wrestling or have no idea who those guys are you will still cheer Hogan by the end. Bloody Vince looks more like the devil than I ever thought possible.

The MITB from WM 21 was a fast paced good match that people could get into fast.
I would say the Ladder War between the Briscoes and Kevin Steen and El Generico from ROH Man Up PPV in 07. I'd also include the full debut of the Age of the Fall after the match, which has to be one of the mist memorable promos that I've ever seen. I showed that match and promo to my mom since she hadn't really watched wrestling since Pacific Northwest Wrestling went out of business in the early 90s, and made an instant fan out of her... I'll never forget her reaction to seeing Steen hit the Package Piledriver from one ladder, through another one... It was insane

A close runner up would be the "I Quit" match between Jimmy Jacobs and Austin Aries from Rising Above 2008. Great match, great back story, it rapped up the feud between Jacobs and Aries while simultaneously setting up feuds between Tyler Black and Aries as well as Blacks departure from Age of the Fall and feud with Jacobs
I gotta go with Edge/Christian v Hardyz at No Mercy '99, first tag team ladder match. For a non fan, this match has so many high spots and flash, plus you're seeing all four guys at their physical peak, especially Jeff. I actually have shown this match to non-fans and even though it didn't necessarily convert them, they all still thought it was pretty awesome.
If I had to choose a match, it would definetly be Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk at Summerslam '09. That match was INSANE awesome. Ecspecially the part with the Swantom off the 50 foot ladder!
Wow! Great Topic!

There are so many matches to choose from.

HBK vs Taker WM25 was one of the first matches to come to mind for me.

Then of course the MIAC between Mankind and Taker.

There were a series of matches between the MCMGs and Beer-Money for the tag team belts (Best 3 outta 5 I believe) that may not convert a non fan but did bring me into liking TNA.

The TLC match with the Hardys, Dudleys, and E&C is also a great match.

Now theres a match that may not convert a non wrestling fan but the storyline leading up to the match converted my Mom. It was the feud between HBK and JBL. HBK was gold in the emotion that he showed during that stoy.

In the Match, when HBK's wife slapped JBL and HBK finished him, I looked over and my Mom had tears coming to her eyes. She's been hooked ever since.
Great question! I think there are a couple, HBK v Razor Ladder match at WMX a great story, told well and truely innovative stuff for that time period. The 1st WM HBK/Taker match, any of the RVD v Jerry Lynn matches from old ECW and the first Daniels v Joe v AJ match. If you wanted to show them something longer the Flair winning the Rumble is a classic!
One of my personal favourite matches ever and is hard to argue against how good the match is was when Kurt Angle faced Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 21. That match has great wrestling, athletic spots, amazing counters and a good finish gauranteed to get any non fan at least a little bit excited.

Or like previous posts stated an absolute spot fest to make them open their eyes at the dangers of matches like TLC II at WM 17 or HIAC 98.
Well it kinda depends on what I want to show them. If I want to show them how big a audience the E has and how into matches they can get, I'd show them The MITB match at wrestlemania 23. If I wanted to show them all they do to please the audience I'd show the TLC match at wrestlemania 2000 (WM 16). And if I wanted to show Pure wrestling gold, I'd show them either Undertaker vs Shawn at WM 25 (or 26 if i can't find 25 ^^) or Bret hart vs Steve Austin. (or if I wanted to show them all the comic I'd just search for The Rock on youtube and I will have about 2,000,000 videos to choose between lol)
I would have to say Kurt Angle vs Shane Mcmahon from King of the Ring 2001. This was my personal favorite match of all time until seeing Taker vs HBK live at WM25. The brutality Shane endured in this match made me respect him more than half of the roster at that time. And of course Angle was excellent too and they put on the best Street Fight ever in my opinion.

Of course Taker vs HBK from WM25 also. The match was beyond epic live and the other matches didn't have a chance after seeing this. Greatest Match Ever!
bret hart vs mr. perfect summerslam '91....technicians @ work

bret hart vs owen hart wrestlemania X.......the psychology of this match is insane.

hulk hogan vs ultimate warrior.....for a NON fan...they know both these guys.....they don't know the outcome.....don't tell them and remember when u had the same feeling of "WHO"S GONNA WIN?!?!"
A lot of people will disagree with me, probably call me stupid (cause after that WCW was on the process of going downhill) and that's fine but I think the match that sold me into wrestling and the first match that came to mind when I saw the title of this thread was Hogan vs. Goldberg for the World Title in WCW.
THE match I would show a non-fan:

The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match for the World Title (2002-2003 era).

Even most non-fans should havh an idea of who the Undertaker is. You would have to fill in the gaps to inform them of why he was "Big Red" at the time. Similarly, most non-fans should realize that Jeff Hardy gave up 100 plus pounds to UT and had a snowballs chance in hell in winning.

With that, the way that Jeff took UT to the limit would get anyone into that match. JR really REALLY helped the match with one of his greatest calls of all time. "Come on kid! Come on kid! Make yourself famous!"

Then, after UT finally won (by the skin of his teeth), Jeff called him back to the ring to finish him off. After that happened twice, Jeff gets himself up, says "I'm still standing, 'Taker!" In a pissed off rage, UT comes back down, and does not give him the last ride. Instead, he shows respect and holds his hand up. Very emotional, and the best non-ppv match I've seen.

Close runner-ups:

MCMG vs. Beer Money, match number 5 (2010)

The Rock vs. HHH, Ladder Match for IC Title (1998)

And this one really sticks out in my mind for some reason:
Ultimo Dragon vs. Mortis (1997ish) on Nitro. VERY technically sound match. Not much emotion from annoucers, but a GREAT pop from the crowd.
It would all depend on the person - - their interests & their attention span mainly. For example, I wouldn't put a technical clinic on for someone with severe ADD for example (but go figure, I've got ADD myself...), I'd show them something with a lot of fast action & high spots. I've spent the last 5 & 1/2 years trying to convert my girlfriend, and she seemed like she was getting into it for a bit - - really into Rey, and when DX reunited to go against Spirit Squad (she was even doing crotch chops for a while), but it didn't last, so I'm back to spending Monday nights alone again :shrug: Most of my friends are horror fans, so chances are good I'd break out some Undertaker classics. Between them & "Joe Average", it would be one of the following, whatever the situation calls for:

Undertaker vs Mankind, Hell in a Cell - It's got violence, suspense, high spots, and "Oh Shit!" moments galore. It'd be hard to go wrong with this one.

The first Money in the Bank Ladder match - High flying, fast action, and a dose of several different superstars with a variety of styles, it's like an appetizer sampler platter from Applebee's - - In other words, there's got to be *something* that they'll like it in it!

Steamboat vs Savage, WM III - What needs to be said about this one? Perfect to show any sports fan that isn't into wrestling. There's no way they'd be able to walk away from this one without anything but respect for these two athletes.

Orton vs Foley - The Hardcore match that gained Orton a lot of respect. One of my favorites. Maybe that makes me biased. But it's a great match & a good way to introduce someone to one of the current faces of the company.

Cena vs JBL, I Quit Match - Great way to introduce noobs to the OTHER face of the company.
Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs Edge and Rey Mysterio - No Mercy 2002: WWE Tag Team Titles Match.

This match was one of the best wrestled matches of the year, of the decade. It earned Match of the Year honors for 2002. The match was chock-full of counters and some nice technical wrestling, all that was accented by the nice high-flying moves here or there. All the guys in the ring had great chemistry, and they truly worked so well together that is all seemed perfectly done. The ironic thing about this match is that of was the first ever WWE Tag Titles match, probably the best one, and it is taboo to show it on WWE TV due to Chris Benoit being in the match, his team (Angle and Benoit) even ended up prevailing victoriously. It's sad that most fans who didn't watch this match won't ever see this match on WWE TV or even check it out because they'll never hear about it unless someone goes out of their to tell them to watch it. This is an extremely interesting match, full of action, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. This would no doubt draw in new fans.
Kane and the hurricane(who was injured at the time)vs. Christian and Chris Jerico, Bubba Ray and spike dudley, Jeff hardy and Ron van Dam :TLC match for tag team titles
(Monday night RawOctober 7th, 2002.)

I've never actually seen this match but I've seen pics and it looks sick, easy way to shut them up.

Or taker vs. mankind hiac-Same reason as everyone else..

or orton vs. cactus jack, or whatever his name was at the time in a hardcore match, once again for the reasons stated above.

Or for pure emotion and surprise, Nexus' first night on raw, or when miz cashed in his mitb, hell the little girl's reaction is pricless....
For me it would have to be the "Bad Street Rules" street fight from 7-4-84 between the Freebirds and the Von Erich's ! Intense, violent, stiff, bloody with one of the hottest crowds EVER ! A must see !
I think I would either show the first Undertaker v Michaels WM match, which is the perfect example of how a match can be mind-blowing without resorting to blood an violence, and a great example of storytelling...


One of the TLC matches between the Hardyz, Edge & Christian and The Dudleyz. If there is one match that is non stop spectacular bumps and athleticism then it is these ones. I cannot imagine anyone not being thoroughly entertained by these matches


Mankind v Undertaker HIAC. The most spectacular bump ever seen in a WWE ring. I remember showing this to a non-fan a few years ago and their mouth literally dropped open when Foley flew off the top of the cell, and even more so when he went through the top of the cage to the canvas. They could not believe one man took punishment like that, and admitted that there was no way that was fake. They got really into the match, supporting Foley when he refused to stay on the stretcher and then were shocked again when he took the bump into drawing pins. Just insane
This is a hard choice, but I'm definately going to have to go with the cliche answer of Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker - WrestleMania 25.

From bell to bell, nothing but excitement and the crowd was really into it. When Undertaker tombstone Shawn and he kicks out, when the camera zooms up on Undertaker's shocked face is just priceless. The reversals, the kicks outs, Taker taking out the camera man, just a great match.

If I had to show them a TNA match, I would show them the final match, match 5 from the series between MotorCity MachineGuns and Beer Money Inc. I was on the absolute edge of my seat, marking out hard whenever Storm, Roode, Sabin or Shelly would kick out. I can't remember another match in recent memory which made me that excited. That match was just too incredible.
Excellent thread Brain.

I would say that the type of match that you would want to show a non wrestling fan would depend on the type of person that guy is. We wrestling fans generally come across these uber cool dudes who will say "WRESTLINGZ IZ TOTALLY FAKEZ" no matter how much you try to convince them otherwise. For these fans the best match you can show them is Mankind vs Undertaker Hell in a Cell from KOTR 1998 just to see them squirm at the brutality of it.

If you want to make wrestling fans out of girls, there are few better places to start than Ultimate Warrior vs Randy Savage at Wrestlemania 7. You can also show them Randy Savage vs Ric Flair from Wrestlemania 8. The first match is based around rediscovering love while the second one is all about an honorable man standing up for the honor of his lady. Both are the things that girls dig into.

If you want to make a fan out of a little boy then there really is no other choice than Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3. The irresistible force vs the immovable object would be something that kids will relate to very fast. If you want to make a fan out of a gron up fan then I would go with the OP's choice that is Bret Hart vs Steve Austin from Wrestlemania 13. The match just had the feeling of a shootfight and no one can help but mark out when Austin almost broke free of the sharpshooter.

But there is another match that I feel is worth mentioning. And that match is Steve Austin vs Dude Love from Over the Edge 1998. This is a criminally underrated match in my opinion. Going into the match it was the classic situation of the deck being stacked against the babyface with Dude Love, a member of the Corportion, facing Austin for the title. Vince Mcmahon, Austin's domineering boss who absolutely hated him, was the referee while his stooges Patterso and Brisco were the bell ringer and time keeper respectively. The ending of the match is fantastic with Undertaker chokeslamming Patterson and Brisco as they tried to make the three count because Vince was out from an errant chairshot by Dude Love and Austin stunning Dude Love and grabbing Mcmahon's hand to make the three count. The ending is something that even the most jaded smark can't help but mark out for.

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